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refactor(geometry/manifold): drop some unused arguments (#6545)
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API changes:

* add lemmas about `map (ext_chart_at I x) (𝓝[s] x')`;
* prove `times_cont_mdiff_within_at.comp` directly without using other charts; the new proof does not need a `smooth_manifold_with_corners` instance;
* add aliases `times_cont_mdiff.times_cont_diff` etc;
* `times_cont_mdiff_map` no longer needs a `smooth_manifold_with_corners` instance;
* `has_smooth_mul` no longer extends `smooth_manifold_with_corners` and no longer takes `has_continuous_mul` as an argument;
* `has_smooth_mul_core` is gone in favor of `has_continuous_mul_of_smooth`;
* `smooth_monoid_morphism` now works with any model space (needed, e.g., to define ``);
* `lie_group_morphism` is gone: we use `M →* N` both for monoids and groups, no reason to have two structures in this case;
* `lie_group` no longer extends `smooth_manifold_with_corners` and no longer takes `topological_group` as an argument;
* `lie_group_core` is gone in favor of `topological_group_of_lie_group`;
* the `I : model_with_corners 𝕜 E H` argument of `smooth_mul` and `smooth_inv` is now explicit.

Co-authored-by: sgouezel <>
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urkud and sgouezel committed Mar 7, 2021
1 parent ebe2c61 commit 02251b1
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Showing 8 changed files with 298 additions and 368 deletions.
177 changes: 33 additions & 144 deletions src/geometry/manifold/algebra/lie_group.lean
Expand Up @@ -22,15 +22,8 @@ groups here are not necessarily finite dimensional.
* `lie_add_group I G` : a Lie additive group where `G` is a manifold on the model with corners `I`.
* `lie_group I G` : a Lie multiplicative group where `G` is a manifold on the model with
corners `I`.
* `lie_add_group_morphism I I' G G'` : morphism of addittive Lie groups
* `lie_group_morphism I I' G G'` : morphism of Lie groups
* `lie_add_group_core I G` : allows to define a Lie additive group without first proving
it is a topological additive group.
* `lie_group_core I G` : allows to define a Lie group without first proving
it is a topological group.
* `reals_lie_group` : real numbers are a Lie group
* `normed_space_lie_add_group` : a normed vector space over a nondiscrete normed field
is an additive Lie group.
## Implementation notes
A priori, a Lie group here is a manifold with corners.
Expand All @@ -44,26 +37,30 @@ so the definition does not apply. Hence the definition should be more general, a

noncomputable theory

open_locale manifold

set_option old_structure_cmd true

/-- A Lie (additive) group is a group and a smooth manifold at the same time in which
the addition and negation operations are smooth. -/
-- See note [Design choices about smooth algebraic structures]
@[ancestor has_smooth_add]
class lie_add_group {𝕜 : Type*} [nondiscrete_normed_field 𝕜]
{H : Type*} [topological_space H]
{E : Type*} [normed_group E] [normed_space 𝕜 E] (I : model_with_corners 𝕜 E H)
(G : Type*) [add_group G] [topological_space G] [topological_add_group G] [charted_space H G]
(G : Type*) [add_group G] [topological_space G] [charted_space H G]
extends has_smooth_add I G : Prop :=
(smooth_neg : smooth I I (λ a:G, -a))

/-- A Lie group is a group and a smooth manifold at the same time in which
the multiplication and inverse operations are smooth. -/
-- See note [Design choices about smooth algebraic structures]
@[ancestor has_smooth_mul, to_additive]
class lie_group {𝕜 : Type*} [nondiscrete_normed_field 𝕜]
{H : Type*} [topological_space H]
{E : Type*} [normed_group E] [normed_space 𝕜 E] (I : model_with_corners 𝕜 E H)
(G : Type*) [group G] [topological_space G] [topological_group G] [charted_space H G]
(G : Type*) [group G] [topological_space G] [charted_space H G]
extends has_smooth_mul I G : Prop :=
(smooth_inv : smooth I I (λ a:G, a⁻¹))

Expand All @@ -75,14 +72,13 @@ variables {𝕜 : Type*} [nondiscrete_normed_field 𝕜]
{H : Type*} [topological_space H]
{E : Type*} [normed_group E] [normed_space 𝕜 E] {I : model_with_corners 𝕜 E H}
{F : Type*} [normed_group F] [normed_space 𝕜 F] {J : model_with_corners 𝕜 F F}
{G : Type*} [topological_space G] [charted_space H G] [group G]
[topological_group G] [lie_group I G]
{G : Type*} [topological_space G] [charted_space H G] [group G] [lie_group I G]
{E' : Type*} [normed_group E'] [normed_space 𝕜 E']
{H' : Type*} [topological_space H'] {I' : model_with_corners 𝕜 E' H'}
{M : Type*} [topological_space M] [charted_space H' M] [smooth_manifold_with_corners I' M]
{M : Type*} [topological_space M] [charted_space H' M]
{E'' : Type*} [normed_group E''] [normed_space 𝕜 E'']
{H'' : Type*} [topological_space H''] {I'' : model_with_corners 𝕜 E'' H''}
{M' : Type*} [topological_space M'] [charted_space H'' M'] [smooth_manifold_with_corners I'' M']
{M' : Type*} [topological_space M'] [charted_space H'' M']

localized "notation `L_add` := left_add" in lie_group

Expand All @@ -92,23 +88,34 @@ localized "notation `L` := left_mul" in lie_group

localized "notation `R` := right_mul" in lie_group

lemma smooth_pow : ∀ n : ℕ, smooth I I (λ a : G, a ^ n)
| 0 := by { simp only [pow_zero], exact smooth_const }
| (k+1) := show smooth I I (λ (a : G), a * a ^ k), from smooth_id.mul (smooth_pow _)

variable (I)

lemma smooth_inv : smooth I I (λ x : G, x⁻¹) :=

/-- A Lie group is a topological group. This is not an instance for technical reasons,
see note [Design choices about smooth algebraic structures]. -/
"An additive Lie group is an additive topological group. This is not an instance for technical
reasons, see note [Design choices about smooth algebraic structures]."]
lemma topological_group_of_lie_group : topological_group G :=
{ continuous_inv := (smooth_inv I).continuous,
.. has_continuous_mul_of_smooth I }


lemma smooth.inv {f : M → G}
(hf : smooth I' I f) : smooth I' I (λx, (f x)⁻¹) :=
lie_group.smooth_inv.comp hf
(smooth_inv I).comp hf

lemma smooth_on.inv {f : M → G} {s : set M}
(hf : smooth_on I' I f s) : smooth_on I' I (λx, (f x)⁻¹) s :=
smooth_inv.comp_smooth_on hf
(smooth_inv I).comp_smooth_on hf

end lie_group

Expand All @@ -118,140 +125,22 @@ section prod_lie_group
instance {𝕜 : Type*} [nondiscrete_normed_field 𝕜] {H : Type*} [topological_space H]
{E : Type*} [normed_group E] [normed_space 𝕜 E] {I : model_with_corners 𝕜 E H}
{G : Type*} [topological_space G] [charted_space H G] [group G] [topological_group G]
[lie_group I G]
{G : Type*} [topological_space G] [charted_space H G] [group G] [lie_group I G]
{E' : Type*} [normed_group E'] [normed_space 𝕜 E']
{H' : Type*} [topological_space H'] {I' : model_with_corners 𝕜 E' H'}
{G' : Type*} [topological_space G'] [charted_space H' G']
[group G'] [topological_group G'] [lie_group I' G'] :
[group G'] [lie_group I' G'] :
lie_group ( I') (G×G') :=
{ smooth_inv := smooth_fst.inv.prod_mk smooth_snd.inv, _ _ _ _ }

end prod_lie_group

section lie_group_morphism

variables {𝕜 : Type*} [nondiscrete_normed_field 𝕜]
{E : Type*} [normed_group E] [normed_space 𝕜 E]
{E' : Type*} [normed_group E'] [normed_space 𝕜 E']

/-- Morphism of additive Lie groups. -/
structure lie_add_group_morphism (I : model_with_corners 𝕜 E E) (I' : model_with_corners 𝕜 E' E')
(G : Type*) [topological_space G] [charted_space E G]
[add_group G] [topological_add_group G] [lie_add_group I G]
(G' : Type*) [topological_space G'] [charted_space E' G']
[add_group G'] [topological_add_group G'] [lie_add_group I' G']
extends smooth_add_monoid_morphism I I' G G'

/-- Morphism of Lie groups. -/
structure lie_group_morphism (I : model_with_corners 𝕜 E E) (I' : model_with_corners 𝕜 E' E')
(G : Type*) [topological_space G] [charted_space E G] [group G]
[topological_group G] [lie_group I G]
(G' : Type*) [topological_space G'] [charted_space E' G']
[group G'] [topological_group G'] [lie_group I' G']
extends smooth_monoid_morphism I I' G G'

variables {I : model_with_corners 𝕜 E E} {I' : model_with_corners 𝕜 E' E'}
{G : Type*} [topological_space G] [charted_space E G]
[group G] [topological_group G] [lie_group I G]
{G' : Type*} [topological_space G'] [charted_space E' G']
[group G'] [topological_group G'] [lie_group I' G']

instance : has_one (lie_group_morphism I I' G G') := ⟨{ ..(1 : smooth_monoid_morphism I I' G G') }⟩

instance : inhabited (lie_group_morphism I I' G G') := ⟨1

instance : has_coe_to_fun (lie_group_morphism I I' G G') := ⟨_, λ a, a.to_fun⟩

end lie_group_morphism

section lie_group_core

set_option old_structure_cmd true

/-- Sometimes one might want to define a Lie additive group `G` without having proved previously
that `G` is a topological additive group. In such case it is possible to use `lie_add_group_core`
that does not require such instance, and then get a Lie group by invoking `to_lie_add_group`. -/
@[ancestor smooth_manifold_with_corner]
structure lie_add_group_core {𝕜 : Type*} [nondiscrete_normed_field 𝕜]
{E : Type*} [normed_group E]
[normed_space 𝕜 E] (I : model_with_corners 𝕜 E E)
(G : Type*) [add_group G] [topological_space G]
[charted_space E G] extends smooth_manifold_with_corners I G : Prop :=
(smooth_add : smooth ( I) I (λ p : G×G, p.1 + p.2))
(smooth_neg : smooth I I (λ a:G, -a))

/-- Sometimes one might want to define a Lie group `G` without having proved previously that `G` is
a topological group. In such case it is possible to use `lie_group_core` that does not require such
instance, and then get a Lie group by invoking `to_lie_group` defined below. -/
@[ancestor smooth_manifold_with_corner, to_additive]
structure lie_group_core {𝕜 : Type*} [nondiscrete_normed_field 𝕜]
{E : Type*} [normed_group E]
[normed_space 𝕜 E] (I : model_with_corners 𝕜 E E)
(G : Type*) [group G] [topological_space G]
[charted_space E G] extends smooth_manifold_with_corners I G : Prop :=
(smooth_mul : smooth ( I) I (λ p : G×G, p.1 * p.2))
(smooth_inv : smooth I I (λ a:G, a⁻¹))

-- The linter does not recognize that the followings are structure projections, disable it
attribute [nolint def_lemma doc_blame] lie_add_group_core.to_smooth_manifold_with_corners


variables {𝕜 : Type*} [nondiscrete_normed_field 𝕜]
{E : Type*} [normed_group E] [normed_space 𝕜 E] {I : model_with_corners 𝕜 E E}
{F : Type*} [normed_group F] [normed_space 𝕜 F] {J : model_with_corners 𝕜 F F}
{G : Type*} [topological_space G] [charted_space E G] [group G]

namespace lie_group_core

variables (c : lie_group_core I G)

protected lemma to_topological_group : topological_group G :=
{ continuous_mul := c.smooth_mul.continuous,
continuous_inv := c.smooth_inv.continuous, }

protected lemma to_lie_group : @lie_group 𝕜 _ _ _ E _ _ I G _ _ c.to_topological_group _ :=
{ smooth_mul := c.smooth_mul,
smooth_inv := c.smooth_inv,
.. c.to_smooth_manifold_with_corners }

end lie_group_core

end lie_group_core

section normed_space_lie_group

/-! ### Normed spaces are Lie groups -/

instance normed_space_lie_group {𝕜 : Type*} [nondiscrete_normed_field 𝕜]
instance normed_space_lie_add_group {𝕜 : Type*} [nondiscrete_normed_field 𝕜]
{E : Type*} [normed_group E] [normed_space 𝕜 E] :
lie_add_group (model_with_corners_self 𝕜 E) E :=
{ smooth_add :=
rw smooth_iff,
refine ⟨continuous_add, λ x y, _⟩,
simp only [] with mfld_simps,
rw times_cont_diff_on_univ,
exact times_cont_diff_add,
smooth_neg :=
rw smooth_iff,
refine ⟨continuous_neg, λ x y, _⟩,
simp only [] with mfld_simps,
rw times_cont_diff_on_univ,
exact times_cont_diff_neg,
lie_add_group (𝓘(𝕜, E)) E :=
{ smooth_add := smooth_iff.2 ⟨continuous_add, λ x y, times_cont_diff_add.times_cont_diff_on⟩,
smooth_neg := smooth_iff.2 ⟨continuous_neg, λ x y, times_cont_diff_neg.times_cont_diff_on⟩,
.. model_space_smooth }

end normed_space_lie_group

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