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feat(probability/stopping): filtrations are a complete lattice (#12169)
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Co-authored-by: Rémy Degenne <>
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RemyDegenne and RemyDegenne committed Feb 21, 2022
1 parent 9ed7179 commit 02dc6f2
Showing 1 changed file with 138 additions and 17 deletions.
155 changes: 138 additions & 17 deletions src/probability/stopping.lean
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Expand Up @@ -31,35 +31,156 @@ filtration, stopping time, stochastic process

noncomputable theory
open topological_space
open_locale classical measure_theory nnreal ennreal topological_space big_operators

namespace measure_theory

/-- A `filtration` on measurable space `α` with σ-algebra `m` is a monotone
sequence of of sub-σ-algebras of `m`. -/
sequence of sub-σ-algebras of `m`. -/
structure filtration {α : Type*} (ι : Type*) [preorder ι] (m : measurable_space α) :=
(seq : ι → measurable_space α)
(mono : monotone seq)
(le : ∀ i : ι, seq i ≤ m)
(seq : ι → measurable_space α)
(mono' : monotone seq)
(le' : ∀ i : ι, seq i ≤ m)

variables {α β ι : Type*} {m : measurable_space α}

open topological_space

section preorder
instance [preorder ι] : has_coe_to_fun (filtration ι m) (λ _, ι → measurable_space α) :=
⟨λ f, f.seq⟩

namespace filtration
variables [preorder ι]

instance : has_coe_to_fun (filtration ι m) (λ _, ι → measurable_space α) :=
⟨λ f, f.seq⟩
protected lemma mono {i j : ι} (f : filtration ι m) (hij : i ≤ j) : f i ≤ f j := f.mono' hij

protected lemma le (f : filtration ι m) (i : ι) : f i ≤ m := f.le' i

@[ext] protected lemma ext {f g : filtration ι m} (h : (f : ι → measurable_space α) = g) : f = g :=
by { cases f, cases g, simp only, exact h, }

/-- The constant filtration which is equal to `m` for all `i : ι`. -/
def const_filtration (m : measurable_space α) : filtration ι m :=
⟨λ _, m, monotone_const, λ _, le_rfl⟩
def const (m' : measurable_space α) (hm' : m' ≤ m) : filtration ι m :=
⟨λ _, m', monotone_const, λ _, hm'⟩

instance : inhabited (filtration ι m) := ⟨const m le_rfl⟩

instance : has_le (filtration ι m) := ⟨λ f g, ∀ i, f i ≤ g i⟩

instance : has_bot (filtration ι m) := ⟨const ⊥ bot_le⟩

instance : has_top (filtration ι m) := ⟨const m le_rfl⟩

instance : has_sup (filtration ι m) := ⟨λ f g,
{ seq := λ i, f i ⊔ g i,
mono' := λ i j hij, sup_le ((f.mono hij).trans le_sup_left) ((g.mono hij).trans le_sup_right),
le' := λ i, sup_le (f.le i) (g.le i) }⟩

@[norm_cast] lemma coe_fn_sup {f g : filtration ι m} : ⇑(f ⊔ g) = f ⊔ g := rfl

instance : has_inf (filtration ι m) := ⟨λ f g,
{ seq := λ i, f i ⊓ g i,
mono' := λ i j hij, le_inf (inf_le_left.trans (f.mono hij)) (inf_le_right.trans (g.mono hij)),
le' := λ i, inf_le_left.trans (f.le i) }⟩

@[norm_cast] lemma coe_fn_inf {f g : filtration ι m} : ⇑(f ⊓ g) = f ⊓ g := rfl

instance : has_Sup (filtration ι m) := ⟨λ s,
{ seq := λ i, Sup ((λ f : filtration ι m, f i) '' s),
mono' := λ i j hij,
refine Sup_le (λ m' hm', _),
rw [set.mem_image] at hm',
obtain ⟨f, hf_mem, hfm'⟩ := hm',
rw ← hfm',
refine (f.mono hij).trans _,
have hfj_mem : f j ∈ ((λ g : filtration ι m, g j) '' s), from ⟨f, hf_mem, rfl⟩,
exact le_Sup hfj_mem,
le' := λ i,
refine Sup_le (λ m' hm', _),
rw [set.mem_image] at hm',
obtain ⟨f, hf_mem, hfm'⟩ := hm',
rw ← hfm',
exact f.le i,
end, }⟩

lemma Sup_def (s : set (filtration ι m)) (i : ι) :
Sup s i = Sup ((λ f : filtration ι m, f i) '' s) :=

instance : has_Inf (filtration ι m) := ⟨λ s,
{ seq := λ i, if set.nonempty s then Inf ((λ f : filtration ι m, f i) '' s) else m,
mono' := λ i j hij,
by_cases h_nonempty : set.nonempty s,
swap, { simp only [h_nonempty, set.nonempty_image_iff, if_false, le_refl], },
simp only [h_nonempty, if_true, le_Inf_iff, set.mem_image, forall_exists_index, and_imp,
refine λ f hf_mem, le_trans _ (f.mono hij),
have hfi_mem : f i ∈ ((λ g : filtration ι m, g i) '' s), from ⟨f, hf_mem, rfl⟩,
exact Inf_le hfi_mem,
le' := λ i,
by_cases h_nonempty : set.nonempty s,
swap, { simp only [h_nonempty, if_false, le_refl], },
simp only [h_nonempty, if_true],
obtain ⟨f, hf_mem⟩ := h_nonempty,
exact le_trans (Inf_le ⟨f, hf_mem, rfl⟩) (f.le i),
end, }⟩

lemma Inf_def (s : set (filtration ι m)) (i : ι) :
Inf s i = if set.nonempty s then Inf ((λ f : filtration ι m, f i) '' s) else m :=

instance : complete_lattice (filtration ι m) :=
{ le := (≤),
le_refl := λ f i, le_rfl,
le_trans := λ f g h h_fg h_gh i, (h_fg i).trans (h_gh i),
le_antisymm := λ f g h_fg h_gf, filtration.ext $ funext $ λ i, (h_fg i).antisymm (h_gf i),
sup := (⊔),
le_sup_left := λ f g i, le_sup_left,
le_sup_right := λ f g i, le_sup_right,
sup_le := λ f g h h_fh h_gh i, sup_le (h_fh i) (h_gh _),
inf := (⊓),
inf_le_left := λ f g i, inf_le_left,
inf_le_right := λ f g i, inf_le_right,
le_inf := λ f g h h_fg h_fh i, le_inf (h_fg i) (h_fh i),
Sup := Sup,
le_Sup := λ s f hf_mem i, le_Sup ⟨f, hf_mem, rfl⟩,
Sup_le := λ s f h_forall i, Sup_le $ λ m' hm',
obtain ⟨g, hg_mem, hfm'⟩ := hm',
rw ← hfm',
exact h_forall g hg_mem i,
Inf := Inf,
Inf_le := λ s f hf_mem i,
have hs : s.nonempty := ⟨f, hf_mem⟩,
simp only [Inf_def, hs, if_true],
exact Inf_le ⟨f, hf_mem, rfl⟩,
le_Inf := λ s f h_forall i,
by_cases hs : s.nonempty,
swap, { simp only [Inf_def, hs, if_false], exact f.le i, },
simp only [Inf_def, hs, if_true, le_Inf_iff, set.mem_image, forall_exists_index, and_imp,
exact λ g hg_mem, h_forall g hg_mem i,
top := ⊤,
bot := ⊥,
le_top := λ f i, f.le' i,
bot_le := λ f i, bot_le, }

end filtration

instance : inhabited (filtration ι m) :=
⟨const_filtration m⟩
section preorder
variables [preorder ι]

lemma measurable_set_of_filtration {f : filtration ι m} {s : set α} {i : ι}
(hs : measurable_set[f i] s) : measurable_set[m] s :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -111,9 +232,9 @@ namespace filtration
of σ-algebras such that that sequence of functions is measurable with respect to
the filtration. -/
def natural (u : ι → α → β) (hum : ∀ i, measurable (u i)) : filtration ι m :=
{ seq := λ i, ⨆ j ≤ i, measurable_space.comap (u j) infer_instance,
mono := λ i j hij, bsupr_le_bsupr' $ λ k hk, le_trans hk hij,
le := λ i, bsupr_le (λ j hj s hs, let ⟨t, ht, ht'⟩ := hs in ht' ▸ hum j ht) }
{ seq := λ i, ⨆ j ≤ i, measurable_space.comap (u j) infer_instance,
mono' := λ i j hij, bsupr_le_bsupr' $ λ k hk, le_trans hk hij,
le' := λ i, bsupr_le (λ j hj s hs, let ⟨t, ht, ht'⟩ := hs in ht' ▸ hum j ht) }

lemma adapted_natural {u : ι → α → β} (hum : ∀ i, measurable[m] (u i)) :
adapted (natural u hum) u :=
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