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chore(linear_algebra/nonsingular_inverse): swap update_row/column nam…
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The names for `update_row` and `update_column` did not correspond to their definitions. Doing a global swap of the names keep all the proofs valid and makes the semantics match.
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pechersky committed Jul 14, 2020
1 parent 32c75d0 commit 0410946
Showing 1 changed file with 29 additions and 29 deletions.
58 changes: 29 additions & 29 deletions src/linear_algebra/nonsingular_inverse.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -52,44 +52,44 @@ open equiv equiv.perm finset

section update

/-- Update, i.e. replace the `i`th column of matrix `A` with the values in `b`. -/
def update_column (A : matrix n n α) (i : n) (b : n → α) : matrix n n α :=
/-- Update, i.e. replace the `i`th row of matrix `A` with the values in `b`. -/
def update_row (A : matrix n n α) (i : n) (b : n → α) : matrix n n α :=
function.update A i b

/-- Update, i.e. replace the `i`th row of matrix `A` with the values in `b`. -/
def update_row (A : matrix n n α) (j : n) (b : n → α) : matrix n n α :=
/-- Update, i.e. replace the `i`th column of matrix `A` with the values in `b`. -/
def update_column (A : matrix n n α) (j : n) (b : n → α) : matrix n n α :=
λ i, function.update (A i) j (b i)

variables {A : matrix n n α} {i j : n} {b : n → α}

@[simp] lemma update_column_self : update_column A i b i = b := function.update_same i b A
@[simp] lemma update_row_self : update_row A i b i = b := function.update_same i b A

@[simp] lemma update_row_self : update_row A j b i j = b i := function.update_same j (b i) (A i)
@[simp] lemma update_column_self : update_column A j b i j = b i := function.update_same j (b i) (A i)

@[simp] lemma update_column_ne {i' : n} (i_ne : i' ≠ i) : update_column A i b i' = A i' :=
@[simp] lemma update_row_ne {i' : n} (i_ne : i' ≠ i) : update_row A i b i' = A i' :=
function.update_noteq i_ne b A

@[simp] lemma update_row_ne {j' : n} (j_ne : j' ≠ j) : update_row A j b i j' = A i j' :=
@[simp] lemma update_column_ne {j' : n} (j_ne : j' ≠ j) : update_column A j b i j' = A i j' :=
function.update_noteq j_ne (b i) (A i)

lemma update_column_val {i' : n} : update_column A i b i' j = if i' = i then b j else A i' j :=
lemma update_row_val {i' : n} : update_row A i b i' j = if i' = i then b j else A i' j :=
by_cases i' = i,
{ rw [h, update_column_self, if_pos rfl] },
{ rw [update_column_ne h, if_neg h] }
{ rw [h, update_row_self, if_pos rfl] },
{ rw [update_row_ne h, if_neg h] }

lemma update_row_val {j' : n} : update_row A j b i j' = if j' = j then b i else A i j' :=
lemma update_column_val {j' : n} : update_column A j b i j' = if j' = j then b i else A i j' :=
by_cases j' = j,
{ rw [h, update_row_self, if_pos rfl] },
{ rw [update_row_ne h, if_neg h] }
{ rw [h, update_column_self, if_pos rfl] },
{ rw [update_column_ne h, if_neg h] }

lemma update_column_transpose : update_column Aᵀ i b = (update_row A i b)ᵀ :=
lemma update_row_transpose : update_row Aᵀ i b = (update_column A i b)ᵀ :=
ext i' j,
rw [transpose_val, update_column_val, update_row_val],
rw [transpose_val, update_row_val, update_column_val],
end update
Expand All @@ -112,14 +112,14 @@ variables [comm_ring α] (A : matrix n n α) (b : n → α)
and vector `b` to the vector `x` such that `A ⬝ x = b`.
Otherwise, the outcome of `cramer_map` is well-defined but not necessarily useful.
def cramer_map (i : n) : α := (A.update_column i b).det
def cramer_map (i : n) : α := (A.update_row i b).det

lemma cramer_map_is_linear (i : n) : is_linear_map α (λ b, cramer_map A b i) :=
have : Π {f : n → n} {i : n} (x : n → α),
(∏ i' : n, (update_column A i x)ᵀ (f i') i')
(∏ i' : n, (update_row A i x)ᵀ (f i') i')
= (∏ i' : n, if i' = i then x (f i') else A i' (f i')),
{ intros, congr, ext i', rw [transpose_val, update_column_val] },
{ intros, congr, ext i', rw [transpose_val, update_row_val] },
{ intros x y,
repeat { rw [cramer_map, ←det_transpose, det] },
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -158,7 +158,7 @@ end
def cramer (α : Type v) [comm_ring α] (A : matrix n n α) : (n → α) →ₗ[α] (n → α) :=' (cramer_map A) (cramer_is_linear A)

lemma cramer_apply (i : n) : cramer α A b i = (A.update_column i b).det := rfl
lemma cramer_apply (i : n) : cramer α A b i = (A.update_row i b).det := rfl

/-- Applying Cramer's rule to a column of the matrix gives a scaled basis vector. -/
lemma cramer_column_self (i : n) :
Expand All @@ -170,11 +170,11 @@ begin
{ -- i = j: this entry should be `A.det`
rw [if_pos h, ←h],
congr, ext i',
by_cases h : i' = i, { rw [h, update_column_self] }, { rw [update_column_ne h]} },
by_cases h : i' = i, { rw [h, update_row_self] }, { rw [update_row_ne h]} },
{ -- i ≠ j: this entry should be 0
rw [if_neg h],
apply det_zero_of_column_eq h,
rw [update_column_self, update_column_ne],
rw [update_row_self, update_row_ne],
apply h }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -217,12 +217,12 @@ lemma adjugate_def (A : matrix n n α) :
adjugate A = λ i, cramer α A (λ j, if i = j then 1 else 0) := rfl

lemma adjugate_val (A : matrix n n α) (i j : n) :
adjugate A i j = (A.update_column j (λ j, if i = j then 1 else 0)).det := rfl
adjugate A i j = (A.update_row j (λ j, if i = j then 1 else 0)).det := rfl

lemma adjugate_transpose (A : matrix n n α) : (adjugate A)ᵀ = adjugate (Aᵀ) :=
ext i j,
rw [transpose_val, adjugate_val, adjugate_val, update_column_transpose, det_transpose],
rw [transpose_val, adjugate_val, adjugate_val, update_row_transpose, det_transpose],
apply finset.sum_congr rfl,
intros σ _,
congr' 1,
Expand All @@ -231,16 +231,16 @@ begin
{ -- Everything except `(i , j)` (= `(σ j , j)`) is given by A, and the rest is a single `1`.
congr; ext j',
have := (@equiv.injective _ _ σ j j' : σ j = σ j' → j = j'),
rw [update_column_val, update_row_val],
rw [update_row_val, update_column_val],
finish },
{ -- Otherwise, we need to show that there is a `0` somewhere in the product.
have : (∏ j' : n, update_row A j (λ (i' : n), ite (i = i') 1 0) (σ j') j') = 0,
have : (∏ j' : n, update_column A j (λ (i' : n), ite (i = i') 1 0) (σ j') j') = 0,
{ apply prod_eq_zero (mem_univ j),
rw [update_row_self],
rw [update_column_self],
exact if_neg h },
rw this,
apply prod_eq_zero (mem_univ (σ⁻¹ i)),
erw [apply_symm_apply σ i, update_column_self],
erw [apply_symm_apply σ i, update_row_self],
apply if_neg,
intro h',
exact h ((symm_apply_eq σ).mp h'.symm) }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -305,7 +305,7 @@ begin
obtain ⟨j', hj'⟩ : ∃ j', j' ≠ j := fintype.exists_ne_of_one_lt_card h j,
apply det_eq_zero_of_column_eq_zero j',
intro j'',
simp [update_column_ne hj']
simp [update_row_ne hj']

lemma det_adjugate_eq_one {A : matrix n n α} (h : A.det = 1) : (adjugate A).det = 1 :=
Expand Down

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