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feat(topology/vector_bundle): define some useful linear maps globally (
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* Define `pretrivialization.symmₗ`, `pretrivialization.linear_map_at`, `trivialization.symmL`, `trivialization.continuous_linear_map_at`
* These are globally-defined (continuous) linear maps. They are linear equivalences on `e.base_set`, but it is useful to define these globally. They are defined as `0` outside `e.base_set`
* These are convenient to define the vector bundle of continuous linear maps.

Co-authored-by: Patrick Massot <>
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fpvandoorn and PatrickMassot committed Jun 2, 2022
1 parent c5f8d78 commit 0575db0
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Showing 2 changed files with 153 additions and 9 deletions.
7 changes: 6 additions & 1 deletion src/topology/continuous_on.lean
Expand Up @@ -1026,10 +1026,15 @@ lemma continuous.if {p : α → Prop} {f g : α → β} [∀ a, decidable (p a)]
continuous (λ a, if p a then f a else g a) :=
continuous_if hp hf.continuous_on hg.continuous_on

lemma continuous_if_const (p : Prop) {f g : α → β} [decidable p]
(hf : p → continuous f) (hg : ¬ p → continuous g) :
continuous (λ a, if p then f a else g a) :=
by { split_ifs, exact hf h, exact hg h }

lemma continuous.if_const (p : Prop) {f g : α → β} [decidable p]
(hf : continuous f) (hg : continuous g) :
continuous (λ a, if p then f a else g a) :=
continuous_if (if h : p then by simp [h] else by simp [h]) hf.continuous_on hg.continuous_on
continuous_if_const p (λ _, hf) (λ _, hg)

lemma continuous_piecewise {s : set α} {f g : α → β} [∀ a, decidable (a ∈ s)]
(hs : ∀ a ∈ frontier s, f a = g a) (hf : continuous_on f (closure s))
Expand Down
155 changes: 147 additions & 8 deletions src/topology/vector_bundle.lean
Expand Up @@ -157,6 +157,10 @@ lemma symm_apply_of_not_mem (e : pretrivialization R F E) {b : B} (hb : b ∉ e.
e.symm b y = 0 :=
dif_neg hb

lemma coe_symm_of_not_mem (e : pretrivialization R F E) {b : B} (hb : b ∉ e.base_set) :
(e.symm b : F → E b) = 0 :=
funext $ λ y, dif_neg hb

lemma mk_symm (e : pretrivialization R F E) {b : B} (hb : b ∈ e.base_set) (y : F) :
total_space_mk b (e.symm b y) = e.to_local_equiv.symm (b, y) :=
by rw [e.symm_apply hb, total_space.mk_cast, total_space.eta]
Expand All @@ -174,6 +178,16 @@ lemma apply_mk_symm (e : pretrivialization R F E) {b : B} (hb : b ∈ e.base_set
e (total_space_mk b (e.symm b y)) = (b, y) :=
by rw [e.mk_symm hb, e.apply_symm_apply (e.mk_mem_target.mpr hb)]

/-- A fiberwise linear inverse to `e`. -/
@[simps] protected def symmₗ (e : pretrivialization R F E) (b : B) : F →ₗ[R] E b :=
refine' (e.symm b) _,
by_cases hb : b ∈ e.base_set,
{ exact (((e.linear hb).mk' _).inverse (e.symm b) (e.symm_apply_apply_mk hb)
(λ v, congr_arg prod.snd $ e.apply_mk_symm hb v)).is_linear },
{ rw [e.coe_symm_of_not_mem hb], exact (0 : F →ₗ[R] E b).is_linear }

/-- A pretrivialization for a topological vector bundle defines linear equivalences between the
fibers and the model space. -/
@[simps {fully_applied := ff}] def linear_equiv_at (e : pretrivialization R F E) (b : B)
Expand All @@ -186,6 +200,43 @@ fibers and the model space. -/
map_add' := λ v w, (e.linear hb).map_add v w,
map_smul' := λ c v, (e.linear hb).map_smul c v }

/-- A fiberwise linear map equal to `e` on `e.base_set`. -/
protected def linear_map_at (e : pretrivialization R F E) (b : B) : E b →ₗ[R] F :=
if hb : b ∈ e.base_set then e.linear_equiv_at b hb else 0

lemma coe_linear_map_at (e : pretrivialization R F E) (b : B) :
⇑(e.linear_map_at b) = λ y, if b ∈ e.base_set then (e (total_space_mk b y)).2 else 0 :=
by { rw [pretrivialization.linear_map_at], split_ifs; refl }

lemma coe_linear_map_at_of_mem (e : pretrivialization R F E) {b : B} (hb : b ∈ e.base_set) :
⇑(e.linear_map_at b) = λ y, (e (total_space_mk b y)).2 :=
by simp_rw [coe_linear_map_at, if_pos hb]

lemma linear_map_at_apply (e : pretrivialization R F E) {b : B} (y : E b) :
e.linear_map_at b y = if b ∈ e.base_set then (e (total_space_mk b y)).2 else 0 :=
by rw [coe_linear_map_at]

lemma linear_map_at_def_of_mem (e : pretrivialization R F E) {b : B} (hb : b ∈ e.base_set) :
e.linear_map_at b = e.linear_equiv_at b hb :=
dif_pos hb

lemma linear_map_at_def_of_not_mem (e : pretrivialization R F E) {b : B} (hb : b ∉ e.base_set) :
e.linear_map_at b = 0 :=
dif_neg hb

lemma linear_map_at_eq_zero (e : pretrivialization R F E) {b : B} (hb : b ∉ e.base_set) :
e.linear_map_at b = 0 :=
dif_neg hb

lemma symmₗ_linear_map_at (e : pretrivialization R F E) {b : B} (hb : b ∈ e.base_set) (y : E b) :
e.symmₗ b (e.linear_map_at b y) = y :=
by { rw [e.linear_map_at_def_of_mem hb], exact (e.linear_equiv_at b hb).left_inv y }

lemma linear_map_at_symmₗ (e : pretrivialization R F E) {b : B} (hb : b ∈ e.base_set) (y : F) :
e.linear_map_at b (e.symmₗ b y) = y :=
by { rw [e.linear_map_at_def_of_mem hb], exact (e.linear_equiv_at b hb).right_inv y }

end topological_vector_bundle.pretrivialization

variable [topological_space (total_space E)]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -325,6 +376,53 @@ def linear_equiv_at (e : trivialization R F E) (b : B) (hb : b ∈ e.base_set) :
E b ≃ₗ[R] F :=
e.to_pretrivialization.linear_equiv_at b hb

lemma linear_equiv_at_apply (e : trivialization R F E) (b : B) (hb : b ∈ e.base_set) (v : E b) :
e.linear_equiv_at b hb v = (e (total_space_mk b v)).2 := rfl

lemma linear_equiv_at_symm_apply (e : trivialization R F E) (b : B) (hb : b ∈ e.base_set) (v : F) :
(e.linear_equiv_at b hb).symm v = e.symm b v := rfl

/-- A fiberwise linear inverse to `e`. -/
protected def symmₗ (e : trivialization R F E) (b : B) : F →ₗ[R] E b :=
e.to_pretrivialization.symmₗ b

lemma coe_symmₗ (e : trivialization R F E) (b : B) : ⇑(e.symmₗ b) = e.symm b :=

/-- A fiberwise linear map equal to `e` on `e.base_set`. -/
protected def linear_map_at (e : trivialization R F E) (b : B) : E b →ₗ[R] F :=
e.to_pretrivialization.linear_map_at b

lemma coe_linear_map_at (e : trivialization R F E) (b : B) :
⇑(e.linear_map_at b) = λ y, if b ∈ e.base_set then (e (total_space_mk b y)).2 else 0 :=
e.to_pretrivialization.coe_linear_map_at b

lemma coe_linear_map_at_of_mem (e : trivialization R F E) {b : B} (hb : b ∈ e.base_set) :
⇑(e.linear_map_at b) = λ y, (e (total_space_mk b y)).2 :=
by simp_rw [coe_linear_map_at, if_pos hb]

lemma linear_map_at_apply (e : trivialization R F E) {b : B} (y : E b) :
e.linear_map_at b y = if b ∈ e.base_set then (e (total_space_mk b y)).2 else 0 :=
by rw [coe_linear_map_at]

lemma linear_map_at_def_of_mem (e : trivialization R F E) {b : B} (hb : b ∈ e.base_set) :
e.linear_map_at b = e.linear_equiv_at b hb :=
dif_pos hb

lemma linear_map_at_def_of_not_mem (e : trivialization R F E) {b : B} (hb : b ∉ e.base_set) :
e.linear_map_at b = 0 :=
dif_neg hb

lemma symmₗ_linear_map_at (e : trivialization R F E) {b : B} (hb : b ∈ e.base_set) (y : E b) :
e.symmₗ b (e.linear_map_at b y) = y :=
e.to_pretrivialization.symmₗ_linear_map_at hb y

lemma linear_map_at_symmₗ (e : trivialization R F E) {b : B} (hb : b ∈ e.base_set) (y : F) :
e.linear_map_at b (e.symmₗ b y) = y :=
e.to_pretrivialization.linear_map_at_symmₗ hb y

/-- A coordinate change function between two trivializations, as a continuous linear equivalence.
Defined to be the identity when `b` does not lie in the base set of both trivializations. -/
def coord_change (e e' : trivialization R F E) (b : B) : F ≃L[R] F :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -428,20 +526,61 @@ namespace topological_vector_bundle

namespace trivialization

/-- Forward map of `continuous_linear_equiv_at` (only propositionally equal),
defined everywhere (`0` outside domain). -/
@[simps apply {fully_applied := ff}]
def continuous_linear_map_at (e : trivialization R F E) (b : B) :
E b →L[R] F :=
{ cont := begin
rw [e.coe_linear_map_at b],
refine continuous_if_const _ (λ hb, _) (λ _, continuous_zero),
exact continuous_snd.comp (e.to_local_homeomorph.continuous_on.comp_continuous
(total_space_mk_inducing R F E b).continuous (λ x, e.mem_source.mpr hb))
.. e.linear_map_at b }

/-- Backwards map of `continuous_linear_equiv_at`, defined everywhere. -/
@[simps apply {fully_applied := ff}]
def symmL (e : trivialization R F E) (b : B) : F →L[R] E b :=
{ cont := begin
by_cases hb : b ∈ e.base_set,
{ rw (topological_vector_bundle.total_space_mk_inducing R F E b).continuous_iff,
exact e.continuous_on_symm.comp_continuous (continuous_const.prod_mk continuous_id)
(λ x, mk_mem_prod hb (mem_univ x)) },
{ refine continuous_zero.congr (λ x, (e.symm_apply_of_not_mem hb x).symm) },
.. e.symmₗ b }

lemma symmL_continuous_linear_map_at (e : trivialization R F E) {b : B} (hb : b ∈ e.base_set)
(y : E b) :
e.symmL b (e.continuous_linear_map_at b y) = y :=
e.symmₗ_linear_map_at hb y

lemma continuous_linear_map_at_symmL (e : trivialization R F E) {b : B} (hb : b ∈ e.base_set)
(y : F) :
e.continuous_linear_map_at b (e.symmL b y) = y :=
e.linear_map_at_symmₗ hb y

/-- In a topological vector bundle, a trivialization in the fiber (which is a priori only linear)
is in fact a continuous linear equiv between the fibers and the model fiber. -/
@[simps apply symm_apply] def continuous_linear_equiv_at (e : trivialization R F E) (b : B)
@[simps apply symm_apply {fully_applied := ff}]
def continuous_linear_equiv_at (e : trivialization R F E) (b : B)
(hb : b ∈ e.base_set) : E b ≃L[R] F :=
{ to_fun := λ y, (e (total_space_mk b y)).2,
inv_fun := e.symm b,
continuous_to_fun := continuous_snd.comp (e.to_local_homeomorph.continuous_on.comp_continuous
(total_space_mk_inducing R F E b).continuous (λ x, e.mem_source.mpr hb)),
continuous_inv_fun := begin
rw (total_space_mk_inducing R F E b).continuous_iff,
exact e.continuous_on_symm.comp_continuous (continuous_const.prod_mk continuous_id)
(λ x, mk_mem_prod hb (mem_univ x)),
.. e.linear_equiv_at b hb }
continuous_inv_fun := (e.symmL b).continuous,
.. e.to_pretrivialization.linear_equiv_at b hb }

lemma coe_continuous_linear_equiv_at_eq (e : trivialization R F E) {b : B} (hb : b ∈ e.base_set) :
(e.continuous_linear_equiv_at b hb : E b → F) = e.continuous_linear_map_at b :=
(e.coe_linear_map_at_of_mem hb).symm

lemma symm_continuous_linear_equiv_at_eq (e : trivialization R F E) {b : B} (hb : b ∈ e.base_set) :
((e.continuous_linear_equiv_at b hb).symm : F → E b) = e.symmL b :=

@[simp] lemma continuous_linear_equiv_at_apply' (e : trivialization R F E)
(x : total_space E) (hx : x ∈ e.source) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1293,7 +1432,7 @@ begin
funext v,
obtain ⟨v₁, v₂⟩ := v,
rw [(e₁.prod e₂).continuous_linear_equiv_at_apply,],
exact congr_arg prod.snd (prod_apply hx₁ hx₂ v₁ v₂),
exact (congr_arg prod.snd (prod_apply hx₁ hx₂ v₁ v₂) : _)

end topological_vector_bundle

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