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feat(tactic/push_neg): a tactic pushing negations
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PatrickMassot committed Mar 26, 2019
1 parent a016652 commit 0937ad2
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Expand Up @@ -809,3 +809,20 @@ h : y = 3

### push_neg

This tactic pushes negations inside expressions. For instance, given an assumption
h : ¬ ∀ ε > 0, ∃ δ > 0, ∀ x, |x - x₀| ≤ δ → |f x - y₀| ≤ ε)
writing `push_neg at h` will turn `h` into
h : ∃ ε, ε > 0 ∧ ∀ δ, δ > 0 → (∃ x, |x - x₀| ≤ δ ∧ ε < |f x - y₀|),
(the pretty printer does *not* use the abreviations `∀ δ > 0` and `∃ ε > 0` but this issue
has nothing to do with `push_neg`).
Note that names are conserved by this tactic, contrary to what would happen with `simp`
using the relevant lemmas. One can also use this tactic at the goal using `push_neg`,
at every assumption and the goal using `push_neg at *` or at selected assumptions and the goal
using say `push_neg at h h' ⊢` as usual.
146 changes: 146 additions & 0 deletions src/tactic/push_neg.lean
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Copyright (c) 2019 Patrick Massot All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Patrick Massot, Simon Hudon
A tactic pushing negations into an expression

import tactic.interactive
import algebra.order

open tactic expr

namespace push_neg

universe u
variable {α : Sort u}
variables (p q : Prop)
variable (s : α → Prop)

local attribute [instance] classical.prop_decidable
theorem not_not_eq : (¬ ¬ p) = p := propext not_not
theorem not_and_eq : (¬ (p ∧ q)) = (¬ p ∨ ¬ q) := propext not_and_distrib
theorem not_or_eq : (¬ (p ∨ q)) = (¬ p ∧ ¬ q) := propext not_or_distrib
theorem not_forall_eq : (¬ ∀ x, s x) = (∃ x, ¬ s x) := propext not_forall
theorem not_exists_eq : (¬ ∃ x, s x) = (∀ x, ¬ s x) := propext not_exists
theorem not_implies_eq : (¬ (p → q)) = (p ∧ ¬ q) := propext not_imp

theorem classical.implies_iff_not_or : (p → q) ↔ (¬ p ∨ q) := imp_iff_not_or

theorem not_eq (a b : α) : (¬ a = b) ↔ (a ≠ b) := iff.rfl

variable {β : Type u}
variable [linear_order β]
theorem not_le_eq (a b : β) : (¬ (a ≤ b)) = (b < a) := propext not_le
theorem not_lt_eq (a b : β) : (¬ (a < b)) = (b ≤ a) := propext not_lt

meta def whnf_reducible (e : expr) : tactic expr := whnf e reducible

private meta def transform_negation_step (e : expr) :
tactic (option (expr × expr)) :=
do e ← whnf_reducible e,
match e with
| `(¬ %%ne) :=
(do ne ← whnf_reducible ne,
match ne with
| `(¬ %%a) := do pr ← mk_app ``not_not_eq [a],
return (some (a, pr))
| `(%%a ∧ %%b) := do pr ← mk_app ``not_and_eq [a, b],
return (some (`(¬ %%a ∨ ¬ %%b), pr))
| `(%%a ∨ %%b) := do pr ← mk_app ``not_or_eq [a, b],
return (some (`(¬ %%a ∧ ¬ %%b), pr))
| `(%%a ≤ %%b) := do e ← to_expr ``(%%b < %%a),
pr ← mk_app ``not_le_eq [a, b],
return (some (e, pr))
| `(%%a < %%b) := do e ← to_expr ``(%%b ≤ %%a),
pr ← mk_app ``not_lt_eq [a, b],
return (some (e, pr))
| `(Exists %%p) := do pr ← mk_app ``not_exists_eq [p],
e ← match p with
| (lam n bi typ bo) := do
body ← mk_app ``not [bo],
return (pi n bi typ body)
| _ := "Unexpected failure negating ∃"
return (some (e, pr))
| (pi n bi d p) := if p.has_var then do
pr ← mk_app ``not_forall_eq [lam n bi d p],
body ← mk_app ``not [p],
e ← mk_app ``Exists [lam n bi d body],
return (some (e, pr))
else do
pr ← mk_app ``not_implies_eq [d, p],
`(%%_ = %%e') ← infer_type pr,
return (some (e', pr))
| _ := return none
| _ := return none

private meta def transform_negation : expr → tactic (option (expr × expr)) :=
λ e, do
opr ← transform_negation_step e,
match opr with
| (some (e', pr)) := do
opr' ← transform_negation e',
match opr' with
| none := return (some (e', pr))
| (some (e'', pr')) := do pr'' ← mk_eq_trans pr pr',
return (some (e'', pr''))
| none := return none

meta def normalize_negations (t : expr) : tactic (expr × expr) :=
do (_, e, pr) ← simplify_top_down ()
(λ _, λ e, do
oepr ← transform_negation e,
match oepr with
| (some (e', pr)) := return ((), e', pr)
| none := do pr ← mk_eq_refl e, return ((), e, pr)
t { eta := ff },
return (e, pr)

meta def push_neg_at_hyp (h : name) : tactic unit :=
H ← get_local h,
t ← infer_type H,
(e, pr) ← normalize_negations t,
replace_hyp H e pr,

meta def push_neg_at_goal : tactic unit :=
H ← target,
(e, pr) ← normalize_negations H,
replace_target e pr
end push_neg

open interactive (parse)
open interactive (loc.ns loc.wildcard)
open interactive.types (location)
open push_neg
Push negations in the goal of some assumption.
For instance, given `h : ¬ ∀ x, ∃ y, x ≤ y`, will be transformed by `push_neg at h` into
`h : ∃ x, ∀ y, y < x`. Variables names are conserved.
meta def tactic.interactive.push_neg : parse location → tactic unit
| (loc.ns loc_l) := loc_l.mmap'
(λ l, match l with
| some h := do push_neg_at_hyp h,
try `[simp only [push_neg.not_eq] at h { eta := ff }]
| none := do push_neg_at_goal,
try `[simp only [push_neg.not_eq] { eta := ff }]
| loc.wildcard := do
local_context >>= mmap' (λ h, push_neg_at_hyp (local_pp_name h)) ,
try `[simp only [push_neg.not_eq] at * { eta := ff }]
28 changes: 28 additions & 0 deletions test/push_neg.lean
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import tactic.push_neg

example (h : ∃ p: ℕ, ¬ ∀ n : ℕ, n > p) (h' : ∃ p: ℕ, ¬ ∃ n : ℕ, n < p) : ¬ ∀ n : ℕ, n = 0 :=
push_neg at *,
guard_target ∃ (n : ℕ), n ≠ 0,
guard_hyp h := ∃ (p n : ℕ), n ≤ p,
guard_hyp h' := ∃ (p : ℕ), ∀ (n : ℕ), p ≤ n,
use 1,

-- In the next example, ℤ should be ℝ in maths, but I don't want to import real numbers
-- for testing only
local notation `|` x `|` := abs x

example (a : ℕ → ℤ) (l : ℤ) (h : ¬ ∀ ε > 0, ∃ N, ∀ n ≥ N, | a n - l | < ε) : true :=
push_neg at h,
guard_hyp h := ∃ (ε : ℤ), ε > 0 ∧ ∀ (N : ℕ), ∃ (n : ℕ), n ≥ N ∧ ε ≤ |a n - l|,

example (f : ℤ → ℤ) (x₀ y₀) (h : ¬ ∀ ε > 0, ∃ δ > 0, ∀ x, |x - x₀| ≤ δ → |f x - y₀| ≤ ε) : true :=
push_neg at h,
guard_hyp h := ∃ (ε : ℤ), ε > 0 ∧ ∀ (δ : ℤ), δ > 0 → (∃ (x : ℤ), |x - x₀| ≤ δ ∧ ε < |f x - y₀| ),

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