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chore(probability/independence): simplify the definition of pi_Union_…
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…Inter (#17043)

Due to the simplification, `sup_closed` is no longer useful. Since it was introduced for this application and is not used anywhere else, I removed it.
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RemyDegenne committed Oct 19, 2022
1 parent 22e33e9 commit 0b045c7
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Showing 3 changed files with 59 additions and 181 deletions.
32 changes: 0 additions & 32 deletions src/data/set/lattice.lean
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Expand Up @@ -1835,38 +1835,6 @@ inf_infi_nat_succ u

end set

section sup_closed

/-- A set `s` is sup-closed if for all `x₁, x₂ ∈ s`, `x₁ ⊔ x₂ ∈ s`. -/
def sup_closed [has_sup α] (s : set α) : Prop := ∀ x1 x2, x1 ∈ s → x2 ∈ s → x1 ⊔ x2 ∈ s

lemma sup_closed_singleton [semilattice_sup α] (x : α) : sup_closed ({x} : set α) :=
λ _ _ y1_mem y2_mem, by { rw set.mem_singleton_iff at *, rw [y1_mem, y2_mem, sup_idem], }

lemma sup_closed.inter [semilattice_sup α] {s t : set α} (hs : sup_closed s)
(ht : sup_closed t) :
sup_closed (s ∩ t) :=
intros x y hx hy,
rw set.mem_inter_iff at hx hy ⊢,
exact ⟨hs x y hx.left hy.left, ht x y hx.right hy.right⟩,

lemma sup_closed_of_totally_ordered [semilattice_sup α] (s : set α)
(hs : ∀ x y : α, x ∈ s → y ∈ s → y ≤ x ∨ x ≤ y) :
sup_closed s :=
intros x y hxs hys,
cases hs x y hxs hys,
{ rwa (sup_eq_left.mpr h), },
{ rwa (sup_eq_right.mpr h), },

lemma sup_closed_of_linear_order [linear_order α] (s : set α) : sup_closed s :=
sup_closed_of_totally_ordered s (λ x y hxs hys, le_total y x)

end sup_closed

open set

variables [complete_lattice β]
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96 changes: 31 additions & 65 deletions src/measure_theory/pi_system.lean
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Expand Up @@ -43,10 +43,8 @@ import measure_theory.measurable_space_def
represented as the intersection of a finite number of elements from these sets.
* `pi_Union_Inter` defines a new π-system from a family of π-systems `π : ι → set (set α)` and a
set of finsets `S : set (finset α)`. `pi_Union_Inter π S` is the set of sets that can be written
as `⋂ x ∈ t, f x` for some `t ∈ S` and sets `f x ∈ π x`. If `S` is union-closed, then it is a
π-system. The π-systems used to prove Kolmogorov's 0-1 law will be defined using this mechanism
set of indices `S : set ι`. `pi_Union_Inter π S` is the set of sets that can be written
as `⋂ x ∈ t, f x` for some finset `t ∈ S` and sets `f x ∈ π x`.
## Implementation details
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -329,25 +327,25 @@ section Union_Inter

/-! ### π-system generated by finite intersections of sets of a π-system family -/

/-- From a set of finsets `S : set (finset ι)` and a family of sets of sets `π : ι → set (set α)`,
define the set of sets that can be written as `⋂ x ∈ t, f x` for some `t ∈ S` and sets `f x ∈ π x`.
If `S` is union-closed and `π` is a family of π-systems, then it is a π-system.
The π-systems used to prove Kolmogorov's 0-1 law are of that form. -/
def pi_Union_Inter {α ι} (π : ι → set (set α)) (S : set (finset ι)) : set (set α) :=
{s : set α | ∃ (t : finset ι) (htS : t ∈ S) (f : ι → set α) (hf : ∀ x, x ∈ t → f x ∈ π x),
/-- From a set of indices `S : set ι` and a family of sets of sets `π : ι → set (set α)`,
define the set of sets that can be written as `⋂ x ∈ t, f x` for some finset `t ⊆ S` and sets
`f x ∈ π x`. If `π` is a family of π-systems, then it is a π-system. -/
def pi_Union_Inter {α ι} (π : ι → set (set α)) (S : set ι) : set (set α) :=
{s : set α | ∃ (t : finset ι) (htS : ↑t ⊆ S) (f : ι → set α) (hf : ∀ x, x ∈ t → f x ∈ π x),
s = ⋂ x ∈ t, f x}

/-- If `S` is union-closed and `π` is a family of π-systems, then `pi_Union_Inter π S` is a
π-system. -/
lemma is_pi_system_pi_Union_Inter {α ι} (π : ι → set (set α))
(hpi : ∀ x, is_pi_system (π x)) (S : set (finset ι)) (h_sup : sup_closed S) :
(hpi : ∀ x, is_pi_system (π x)) (S : set ι) :
is_pi_system (pi_Union_Inter π S) :=
rintros t1 ⟨p1, hp1S, f1, hf1m, ht1_eq⟩ t2 ⟨p2, hp2S, f2, hf2m, ht2_eq⟩ h_nonempty,
simp_rw [pi_Union_Inter, set.mem_set_of_eq],
let g := λ n, (ite (n ∈ p1) (f1 n) set.univ) ∩ (ite (n ∈ p2) (f2 n) set.univ),
use [p1 ∪ p2, h_sup p1 p2 hp1S hp2S, g],
have hp_union_ss : ↑(p1 ∪ p2) ⊆ S,
{ simp only [hp1S, hp2S, finset.coe_union, union_subset_iff, and_self], },
use [p1 ∪ p2, hp_union_ss, g],
have h_inter_eq : t1 ∩ t2 = ⋂ i ∈ p1 ∪ p2, g i,
{ rw [ht1_eq, ht2_eq],
simp_rw [← set.inf_eq_inter, g],
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -380,15 +378,15 @@ begin

lemma pi_Union_Inter_mono_left {α ι} {π π' : ι → set (set α)} (h_le : ∀ i, π i ⊆ π' i)
(S : set (finset ι)) :
(S : set ι) :
pi_Union_Inter π S ⊆ pi_Union_Inter π' S :=
rintros s ⟨t, ht_mem, ft, hft_mem_pi, rfl⟩,
exact ⟨t, ht_mem, ft, λ x hxt, h_le x (hft_mem_pi x hxt), rfl⟩,

lemma generate_from_pi_Union_Inter_le {α ι} {m : measurable_space α}
(π : ι → set (set α)) (h : ∀ n, generate_from (π n) ≤ m) (S : set (finset ι)) :
(π : ι → set (set α)) (h : ∀ n, generate_from (π n) ≤ m) (S : set ι) :
generate_from (pi_Union_Inter π S) ≤ m :=
refine generate_from_le _,
Expand All @@ -397,79 +395,47 @@ begin
exact measurable_set_generate_from (hft_mem_pi x hx_mem),

lemma subset_pi_Union_Inter {α ι} {π : ι → set (set α)} {S : set (finset ι)}
(h_univ : ∀ i, set.univ ∈ π i) {i : ι} {s : finset ι} (hsS : s ∈ S) (his : i ∈ s) :
lemma subset_pi_Union_Inter {α ι} {π : ι → set (set α)} {S : set ι} {i : ι} (his : i ∈ S) :
π i ⊆ pi_Union_Inter π S :=
refine λ t ht_pii, ⟨s, hsS, (λ j, ite (j = i) t set.univ), ⟨λ m h_pm, _, _⟩⟩,
{ split_ifs,
{ rwa h, },
{ exact h_univ m, }, },
{ ext1 x,
simp_rw set.mem_Inter,
split; intro hx,
{ intros j h_p_j,
{ exact hx, },
{ exact set.mem_univ _, }, },
{ simpa using hx i his, }, },
refine λ t ht_pii, ⟨{i}, _, (λ j, t), ⟨λ m h_pm, _, _⟩⟩,
{ simp only [his, finset.coe_singleton, singleton_subset_iff], },
{ rw finset.mem_singleton at h_pm,
rwa h_pm, },
{ simp only [finset.mem_singleton, Inter_Inter_eq_left], },

lemma mem_pi_Union_Inter_of_measurable_set {α ι} (m : ι → measurable_space α)
{S : set (finset ι)} {i : ι} {t : finset ι} (htS : t ∈ S) (hit : i ∈ t) (s : set α)
{S : set ι} {i : ι} (hiS : i ∈ S) (s : set α)
(hs : measurable_set[m i] s) :
s ∈ pi_Union_Inter (λ n, {s | measurable_set[m n] s}) S :=
subset_pi_Union_Inter (λ i, measurable_set.univ) htS hit hs
subset_pi_Union_Inter hiS hs

lemma le_generate_from_pi_Union_Inter {α ι} {π : ι → set (set α)}
(S : set (finset ι)) (h_univ : ∀ n, set.univ ∈ π n) {x : ι}
{t : finset ι} (htS : t ∈ S) (hxt : x ∈ t) :
(S : set ι) {x : ι} (hxS : x ∈ S) :
generate_from (π x) ≤ generate_from (pi_Union_Inter π S) :=
generate_from_mono (subset_pi_Union_Inter h_univ htS hxt)
generate_from_mono (subset_pi_Union_Inter hxS)

lemma measurable_set_supr_of_mem_pi_Union_Inter {α ι} (m : ι → measurable_space α)
(S : set (finset ι)) (t : set α) (ht : t ∈ pi_Union_Inter (λ n, {s | measurable_set[m n] s}) S) :
measurable_set[⨆ i (hi : ∃ s ∈ S, i ∈ s), m i] t :=
(S : set ι) (t : set α) (ht : t ∈ pi_Union_Inter (λ n, {s | measurable_set[m n] s}) S) :
measurable_set[⨆ i ∈ S, m i] t :=
rcases ht with ⟨pt, hpt, ft, ht_m, rfl⟩,
refine pt.measurable_set_bInter (λ i hi, _),
suffices h_le : m i ≤ (⨆ i (hi : ∃ s ∈ S, i ∈ s), m i), from h_le (ft i) (ht_m i hi),
have hi' : ∃ s ∈ S, i ∈ s, from ⟨pt, hpt, hi,
suffices h_le : m i ≤ (⨆ i ∈ S, m i), from h_le (ft i) (ht_m i hi),
have hi' : i ∈ S := hpt hi,
exact le_supr₂ i hi',

lemma generate_from_pi_Union_Inter_measurable_space {α ι} (m : ι → measurable_space α)
(S : set (finset ι)) :
generate_from (pi_Union_Inter (λ n, {s | measurable_set[m n] s}) S)
= ⨆ i (hi : ∃ p ∈ S, i ∈ p), m i :=
lemma generate_from_pi_Union_Inter_measurable_set {α ι} (m : ι → measurable_space α) (S : set ι) :
generate_from (pi_Union_Inter (λ n, {s | measurable_set[m n] s}) S) = ⨆ i ∈ S, m i :=
refine le_antisymm _ _,
{ rw ← @generate_from_measurable_set α (⨆ i (hi : ∃ p ∈ S, i ∈ p), m i),
{ rw ← @generate_from_measurable_set α (⨆ i ∈ S, m i),
exact generate_from_mono (measurable_set_supr_of_mem_pi_Union_Inter m S), },
{ refine supr₂_le (λ i hi, _),
rcases hi with ⟨p, hpS, hpi⟩,
rw ← @generate_from_measurable_set α (m i),
exact generate_from_mono (mem_pi_Union_Inter_of_measurable_set m hpS hpi), },

lemma generate_from_pi_Union_Inter_subsets {α ι} (m : ι → measurable_space α) (S : set ι) :
generate_from (pi_Union_Inter (λ i, {t | measurable_set[m i] t}) {t : finset ι | ↑t ⊆ S})
= ⨆ i ∈ S, m i :=
rw generate_from_pi_Union_Inter_measurable_space,
simp only [set.mem_set_of_eq, exists_prop, supr_exists],
congr' 1,
ext1 i,
by_cases hiS : i ∈ S,
{ simp only [hiS, csupr_pos],
refine le_antisymm (supr₂_le (λ t ht, le_rfl)) _,
rw le_supr_iff,
intros m' hm',
specialize hm' {i},
simpa only [hiS, finset.coe_singleton, set.singleton_subset_iff, finset.mem_singleton,
eq_self_iff_true, and_self, csupr_pos] using hm', },
{ simp only [hiS, supr_false, supr₂_eq_bot, and_imp],
exact λ t htS hit, absurd (htS hit) hiS, },
exact generate_from_mono (mem_pi_Union_Inter_of_measurable_set m hi), },

end Union_Inter
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112 changes: 28 additions & 84 deletions src/probability/independence.lean
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variables {m0 : measurable_space Ω} {μ : measure Ω}

lemma indep_sets_pi_Union_Inter_of_disjoint [decidable_eq ι] [is_probability_measure μ]
{s : ι → set (set Ω)} {S T : set (finset ι)}
(h_indep : Indep_sets s μ) (hST : ∀ u v, u ∈ S → v ∈ T → disjoint u v) :
lemma indep_sets_pi_Union_Inter_of_disjoint [is_probability_measure μ]
{s : ι → set (set Ω)} {S T : set ι}
(h_indep : Indep_sets s μ) (hST : disjoint S T) :
indep_sets (pi_Union_Inter s S) (pi_Union_Inter s T) μ :=
rintros t1 t2 ⟨p1, hp1, f1, ht1_m, ht1_eq⟩ ⟨p2, hp2, f2, ht2_m, ht2_eq⟩,
let g := λ i, ite (i ∈ p1) (f1 i) set.univ ∩ ite (i ∈ p2) (f2 i) set.univ,
have h_P_inter : μ (t1 ∩ t2) = ∏ n in p1 ∪ p2, μ (g n),
{ have hgm : ∀ i ∈ p1 ∪ p2, g i ∈ s i,
{ intros i hi_mem_union,
rw finset.mem_union at hi_mem_union,
cases hi_mem_union with hi1 hi2,
{ have hi2 : i ∉ p2 := (hST p1 p2 hp1 hp2) hi1,
{ have hi2 : i ∉ p2 := λ hip2, hST (hp1 hi1) (hp2 hip2),
simp_rw [g, if_pos hi1, if_neg hi2, set.inter_univ],
exact ht1_m i hi1, },
{ have hi1 : i ∉ p1 := (hST p1 p2 hp1 hp2) hi2,
{ have hi1 : i ∉ p1 := λ hip1, hST (hp2 hi2) (hp1 hip1),
simp_rw [g, if_neg hi1, if_pos hi2, set.univ_inter],
exact ht2_m i hi2, }, },
have h_p1_inter_p2 : ((⋂ x ∈ p1, f1 x) ∩ ⋂ x ∈ p2, f2 x)
Expand All @@ -377,7 +378,7 @@ begin
{ intro n,
simp_rw g,
{ exact absurd rfl ( (hST p1 p2 hp1 hp2) n h n h_1), },
{ exact absurd rfl ( hST _ (hp1 h) _ (hp2 h_1)), },
all_goals { simp only [measure_univ, one_mul, mul_one, set.inter_univ, set.univ_inter], }, },
simp_rw [h_P_inter, h_μg, finset.prod_mul_distrib,
finset.prod_ite_mem (p1 ∪ p2) p1 (λ x, μ (f1 x)),
Expand All @@ -390,20 +391,12 @@ lemma indep_supr_of_disjoint [is_probability_measure μ] {m : ι → measurable_
indep (⨆ i ∈ S, m i) (⨆ i ∈ T, m i) μ :=
refine indep_sets.indep (supr₂_le (λ i _, h_le i)) (supr₂_le (λ i _, h_le i)) _ _
(generate_from_pi_Union_Inter_subsets m S).symm
(generate_from_pi_Union_Inter_subsets m T).symm _,
{ refine is_pi_system_pi_Union_Inter _ (λ n, @is_pi_system_measurable_set Ω (m n)) _ _,
intros s t hs ht,
simp only [finset.sup_eq_union, set.mem_set_of_eq, finset.coe_union, set.union_subset_iff],
exact ⟨hs, ht⟩, },
{ refine is_pi_system_pi_Union_Inter _ (λ n, @is_pi_system_measurable_set Ω (m n)) _ _,
intros s t hs ht,
simp only [finset.sup_eq_union, set.mem_set_of_eq, finset.coe_union, set.union_subset_iff],
exact ⟨hs, ht⟩, },
(generate_from_pi_Union_Inter_measurable_set m S).symm
(generate_from_pi_Union_Inter_measurable_set m T).symm _,
{ exact is_pi_system_pi_Union_Inter _ (λ n, @is_pi_system_measurable_set Ω (m n)) _, },
{ exact is_pi_system_pi_Union_Inter _ (λ n, @is_pi_system_measurable_set Ω (m n)) _ , },
{ classical,
refine indep_sets_pi_Union_Inter_of_disjoint h_indep (λ s t hs ht, _),
rw finset.disjoint_iff_ne,
exact λ i his j hjt, hST i (hs his) j (ht hjt), },
exact indep_sets_pi_Union_Inter_of_disjoint h_indep hST, },

lemma indep_supr_of_directed_le {Ω} {m : ι → measurable_space Ω}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -444,19 +437,18 @@ indep_supr_of_directed_le h_indep h_le h_le' (directed_of_inf hm)

lemma Indep_sets.pi_Union_Inter_singleton {π : ι → set (set Ω)} {a : ι} {S : finset ι}
(hp_ind : Indep_sets π μ) (haS : a ∉ S) :
indep_sets (pi_Union_Inter π {S}) (π a) μ :=
indep_sets (pi_Union_Inter π S) (π a) μ :=
rintros t1 t2 ⟨s, hs_mem, ft1, hft1_mem, ht1_eq⟩ ht2_mem_pia,
rw set.mem_singleton_iff at hs_mem,
subst hs_mem,
rw [finset.coe_subset] at hs_mem,
let f := λ n, ite (n = a) t2 (ite (n ∈ s) (ft1 n) set.univ),
have h_f_mem : ∀ n ∈ insert a s, f n ∈ π n,
{ intros n hn_mem_insert,
simp_rw f,
cases ( hn_mem_insert) with hn_mem hn_mem,
{ simp [hn_mem, ht2_mem_pia], },
{ have hn_ne_a : n ≠ a, by { rintro rfl, exact haS hn_mem, },
{ have hn_ne_a : n ≠ a, by { rintro rfl, exact haS (hs_mem hn_mem), },
simp [hn_ne_a, hn_mem, hft1_mem n hn_mem], }, },
have h_f_mem_pi : ∀ n ∈ s, f n ∈ π n, from λ x hxS, h_f_mem x (by simp [hxS]),
have h_t1 : t1 = ⋂ n ∈ s, f n,
Expand All @@ -466,96 +458,48 @@ begin
congr' with hns y,
simp only [(h_forall n hns).symm], },
intros n hnS,
have hn_ne_a : n ≠ a, by { rintro rfl, exact haS hnS, },
have hn_ne_a : n ≠ a, by { rintro rfl, exact haS (hs_mem hnS), },
simp_rw [f, if_pos hnS, if_neg hn_ne_a], },
have h_μ_t1 : μ t1 = ∏ n in s, μ (f n), by rw [h_t1, ← hp_ind s h_f_mem_pi],
have h_t2 : t2 = f a, by { simp_rw [f], simp, },
have h_μ_inter : μ (t1 ∩ t2) = ∏ n in insert a s, μ (f n),
{ have h_t1_inter_t2 : t1 ∩ t2 = ⋂ n ∈ insert a s, f n,
by rw [h_t1, h_t2, finset.set_bInter_insert, set.inter_comm],
rw [h_t1_inter_t2, ← hp_ind (insert a s) h_f_mem], },
rw [h_μ_inter, finset.prod_insert haS, h_t2, mul_comm, h_μ_t1],
have has : a ∉ s := λ has_mem, haS (hs_mem has_mem),
rw [h_μ_inter, finset.prod_insert has, h_t2, mul_comm, h_μ_t1],

/-- Auxiliary lemma for `Indep_sets.Indep`. -/
theorem Indep_sets.Indep_aux [is_probability_measure μ] (m : ι → measurable_space Ω)
/-- The measurable space structures generated by independent pi-systems are independent. -/
theorem Indep_sets.Indep [is_probability_measure μ] (m : ι → measurable_space Ω)
(h_le : ∀ i, m i ≤ m0) (π : ι → set (set Ω)) (h_pi : ∀ n, is_pi_system (π n))
(hp_univ : ∀ i, set.univ ∈ π i) (h_generate : ∀ i, m i = generate_from (π i))
(h_ind : Indep_sets π μ) :
(h_generate : ∀ i, m i = generate_from (π i)) (h_ind : Indep_sets π μ) :
Indep m μ :=
refine finset.induction (by simp [measure_univ]) _,
refine finset.induction _ _,
{ simp only [measure_univ, implies_true_iff, set.Inter_false, set.Inter_univ, finset.prod_empty,
eq_self_iff_true], },
intros a S ha_notin_S h_rec f hf_m,
have hf_m_S : ∀ x ∈ S, measurable_set[m x] (f x) := λ x hx, hf_m x (by simp [hx]),
rw [finset.set_bInter_insert, finset.prod_insert ha_notin_S, ← h_rec hf_m_S],
let p := pi_Union_Inter π {S},
let p := pi_Union_Inter π S,
set m_p := generate_from p with hS_eq_generate,
have h_indep : indep m_p (m a) μ,
{ have hp : is_pi_system p := is_pi_system_pi_Union_Inter π h_pi {S} (sup_closed_singleton S),
{ have hp : is_pi_system p := is_pi_system_pi_Union_Inter π h_pi S,
have h_le' : ∀ i, generate_from (π i) ≤ m0 := λ i, (h_generate i).symm.trans_le (h_le i),
have hm_p : m_p ≤ m0 := generate_from_pi_Union_Inter_le π h_le' {S},
have hm_p : m_p ≤ m0 := generate_from_pi_Union_Inter_le π h_le' S,
exact indep_sets.indep hm_p (h_le a) hp (h_pi a) hS_eq_generate (h_generate a)
(h_ind.pi_Union_Inter_singleton ha_notin_S), },
refine h_indep.symm (f a) (⋂ n ∈ S, f n) (hf_m a (finset.mem_insert_self a S)) _,
have h_le_p : ∀ i ∈ S, m i ≤ m_p,
{ intros n hn,
rw [hS_eq_generate, h_generate n],
exact le_generate_from_pi_Union_Inter {S} hp_univ (set.mem_singleton _) hn, },
exact le_generate_from_pi_Union_Inter S hn, },
have h_S_f : ∀ i ∈ S, measurable_set[m_p] (f i) := λ i hi, (h_le_p i hi) (f i) (hf_m_S i hi),
exact S.measurable_set_bInter h_S_f,

/-- The measurable space structures generated by independent pi-systems are independent. -/
theorem Indep_sets.Indep [is_probability_measure μ] (m : ι → measurable_space Ω)
(h_le : ∀ i, m i ≤ m0) (π : ι → set (set Ω)) (h_pi : ∀ n, is_pi_system (π n))
(h_generate : ∀ i, m i = generate_from (π i)) (h_ind : Indep_sets π μ) :
Indep m μ :=
-- We want to apply `Indep_sets.Indep_aux`, but `π i` does not contain `univ`, hence we replace
-- `π` with a new augmented pi-system `π'`, and prove all hypotheses for that pi-system.
let π' := λ i, insert set.univ (π i),
have h_subset : ∀ i, π i ⊆ π' i := λ i, set.subset_insert _ _,
have h_pi' : ∀ n, is_pi_system (π' n) := λ n, (h_pi n).insert_univ,
have h_univ' : ∀ i, set.univ ∈ π' i, from λ i, set.mem_insert _ _,
have h_gen' : ∀ i, m i = generate_from (π' i),
{ intros i,
rw [h_generate i, generate_from_insert_univ (π i)], },
have h_ind' : Indep_sets π' μ,
{ intros S f hfπ',
let S' := finset.filter (λ i, f i ≠ set.univ) S,
have h_mem : ∀ i ∈ S', f i ∈ π i,
{ intros i hi,
simp_rw [S', finset.mem_filter] at hi,
cases hfπ' i hi.1,
{ exact absurd h hi.2, },
{ exact h, }, },
have h_left : (⋂ i ∈ S, f i) = ⋂ i ∈ S', f i,
{ ext1 x,
simp only [set.mem_Inter, finset.mem_filter, ne.def, and_imp],
{ exact λ h i hiS hif, h i hiS, },
{ intros h i hiS,
by_cases hfi_univ : f i = set.univ,
{ rw hfi_univ, exact set.mem_univ _, },
{ exact h i hiS hfi_univ, }, }, },
have h_right : ∏ i in S, μ (f i) = ∏ i in S', μ (f i),
{ rw ← finset.prod_filter_mul_prod_filter_not S (λ i, f i ≠ set.univ),
simp only [ne.def, finset.filter_congr_decidable, not_not],
suffices : ∏ x in finset.filter (λ x, f x = set.univ) S, μ (f x) = 1,
{ rw [this, mul_one], },
calc ∏ x in finset.filter (λ x, f x = set.univ) S, μ (f x)
= ∏ x in finset.filter (λ x, f x = set.univ) S, μ set.univ :
finset.prod_congr rfl (λ x hx, by { rw finset.mem_filter at hx, rw hx.2, })
... = ∏ x in finset.filter (λ x, f x = set.univ) S, 1 :
finset.prod_congr rfl (λ _ _, measure_univ)
... = 1 : finset.prod_const_one, },
rw [h_left, h_right],
exact h_ind S' h_mem, },
exact Indep_sets.Indep_aux m h_le π' h_pi' h_univ' h_gen' h_ind',

end from_pi_systems_to_measurable_spaces

section indep_set
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