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feat(testing): property based testing (basics) (#3915)
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Add `gen` monad, `sampleable` and `testable` type classes
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cipher1024 committed Sep 1, 2020
1 parent 329393a commit 0c2e77c
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Showing 5 changed files with 1,221 additions and 0 deletions.
25 changes: 25 additions & 0 deletions src/data/lazy_list2.lean
Expand Up @@ -76,4 +76,29 @@ begin
simp! with functor_norm, refl },

/-- `init xs`, if `xs` non-empty, drops the last element of the list.
Otherwise, return the empty list. -/
def init {α} : lazy_list α → lazy_list α
| lazy_list.nil := lazy_list.nil
| (lazy_list.cons x xs) :=
let xs' := xs () in
match xs' with
| lazy_list.nil := lazy_list.nil
| (lazy_list.cons _ _) := lazy_list.cons x (init xs')

/-- `interleave xs ys` creates a list where elements of `xs` and `ys` alternate. -/
def interleave {α} : lazy_list α → lazy_list α → lazy_list α
| lazy_list.nil xs := xs
| a@(lazy_list.cons x xs) lazy_list.nil := a
| (lazy_list.cons x xs) (lazy_list.cons y ys) :=
lazy_list.cons x (lazy_list.cons y (interleave (xs ()) (ys ())))

/-- `interleave_all (xs::ys::zs::xss)` creates a list where elements of `xs`, `ys`
and `zs` and the rest alternate. Every other element of the resulting list is taken from
`xs`, every fourth is taken from `ys`, every eighth is taken from `zs` and so on. -/
def interleave_all {α} : list (lazy_list α) → lazy_list α
| [] := lazy_list.nil
| (x :: xs) := interleave x (interleave_all xs)

end lazy_list
197 changes: 197 additions & 0 deletions src/tactic/slim_check.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Simon Hudon. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Simon Hudon

import testing.slim_check.testable

## Finding counterexamples automatically using `slim_check`
A proposition can be tested by writing it out as:
example (xs : list ℕ) (w : ∃ x ∈ xs, x < 3) : ∀ y ∈ xs, y < 5 := by slim_check
-- ===================
-- Found problems!
-- xs := [0, 5]
-- x := 0
-- y := 5
-- -------------------
example (x : ℕ) (h : 2 ∣ x) : x < 100 := by slim_check
-- ===================
-- Found problems!
-- x := 258
-- -------------------
example (α : Type) (xs ys : list α) : xs ++ ys = ys ++ xs := by slim_check
-- ===================
-- Found problems!
-- α := ℤ
-- xs := [-4]
-- ys := [1]
-- -------------------
example : ∀ x ∈ [1,2,3], x < 4 := by slim_check
-- Success
In the first example, `slim_check` is called on the following goal:
xs : list ℕ,
h : ∃ (x : ℕ) (H : x ∈ xs), x < 3
⊢ ∀ (y : ℕ), y ∈ xs → y < 5
The local constants are reverted and an instance is found for
`testable (∀ (xs : list ℕ), (∃ x ∈ xs, x < 3) → (∀ y ∈ xs, y < 5))`.
The `testable` instance is supported by instances of `sampleable (list ℕ)`,
`decidable (x < 3)` and `decidable (y < 5)`. `slim_check` builds a
`testable` instance step by step with:
- testable (∀ (xs : list ℕ), (∃ x ∈ xs, x < 3) → (∀ y ∈ xs, y < 5))
-: sampleable (list xs)
- testable ((∃ x ∈ xs, x < 3) → (∀ y ∈ xs, y < 5))
- testable (∀ x ∈ xs, x < 3 → (∀ y ∈ xs, y < 5))
- testable (x < 3 → (∀ y ∈ xs, y < 5))
-: decidable (x < 3)
- testable (∀ y ∈ xs, y < 5)
-: decidable (y < 5)
`sampleable (list ℕ)` lets us create random data of type `list ℕ` in a way that
helps find small counter-examples. Next, the test of the proposition
hinges on `x < 3` and `y < 5` to both be decidable. The
implication between the two could be tested as a whole but it would be
less informative. Indeed, if we generate lists that only contain numbers
greater than `3`, the implication will always trivially hold but we should
conclude that we haven't found meaningful examples. Instead, when `x < 3`
does not hold, we reject the example (i.e. we do not count it toward
the 100 required positive examples) and we start over. Therefore, when
`slim_check` prints `Success`, it means that a hundred suitable lists
were found and successfully tested.
If no counter-examples are found, `slim_check` behaves like `admit`.
`slim_check` can also be invoked using `#eval`:
#eval slim_check.testable.check (∀ (α : Type) (xs ys : list α), xs ++ ys = ys ++ xs)
-- ===================
-- Found problems!
-- α := ℤ
-- xs := [-4]
-- ys := [1]
-- -------------------
For more information on writing your own `sampleable` and `testable`
instances, see `testing.slim_check.testable`.

namespace tactic.interactive
open tactic slim_check

declare_trace slim_check.instance
declare_trace slim_check.decoration
declare_trace slim_check.discared
open expr

/-- Tree structure representing a `testable` instance. -/
meta inductive instance_tree
| node : name → expr → list instance_tree → instance_tree

/-- Gather information about a `testable` instance. Given
an expression of type `testable ?p`, gather the
name of the `testable` instances that it is built from
and the proposition that they test. -/
meta def summarize_instance : expr → tactic instance_tree
| (lam n bi d b) := do
v ← mk_local' n bi d,
summarize_instance $ b.instantiate_var v
| e@(app f x) := do
`(testable %%p) ← infer_type e,
xs ← e.get_app_args.mmap_filter (try_core ∘ summarize_instance),
pure $ instance_tree.node e.get_app_fn.const_name p xs
| e := do

/-- format a `instance_tree` -/
meta def instance_tree.to_format : instance_tree → tactic format
| (instance_tree.node n p xs) := do
xs ← format.join <$> (xs.mmap $ λ t, flip format.indent 2 <$> instance_tree.to_format t),
ys ← pformat!"testable ({p})",
pformat!"+ {n} :{format.indent ys 2}\n{xs}"

meta instance instance_tree.has_to_tactic_format : has_to_tactic_format instance_tree :=
⟨ instance_tree.to_format ⟩

`slim_check` considers a proof goal and tries to generate examples
that would contradict the statement.
Let's consider the following proof goal.
xs : list ℕ,
h : ∃ (x : ℕ) (H : x ∈ xs), x < 3
⊢ ∀ (y : ℕ), y ∈ xs → y < 5
The local constants will be reverted and an instance will be found for
`testable (∀ (xs : list ℕ), (∃ x ∈ xs, x < 3) → (∀ y ∈ xs, y < 5))`.
The `testable` instance is supported by an instance of `sampleable (list ℕ)`,
`decidable (x < 3)` and `decidable (y < 5)`.
Examples will be created in ascending order of size (more or less)
The first counter-examples found will be printed and will result in an error:
Found problems!
xs := [1, 28]
x := 1
y := 28
If no counter-examples are found, `slim_check` behaves like `admit`.
For more information on writing your own `sampleable` and `testable`
instances, see `testing.slim_check.testable`.
Optional arguments given with `slim_check_cfg`
* num_inst (default 100): number of examples to test properties with
* max_size (default 100): final size argument
* enable_tracing (default ff): enable the printing of discarded samples
* `set_option trace.slim_check.decoration true`: print the proposition with quantifier annotations
* `set_option trace.slim_check.discarded true`: print the examples discarded because they do not satisfy assumptions
* `set_option trace.slim_check.instance true`: print the instances of `testable` being used to test the proposition
meta def slim_check (cfg : slim_check_cfg := {}) : tactic unit := do
{ tgt ← retrieve $ tactic.revert_all >> target,
let tgt' := tactic.add_decorations tgt,
let cfg := { cfg with enable_tracing := cfg.enable_tracing || is_trace_enabled_for `slim_check.discared },
e ← mk_mapp ``testable.check [tgt, `(cfg), tgt', none],
`(@testable.check _ _ _ %%inst) ← pure e,
when_tracing `slim_check.decoration trace!"[testable decoration]\n {tgt'}",
when_tracing `slim_check.instance $ do
{ inst ← summarize_instance inst >>= pp,
trace!"\n[testable instance]{format.indent inst 2}" },
code ← eval_expr (io bool) e,
b ← unsafe_run_io code,
if b then admit else failed }

end tactic.interactive
125 changes: 125 additions & 0 deletions src/testing/slim_check/gen.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Simon Hudon. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author(s): Simon Hudon

import control.uliftable
import system.random
import system.random.basic

# `gen` Monad
This monad is used to formulate randomized computations with a parameter
to specify the desired size of the result.
This is a port of the Haskell QuickCheck library.
## Main definitions
* `gen` monad
## Local notation
* `i .. j` : `Icc i j`, the set of values between `i` and `j` inclusively;
## Tags
random testing
## References

universes u v

namespace slim_check

/-- Monad to generate random examples to test properties with.
It has a `nat` parameter so that the caller can decide on the
size of the examples. -/
@[reducible, derive [monad, is_lawful_monad]]
def gen (α : Type u) := reader_t (ulift ℕ) rand α

variable (α : Type u)

local infix ` .. `:41 := set.Icc

/-- Execute a `gen` inside the `io` monad using `i` as the example
size and with a fresh random number generator. -/
def io.run_gen {α} (x : gen α) (i : ℕ) : io α :=
io.run_rand ( ⟨i⟩)

namespace gen

section rand

variables [preorder α]

/-- Lift `random.random` to the `gen` monad. -/
def choose_any [random α] : gen α :=
⟨ λ _, rand.random α ⟩

variables {α}

/-- Lift `random.random_r` to the `gen` monad. -/
def choose [bounded_random α] (x y : α) (p : x ≤ y) : gen (x .. y) :=
⟨ λ _, rand.random_r x y p ⟩

end rand

open nat (hiding choose)

/-- Generate a `nat` example between `x` and `y`. -/
def choose_nat (x y : ℕ) (p : x ≤ y) : gen (x .. y) :=
choose x y p

open nat

instance : uliftable gen.{u} gen.{v} :=
reader_t.uliftable' (equiv.ulift.trans equiv.ulift.symm)

instance : has_orelse gen.{u} :=
⟨ λ α x y, do
b ← uliftable.up $ choose_any bool,
if b.down then x else y ⟩

variable {α}

/-- Get access to the size parameter of the `gen` monad. For
reasons of universe polymorphism, it is specified in
continuation passing style. -/
def sized (cmd : ℕ → gen α) : gen α :=
⟨ λ ⟨sz⟩, (cmd sz) ⟨sz⟩ ⟩

/-- Create `n` examples using `cmd`. -/
def vector_of : ∀ (n : ℕ) (cmd : gen α), gen (vector α n)
| 0 _ := return vector.nil
| (succ n) cmd := vector.cons <$> cmd <*> vector_of n cmd

/-- Create a list of examples using `cmd`. The size is controlled
by the size parameter of `gen`. -/
def list_of (cmd : gen α) : gen (list α) :=
sized $ λ sz, do
do ⟨ n ⟩ ← uliftable.up $ choose_nat 0 (sz + 1) dec_trivial,
v ← vector_of n.val cmd,
return v.to_list

open ulift

/-- Given a list of example generators, choose one to create an example.
This definition is needed for to provide a local `fact $ 0 < xs.length`
instance to the type resolution system. -/
def one_of_aux (xs : list (gen α)) (pos : fact $ 0 < xs.length) : gen α := do
n ← uliftable.up $ choose_any (fin xs.length),
list.nth_le xs (down n).val (down n).is_lt

/-- Given a list of example generators, choose one to create an example. -/
def one_of (xs : list (gen α)) (pos : 0 < xs.length) : gen α := do
one_of_aux xs pos

end gen

end slim_check

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