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feat(combinatorics/simple_graph/adj_matrix): more lemmas (#9021)
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Co-authored-by: l534zhan <>
Co-authored-by: Kyle Miller <>
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3 people committed Sep 10, 2021
1 parent a949b57 commit 0e014ba
Showing 1 changed file with 190 additions and 35 deletions.
225 changes: 190 additions & 35 deletions src/combinatorics/simple_graph/adj_matrix.lean
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Aaron Anderson. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Aaron Anderson, Jalex Stark
Authors: Aaron Anderson, Jalex Stark, Lu-Ming Zhang
import combinatorics.simple_graph.basic
import data.rel
import linear_algebra.matrix.trace
import linear_algebra.matrix.symmetric

# Adjacency Matrices
Expand All @@ -15,89 +16,243 @@ properties to computational properties of the matrix.
## Main definitions
* `adj_matrix` is the adjacency matrix of a `simple_graph` with coefficients in a given semiring.
* `matrix.is_adj_matrix`: `A : matrix V V α` is qualified as an "adjacency matrix" if
(1) every entry of `A` is `0` or `1`,
(2) `A` is symmetric,
(3) every diagonal entry of `A` is `0`.
* `matrix.is_adj_matrix.to_graph`: for `A : matrix V V α` and `h : A.is_adj_matrix`,
`h.to_graph` is the simple graph induced by `A`.
* `matrix.compl`: for `A : matrix V V α`, `A.compl` is supposed to be
the adjacency matrix of the complement graph of the graph induced by `A`.
* `simple_graph.adj_matrix`: the adjacency matrix of a `simple_graph`.

open_locale big_operators matrix
open finset matrix simple_graph

universes u v
variables {α : Type u}
variables (R : Type v) [semiring R]
variables {V α β : Type*}

namespace matrix

/-- `A : matrix V V α` is qualified as an "adjacency matrix" if
(1) every entry of `A` is `0` or `1`,
(2) `A` is symmetric,
(3) every diagonal entry of `A` is `0`. -/
structure is_adj_matrix [has_zero α] [has_one α] (A : matrix V V α) : Prop :=
(zero_or_one : ∀ i j, (A i j) = 0 ∨ (A i j) = 1 . obviously)
(symm : A.is_symm . obviously)
(apply_diag : ∀ i, A i i = 0 . obviously)

namespace is_adj_matrix

variables {A : matrix V V α}

lemma apply_diag_ne [mul_zero_one_class α] [nontrivial α] (h : is_adj_matrix A) (i : V) :
¬ A i i = 1 :=
by simp [h.apply_diag i]

lemma apply_ne_one_iff [mul_zero_one_class α] [nontrivial α] (h : is_adj_matrix A) (i j : V) :
¬ A i j = 1 ↔ A i j = 0 :=
by { obtain (h|h) := h.zero_or_one i j; simp [h] }

lemma apply_ne_zero_iff [mul_zero_one_class α] [nontrivial α] (h : is_adj_matrix A) (i j : V) :
¬ A i j = 0 ↔ A i j = 1 :=
by rw [←apply_ne_one_iff h, not_not]

/-- For `A : matrix V V α` and `h : is_adj_matrix A`,
`h.to_graph` is the simple graph whose adjacency matrix is `A`. -/
def to_graph [mul_zero_one_class α] [nontrivial α] (h : is_adj_matrix A) :
simple_graph V :=
{ adj := λ i j, A i j = 1,
sym := λ i j hij, by rwa h.symm.apply i j,
loopless := λ i, by simp [h] }

instance [mul_zero_one_class α] [nontrivial α] [decidable_eq α] (h : is_adj_matrix A) :
decidable_rel h.to_graph.adj :=
by { simp only [to_graph], apply_instance }

end is_adj_matrix

/-- For `A : matrix V V α`, `A.compl` is supposed to be the adjacency matrix of
the complement graph of the graph induced by `A.adj_matrix`. -/
def compl [has_zero α] [has_one α] [decidable_eq α] [decidable_eq V] (A : matrix V V α) :
matrix V V α :=
λ i j, ite (i = j) 0 (ite (A i j = 0) 1 0)

section compl

variables [decidable_eq α] [decidable_eq V] (A : matrix V V α)

lemma compl_apply_diag [has_zero α] [has_one α] (i : V) :
A.compl i i = 0 :=
by simp [compl]

lemma compl_apply [has_zero α] [has_one α] (i j : V) :
A.compl i j = 0 ∨ A.compl i j = 1 :=
by { unfold compl, split_ifs; simp, }

lemma is_symm_compl [has_zero α] [has_one α] (h : A.is_symm) :
A.compl.is_symm :=
by { ext, simp [compl, h.apply, eq_comm], }

lemma is_adj_matrix_compl [has_zero α] [has_one α] (h : A.is_symm) :
is_adj_matrix A.compl :=
{ symm := by simp [h] }

namespace is_adj_matrix

variable {A}

lemma compl [has_zero α] [has_one α] (h : is_adj_matrix A) :
is_adj_matrix A.compl :=
is_adj_matrix_compl A h.symm

lemma to_graph_compl_eq [mul_zero_one_class α] [nontrivial α] (h : is_adj_matrix A) :
h.compl.to_graph = (h.to_graph)ᶜ :=
ext v w,
cases h.zero_or_one v w with h h;
by_cases hvw : v = w;
simp [matrix.compl, h, hvw]

end is_adj_matrix

end compl

end matrix

open matrix

namespace simple_graph

variables (G : simple_graph α) (R) [decidable_rel G.adj]
variables (G : simple_graph V) [decidable_rel G.adj]
variables (α)

/-- `adj_matrix G R` is the matrix `A` such that `A i j = (1 : R)` if `i` and `j` are
/-- `adj_matrix G α` is the matrix `A` such that `A i j = (1 : α)` if `i` and `j` are
adjacent in the simple graph `G`, and otherwise `A i j = 0`. -/
def adj_matrix : matrix α α R
def adj_matrix [has_zero α] [has_one α] : matrix V V α
| i j := if (G.adj i j) then 1 else 0

variable {R}
variable {α}

lemma adj_matrix_apply (v w : α) : G.adj_matrix R v w = if (G.adj v w) then 1 else 0 := rfl
lemma adj_matrix_apply (v w : V) [has_zero α] [has_one α] :
G.adj_matrix α v w = if (G.adj v w) then 1 else 0 := rfl

theorem transpose_adj_matrix : (G.adj_matrix R)ᵀ = G.adj_matrix R :=
theorem transpose_adj_matrix [has_zero α] [has_one α] :
(G.adj_matrix α)ᵀ = G.adj_matrix α :=
by { ext, simp [adj_comm] }

variables [fintype α]
lemma is_symm_adj_matrix [has_zero α] [has_one α] :
(G.adj_matrix α).is_symm :=
transpose_adj_matrix G

variable (α)

/-- The adjacency matrix of `G` is an adjacency matrix. -/
lemma adj_matrix_dot_product (v : α) (vec : α → R) :
dot_product (G.adj_matrix R v) vec = ∑ u in G.neighbor_finset v, vec u :=
lemma is_adj_matrix_adj_matrix [has_zero α] [has_one α] :
(G.adj_matrix α).is_adj_matrix :=
{ zero_or_one := λ i j, by by_cases G.adj i j; simp [h] }

/-- The graph induced by the adjacency matrix of `G` is `G` itself. -/
lemma to_graph_adj_matrix_eq [mul_zero_one_class α] [nontrivial α] :
(G.is_adj_matrix_adj_matrix α).to_graph = G :=
simp only [is_adj_matrix.to_graph_adj, adj_matrix_apply, ite_eq_left_iff, zero_ne_one],
apply not_not,

variables {α} [fintype V]

lemma adj_matrix_dot_product [non_assoc_semiring α] (v : V) (vec : V → α) :
dot_product (G.adj_matrix α v) vec = ∑ u in G.neighbor_finset v, vec u :=
by simp [neighbor_finset_eq_filter, dot_product, sum_filter]

lemma dot_product_adj_matrix (v : α) (vec : αR) :
dot_product vec (G.adj_matrix R v) = ∑ u in G.neighbor_finset v, vec u :=
lemma dot_product_adj_matrix [non_assoc_semiring α] (v : V) (vec : Vα) :
dot_product vec (G.adj_matrix α v) = ∑ u in G.neighbor_finset v, vec u :=
by simp [neighbor_finset_eq_filter, dot_product, sum_filter, finset.sum_apply]

lemma adj_matrix_mul_vec_apply (v : α) (vec : αR) :
((G.adj_matrix R).mul_vec vec) v = ∑ u in G.neighbor_finset v, vec u :=
lemma adj_matrix_mul_vec_apply [non_assoc_semiring α] (v : V) (vec : Vα) :
((G.adj_matrix α).mul_vec vec) v = ∑ u in G.neighbor_finset v, vec u :=
by rw [mul_vec, adj_matrix_dot_product]

lemma adj_matrix_vec_mul_apply (v : α) (vec : αR) :
((G.adj_matrix R).vec_mul vec) v = ∑ u in G.neighbor_finset v, vec u :=
lemma adj_matrix_vec_mul_apply [non_assoc_semiring α] (v : V) (vec : Vα) :
((G.adj_matrix α).vec_mul vec) v = ∑ u in G.neighbor_finset v, vec u :=
rw [← dot_product_adj_matrix, vec_mul],
refine congr rfl _, ext,
rw [← transpose_apply (adj_matrix R G) x v, transpose_adj_matrix],
rw [← transpose_apply (adj_matrix α G) x v, transpose_adj_matrix],

lemma adj_matrix_mul_apply (M : matrix α α R) (v w : α) :
(G.adj_matrix R ⬝ M) v w = ∑ u in G.neighbor_finset v, M u w :=
lemma adj_matrix_mul_apply [non_assoc_semiring α] (M : matrix V V α) (v w : V) :
(G.adj_matrix α ⬝ M) v w = ∑ u in G.neighbor_finset v, M u w :=
by simp [mul_apply, neighbor_finset_eq_filter, sum_filter]

lemma mul_adj_matrix_apply (M : matrix α α R) (v w : α) :
(M ⬝ G.adj_matrix R) v w = ∑ u in G.neighbor_finset w, M v u :=
lemma mul_adj_matrix_apply [non_assoc_semiring α] (M : matrix V V α) (v w : V) :
(M ⬝ G.adj_matrix α) v w = ∑ u in G.neighbor_finset w, M v u :=
by simp [mul_apply, neighbor_finset_eq_filter, sum_filter, adj_comm]

variable (R)
theorem trace_adj_matrix : matrix.trace α R R (G.adj_matrix R) = 0 := by simp
variable {R}
variable (α)

theorem trace_adj_matrix [non_assoc_semiring α] [semiring β] [module β α]:
matrix.trace _ β _ (G.adj_matrix α) = 0 :=
by simp

theorem adj_matrix_mul_self_apply_self (i : α) :
((G.adj_matrix R) ⬝ (G.adj_matrix R)) i i = degree G i :=
variable {α}

theorem adj_matrix_mul_self_apply_self [non_assoc_semiring α] (i : V) :
((G.adj_matrix α) ⬝ (G.adj_matrix α)) i i = degree G i :=
by simp [degree]

variable {G}

lemma adj_matrix_mul_vec_const_apply {r : R} {v : α} :
(G.adj_matrix R).mul_vec (function.const _ r) v = v * r :=
lemma adj_matrix_mul_vec_const_apply [semiring α] {a : α} {v : V} :
(G.adj_matrix α).mul_vec (function.const _ a) v = v * a :=
by simp [degree]

lemma adj_matrix_mul_vec_const_apply_of_regular {d : ℕ} {r : R} (hd : G.is_regular_of_degree d)
{v : α} :
(G.adj_matrix R).mul_vec (function.const _ r) v = (d * r) :=
lemma adj_matrix_mul_vec_const_apply_of_regular [semiring α] {d : ℕ} {a : α}
(hd : G.is_regular_of_degree d) {v : V} :
(G.adj_matrix α).mul_vec (function.const _ a) v = (d * a) :=
by simp [hd v]

end simple_graph

namespace matrix.is_adj_matrix
variables [mul_zero_one_class α] [nontrivial α]
variables {A : matrix V V α} (h : is_adj_matrix A)

/-- If `A` is qualified as an adjacency matrix,
then the adjacency matrix of the graph induced by `A` is itself. -/
lemma adj_matrix_to_graph_eq [decidable_eq α] :
h.to_graph.adj_matrix α = A :=
ext i j,
obtain (h'|h') := h.zero_or_one i j; simp [h'],

end matrix.is_adj_matrix

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