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feat(measure_theory/probability_mass_function): Define a measure asso…
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…siated to a pmf (#9966)

This PR defines `pmf.to_outer_measure` and `pmf.to_measure`, where the measure of a set is given by the total probability of elements of the set, and shows that this is a probability measure.
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dtumad committed Nov 12, 2021
1 parent 9e1e4f0 commit 1019dd6
Showing 1 changed file with 111 additions and 7 deletions.
118 changes: 111 additions & 7 deletions src/measure_theory/probability_mass_function.lean
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Johannes Hölzl
import topology.instances.ennreal
import measure_theory.measure.measure_space

# Probability mass functions
Expand All @@ -13,11 +14,11 @@ a function `α → ℝ≥0` such that the values have (infinite) sum `1`.
This file features the monadic structure of `pmf` and the Bernoulli distribution
## Implementation Notes
This file is not yet connected to the `measure_theory` library in any way.
At some point we need to define a `measure` from a `pmf` and prove the appropriate lemmas about
Given `p : pmf α`, `pmf.to_outer_measure` constructs an `outer_measure` on `α`,
by assigning each set the sum of the probabilities of each of its elements.
Under this outer measure, every set is Carathéodory-measurable,
so we can further extend this to a `measure` on `α`, see `pmf.to_measure`.
`pmf.to_measure.is_probability_measure` shows this associated measure is a probability measure.
## Tags
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -45,7 +46,7 @@ lemma summable_coe (p : pmf α) : summable p := (p.has_sum_coe_one).summable
@[simp] lemma tsum_coe (p : pmf α) : ∑' a, p a = 1 := p.has_sum_coe_one.tsum_eq

/-- The support of a `pmf` is the set where it is nonzero. -/
def support (p : pmf α) : set α := {a | p.1 a ≠ 0}
def support (p : pmf α) : set α := p

@[simp] lemma mem_support_iff (p : pmf α) (a : α) :
a ∈ ↔ p a ≠ 0 := iff.rfl
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -348,7 +349,7 @@ by simpa only [uniform_of_fintype, finset.mem_univ, if_true, uniform_of_finset_a

end uniform

/-- Given a `f` with non-zero sum, we get a `pmf` by normalizing `f` by its `tsum` -/
/-- Given a `f` with non-zero sum, we get a `pmf` by normalizing `f` by it's `tsum` -/
def normalize (f : α → ℝ≥0) (hf0 : tsum f ≠ 0) : pmf α :=
⟨λ a, f a * (∑' x, f x)⁻¹,
(mul_inv_cancel hf0) ▸ has_sum.mul_right (∑' x, f x)⁻¹
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -402,4 +403,107 @@ rfl

end bernoulli

section outer_measure

open measure_theory measure_theory.outer_measure

/-- Construct an `outer_measure` from a `pmf`, by assigning measure to each set `s : set α` equal
to the sum of `p x` for for each `x ∈ α` -/
def to_outer_measure (p : pmf α) : outer_measure α :=
outer_measure.sum (λ (x : α), p x • dirac x)

lemma to_outer_measure_apply (p : pmf α) (s : set α) :
p.to_outer_measure s = ∑' x, s.indicator (λ x, (p x : ℝ≥0∞)) x :=
tsum_congr (λ x, smul_dirac_apply (p x) x s)

lemma to_outer_measure_apply' (p : pmf α) (s : set α) :
p.to_outer_measure s = ↑(∑' (x : α), s.indicator p x) :=
by simp only [ennreal.coe_tsum (nnreal.indicator_summable (summable_coe p) s),
ennreal.coe_indicator, to_outer_measure_apply]

lemma to_outer_measure_apply_finset (p : pmf α) (s : finset α) :
p.to_outer_measure s = ∑ x in s, (p x : ℝ≥0∞) :=
refine (to_outer_measure_apply p s).trans ((@tsum_eq_sum _ _ _ _ _ _ s _).trans _),
{ exact λ x hx, set.indicator_of_not_mem hx _ },
{ exact finset.sum_congr rfl (λ x hx, set.indicator_of_mem hx _) }

lemma to_outer_measure_apply_fintype [fintype α] (p : pmf α) (s : set α) :
p.to_outer_measure s = ∑ x, (s.indicator (λ x, (p x : ℝ≥0∞)) x) :=
(p.to_outer_measure_apply s).trans (tsum_eq_sum (λ x h, absurd (finset.mem_univ x) h))

lemma to_outer_measure_apply_eq_zero_iff (p : pmf α) (s : set α) :
p.to_outer_measure s = 0 ↔ disjoint s :=
rw [to_outer_measure_apply', ennreal.coe_eq_zero,
tsum_eq_zero_iff (nnreal.indicator_summable (summable_coe p) s)],
exact function.funext_iff.symm.trans set.indicator_eq_zero',

lemma to_outer_measure_caratheodory (p : pmf α) :
(to_outer_measure p).caratheodory = ⊤ :=
refine (eq_top_iff.2 $ le_trans (le_Inf $ λ x hx, _) (le_sum_caratheodory _)),
obtain ⟨y, hy⟩ := hx,
exact ((le_of_eq (dirac_caratheodory _).symm).trans
(le_smul_caratheodory _ _)).trans (le_of_eq hy),

end outer_measure

section measure

open measure_theory

/-- Since every set is Carathéodory-measurable under `pmf.to_outer_measure`,
we can further extend this `outer_measure` to a `measure` on `α` -/
def to_measure [measurable_space α] (p : pmf α) : measure α :=
p.to_outer_measure.to_measure ((to_outer_measure_caratheodory p).symm ▸ le_top)

variables [measurable_space α]

lemma to_measure_apply_eq_to_outer_measure_apply (p : pmf α) (s : set α) (hs : measurable_set s) :
p.to_measure s = p.to_outer_measure s :=
to_measure_apply p.to_outer_measure _ hs

lemma to_outer_measure_apply_le_to_measure_apply (p : pmf α) (s : set α) :
p.to_outer_measure s ≤ p.to_measure s :=
le_to_measure_apply p.to_outer_measure _ s

lemma to_measure_apply (p : pmf α) (s : set α) (hs : measurable_set s) :
p.to_measure s = ∑' x, s.indicator (λ x, (p x : ℝ≥0∞)) x :=
(p.to_measure_apply_eq_to_outer_measure_apply s hs).trans (p.to_outer_measure_apply s)

lemma to_measure_apply' (p : pmf α) (s : set α) (hs : measurable_set s) :
p.to_measure s = ↑(∑' x, s.indicator p x) :=
(p.to_measure_apply_eq_to_outer_measure_apply s hs).trans (p.to_outer_measure_apply' s)

lemma to_measure_apply_finset [measurable_singleton_class α] (p : pmf α) (s : finset α) :
p.to_measure s = ∑ x in s, (p x : ℝ≥0∞) :=
(p.to_measure_apply_eq_to_outer_measure_apply s s.measurable_set).trans
(p.to_outer_measure_apply_finset s)

lemma to_measure_apply_of_finite [measurable_singleton_class α] (p : pmf α) (s : set α)
(hs : s.finite) : p.to_measure s = ∑' x, s.indicator (λ x, (p x : ℝ≥0∞)) x :=
(p.to_measure_apply_eq_to_outer_measure_apply s hs.measurable_set).trans
(p.to_outer_measure_apply s)

lemma to_measure_apply_fintype [measurable_singleton_class α] [fintype α] (p : pmf α) (s : set α) :
p.to_measure s = ∑ x, s.indicator (λ x, (p x : ℝ≥0∞)) x :=
(p.to_measure_apply_eq_to_outer_measure_apply s (set.finite.of_fintype s).measurable_set).trans
(p.to_outer_measure_apply_fintype s)

/-- The measure associated to a `pmf` by `to_measure` is a probability measure -/
instance to_measure.is_probability_measure (p : pmf α) : is_probability_measure (p.to_measure) :=
by simpa only [measurable_set.univ, to_measure_apply_eq_to_outer_measure_apply, set.indicator_univ,
to_outer_measure_apply', ennreal.coe_eq_one] using tsum_coe p⟩

end measure

end pmf

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