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feat(order/closure): closure of unions and bUnions (#7361)
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prove closure_closure_union and similar
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YaelDillies committed May 7, 2021
1 parent b20e664 commit 11a06de
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90 changes: 82 additions & 8 deletions src/order/closure.lean
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Expand Up @@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ by coercion, see ``.
universe u
universes u v

variables (α : Type u) [partial_order α]

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -73,25 +73,58 @@ def mk' (f : α → α) (hf₁ : monotone f) (hf₂ : ∀ x, x ≤ f x) (hf₃ :
le_closure' := hf₂,
idempotent' := λ x, le_antisymm (hf₃ x) (hf₁ (hf₂ x)) }

/-- Convenience constructor for a closure operator using the weaker minimality axiom:
`x ≤ f y → f x ≤ f y`, which is sometimes easier to prove in practice. -/
def mk₂ (f : α → α) (hf : ∀ x, x ≤ f x) (hmin : ∀ ⦃x y⦄, x ≤ f y → f x ≤ f y) :
closure_operator α :=
{ to_fun := f,
monotone' := λ x y hxy, hmin (le_trans hxy (hf y)),
le_closure' := hf,
idempotent' := λ x, le_antisymm (hmin (le_refl _)) (hf _) }

/-- Expanded out version of `mk₂`. `p` implies being closed. This constructor should be used when
you already know a sufficient condition for being closed and using `mem_mk₃_closed` will avoid you
the (slight) hassle of having to prove it both inside and outside the constructor. -/
def mk₃ (f : α → α) (p : α → Prop) (hf : ∀ x, x ≤ f x) (hfp : ∀ x, p (f x))
(hmin : ∀ ⦃x y⦄, x ≤ y → p y → f x ≤ y) :
closure_operator α :=
mk₂ f hf (λ x y hxy, hmin hxy (hfp y))

/-- This lemma shows that the image of `x` of a closure operator built from the `mk₃` constructor
respects `p`, the property that was fed into it. -/
lemma closure_mem_mk₃ {f : α → α} {p : α → Prop} {hf : ∀ x, x ≤ f x} {hfp : ∀ x, p (f x)}
{hmin : ∀ ⦃x y⦄, x ≤ y → p y → f x ≤ y} (x : α) :
p (mk₃ f p hf hfp hmin x) :=
hfp x

/-- Analogue of `closure_le_closed_iff_le` but with the `p` that was fed into the `mk₃` constructor.
lemma closure_le_mk₃_iff {f : α → α} {p : α → Prop} {hf : ∀ x, x ≤ f x} {hfp : ∀ x, p (f x)}
{hmin : ∀ ⦃x y⦄, x ≤ y → p y → f x ≤ y} {x y : α} (hxy : x ≤ y) (hy : p y) :
mk₃ f p hf hfp hmin x ≤ y :=
hmin hxy hy

@[mono] lemma monotone : monotone c := c.monotone'
Every element is less than its closure. This property is sometimes referred to as extensivity or
lemma le_closure (x : α) : x ≤ c x := c.le_closure' x
@[simp] lemma idempotent (x : α) : c (c x) = c x := c.idempotent' x

lemma le_closure_iff (x y : α) : x ≤ c y ↔ c x ≤ c y :=
⟨λ h, c.idempotent y ▸ c.monotone h, λ h, le_trans (c.le_closure x) h⟩

lemma closure_top {α : Type u} [order_top α] (c : closure_operator α) : c ⊤ = ⊤ :=
@[simp] lemma closure_top {α : Type u} [order_top α] (c : closure_operator α) : c ⊤ = ⊤ :=
le_antisymm le_top (c.le_closure _)

lemma closure_inter_le {α : Type u} [semilattice_inf α] (c : closure_operator α) (x y : α) :
lemma closure_inf_le {α : Type u} [semilattice_inf α] (c : closure_operator α) (x y : α) :
c (x ⊓ y) ≤ c x ⊓ c y :=
c.monotone.map_inf_le _ _

lemma closure_union_closure_le {α : Type u} [semilattice_sup α] (c : closure_operator α) (x y : α) :
lemma closure_sup_closure_le {α : Type u} [semilattice_sup α] (c : closure_operator α) (x y : α) :
c x ⊔ c y ≤ c (x ⊔ y) :=
c.monotone.le_map_sup _ _

Expand All @@ -115,13 +148,54 @@ def to_closed (x : α) : c.closed := ⟨c x, c.closure_is_closed x⟩
lemma top_mem_closed {α : Type u} [order_top α] (c : closure_operator α) : ⊤ ∈ c.closed :=

lemma closure_le_closed_iff_le {x y : α} (hy : c.closed y) : x ≤ y ↔ c x ≤ y :=
by rw [← c.closure_eq_self_of_mem_closed hy, le_closure_iff]
@[simp] lemma closure_le_closed_iff_le (x : α) {y : α} (hy : c.closed y) : c x ≤ y ↔ x ≤ y :=
by rw [←c.closure_eq_self_of_mem_closed hy, ←le_closure_iff]

/-- A closure operator is equal to the closure operator obtained by feeding `c.closed` into the
`mk₃` constructor. -/
lemma eq_mk₃_closed (c : closure_operator α) :
c = mk₃ c c.closed c.le_closure c.closure_is_closed
(λ x y hxy hy, (c.closure_le_closed_iff_le x hy).2 hxy) :=
by { ext, refl }

/-- This lemma shows that the `p` fed into the `mk₃` constructor implies being closed. -/
lemma mem_mk₃_closed {f : α → α} {p : α → Prop} {hf : ∀ x, x ≤ f x} {hfp : ∀ x, p (f x)}
{hmin : ∀ ⦃x y⦄, x ≤ y → p y → f x ≤ y} {x : α} (hx : p x) :
x ∈ (mk₃ f p hf hfp hmin).closed :=
le_antisymm (hmin (le_refl _) hx) (hf _)

@[simp] lemma closure_sup_closure_left {α : Type u} [semilattice_sup α] (c : closure_operator α)
(x y : α) :
c (c x ⊔ y) = c (x ⊔ y) :=
le_antisymm ((le_closure_iff c _ _).1 (sup_le (c.monotone le_sup_left)
(le_trans le_sup_right (le_closure _ _)))) (c.monotone (sup_le_sup_right (le_closure _ _) _))

@[simp] lemma closure_sup_closure_right {α : Type u} [semilattice_sup α] (c : closure_operator α)
(x y : α) :
c (x ⊔ c y) = c (x ⊔ y) :=
by rw [sup_comm, closure_sup_closure_left, sup_comm]

@[simp] lemma closure_sup_closure {α : Type u} [semilattice_sup α] (c : closure_operator α)
(x y : α) :
c (c x ⊔ c y) = c (x ⊔ y) :=
by rw [closure_sup_closure_left, closure_sup_closure_right]

@[simp] lemma closure_supr_closure {α : Type u} {ι : Type v} [complete_lattice α]
(c : closure_operator α) (x : ι → α) :
c (⨆ i, c (x i)) = c (⨆ i, x i) :=
le_antisymm ((le_closure_iff c _ _).1 (supr_le (λ i, c.monotone
(le_supr _ _)))) (c.monotone (supr_le_supr (λ i, c.le_closure _)))

@[simp] lemma closure_bsupr_closure {α : Type u} [complete_lattice α] (c : closure_operator α)
(p : α → Prop) :
c (⨆ x (H : p x), c x) = c (⨆ x (H : p x), x) :=
le_antisymm ((le_closure_iff c _ _).1 (bsupr_le (λ x hx, c.monotone
(le_bsupr_of_le x hx (le_refl x))))) (c.monotone (bsupr_le_bsupr (λ x hx, le_closure _ _)))

/-- The set of closed elements has a Galois insertion to the underlying type. -/
def gi : galois_insertion c.to_closed coe :=
{ choice := λ x hx, ⟨x, le_antisymm hx (c.le_closure x)⟩,
gc := λ x y, (c.closure_le_closed_iff_le y.2).symm,
gc := λ x y, (c.closure_le_closed_iff_le _ y.2),
le_l_u := λ x, c.le_closure _,
choice_eq := λ x hx, le_antisymm (c.le_closure x) hx }

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/order/complete_lattice.lean
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Expand Up @@ -315,7 +315,7 @@ theorem le_Inf_inter {s t : set α} : Inf s ⊔ Inf t ≤ Inf (s ∩ t) :=
@[simp] theorem Inf_insert {a : α} {s : set α} : Inf (insert a s) = a ⊓ Inf s :=
((is_glb_Inf s).insert a).Inf_eq

theorem Sup_le_Sup_of_subset_instert_bot (h : s ⊆ insert ⊥ t) : Sup s ≤ Sup t :=
theorem Sup_le_Sup_of_subset_insert_bot (h : s ⊆ insert ⊥ t) : Sup s ≤ Sup t :=
le_trans (Sup_le_Sup h) (le_of_eq (trans Sup_insert bot_sup_eq))

theorem Inf_le_Inf_of_subset_insert_top (h : s ⊆ insert ⊤ t) : Inf t ≤ Inf s :=
Expand Down

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