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Co-authored-by: Kevin Kappelmann <>
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kappelmann and kappelmann committed Jul 7, 2020
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315 changes: 315 additions & 0 deletions src/algebra/continued_fractions/computation/approximations.lean
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Copyright (c) 2020 Kevin Kappelmann. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Kevin Kappelmann
import algebra.continued_fractions.computation.translations
import algebra.continued_fractions.continuants_recurrence
import algebra.continued_fractions.terminated_stable
import data.nat.fib
# Approximations for Continued Fraction Computations (`gcf.of`)
## Summary
Let us write `gcf` for `generalized_continued_fraction`. This file contains useful approximations
for the values involved in the continued fractions computation `gcf.of`.
## Main Theorems
- `gcf.of_part_num_eq_one`: shows that all partial numerators `aᵢ` are equal to one.
- `gcf.exists_int_eq_of_part_denom`: shows that all partial denominators `bᵢ` correspond to an integer.
- `gcf.one_le_of_nth_part_denom`: shows that `1 ≤ bᵢ`.
- `gcf.succ_nth_fib_le_of_nth_denom`: shows that the `n`th denominator `Bₙ` is greater than or equal to
the `n + 1`th fibonacci number `nat.fib (n + 1)`.
- `gcf.le_of_succ_nth_denom`: shows that `Bₙ₊₁ ≥ bₙ * Bₙ`, where `bₙ` is the `n`th partial denominator
of the continued fraction.
## References
- [*Hardy, GH and Wright, EM and Heath-Brown, Roger and Silverman, Joseph*][hardy2008introduction]

namespace generalized_continued_fraction
open generalized_continued_fraction as gcf

variables {K : Type*} {v : K} {n : ℕ} [discrete_linear_ordered_field K] [floor_ring K]

We begin with some lemmas about the stream of `int_fract_pair`s, which presumably are not
of great interest for the end user.
namespace int_fract_pair

/-- Shows that the fractional parts of the stream are in `[0,1)`. -/
lemma nth_stream_fr_nonneg_lt_one {ifp_n : int_fract_pair K}
(nth_stream_eq : v n = some ifp_n) :
0 ≤ ∧ < 1 :=
cases n,
{ have : int_fract_pair.of v = ifp_n, by injection nth_stream_eq,
simp [fract_lt_one, fract_nonneg, int_fract_pair.of, this.symm] },
case nat.succ
{ rcases (succ_nth_stream_eq_some_iff.elim_left nth_stream_eq) with ⟨_, _, _, if_of_eq_ifp_n⟩,
simp [fract_lt_one, fract_nonneg, int_fract_pair.of, if_of_eq_ifp_n.symm] }

/-- Shows that the fractional parts of the stream are nonnegative. -/
lemma nth_stream_fr_nonneg {ifp_n : int_fract_pair K}
(nth_stream_eq : v n = some ifp_n) :
0 ≤ :=
(nth_stream_fr_nonneg_lt_one nth_stream_eq).left

/-- Shows that the fractional parts of the stream smaller than one. -/
lemma nth_stream_fr_lt_one {ifp_n : int_fract_pair K}
(nth_stream_eq : v n = some ifp_n) : < 1 :=
(nth_stream_fr_nonneg_lt_one nth_stream_eq).right

/-- Shows that the integer parts of the stream are at least one. -/
lemma one_le_succ_nth_stream_b {ifp_succ_n : int_fract_pair K}
(succ_nth_stream_eq : v (n + 1) = some ifp_succ_n) :
1 ≤ ifp_succ_n.b :=
obtain ⟨ifp_n, nth_stream_eq, stream_nth_fr_ne_zero, ⟨_⟩⟩ :
∃ ifp_n, v n = some ifp_n ∧ ≠ 0
∧ int_fract_pair.of⁻¹ = ifp_succ_n, from
succ_nth_stream_eq_some_iff.elim_left succ_nth_stream_eq,
change 1 ≤ ⌊⁻¹⌋,
suffices : 1 ≤⁻¹, by { rw_mod_cast [le_floor], assumption },
suffices : 1 * ≤ 1, by
{ rw inv_eq_one_div,
have : 0 <, from
lt_of_le_of_ne (nth_stream_fr_nonneg nth_stream_eq) stream_nth_fr_ne_zero.symm,
solve_by_elim [le_div_of_mul_le], },
simp [(le_of_lt (nth_stream_fr_lt_one nth_stream_eq))]

Shows that the `n + 1`th integer part `bₙ₊₁` of the stream is smaller or equal than the inverse of
the `n`th fractional part `frₙ` of the stream.
This result is straight-forward as `bₙ₊₁` is defined as the floor of `1 / frₙ`
lemma succ_nth_stream_b_le_nth_stream_fr_inv {ifp_n ifp_succ_n : int_fract_pair K}
(nth_stream_eq : v n = some ifp_n)
(succ_nth_stream_eq : v (n + 1) = some ifp_succ_n) :
(ifp_succ_n.b : K) ≤⁻¹ :=
suffices : (⌊⁻¹⌋ : K) ≤⁻¹, by
{ cases ifp_n with _ ifp_n_fr,
have : ifp_n_fr ≠ 0, by
{ intro h, simpa [h,, nth_stream_eq] using succ_nth_stream_eq },
have : int_fract_pair.of ifp_n_fr⁻¹ = ifp_succ_n, by
{ rw with_one.coe_inj.symm,
simpa [this,, nth_stream_eq] using succ_nth_stream_eq },
rwa ←this },
exact (floor_le⁻¹)

end int_fract_pair

Next we translate above results about the stream of `int_fract_pair`s to the computed continued
fraction `gcf.of`.

/-- Shows that the integer parts of the continued fraction are at least one. -/
lemma of_one_le_nth_part_denom {b : K}
(nth_part_denom_eq : (gcf.of v).partial_denominators.nth n = some b) :
1 ≤ b :=
obtain ⟨gp_n, nth_s_eq, ⟨_⟩⟩ : ∃ gp_n, (gcf.of v).s.nth n = some gp_n ∧ gp_n.b = b, from
exists_s_b_of_part_denom nth_part_denom_eq,
obtain ⟨ifp_n, succ_nth_stream_eq, ifp_n_b_eq_gp_n_b⟩ :
∃ ifp, v (n + 1) = some ifp ∧ (ifp.b : K) = gp_n.b, from
int_fract_pair.exists_succ_nth_stream_of_gcf_of_nth_eq_some nth_s_eq,
rw [←ifp_n_b_eq_gp_n_b],
exact_mod_cast (int_fract_pair.one_le_succ_nth_stream_b succ_nth_stream_eq)

Shows that the partial numerators `aᵢ` of the continued fraction are equal to one and the partial
denominators `bᵢ` correspond to integers.
lemma of_part_num_eq_one_and_exists_int_part_denom_eq {gp : gcf.pair K}
(nth_s_eq : (gcf.of v).s.nth n = some gp) :
gp.a = 1 ∧ ∃ (z : ℤ), gp.b = (z : K) :=
obtain ⟨ifp, stream_succ_nth_eq, ifp_b_eq_gp_b⟩ :
∃ ifp, v (n + 1) = some ifp ∧ (ifp.b : K) = gp.b,
from int_fract_pair.exists_succ_nth_stream_of_gcf_of_nth_eq_some nth_s_eq,
have : (gcf.of v).s.nth n = some ⟨1, ifp.b⟩, from
nth_of_eq_some_of_succ_nth_int_fract_pair_stream stream_succ_nth_eq,
have : some gp = some ⟨1, ifp.b⟩, by rwa nth_s_eq at this,
have : gp = ⟨1, ifp.b⟩, by injection this,
-- We know the shape of gp, so now we just have to split the goal and use this knowledge.
cases gp,
{ injection this },
{ existsi ifp.b, injection this }

/-- Shows that the partial numerators `aᵢ` are equal to one. -/
lemma of_part_num_eq_one {a : K} (nth_part_num_eq : (gcf.of v).partial_numerators.nth n = some a) :
a = 1 :=
obtain ⟨gp, nth_s_eq, gp_a_eq_a_n⟩ : ∃ gp, (gcf.of v).s.nth n = some gp ∧ gp.a = a, from
exists_s_a_of_part_num nth_part_num_eq,
have : gp.a = 1, from (of_part_num_eq_one_and_exists_int_part_denom_eq nth_s_eq).left,
rwa gp_a_eq_a_n at this

/-- Shows that the partial denominators `bᵢ` correspond to an integer. -/
lemma exists_int_eq_of_part_denom {b : K}
(nth_part_denom_eq : (gcf.of v).partial_denominators.nth n = some b) :
∃ (z : ℤ), b = (z : K) :=
obtain ⟨gp, nth_s_eq, gp_b_eq_b_n⟩ : ∃ gp, (gcf.of v).s.nth n = some gp ∧ gp.b = b, from
exists_s_b_of_part_denom nth_part_denom_eq,
have : ∃ (z : ℤ), gp.b = (z : K), from
(of_part_num_eq_one_and_exists_int_part_denom_eq nth_s_eq).right,
rwa gp_b_eq_b_n at this

One of our next goals is to show that `Bₙ₊₁ ≥ bₙ * Bₙ`. For this, we first show that the partial
denominators `Bₙ` are bounded from below by the fibonacci sequence `nat.fib`. This then implies that
`0 ≤ Bₙ` and hence `Bₙ₊₂ = bₙ₊₁ * Bₙ₊₁ + Bₙ ≥ bₙ₊₁ * Bₙ₊₁ + 0 = bₙ₊₁ * Bₙ₊₁`.

-- open `nat` as we will make use of fibonacci numbers.
open nat

lemma fib_le_of_continuants_aux_b : (n ≤ 1 ∨ ¬(gcf.of v).terminated_at (n - 2)) →
(fib n : K) ≤ ((gcf.of v).continuants_aux n).b :=
nat.strong_induction_on n
clear n,
assume n IH hyp,
rcases n with _|_|n,
{ simp [fib_succ_succ, continuants_aux] }, -- case n = 0
{ simp [fib_succ_succ, continuants_aux] }, -- case n = 1
{ let g := gcf.of v, -- case 2 ≤ n
have : ¬(n + 21), by linarith,
have not_terminated_at_n : ¬g.terminated_at n, from or.resolve_left hyp this,
obtain ⟨gp, s_ppred_nth_eq⟩ : ∃ gp, g.s.nth n = some gp, from
with_one.ne_one_iff_exists.elim_left not_terminated_at_n,
set pconts := g.continuants_aux (n + 1) with pconts_eq,
set ppconts := g.continuants_aux n with ppconts_eq,
-- use the recurrence of continuants_aux
suffices : (fib n : K) + fib (n + 1) ≤ gp.a * ppconts.b + gp.b * pconts.b, by
simpa [fib_succ_succ, add_comm,
(continuants_aux_recurrence s_ppred_nth_eq ppconts_eq pconts_eq)],
-- make use of the fact that gp.a = 1
suffices : (fib n : K) + fib (n + 1) ≤ ppconts.b + gp.b * pconts.b, by
simpa [(of_part_num_eq_one $ part_num_eq_s_a s_ppred_nth_eq)],
have not_terminated_at_pred_n : ¬g.terminated_at (n - 1), from
mt (terminated_stable $ nat.sub_le n 1) not_terminated_at_n,
have not_terminated_at_ppred_n : ¬terminated_at g (n - 2), from
mt (terminated_stable (n - 1).pred_le) not_terminated_at_pred_n,
-- use the IH to get the inequalities for `pconts` and `ppconts`
have : (fib (n + 1) : K) ≤ pconts.b, from
IH _ ( $ n + 1) (or.inr not_terminated_at_pred_n),
have ppred_nth_fib_le_ppconts_B : (fib n : K) ≤ ppconts.b, from
IH n (lt_trans ( n) $ $ n + 1)
(or.inr not_terminated_at_ppred_n),
suffices : (fib (n + 1) : K) ≤ gp.b * pconts.b,
solve_by_elim [(add_le_add ppred_nth_fib_le_ppconts_B)],
-- finally use the fact that 1 ≤ gp.b to solve the goal
suffices : 1 * (fib (n + 1) : K) ≤ gp.b * pconts.b, by rwa [one_mul] at this,
have one_le_gp_b : (1 : K) ≤ gp.b, from
of_one_le_nth_part_denom (part_denom_eq_s_b s_ppred_nth_eq),
have : (0 : K) ≤ fib (n + 1), by exact_mod_cast (fib (n + 1)).zero_le,
have : (0 : K) ≤ gp.b, from le_trans zero_le_one one_le_gp_b,
mono }

/-- Shows that the `n`th denominator is greater than or equal to the `n + 1`th fibonacci number,
that is `nat.fib (n + 1) ≤ Bₙ`. -/
lemma succ_nth_fib_le_of_nth_denom (hyp: n = 0 ∨ ¬(gcf.of v).terminated_at (n - 1)) :
(fib (n + 1) : K) ≤ (gcf.of v).denominators n :=
rw [denom_eq_conts_b, nth_cont_eq_succ_nth_cont_aux],
have : (n + 1) ≤ 1 ∨ ¬(gcf.of v).terminated_at (n - 1), by
{ cases n,
case : { exact (or.inl $ le_refl 1) },
case nat.succ : { exact or.inr (or.resolve_left hyp n.succ_ne_zero) } },
exact (fib_le_of_continuants_aux_b this)

/- As a simple consequence, we can now derive that all denominators are nonnegative. -/

lemma zero_le_of_continuants_aux_b : 0 ≤ ((gcf.of v).continuants_aux n).b :=
let g := gcf.of v,
induction n with n IH,
case { refl },
case nat.succ:
{ cases (decidable.em $ g.terminated_at (n - 1)) with terminated not_terminated,
{ cases n,
{ simp[zero_le_one] },
{ have : g.continuants_aux (n + 2) = g.continuants_aux (n + 1), from
continuants_aux_stable_step_of_terminated terminated,
simp[this, IH] } },
{ calc
(0 : K) ≤ fib (n + 1) : by exact_mod_cast (n + 1).fib.zero_le
... ≤ ((gcf.of v).continuants_aux (n + 1)).b : fib_le_of_continuants_aux_b
(or.inr not_terminated) } }

/-- Shows that all denominators are nonnegative. -/
lemma zero_le_of_denom : 0 ≤ (gcf.of v).denominators n :=
by { rw [denom_eq_conts_b, nth_cont_eq_succ_nth_cont_aux], exact zero_le_of_continuants_aux_b }

lemma le_of_succ_succ_nth_continuants_aux_b {b : K}
(nth_part_denom_eq : (gcf.of v).partial_denominators.nth n = some b) :
b * ((gcf.of v).continuants_aux $ n + 1).b ≤ ((gcf.of v).continuants_aux $ n + 2).b :=
set g := gcf.of v with g_eq,
obtain ⟨gp_n, nth_s_eq, ⟨_⟩⟩ : ∃ gp_n, g.s.nth n = some gp_n ∧ gp_n.b = b, from
exists_s_b_of_part_denom nth_part_denom_eq,
let conts := g.continuants_aux (n + 2),
set pconts := g.continuants_aux (n + 1) with pconts_eq,
set ppconts := g.continuants_aux n with ppconts_eq,
-- use the recurrence of continuants_aux and the fact that gp_n.a = 1
suffices : gp_n.b * pconts.b ≤ ppconts.b + gp_n.b * pconts.b, by
{ have : gp_n.a = 1, from of_part_num_eq_one (part_num_eq_s_a nth_s_eq),
finish [(gcf.continuants_aux_recurrence nth_s_eq ppconts_eq pconts_eq)] },
have : 0 ≤ ppconts.b, from zero_le_of_continuants_aux_b,
solve_by_elim [le_add_of_nonneg_of_le, le_refl]

/-- Shows that `Bₙ₊₁ ≥ bₙ * Bₙ`, where `bₙ` is the `n`th partial denominator and `Bₙ₊₁` and `Bₙ` are
the `n + 1`th and `n`th denominator of the continued fraction. -/
theorem le_of_succ_nth_denom {b : K}
(nth_part_denom_eq : (gcf.of v).partial_denominators.nth n = some b) :
b * (gcf.of v).denominators n ≤ (gcf.of v).denominators (n + 1) :=
rw [denom_eq_conts_b, nth_cont_eq_succ_nth_cont_aux],
exact (le_of_succ_succ_nth_continuants_aux_b nth_part_denom_eq)

/-- Shows that the sequence of denominators is monotonically increasing, that is `Bₙ ≤ Bₙ₊₁`. -/
theorem of_denom_mono : (gcf.of v).denominators n ≤ (gcf.of v).denominators (n + 1) :=
let g := gcf.of v,
cases (decidable.em $ g.partial_denominators.terminated_at n) with terminated not_terminated,
{ have : g.partial_denominators.nth n = none, by rwa seq.terminated_at at terminated,
have : g.terminated_at n, from
terminated_at_iff_part_denom_none.elim_right (by rwa seq.terminated_at at terminated),
have : (gcf.of v).denominators (n + 1) = (gcf.of v).denominators n, from
denominators_stable_of_terminated n.le_succ this,
rw this },
{ obtain ⟨b, nth_part_denom_eq⟩ : ∃ b, g.partial_denominators.nth n = some b, from
with_one.ne_one_iff_exists.elim_left not_terminated,
have : 1 ≤ b, from of_one_le_nth_part_denom nth_part_denom_eq,
(gcf.of v).denominators n ≤ b * (gcf.of v).denominators n : by simpa using
this zero_le_of_denom
... ≤ (gcf.of v).denominators (n + 1) : le_of_succ_nth_denom
nth_part_denom_eq }

end generalized_continued_fraction
Expand Up @@ -122,7 +122,7 @@ begin
-- use the IH and the fact that⁻¹ = ⌊⁻¹⌋ to prove this case
obtain ⟨ifp_n', nth_stream_eq', ifp_n_fract_inv_eq_floor⟩ :
∃ ifp_n, v n = some ifp_n ∧⁻¹ = ⌊⁻¹⌋, from
int_fract_pair.obtain_succ_nth_stream_of_fr_zero succ_nth_stream_eq ifp_succ_n_fr_eq_zero,
int_fract_pair.exists_succ_nth_stream_of_fr_zero succ_nth_stream_eq ifp_succ_n_fr_eq_zero,
have : ifp_n' = ifp_n, by injection (eq.trans (nth_stream_eq').symm nth_stream_eq),
cases this,
have s_nth_eq : g.s.nth n = some ⟨1, ⌊⁻¹⌋⟩, from
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ac_refl } }

Shows the correctness of `comp_exact_value` in case the `` of the corresponding
to the continued fraction terminated.
lemma comp_exact_value_correctness_of_stream_eq_none
/-- The convergent of `gcf.of v` at step `n - 1` is exactly `v` if the `` of
the corresponding continued fraction terminated at step `n`. -/
lemma of_correctness_of_nth_stream_eq_none
(nth_stream_eq_none : v n = none) :
v = (gcf.of v).convergents (n - 1) :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -207,7 +205,7 @@ theorem of_correctness_of_terminated_at (terminated_at_n : (gcf.of v).terminated
v = (gcf.of v).convergents n :=
have v (n + 1) = none, from
gcf.of_terminated_at_n_iff_succ_nth_int_fract_pair_stream_eq_none.elim_left terminated_at_n,
comp_exact_value_correctness_of_stream_eq_none this
of_correctness_of_nth_stream_eq_none this

/-- If `gcf.of v` terminates, then there is `n : ℕ` such that the `n`th convergent is exactly `v`. -/
lemma of_correctness_of_terminates (terminates : (gcf.of v).terminates) :
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4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/algebra/continued_fractions/computation/translations.lean
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{ rintro ⟨⟨_⟩, ifp_n_props⟩, finish [, ifp_n_props] }

lemma obtain_succ_nth_stream_of_fr_zero {ifp_succ_n : int_fract_pair K}
lemma exists_succ_nth_stream_of_fr_zero {ifp_succ_n : int_fract_pair K}
(stream_succ_nth_eq : v (n + 1) = some ifp_succ_n)
(succ_nth_fr_eq_zero : = 0) :
∃ (ifp_n : int_fract_pair K), v n = some ifp_n ∧⁻¹ = ⌊⁻¹⌋ :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ section values
Now let's show how the values of the sequences correspond to one another.

lemma int_fract_pair.obtain_succ_nth_stream_of_gcf_of_nth_eq_some {gp_n : gcf.pair K}
lemma int_fract_pair.exists_succ_nth_stream_of_gcf_of_nth_eq_some {gp_n : gcf.pair K}
(s_nth_eq : (gcf.of v).s.nth n = some gp_n) :
∃ (ifp : int_fract_pair K), v (n + 1) = some ifp ∧ (ifp.b : K) = gp_n.b :=
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8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/algebra/continued_fractions/continuants_recurrence.lean
Expand Up @@ -51,10 +51,10 @@ lemma numerators_recurrence {gp : gcf.pair K} {ppredA predA : K}
g.numerators (n + 2) = gp.b * predA + gp.a * ppredA :=
obtain ⟨ppredConts, nth_conts_eq, ⟨rfl⟩⟩ : ∃ conts, g.continuants n = conts ∧ conts.a = ppredA,
from obtain_conts_a_of_num nth_num_eq,
from exists_conts_a_of_num nth_num_eq,
obtain ⟨predConts, succ_nth_conts_eq, ⟨rfl⟩⟩ :
∃ conts, g.continuants (n + 1) = conts ∧ conts.a = predA, from
obtain_conts_a_of_num succ_nth_num_eq,
exists_conts_a_of_num succ_nth_num_eq,
rw [num_eq_conts_a, (continuants_recurrence succ_nth_s_eq nth_conts_eq succ_nth_conts_eq)]

Expand All @@ -66,10 +66,10 @@ lemma denominators_recurrence {gp : gcf.pair K} {ppredB predB : K}
g.denominators (n + 2) = gp.b * predB + gp.a * ppredB :=
obtain ⟨ppredConts, nth_conts_eq, ⟨rfl⟩⟩ : ∃ conts, g.continuants n = conts ∧ conts.b = ppredB,
from obtain_conts_b_of_denom nth_denom_eq,
from exists_conts_b_of_denom nth_denom_eq,
obtain ⟨predConts, succ_nth_conts_eq, ⟨rfl⟩⟩ :
∃ conts, g.continuants (n + 1) = conts ∧ conts.b = predB, from
obtain_conts_b_of_denom succ_nth_denom_eq,
exists_conts_b_of_denom succ_nth_denom_eq,
rw [denom_eq_conts_b, (continuants_recurrence succ_nth_s_eq nth_conts_eq succ_nth_conts_eq)]

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