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feat(combinatorics/simple_graph/connectivity): concat and `concat_r…
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…ec` (#17209)

Adds the alternative constructor for walks along with its recursion principle. (Borrowed from lean2/hott.)

Co-authored-by: Floris van Doorn <>
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kmill and fpvandoorn committed Feb 16, 2023
1 parent 5a82b06 commit 13cd3e8
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Showing 2 changed files with 133 additions and 3 deletions.
122 changes: 122 additions & 0 deletions src/combinatorics/simple_graph/connectivity.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -151,6 +151,13 @@ def append : Π {u v w : V}, G.walk u v → G.walk v w → G.walk u w
| _ _ _ nil q := q
| _ _ _ (cons h p) q := cons h (p.append q)

/-- The reversed version of `simple_graph.walk.cons`, concatenating an edge to
the end of a walk. -/
def concat {u v w : V} (p : G.walk u v) (h : G.adj v w) : G.walk u w := p.append (cons h nil)

lemma concat_eq_append {u v w : V} (p : G.walk u v) (h : G.adj v w) :
p.concat h = p.append (cons h nil) := rfl

/-- The concatenation of the reverse of the first walk with the second walk. -/
protected def reverse_aux : Π {u v w : V}, G.walk u v → G.walk u w → G.walk v w
| _ _ _ nil q := q
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -215,6 +222,35 @@ lemma append_assoc : Π {u v w x : V} (p : G.walk u v) (q : G.walk v w) (r : G.w
(hu : u = u') (hv : v = v') (hw : w = w') :
(p.copy hu hv).append (q.copy hv hw) = (p.append q).copy hu hw := by { subst_vars, refl }

lemma concat_nil {u v : V} (h : G.adj u v) : nil.concat h = cons h nil := rfl

@[simp] lemma concat_cons {u v w x : V} (h : G.adj u v) (p : G.walk v w) (h' : G.adj w x) :
(cons h p).concat h' = cons h (p.concat h') := rfl

lemma append_concat {u v w x : V} (p : G.walk u v) (q : G.walk v w) (h : G.adj w x) :
p.append (q.concat h) = (p.append q).concat h := append_assoc _ _ _

lemma concat_append {u v w x : V} (p : G.walk u v) (h : G.adj v w) (q : G.walk w x) :
(p.concat h).append q = p.append (cons h q) :=
by rw [concat_eq_append, ← append_assoc, cons_nil_append]

/-- A non-trivial `cons` walk is representable as a `concat` walk. -/
lemma exists_cons_eq_concat : Π {u v w : V} (h : G.adj u v) (p : G.walk v w),
∃ (x : V) (q : G.walk u x) (h' : G.adj x w), cons h p = q.concat h'
| _ _ _ h nil := ⟨_, nil, h, rfl⟩
| _ _ _ h (cons h' p) :=
obtain ⟨y, q, h'', hc⟩ := exists_cons_eq_concat h' p,
refine ⟨y, cons h q, h'', _⟩,
rw [concat_cons, hc],

/-- A non-trivial `concat` walk is representable as a `cons` walk. -/
lemma exists_concat_eq_cons : Π {u v w : V} (p : G.walk u v) (h : G.adj v w),
∃ (x : V) (h' : G.adj u x) (q : G.walk x w), p.concat h = cons h' q
| _ _ _ nil h := ⟨_, h, nil, rfl⟩
| _ _ _ (cons h' p) h := ⟨_, h', walk.concat p h, concat_cons _ _ _⟩

@[simp] lemma reverse_nil {u : V} : (nil : G.walk u u).reverse = nil := rfl

lemma reverse_singleton {u v : V} (h : G.adj u v) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -250,6 +286,10 @@ by simp [reverse]
(p.append q).reverse = q.reverse.append p.reverse :=
by simp [reverse]

@[simp] lemma reverse_concat {u v w : V} (p : G.walk u v) (h : G.adj v w) :
(p.concat h).reverse = cons (G.symm h) p.reverse :=
by simp [concat_eq_append]

@[simp] lemma reverse_reverse : Π {u v : V} (p : G.walk u v), p.reverse.reverse = p
| _ _ nil := rfl
| _ _ (cons h p) := by simp [reverse_reverse]
Expand All @@ -268,6 +308,9 @@ by { subst_vars, refl }
| _ _ _ nil _ := by simp
| _ _ _ (cons _ _) _ := by simp [length_append, add_left_comm, add_comm]

@[simp] lemma length_concat {u v w : V} (p : G.walk u v) (h : G.adj v w) :
(p.concat h).length = p.length + 1 := length_append _ _

@[simp] protected lemma length_reverse_aux : Π {u v w : V} (p : G.walk u v) (q : G.walk u w),
(p.reverse_aux q).length = p.length + q.length
| _ _ _ nil _ := by simp!
Expand All @@ -291,6 +334,76 @@ end
@[simp] lemma length_eq_zero_iff {u : V} {p : G.walk u u} : p.length = 0 ↔ p = nil :=
by cases p; simp

section concat_rec

{motive : Π (u v : V), G.walk u v → Sort*}
(Hnil : Π {u : V}, motive u u nil)
(Hconcat : Π {u v w : V} (p : G.walk u v) (h : G.adj v w), motive u v p → motive u w (p.concat h))

/-- Auxiliary definition for `simple_graph.walk.concat_rec` -/
def concat_rec_aux : Π {u v : V} (p : G.walk u v), motive v u p.reverse
| _ _ nil := Hnil
| _ _ (cons h p) := eq.rec (Hconcat p.reverse (G.symm h) (concat_rec_aux p)) (reverse_cons h p).symm

/-- Recursor on walks by inducting on `simple_graph.walk.concat`.
This is inducting from the opposite end of the walk compared
to `simple_graph.walk.rec`, which inducts on `simple_graph.walk.cons`. -/
def concat_rec {u v : V} (p : G.walk u v) : motive u v p :=
eq.rec (concat_rec_aux @Hnil @Hconcat p.reverse) (reverse_reverse p)

@[simp] lemma concat_rec_nil (u : V) :
@concat_rec _ _ motive @Hnil @Hconcat _ _ (nil : G.walk u u) = Hnil := rfl

@[simp] lemma concat_rec_concat {u v w : V} (p : G.walk u v) (h : G.adj v w) :
@concat_rec _ _ motive @Hnil @Hconcat _ _ (p.concat h)
= Hconcat p h (concat_rec @Hnil @Hconcat p) :=
simp only [concat_rec],
apply eq_of_heq,
apply rec_heq_of_heq,
transitivity concat_rec_aux @Hnil @Hconcat (cons h.symm p.reverse),
{ congr, simp },
{ rw [concat_rec_aux, rec_heq_iff_heq],
congr; simp [heq_rec_iff_heq], }

end concat_rec

lemma concat_ne_nil {u v : V} (p : G.walk u v) (h : G.adj v u) :
p.concat h ≠ nil :=
by cases p; simp [concat]

lemma concat_inj {u v v' w : V}
{p : G.walk u v} {h : G.adj v w} {p' : G.walk u v'} {h' : G.adj v' w}
(he : p.concat h = p'.concat h') :
∃ (hv : v = v'), p.copy rfl hv = p' :=
induction p,
{ cases p',
{ exact ⟨rfl, rfl⟩ },
{ exfalso,
simp only [concat_nil, concat_cons] at he,
obtain ⟨rfl, he⟩ := he,
simp only [heq_iff_eq] at he,
exact concat_ne_nil _ _ he.symm, } },
{ rw concat_cons at he,
cases p',
{ exfalso,
simp only [concat_nil] at he,
obtain ⟨rfl, he⟩ := he,
rw [heq_iff_eq] at he,
exact concat_ne_nil _ _ he, },
{ rw concat_cons at he,
simp only at he,
obtain ⟨rfl, he⟩ := he,
rw [heq_iff_eq] at he,
obtain ⟨rfl, rfl⟩ := p_ih he,
exact ⟨rfl, rfl⟩, } }

/-- The `support` of a walk is the list of vertices it visits in order. -/
def support : Π {u v : V}, G.walk u v → list V
| u v nil := [u]
Expand All @@ -310,6 +423,9 @@ def edges {u v : V} (p : G.walk u v) : list (sym2 V) := dart.edge
@[simp] lemma support_cons {u v w : V} (h : G.adj u v) (p : G.walk v w) :
(cons h p).support = u :: := rfl

@[simp] lemma support_concat {u v w : V} (p : G.walk u v) (h : G.adj v w) :
(p.concat h).support = w := by induction p; simp [*, concat_nil]

@[simp] lemma support_copy {u v u' v'} (p : G.walk u v) (hu : u = u') (hv : v = v') :
(p.copy hu hv).support = := by { subst_vars, refl }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -427,6 +543,9 @@ edges_subset_edge_set p h
@[simp] lemma darts_cons {u v w : V} (h : G.adj u v) (p : G.walk v w) :
(cons h p).darts = ⟨(u, v), h⟩ :: p.darts := rfl

@[simp] lemma darts_concat {u v w : V} (p : G.walk u v) (h : G.adj v w) :
(p.concat h).darts = p.darts.concat ⟨(v, w), h⟩ := by induction p; simp [*, concat_nil]

@[simp] lemma darts_copy {u v u' v'} (p : G.walk u v) (hu : u = u') (hv : v = v') :
(p.copy hu hv).darts = p.darts := by { subst_vars, refl }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -463,6 +582,9 @@ by simpa! using congr_arg list.init (map_fst_darts_append p)
@[simp] lemma edges_cons {u v w : V} (h : G.adj u v) (p : G.walk v w) :
(cons h p).edges = ⟦(u, v)⟧ :: p.edges := rfl

@[simp] lemma edges_concat {u v w : V} (p : G.walk u v) (h : G.adj v w) :
(p.concat h).edges = p.edges.concat ⟦(v, w)⟧ := by simp [edges]

@[simp] lemma edges_copy {u v u' v'} (p : G.walk u v) (hu : u = u') (hv : v = v') :
(p.copy hu hv).edges = p.edges := by { subst_vars, refl }

Expand Down
14 changes: 11 additions & 3 deletions src/logic/basic.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -908,9 +908,17 @@ lemma heq_of_cast_eq :
lemma cast_eq_iff_heq {α β : Sort*} {a : α} {a' : β} {e : α = β} : cast e a = a' ↔ a == a' :=
⟨heq_of_cast_eq _, λ h, by cases h; refl⟩

lemma rec_heq_of_heq {β} {C : α → Sort*} {x : C a} {y : β} (eq : a = b) (h : x == y) :
@eq.rec α a C x b eq == y :=
by subst eq; exact h
lemma rec_heq_of_heq {β} {C : α → Sort*} {x : C a} {y : β} (e : a = b) (h : x == y) :
@eq.rec α a C x b e == y :=
by subst e; exact h

lemma rec_heq_iff_heq {β} {C : α → Sort*} {x : C a} {y : β} {e : a = b} :
@eq.rec α a C x b e == y ↔ x == y :=
by subst e

lemma heq_rec_iff_heq {β} {C : α → Sort*} {x : β} {y : C a} {e : a = b} :
x == @eq.rec α a C y b e ↔ x == y :=
by subst e

protected lemma eq.congr {x₁ x₂ y₁ y₂ : α} (h₁ : x₁ = y₁) (h₂ : x₂ = y₂) :
(x₁ = x₂) ↔ (y₁ = y₂) :=
Expand Down

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