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feat(ring_theory/polynomial/chebyshev/defs): Chebyshev polynomials of…
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… the second kind (#5793)

This will define Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind and introduce some basic properties:

- [x] Define Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind.
- [x] Relate Chebyshev polynomials of the first and second kind through recursive formulae
- [x] Prove trigonometric identity regarding Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind
- [x] Compute the derivative of the Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind in terms of the Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind. 
- [x] Compute the derivative of the Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind in terms of the Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind.

Co-authored-by: Julian-Kuelshammer <>
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Julian-Kuelshammer and Julian-Kuelshammer committed Jan 29, 2021
1 parent 1edd85c commit 145f127
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Showing 3 changed files with 221 additions and 6 deletions.
9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions docs/references.bib
Expand Up @@ -523,3 +523,12 @@ @misc{scholze2011perfectoid

title={Roots of {C}hebyshev polynomials: a purely algebraic approach},
author={Lionel Ponton},
32 changes: 30 additions & 2 deletions src/analysis/special_functions/trigonometric.lean
Expand Up @@ -2561,7 +2561,8 @@ section chebyshev₁

open polynomial complex

/-- the `n`-th Chebyshev polynomial evaluates on `cos θ` to the value `cos (n * θ)`. -/
/-- The `n`-th Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind evaluates on `cos θ` to the
value `cos (n * θ)`. -/
lemma chebyshev₁_complex_cos (θ : ℂ) :
∀ n, (chebyshev₁ ℂ n).eval (cos θ) = cos (n * θ)
| 0 := by simp only [chebyshev₁_zero, eval_one, nat.cast_zero, zero_mul, cos_zero]
Expand All @@ -2576,13 +2577,40 @@ begin

/-- `cos (n * θ)` is equal to the `n`-th Chebyshev polynomial evaluated on `cos θ`. -/
/-- `cos (n * θ)` is equal to the `n`-th Chebyshev polynomial of the first kind evaluated
on `cos θ`. -/
lemma cos_nat_mul (n : ℕ) (θ : ℂ) :
cos (n * θ) = (chebyshev₁ ℂ n).eval (cos θ) :=
(chebyshev₁_complex_cos θ n).symm

end chebyshev₁

section chebyshev₂

open polynomial complex

/-- The `n`-th Chebyshev polynomial of the second kind evaluates on `cos θ` to the
value `sin ((n+1) * θ) / sin θ`. -/
lemma chebyshev₂_complex_cos (θ : ℂ) (n : ℕ) :
(chebyshev₂ ℂ n).eval (cos θ) * sin θ = sin ((n+1) * θ) :=
induction n with d hd,
{ simp only [chebyshev₂_zero, nat.cast_zero, eval_one, mul_one, zero_add, one_mul] },
{ rw chebyshev₂_eq_X_mul_chebyshev₂_add_chebyshev₁,
simp only [eval_add, eval_mul, eval_X, chebyshev₁_complex_cos, add_mul, mul_assoc, hd, one_mul],
conv_rhs { rw [sin_add, mul_comm] },
simp only [add_mul, one_mul] }

/-- `sin ((n + 1) * θ)` is equal to `sin θ` multiplied with the `n`-th Chebyshev polynomial of the
second kind evaluated on `cos θ`. -/
lemma sin_nat_succ_mul (n : ℕ) (θ : ℂ) :
sin ((n + 1) * θ) = (chebyshev₂ ℂ n).eval (cos θ) * sin θ :=
(chebyshev₂_complex_cos θ n).symm

end chebyshev₂

namespace real
open_locale real

Expand Down
186 changes: 182 additions & 4 deletions src/ring_theory/polynomial/chebyshev/defs.lean
Expand Up @@ -4,32 +4,52 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Johan Commelin

import data.polynomial.eval
import data.polynomial.derivative
import tactic.ring

# Chebyshev polynomials
The Chebyshev polynomials are two families of polynomials indexed by `ℕ`,
with integral coefficients.
In this file, we only consider Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind.
See the file `ring_theory.polynomial.chebyshev.basic` for more properties.
## Main declarations
## Main definitions
* `polynomial.chebyshev₁`: the Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind.
* `polynomial.chebyshev₂`: the Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind.
* `polynomial.lambdashev`: a variant on the Chebyshev polynomials that define a Lambda structure
on `polynomial ℤ`.
## Main statements
* The formal derivative of the Chebyshev polynomials of the first kind is a scalar multiple of the
Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind.
## Implementation details
In this file we only give definitions and some very elementary simp-lemmas.
This way, we can import this file in `analysis.special_functions.trigonometric`,
and import that file in turn, in `ring_theory.polynomial.chebyshev.basic`.
## References
[Lionel Ponton, _Roots of the Chebyshev polynomials: A purely algebraic approach_]
Add Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind.
* Redefine and/or relate the definition of Chebyshev polynomials to `linear_recurrence`.
* Add explicit formula involving square roots for Chebyshev polynomials
* Compute zeroes and extrema of Chebyshev polynomials.
* Prove that the roots of the Chebyshev polynomials (except 0) are irrational.
* Prove minimax properties of Chebyshev polynomials.
* Define a variant of Chebyshev polynomials of the second kind removing the 2
(sometimes Dickson polynomials of the second kind) or even more general Dickson polynomials.
* Prove that the adjacency matrices of simply laced Dynkin diagrams are precisely the adjacency
matrices of simple connected graphs which annihilate the Dickson polynomials.

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -112,4 +132,162 @@ begin

end polynomial

namespace polynomial

variables (R S : Type*) [comm_ring R] [comm_ring S]

/-- `chebyshev₂ n` is the `n`-th Chebyshev polynomial of the second kind -/
noncomputable def chebyshev₂ : ℕ → polynomial R
| 0 := 1
| 1 := 2 * X
| (n + 2) := 2 * X * chebyshev₂ (n + 1) - chebyshev₂ n

@[simp] lemma chebyshev₂_zero : chebyshev₂ R 0 = 1 := rfl
@[simp] lemma chebyshev₂_one : chebyshev₂ R 1 = 2 * X := rfl
lemma chebyshev₂_two : chebyshev₂ R 2 = 4 * X ^ 2 - 1 :=
by { simp only [chebyshev₂], ring, }

@[simp] lemma chebyshev₂_add_two (n : ℕ) :
chebyshev₂ R (n + 2) = 2 * X * chebyshev₂ R (n + 1) - chebyshev₂ R n :=
by rw chebyshev₂

lemma chebyshev₂_of_two_le (n : ℕ) (h : 2 ≤ n) :
chebyshev₂ R n = 2 * X * chebyshev₂ R (n - 1) - chebyshev₂ R (n - 2) :=
obtain ⟨n, rfl⟩ := nat.exists_eq_add_of_le h,
rw add_comm,
exact chebyshev₂_add_two R n

lemma chebyshev₂_eq_X_mul_chebyshev₂_add_chebyshev₁ :
∀ (n : ℕ), chebyshev₂ R (n+1) = X * chebyshev₂ R n + chebyshev₁ R (n+1)
| 0 := by { simp only [chebyshev₂_zero, chebyshev₂_one, chebyshev₁_one], ring }
| 1 := by { simp only [chebyshev₂_one, chebyshev₁_two, chebyshev₂_two], ring }
| (n + 2) :=
calc chebyshev₂ R (n + 2 + 1) = 2 * X * (X * chebyshev₂ R (n + 1) + chebyshev₁ R (n + 2))
- (X * chebyshev₂ R n + chebyshev₁ R (n + 1)) :
by simp only [chebyshev₂_add_two, chebyshev₂_eq_X_mul_chebyshev₂_add_chebyshev₁ n,
chebyshev₂_eq_X_mul_chebyshev₂_add_chebyshev₁ (n + 1)]
... = X * (2 * X * chebyshev₂ R (n + 1) - chebyshev₂ R n)
+ (2 * X * chebyshev₁ R (n + 2) - chebyshev₁ R (n + 1)) :
by ring
... = X * chebyshev₂ R (n + 2) + chebyshev₁ R (n + 2 + 1) :
by simp only [chebyshev₂_add_two, chebyshev₁_add_two]

lemma chebyshev₁_eq_chebyshev₂_sub_X_mul_chebyshev₂ (n : ℕ) :
chebyshev₁ R (n+1) = chebyshev₂ R (n+1) - X * chebyshev₂ R n :=
by rw [chebyshev₂_eq_X_mul_chebyshev₂_add_chebyshev₁, add_comm (X * chebyshev₂ R n), add_sub_cancel]

lemma chebyshev₁_eq_X_mul_chebyshev₁_sub_pol_chebyshev₂ :
∀ (n : ℕ), chebyshev₁ R (n+2) = X * chebyshev₁ R (n+1) - (1 - X ^ 2) * chebyshev₂ R n
| 0 := by { simp only [chebyshev₁_one, chebyshev₁_two, chebyshev₂_zero], ring }
| 1 := by { simp only [chebyshev₁_add_two, chebyshev₁_zero, chebyshev₁_add_two,
chebyshev₂_one, chebyshev₁_one], ring }
| (n + 2) :=
calc chebyshev₁ R (n + 2 + 2)
= 2 * X * chebyshev₁ R (n + 2 + 1) - chebyshev₁ R (n + 2) : chebyshev₁_add_two _ _
... = 2 * X * (X * chebyshev₁ R (n + 2) - (1 - X ^ 2) * chebyshev₂ R (n + 1))
- (X * chebyshev₁ R (n + 1) - (1 - X ^ 2) * chebyshev₂ R n) :
by simp only [chebyshev₁_eq_X_mul_chebyshev₁_sub_pol_chebyshev₂]
... = X * (2 * X * chebyshev₁ R (n + 2) - chebyshev₁ R (n + 1))
- (1 - X ^ 2) * (2 * X * chebyshev₂ R (n + 1) - chebyshev₂ R n) :
by ring
... = X * chebyshev₁ R (n + 2 + 1) - (1 - X ^ 2) * chebyshev₂ R (n + 2) :
by rw [chebyshev₁_add_two _ (n + 1), chebyshev₂_add_two]

lemma one_sub_X_pow_two_mul_chebyshev₂_eq_pol_in_chebyshev₁ (n : ℕ) :
(1 - X ^ 2) * chebyshev₂ R n = X * chebyshev₁ R (n + 1) - chebyshev₁ R (n + 2) :=
by rw [chebyshev₁_eq_X_mul_chebyshev₁_sub_pol_chebyshev₂, ←sub_add, sub_self, zero_add]

variables {R S}

@[simp] lemma map_chebyshev₂ (f : R →+* S) :
∀ (n : ℕ), map f (chebyshev₂ R n) = chebyshev₂ S n
| 0 := by simp only [chebyshev₂_zero, map_one]
| 1 :=
simp only [chebyshev₂_one, map_X, map_mul, map_add, map_one],
change map f (1+1) * X = 2 * X,
simpa only [map_add, map_one]
| (n + 2) :=
simp only [chebyshev₂_add_two, map_mul, map_sub, map_X, bit0, map_add, map_one],
rw [map_chebyshev₂ (n + 1), map_chebyshev₂ n],

lemma chebyshev₁_derivative_eq_chebyshev₂ :
∀ (n : ℕ), derivative (chebyshev₁ R (n + 1)) = (n + 1) * chebyshev₂ R n
| 0 := by simp only [chebyshev₁_one, chebyshev₂_zero, derivative_X, nat.cast_zero, zero_add,
| 1 := by { simp only [chebyshev₁_two, chebyshev₂_one, derivative_sub, derivative_one,
derivative_mul, derivative_X_pow, nat.cast_one,
norm_num }
| (n + 2) :=
calc derivative (chebyshev₁ R (n + 2 + 1))
= 2 * chebyshev₁ R (n + 2) + 2 * X * derivative (chebyshev₁ R (n + 1 + 1))
- derivative (chebyshev₁ R (n + 1)) :
by simp only [chebyshev₁_add_two _ (n + 1), derivative_sub, derivative_mul,
derivative_X, derivative_bit0, derivative_one, bit0_zero,
zero_mul, zero_add, mul_one]
... = 2 * (chebyshev₂ R (n + 1 + 1) - X * chebyshev₂ R (n + 1))
+ 2 * X * ((n + 1 + 1) * chebyshev₂ R (n + 1)) - (n + 1) * chebyshev₂ R n :
by rw_mod_cast [chebyshev₁_derivative_eq_chebyshev₂,
chebyshev₁_derivative_eq_chebyshev₂, chebyshev₁_eq_chebyshev₂_sub_X_mul_chebyshev₂]
... = (n + 1) * (2 * X * chebyshev₂ R (n + 1) - chebyshev₂ R n) + 2 * chebyshev₂ R (n + 2) :
by ring
... = (n + 1) * chebyshev₂ R (n + 2) + 2 * chebyshev₂ R (n + 2) :
by rw chebyshev₂_add_two
... = (n + 2 + 1) * chebyshev₂ R (n + 2) :
by ring
... = (↑(n + 2) + 1) * chebyshev₂ R (n + 2) :
by norm_cast

lemma one_sub_X_pow_two_mul_derivative_chebyshev₁_eq_poly_in_chebyshev₁ (n : ℕ) :
(1 - X ^ 2) * (derivative (chebyshev₁ R (n+1))) =
(n + 1) * (chebyshev₁ R n - X * chebyshev₁ R (n+1)) :=
(1 - X ^ 2) * (derivative (chebyshev₁ R (n+1)))
= (1 - X ^ 2 ) * ((n + 1) * chebyshev₂ R n) :
by rw chebyshev₁_derivative_eq_chebyshev₂
... = (n + 1) * ((1 - X ^ 2) * chebyshev₂ R n) :
by ring
... = (n + 1) * (X * chebyshev₁ R (n + 1) - (2 * X * chebyshev₁ R (n + 1) - chebyshev₁ R n)) :
by rw [one_sub_X_pow_two_mul_chebyshev₂_eq_pol_in_chebyshev₁, chebyshev₁_add_two]
... = (n + 1) * (chebyshev₁ R n - X * chebyshev₁ R (n+1)) :
by ring

lemma add_one_mul_chebyshev₁_eq_poly_in_chebyshev₂ (n : ℕ) :
((n : polynomial R) + 1) * chebyshev₁ R (n+1) =
X * chebyshev₂ R n - (1 - X ^ 2) * derivative ( chebyshev₂ R n) :=
have h : derivative (chebyshev₁ R (n + 2)) = (chebyshev₂ R (n + 1) - X * chebyshev₂ R n)
+ X * derivative (chebyshev₁ R (n + 1)) + 2 * X * chebyshev₂ R n
- (1 - X ^ 2) * derivative (chebyshev₂ R n),
{ conv_lhs { rw chebyshev₁_eq_X_mul_chebyshev₁_sub_pol_chebyshev₂ },
simp only [derivative_sub, derivative_mul, derivative_X, derivative_one, derivative_X_pow,
one_mul, chebyshev₁_derivative_eq_chebyshev₂],
rw [chebyshev₁_eq_chebyshev₂_sub_X_mul_chebyshev₂, nat.cast_bit0, nat.cast_one],
ring },
calc ((n : polynomial R) + 1) * chebyshev₁ R (n + 1)
= ((n : polynomial R) + 1 + 1) * (X * chebyshev₂ R n + chebyshev₁ R (n + 1))
- X * ((n + 1) * chebyshev₂ R n) - (X * chebyshev₂ R n + chebyshev₁ R (n + 1)) :
by ring
... = derivative (chebyshev₁ R (n + 2)) - X * derivative (chebyshev₁ R (n + 1))
- chebyshev₂ R (n + 1) :
by rw [←chebyshev₂_eq_X_mul_chebyshev₂_add_chebyshev₁,
←chebyshev₁_derivative_eq_chebyshev₂, ←nat.cast_one, ←nat.cast_add,
nat.cast_one, ←chebyshev₁_derivative_eq_chebyshev₂ (n + 1)]
... = (chebyshev₂ R (n + 1) - X * chebyshev₂ R n) + X * derivative (chebyshev₁ R (n + 1))
+ 2 * X * chebyshev₂ R n - (1 - X ^ 2) * derivative (chebyshev₂ R n)
- X * derivative (chebyshev₁ R (n + 1)) - chebyshev₂ R (n + 1) :
by rw h
... = X * chebyshev₂ R n - (1 - X ^ 2) * derivative (chebyshev₂ R n) :
by ring,

end polynomial

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