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feat(ring_theory/localization): adds induced ring hom between fractio…
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jcommelin committed Mar 1, 2019
1 parent 05449a0 commit 15c4478
Showing 1 changed file with 111 additions and 2 deletions.
113 changes: 111 additions & 2 deletions src/ring_theory/localization.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2018 Kenny Lau. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Kenny Lau, Mario Carneiro
import tactic.ring data.quot ring_theory.ideal_operations group_theory.submonoid
import tactic.ring data.quot data.equiv.algebra ring_theory.ideal_operations group_theory.submonoid

universes u v

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -284,10 +284,12 @@ instance non_zero_divisors.is_submonoid : is_submonoid (non_zero_divisors α) :=
have z * x₁ * x₂ = 0, by rwa mul_assoc,
hx₁ z $ hx₂ (z * x₁) this }

@[simp] lemma non_zero_divisors_one_val : (1 : non_zero_divisors α).val = 1 := rfl

@[reducible] def fraction_ring := loc α (non_zero_divisors α)

section fraction_ring

open function
variables {β : Type u} [integral_domain β] [decidable_eq β]

lemma ne_zero_of_mem_non_zero_divisors {x : β}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -324,6 +326,15 @@ instance : has_inv (fraction_ring β) :=
simpa [mul_comm] using hrs.symm }

lemma mk_inv {r s} :
(mk r s : fraction_ring β)⁻¹ =
if h : r = 0 then 0 else ⟦⟨s, r, mem_non_zero_divisors_of_ne_zero h⟩⟧ := rfl

lemma mk_inv' :
∀ (x : β × (non_zero_divisors β)), (⟦x⟧⁻¹ : fraction_ring β) =
if h : x.1 = 0 then 0 else ⟦⟨x.2.val, x.1, mem_non_zero_divisors_of_ne_zero h⟩⟧
| ⟨r,s,hs⟩ := rfl

instance : decidable_eq (fraction_ring β) :=
@quotient.decidable_eq (β × non_zero_divisors β) (localization.setoid β (non_zero_divisors β)) $
λ ⟨r₁, s₁, hs₁⟩ ⟨r₂, s₂, hs₂⟩, show decidable (∃ t ∈ non_zero_divisors β, (s₁ * r₂ - s₂ * r₁) * t = 0),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -356,6 +367,10 @@ exact localization.mk_eq_mul_mk_one _ _

variables {β}

@[simp] lemma mk_eq_div' (x : β × (non_zero_divisors β)) :
(⟦x⟧ : fraction_ring β) = ((x.1) / ((x.2).val) : fraction_ring β) :=
by erw ← mk_eq_div; cases x; refl

lemma eq_zero_of (x : β) (h : (of x : fraction_ring β) = 0) : x = 0 :=
rcases quotient.exact h with ⟨t, ht, ht'⟩,
Expand All @@ -365,6 +380,100 @@ end
lemma of.injective : function.injective (of : β → fraction_ring β) :=
(is_add_group_hom.injective_iff _).mpr eq_zero_of

section map
open function is_ring_hom
variables {A : Type u} [integral_domain A] [decidable_eq A]
variables {B : Type v} [integral_domain B] [decidable_eq B]
variables (f : A → B) [is_ring_hom f] (hf : injective f)
include hf

def map : fraction_ring A → fraction_ring B :=
quotient.lift (λ rs : A × (non_zero_divisors A), (f rs.1 : fraction_ring B) / (f rs.2.val)) $
λ x y hxy,
erw div_eq_div_iff,
{ rcases hxy with ⟨t, ht, H⟩,
replace H := ht _ H,
rw sub_eq_zero at H,
erw [← coe_mul, ← coe_mul, ← map_mul f, ← map_mul f],
congr' 2,
convert H.symm using 1; exact mul_comm _ _, },
all_goals { intro h,
rw [← coe_zero, ← map_zero f] at h,
exact ne_zero_of_mem_non_zero_divisors (by simp) (injective_comp of.injective hf h), },

@[simp] lemma map_coe (a : A) : map f hf a = f a :=
delta map,
erw quotient.lift_beta,
simp [map_one f],

@[simp] lemma map_of (a : A) : map f hf (of a) = of (f a) :=
delta map,
erw quotient.lift_beta,
simpa [map_one f],

@[simp] lemma map_mk (x : A × (non_zero_divisors A)) :
map f hf ⟦x⟧ = (f x.1) / (f x.2.val) := rfl

@[simp] lemma map_circ_of :
map f hf ∘ (of : A → fraction_ring A) = (of : B → fraction_ring B) ∘ f :=
funext $ map_of f hf

instance map.is_field_hom : is_field_hom (map f hf) :=
{ map_one := by erw [map_of f hf 1, map_one f]; refl,
map_mul :=
rintros ⟨x⟩ ⟨y⟩,
repeat {erw map_mk},
rw div_mul_div,
congr' 1; erw [map_mul f, coe_mul],
map_add :=
rintros ⟨x⟩ ⟨y⟩,
repeat {erw map_mk},
rw div_add_div,
{ congr' 1,
{ simp only [coe_mul, coe_add, map_mul f, map_add f],
ring, },
{ erw [← coe_mul, ← map_mul f],
refl, } },
all_goals { intro h,
rw [← coe_zero, ← map_zero f] at h,
exact ne_zero_of_mem_non_zero_divisors (by simp) (injective_comp of.injective hf h), },
end }

def equiv_of_equiv (h : A ≃r B) : fraction_ring A ≃r fraction_ring B :=
{ hom := by apply_instance,
to_fun := map h.to_equiv (injective_of_left_inverse h.left_inv),
inv_fun := map h.symm.to_equiv (injective_of_left_inverse h.symm.left_inv),
left_inv :=
rintro ⟨x⟩,
erw [map_mk, is_field_hom.map_div (map _ _)],
{ simp only [map_coe],
repeat {erw h.to_equiv.inverse_apply_apply},
exact (mk_eq_div' x).symm, },
right_inv :=
rintro ⟨x⟩,
erw [map_mk, is_field_hom.map_div (map _ _)],
{ simp only [map_coe],
repeat {erw h.to_equiv.apply_inverse_apply},
exact (mk_eq_div' x).symm, },
end }

end map

end fraction_ring

section ideals
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