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semorrison committed Apr 4, 2019
1 parent 1c69b60 commit 173ac2f
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Showing 4 changed files with 198 additions and 1 deletion.
11 changes: 10 additions & 1 deletion src/category_theory/instances/topological_spaces.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -134,6 +134,15 @@ def map
def map_iso {X Y : Top.{u}} (f g : X ⟶ Y) (h : f = g) : map f ≅ map g :=
nat_iso.of_components (λ U, eq_to_iso (congr_fun (congr_arg _ (congr_arg _ h)) _) ) (by obviously)

@[simp] def map_iso_id {X : Top.{u}} (h) : map_iso (𝟙 X) (𝟙 X) h = iso.refl (map _) := rfl
@[simp] lemma map_iso_id {X : Top.{u}} (h) : map_iso (𝟙 X) (𝟙 X) h = iso.refl (map _) := rfl
@[simp] lemma map_iso_id' {X Y : Top.{u}} (f : X ⟶ Y) : map_iso f f (refl _) = iso.refl (map _) := rfl

@[simp] lemma map_iso_hom_app {X Y : Top.{u}} (f g : X ⟶ Y) (h : f = g) (U : opens Y) :
(map_iso f g h) U = eq_to_hom (congr_fun (congr_arg functor.obj (congr_arg map h)) U) :=

@[simp] lemma map_iso_inv_app {X Y : Top.{u}} (f g : X ⟶ Y) (h : f = g) (U : opens Y) :
(map_iso f g h) U = eq_to_hom (congr_fun (congr_arg functor.obj (congr_arg map h.symm)) U) :=

end topological_space.opens
13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions src/category_theory/isomorphism.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -48,6 +48,10 @@ calc α.inv
@[simp] lemma symm_hom (α : X ≅ Y) : α.symm.hom = α.inv := rfl
@[simp] lemma symm_inv (α : X ≅ Y) : α.symm.inv = α.hom := rfl

@[simp] lemma symm_mk {X Y : C} (hom : X ⟶ Y) (inv : Y ⟶ X) (hom_inv_id) (inv_hom_id) :
iso.symm {hom := hom, inv := inv, hom_inv_id' := hom_inv_id, inv_hom_id' := inv_hom_id} =
{hom := inv, inv := hom, hom_inv_id' := inv_hom_id, inv_hom_id' := hom_inv_id} := rfl

@[refl] def refl (X : C) : X ≅ X :=
{ hom := 𝟙 X,
inv := 𝟙 X }
Expand All @@ -64,6 +68,15 @@ infixr ` ≪≫ `:80 := iso.trans -- type as `\ll \gg`.
@[simp] lemma trans_hom (α : X ≅ Y) (β : Y ≅ Z) : (α ≪≫ β).hom = α.hom ≫ β.hom := rfl
@[simp] lemma trans_inv (α : X ≅ Y) (β : Y ≅ Z) : (α ≪≫ β).inv = β.inv ≫ α.inv := rfl

@[simp] lemma trans_mk {X Y Z : C}
(hom : X ⟶ Y) (inv : Y ⟶ X) (hom_inv_id) (inv_hom_id)
(hom' : Y ⟶ Z) (inv' : Z ⟶ Y) (hom_inv_id') (inv_hom_id') (hom_inv_id'') (inv_hom_id'') :
{hom := hom, inv := inv, hom_inv_id' := hom_inv_id, inv_hom_id' := inv_hom_id}
{hom := hom', inv := inv', hom_inv_id' := hom_inv_id', inv_hom_id' := inv_hom_id'} =
{hom := hom ≫ hom', inv := inv' ≫ inv, hom_inv_id' := hom_inv_id'', inv_hom_id' := inv_hom_id''} :=

@[simp] lemma refl_symm (X : C) : (iso.refl X).hom = 𝟙 X := rfl
@[simp] lemma trans_symm (α : X ≅ Y) (β : Y ≅ Z) : (α ≪≫ β).inv = β.inv ≫ α.inv := rfl

Expand Down
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions src/category_theory/opposites.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -98,6 +98,8 @@ instance category.opposite : category.{v₁} Cᵒᵖ :=
@[simp] lemma unop_comp {X Y Z : Cᵒᵖ} {f : X ⟶ Y} {g : Y ⟶ Z} :
(f ≫ g).unop = g.unop ≫ f.unop := rfl
@[simp] lemma unop_id {X : Cᵒᵖ} : (𝟙 X).unop = 𝟙 (unop X) := rfl
@[simp] lemma id_op_unop {X : C} : (𝟙 (op X)).unop = 𝟙 X := rfl
@[simp] lemma id_unop_op {X : Cᵒᵖ} : (𝟙 (unop X)).op = 𝟙 X := rfl

def op_op : (Cᵒᵖ)ᵒᵖ ⥤ C :=
{ obj := λ X, unop (unop X),
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -180,6 +182,18 @@ end

end functor

namespace nat_trans

variables {D : Type u₂} [𝒟 : category.{v₂} D]
include 𝒟
variables {F G : C ⥤ D}
@[simp] protected definition op (α : F ⟹ G) : G.op ⟹ F.op :=
{ app := λ X, (α.app (unop X)).op,
naturality' := begin tidy, erw α.naturality, refl, end}

end nat_trans

-- TODO the following definitions do not belong here

omit 𝒞
Expand Down
161 changes: 161 additions & 0 deletions src/category_theory/presheaf.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,161 @@
-- Copyright (c) 2018 Scott Morrison. All rights reserved.
-- Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
-- Authors: Scott Morrison, Mario Carneiro, Reid Barton

import category_theory.instances.topological_spaces
import category_theory.functor_category
import category_theory.whiskering
import category_theory.natural_isomorphism
import category_theory.opposites
import topology.basic

open topological_space

universes v u

@[simp] lemma eq.trans_refl_left {α : Sort u} {p q : α} (h : p = q) : eq.trans (eq.refl _) h = h := rfl
@[simp] lemma eq.trans_refl_right {α : Sort u} {p q : α} (h : p = q) : eq.trans h (eq.refl _) = h := rfl

@[simp] lemma congr_arg_refl {α : Sort u} {β : Sort v} {f : α → β} {a : α} :
congr_arg f (eq.refl a) = eq.refl (f a) := rfl

@[simp] lemma congr_refl_fun {α : Sort u} {β : Sort v} {f : α → β} {a₁ a₂ : α} (h : a₁ = a₂) :
congr (eq.refl f) h = congr_arg f h := rfl

@[simp] lemma congr_refl_arg {α : Sort u} {β : Sort v} {f₁ f₂ : α → β} {a : α} (h : f₁ = f₂) :
congr h (eq.refl a) = congr_fun h a := rfl

open category_theory
open category_theory.instances

namespace category_theory.presheaves

variables (C : Type u) [𝒞 : category.{v} C]
include 𝒞

structure Presheaf :=
(X : Top.{v})
(𝒪 : (opens X)ᵒᵖ ⥤ C)

instance : has_coe_to_sort (Presheaf.{v} C) :=
{ S := Type v, coe := λ F, F.X.α }

variables {C}

instance Presheaf_topological_space (F : Presheaf.{v} C) : topological_space F := F.X.str

structure Presheaf_hom (F G : Presheaf.{v} C) :=
(f : F.X ⟶ G.X)
(c : G.𝒪 ⟹ (( f).op ⋙ F.𝒪))

@[extensionality] lemma ext {F G : Presheaf.{v} C} (α β : Presheaf_hom F G)
(w : α.f = β.f) (h : α.c ⊟ (whisker_right (nat_trans.op (opens.map_iso _ _ w).inv) F.𝒪) = β.c) :
α = β :=
cases α, cases β,
dsimp at w,
subst w,
have h' := congr_fun (congr_arg h) X,
dsimp at h',
simpa using h',

namespace Presheaf_hom
@[simp] def id (F : Presheaf.{v} C) : Presheaf_hom F F :=
{ f := 𝟙 F.X,
c := ((functor.id_comp _).inv) ⊟ (whisker_right (nat_trans.op (opens.map_id _).hom) _) }

@[simp] def comp {F G H : Presheaf.{v} C} (α : Presheaf_hom F G) (β : Presheaf_hom G H) : Presheaf_hom F H :=
{ f := α.f ≫ β.f,
c := β.c ⊟ (whisker_left ( β.f).op α.c) }

/- I tried to break out the axioms for `category (Presheaf C)` below as lemmas here,
but mysteriously `ext` (nor `apply ext`) doesn't work here! -/
lemma comp_id {F G : Presheaf.{v} C} (α : Presheaf_hom F G) : @comp C _ _ _ _ α (id G) = α :=
{ -- Check the comorphisms
ext1, -- compare natural transformations componentwise
dsimp [opposite] at X,
cases X, -- TODO why is this necessary?
-- FIXME why aren't these done by `simp`?
erw [category_theory.functor.map_id],
erw [category.comp_id],
refl, },
{ -- Check the functions
simp only [Presheaf_hom.comp,, category.comp_id], },

lemma id_comp {F G : Presheaf.{v} C} (α : Presheaf_hom F G) : comp (id F) α = α :=
{ -- Check the comorphisms
ext1, -- compare natural transformations componentwise
dsimp [, Presheaf_hom.comp],
-- FIXME, again, should be done by `simp`
erw [category_theory.functor.map_id, category.comp_id, category.comp_id], },
{ -- Check the functions
dsimp [, Presheaf_hom.comp],
simp, }
lemma assoc {F G H K : Presheaf.{v} C} (α : Presheaf_hom F G) (β : Presheaf_hom G H) (γ : Presheaf_hom H K) :
comp (comp α β) γ = comp α (comp β γ) :=
-- Check the comorphisms
{ ext1,
dsimp only [Presheaf_hom.comp,
whisker_right, whisker_left, whiskering_right, whiskering_left,
opens.map_iso, nat_iso.of_components],
-- FIXME, again, by `simp`!
erw category_theory.functor.map_id,
simp only [category.assoc, category_theory.functor.map_id, category.comp_id],
refl, },
-- Check the functions
{ dsimp [Presheaf_hom.comp],
simp only [category.assoc, eq_self_iff_true], },

end Presheaf_hom

variables (C)

instance category_of_presheaves : category (Presheaf.{v} C) :=
{ hom := Presheaf_hom,
id :=,
comp := @Presheaf_hom.comp C _,
comp_id' := @Presheaf_hom.comp_id C _,
id_comp' := @Presheaf_hom.id_comp C _,
assoc' := @Presheaf_hom.assoc C _ }.

namespace Presheaf_hom
@[simp] lemma id_f (F : Presheaf.{v} C) : ((𝟙 F) : F ⟶ F).f = 𝟙 F.X := rfl
@[simp] lemma id_c (F : Presheaf.{v} C) :
((𝟙 F) : F ⟶ F).c = (((functor.id_comp _).inv) ⊟ (whisker_right (nat_trans.op (opens.map_id _).hom) _)) :=
@[simp] lemma comp_f {F G H : Presheaf.{v} C} (α : F ⟶ G) (β : G ⟶ H) :
(α ≫ β).f = α.f ≫ β.f :=
@[simp] lemma comp_c {F G H : Presheaf.{v} C} (α : F ⟶ G) (β : G ⟶ H) :
(α ≫ β).c = (β.c ⊟ (whisker_left ( β.f).op α.c)) :=
end Presheaf_hom

attribute [simp] set.preimage_id -- TODO mathlib?

variables {D : Type u} [𝒟 : category.{v} D]
include 𝒟

def functor.map_presheaf (F : C ⥤ D) : Presheaf.{v} C ⥤ Presheaf.{v} D :=
{ obj := λ X, { X := X.X, 𝒪 := X.𝒪 ⋙ F },
map := λ X Y f, { f := f.f, c := whisker_right f.c F } }.

end category_theory.presheaves

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