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feat(analysis/special_functions/trigonometric): some lemmas (#4638)
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The following changes:
- `sin_sub_sin` and friends (sum-to-product lemmas) moved from `trigonometric` to the earlier file `exponential`.  (I think the distinction between the files is that `trigonometric` collects the facts that require either differentiation or the definition `pi`, whereas purely algebraic facts about trigonometry go in `exponential`?  For example the double-angle formula is in `exponential`).
- rewrite proof of `cos_lt_cos_of_nonneg_of_le_pi_div_two` to avoid dependence on `cos_eq_one_iff_of_lt_of_lt` (but not sure if the result is actually simpler, feel free to propose this be reverted)
- some new explicit values of trig functions, `cos (π / 3)` and similar
- correct a series of lemmas in the `complex` namespace that were stated for real arguments (presumably the author copy-pasted but forgot to rewrite)
- lemmas `sin_eq_zero_iff`, `cos_eq_cos_iff`, `sin_eq_sin_iff`
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hrmacbeth committed Oct 16, 2020
1 parent e7b8421 commit 1cce606
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Showing 2 changed files with 223 additions and 38 deletions.
202 changes: 164 additions & 38 deletions src/analysis/special_functions/trigonometric.lean
Expand Up @@ -719,15 +719,6 @@ by rw [← mul_self_eq_one_iff, ← sin_sq_add_cos_sq x,
pow_two, pow_two, ← sub_eq_iff_eq_add, sub_self];
exact ⟨λ h, by rw [h, mul_zero], eq_zero_of_mul_self_eq_zero ∘ eq.symm⟩

theorem sin_sub_sin (θ ψ : ℝ) : sin θ - sin ψ = 2 * sin((θ - ψ)/2) * cos((θ + ψ)/2) :=
have s1 := sin_add ((θ + ψ) / 2) ((θ - ψ) / 2),
have s2 := sin_sub ((θ + ψ) / 2) ((θ - ψ) / 2),
rw [div_add_div_same, add_sub, add_right_comm, add_sub_cancel, add_self_div_two] at s1,
rw [div_sub_div_same, ←sub_add, add_sub_cancel', add_self_div_two] at s2,
rw [s1, s2, ←sub_add, add_sub_cancel', ← two_mul, ← mul_assoc, mul_right_comm]

lemma cos_eq_one_iff (x : ℝ) : cos x = 1 ↔ ∃ n : ℤ, (n : ℝ) * (2 * π) = x :=
⟨λ h, let ⟨n, hn⟩ := sin_eq_zero_iff.1 (sin_eq_zero_iff_cos_eq.2 (or.inl h)) in
⟨n / 2, (int.mod_two_eq_zero_or_one n).elim
Expand All @@ -751,25 +742,16 @@ lemma cos_eq_one_iff_of_lt_of_lt {x : ℝ} (hx₁ : -(2 * π) < x) (hx₂ : x <
λ h, by simp [h]⟩

theorem cos_sub_cos (θ ψ : ℝ) : cos θ - cos ψ = -2 * sin((θ + ψ)/2) * sin((θ - ψ)/2) :=
by rw [← sin_pi_div_two_sub, ← sin_pi_div_two_sub, sin_sub_sin, sub_sub_sub_cancel_left,
add_sub, sub_add_eq_add_sub, add_halves, sub_sub, sub_div π, cos_pi_div_two_sub,
← neg_sub, neg_div, sin_neg, ← neg_mul_eq_mul_neg, neg_mul_eq_neg_mul, mul_right_comm]

lemma cos_lt_cos_of_nonneg_of_le_pi_div_two {x y : ℝ} (hx₁ : 0 ≤ x) (hy₂ : y ≤ π / 2) (hxy : x < y) :
cos y < cos x :=
calc cos y = cos x * cos (y - x) - sin x * sin (y - x) :
by rw [← cos_add, add_sub_cancel'_right]
... < (cos x * 1) - sin x * sin (y - x) :
sub_lt_sub_right ((mul_lt_mul_left
(cos_pos_of_mem_Ioo (lt_of_lt_of_le (neg_neg_of_pos pi_div_two_pos) hx₁)
(lt_of_lt_of_le hxy hy₂))).2
(lt_of_le_of_ne (cos_le_one _) (mt (cos_eq_one_iff_of_lt_of_lt
(show -(2 * π) < y - x, by linarith) (show y - x < 2 * π, by linarith)).1
(sub_ne_zero.2 (ne_of_lt hxy).symm)))) _
... ≤ _ : by rw mul_one;
exact sub_le_self _ (mul_nonneg (sin_nonneg_of_nonneg_of_le_pi hx₁ (by linarith))
(sin_nonneg_of_nonneg_of_le_pi (by linarith) (by linarith)))
rw [← sub_lt_zero, cos_sub_cos],
have : 0 < sin ((y + x) / 2),
{ refine sin_pos_of_pos_of_lt_pi _ _; linarith },
have : 0 < sin ((y - x) / 2),
{ refine sin_pos_of_pos_of_lt_pi _ _; linarith },

lemma cos_lt_cos_of_nonneg_of_le_pi {x y : ℝ} (hx₁ : 0 ≤ x) (hy₂ : y ≤ π) (hxy : x < y) :
cos y < cos x :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -999,6 +981,75 @@ by { transitivity cos (pi / 2 ^ 5), congr, norm_num, simp }
lemma sin_pi_div_thirty_two : sin (pi / 32) = sqrt (2 - sqrt (2 + sqrt (2 + sqrt 2))) / 2 :=
by { transitivity sin (pi / 2 ^ 5), congr, norm_num, simp }

-- This section is also a convenient location for other explicit values of `sin` and `cos`.

/-- The cosine of `π / 3` is `1 / 2`. -/
lemma cos_pi_div_three : cos (π / 3) = 1 / 2 :=
have h₁ : (2 * cos (π / 3) - 1) ^ 2 * (2 * cos (π / 3) + 2) = 0,
{ have : cos (3 * (π / 3)) = cos π := by { congr' 1, ring },
linarith [cos_pi, cos_three_mul (π / 3)] },
cases h₁ with h h,
{ linarith [pow_eq_zero h] },
{ have : cos π < cos (π / 3),
{ refine cos_lt_cos_of_nonneg_of_le_pi _ _;
linarith [pi_pos] },
linarith [cos_pi] }

/-- The square of the cosine of `π / 6` is `3 / 4` (this is sometimes more convenient than the
result for cosine itself). -/
lemma square_cos_pi_div_six : cos (π / 6) ^ 2 = 3 / 4 :=
have h1 : cos (π / 6) ^ 2 = 1 / 2 + 1 / 2 / 2,
{ convert cos_square (π / 6),
have h2 : 2 * (π / 6) = π / 3 := by cancel_denoms,
rw [h2, cos_pi_div_three] },
rw ← sub_eq_zero at h1 ⊢,
convert h1 using 1,

/-- The cosine of `π / 6` is `√3 / 2`. -/
lemma cos_pi_div_six : cos (π / 6) = (sqrt 3) / 2 :=
suffices : sqrt 3 = cos (π / 6) * 2,
{ field_simp [(by norm_num : 02)], exact this.symm },
rw sqrt_eq_iff_sqr_eq,
{ have h1 := (mul_right_inj' (by norm_num : (4:ℝ) ≠ 0)).mpr square_cos_pi_div_six,
rw ← sub_eq_zero at h1 ⊢,
convert h1 using 1,
ring },
{ norm_num },
{ have : 0 < cos (π / 6) := by { apply cos_pos_of_mem_Ioo; linarith [pi_pos] },
linarith },

/-- The sine of `π / 6` is `1 / 2`. -/
lemma sin_pi_div_six : sin (π / 6) = 1 / 2 :=
rw [← cos_pi_div_two_sub, ← cos_pi_div_three],

/-- The square of the sine of `π / 3` is `3 / 4` (this is sometimes more convenient than the
result for cosine itself). -/
lemma square_sin_pi_div_three : sin (π / 3) ^ 2 = 3 / 4 :=
rw [← cos_pi_div_two_sub, ← square_cos_pi_div_six],

/-- The sine of `π / 3` is `√3 / 2`. -/
lemma sin_pi_div_three : sin (π / 3) = (sqrt 3) / 2 :=
rw [← cos_pi_div_two_sub, ← cos_pi_div_six],

end cos_div_pow_two

/-- The type of angles -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1659,40 +1710,40 @@ by simp [two_mul, sin_add]
@[simp] lemma cos_two_pi : cos (2 * π) = 1 :=
by simp [two_mul, cos_add]

lemma sin_add_pi (x : ) : sin (x + π) = -sin x :=
lemma sin_add_pi (x : ) : sin (x + π) = -sin x :=
by simp [sin_add]

lemma sin_add_two_pi (x : ) : sin (x + 2 * π) = sin x :=
lemma sin_add_two_pi (x : ) : sin (x + 2 * π) = sin x :=
by simp [sin_add_pi, sin_add, sin_two_pi, cos_two_pi]

lemma cos_add_two_pi (x : ) : cos (x + 2 * π) = cos x :=
lemma cos_add_two_pi (x : ) : cos (x + 2 * π) = cos x :=
by simp [cos_add, cos_two_pi, sin_two_pi]

lemma sin_pi_sub (x : ) : sin (π - x) = sin x :=
lemma sin_pi_sub (x : ) : sin (π - x) = sin x :=
by simp [sub_eq_add_neg, sin_add]

lemma cos_add_pi (x : ) : cos (x + π) = -cos x :=
lemma cos_add_pi (x : ) : cos (x + π) = -cos x :=
by simp [cos_add]

lemma cos_pi_sub (x : ) : cos (π - x) = -cos x :=
lemma cos_pi_sub (x : ) : cos (π - x) = -cos x :=
by simp [sub_eq_add_neg, cos_add]

lemma sin_add_pi_div_two (x : ) : sin (x + π / 2) = cos x :=
lemma sin_add_pi_div_two (x : ) : sin (x + π / 2) = cos x :=
by simp [sin_add]

lemma sin_sub_pi_div_two (x : ) : sin (x - π / 2) = -cos x :=
lemma sin_sub_pi_div_two (x : ) : sin (x - π / 2) = -cos x :=
by simp [sub_eq_add_neg, sin_add]

lemma sin_pi_div_two_sub (x : ) : sin (π / 2 - x) = cos x :=
lemma sin_pi_div_two_sub (x : ) : sin (π / 2 - x) = cos x :=
by simp [sub_eq_add_neg, sin_add]

lemma cos_add_pi_div_two (x : ) : cos (x + π / 2) = -sin x :=
lemma cos_add_pi_div_two (x : ) : cos (x + π / 2) = -sin x :=
by simp [cos_add]

lemma cos_sub_pi_div_two (x : ) : cos (x - π / 2) = sin x :=
lemma cos_sub_pi_div_two (x : ) : cos (x - π / 2) = sin x :=
by simp [sub_eq_add_neg, cos_add]

lemma cos_pi_div_two_sub (x : ) : cos (π / 2 - x) = sin x :=
lemma cos_pi_div_two_sub (x : ) : cos (π / 2 - x) = sin x :=
by rw [← cos_neg, neg_sub, cos_sub_pi_div_two]

lemma sin_nat_mul_pi (n : ℕ) : sin (n * π) = 0 :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1733,6 +1784,63 @@ end
theorem cos_ne_zero_iff {θ : ℂ} : cos θ ≠ 0 ↔ ∀ k : ℤ, θ ≠ (2 * k + 1) * π / 2 :=
by rw [← not_exists, not_iff_not, cos_eq_zero_iff]

theorem sin_eq_zero_iff {θ : ℂ} : sin θ = 0 ↔ ∃ k : ℤ, θ = k * π :=
rw [← complex.cos_sub_pi_div_two, cos_eq_zero_iff],
{ rintros ⟨k, hk⟩,
use k + 1,
field_simp [eq_add_of_sub_eq hk],
ring },
{ rintros ⟨k, rfl⟩,
use k - 1,
ring }

theorem sin_ne_zero_iff {θ : ℂ} : sin θ ≠ 0 ↔ ∀ k : ℤ, θ ≠ k * π :=
by rw [← not_exists, not_iff_not, sin_eq_zero_iff]

lemma cos_eq_cos_iff {x y : ℂ} :
cos x = cos y ↔ ∃ k : ℤ, y = 2 * k * π + x ∨ y = 2 * k * π - x :=
calc cos x = cos y ↔ cos x - cos y = 0 : sub_eq_zero.symm
... ↔ -2 * sin((x + y)/2) * sin((x - y)/2) = 0 : by rw cos_sub_cos
... ↔ sin((x + y)/2) = 0 ∨ sin((x - y)/2) = 0 : by { field_simp [(by norm_num : -(2:ℂ) ≠ 0)] }
... ↔ sin((x - y)/2) = 0 ∨ sin((x + y)/2) = 0 : or.comm
... ↔ (∃ k : ℤ, y = 2 * k * π + x) ∨ (∃ k :ℤ, y = 2 * k * π - x) :
apply or_congr;
rw sin_eq_zero_iff;
field_simp [(by norm_num : -(2:ℂ) ≠ 0)],
work_on_goal 0 -- material specific to the left of the `or`, when x ≅ y mod 2π
{ split,
{ rintros ⟨k, hk⟩,
refine ⟨-k, eq.symm _⟩ } },
work_on_goal 2 -- material specific to the right of the `or`, when x ≅ -y mod 2π
{ refine exists_congr (λ k, ⟨λ hk, _, λ hk, _⟩) },
all_goals -- joint material for showing two equations differ by a constant
{ rw ← sub_eq_zero at hk ⊢,
convert hk using 1,
try { push_cast },
ring }
... ↔ ∃ k : ℤ, y = 2 * k * π + x ∨ y = 2 * k * π - x : exists_or_distrib.symm

lemma sin_eq_sin_iff {x y : ℂ} :
sin x = sin y ↔ ∃ k : ℤ, y = 2 * k * π + x ∨ y = (2 * k + 1) * π - x :=
rw [←complex.cos_sub_pi_div_two, ←complex.cos_sub_pi_div_two, cos_eq_cos_iff],
simp only [exists_or_distrib],
apply or_congr;
refine exists_congr (λ k, ⟨_, _⟩);
{ intros h,
rw ← sub_eq_zero at ⊢ h,
convert h using 1,
ring },

lemma has_deriv_at_tan {x : ℂ} (h : ∀ k : ℤ, x ≠ (2 * k + 1) * π / 2) :
has_deriv_at tan (1 / (cos x)^2) x :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1770,6 +1878,24 @@ end
theorem cos_ne_zero_iff {θ : ℝ} : cos θ ≠ 0 ↔ ∀ k : ℤ, θ ≠ (2 * k + 1) * π / 2 :=
by rw [← not_exists, not_iff_not, cos_eq_zero_iff]

lemma cos_eq_cos_iff {x y : ℝ} :
cos x = cos y ↔ ∃ k : ℤ, y = 2 * k * π + x ∨ y = 2 * k * π - x :=
have := @complex.cos_eq_cos_iff x y,
rw [← complex.of_real_cos, ← complex.of_real_cos] at this,
norm_cast at this,
simp [this],

lemma sin_eq_sin_iff {x y : ℝ} :
sin x = sin y ↔ ∃ k : ℤ, y = 2 * k * π + x ∨ y = (2 * k + 1) * π - x :=
have := @complex.sin_eq_sin_iff x y,
rw [← complex.of_real_sin, ← complex.of_real_sin] at this,
norm_cast at this,
simp [this],

lemma has_deriv_at_tan {x : ℝ} (h : ∀ k : ℤ, x ≠ (2 * k + 1) * π / 2) :
has_deriv_at tan (1 / (cos x)^2) x :=
Expand Down
59 changes: 59 additions & 0 deletions src/data/complex/exponential.lean
Expand Up @@ -695,6 +695,38 @@ by simp [sub_eq_add_neg, sin_add, sin_neg, cos_neg]
lemma cos_sub : cos (x - y) = cos x * cos y + sin x * sin y :=
by simp [sub_eq_add_neg, cos_add, sin_neg, cos_neg]

theorem sin_sub_sin : sin x - sin y = 2 * sin((x - y)/2) * cos((x + y)/2) :=
have s1 := sin_add ((x + y) / 2) ((x - y) / 2),
have s2 := sin_sub ((x + y) / 2) ((x - y) / 2),
rw [div_add_div_same, add_sub, add_right_comm, add_sub_cancel, half_add_self] at s1,
rw [div_sub_div_same, ←sub_add, add_sub_cancel', half_add_self] at s2,
rw [s1, s2],

theorem cos_sub_cos : cos x - cos y = -2 * sin((x + y)/2) * sin((x - y)/2) :=
have s1 := cos_add ((x + y) / 2) ((x - y) / 2),
have s2 := cos_sub ((x + y) / 2) ((x - y) / 2),
rw [div_add_div_same, add_sub, add_right_comm, add_sub_cancel, half_add_self] at s1,
rw [div_sub_div_same, ←sub_add, add_sub_cancel', half_add_self] at s2,
rw [s1, s2],

lemma cos_add_cos : cos x + cos y = 2 * cos ((x + y) / 2) * cos ((x - y) / 2) :=
have h2 : (2:ℂ) ≠ 0 := by norm_num,
calc cos x + cos y = cos ((x + y) / 2 + (x - y) / 2) + cos ((x + y) / 2 - (x - y) / 2) : _
... = (cos ((x + y) / 2) * cos ((x - y) / 2) - sin ((x + y) / 2) * sin ((x - y) / 2))
+ (cos ((x + y) / 2) * cos ((x - y) / 2) + sin ((x + y) / 2) * sin ((x - y) / 2)) : _
... = 2 * cos ((x + y) / 2) * cos ((x - y) / 2) : _,
{ congr; field_simp [h2]; ring },
{ rw [cos_add, cos_sub] },

lemma sin_conj : sin (conj x) = conj (sin x) :=
by rw [← mul_left_inj' I_ne_zero, ← sinh_mul_I,
← conj_neg_I, ← conj.map_mul, ← conj.map_mul, sinh_conj,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -873,6 +905,33 @@ by simp [sub_eq_add_neg, sin_add, sin_neg, cos_neg]
lemma cos_sub : cos (x - y) = cos x * cos y + sin x * sin y :=
by simp [sub_eq_add_neg, cos_add, sin_neg, cos_neg]

lemma sin_sub_sin : sin x - sin y = 2 * sin((x - y)/2) * cos((x + y)/2) :=
rw ← of_real_inj,
simp only [sin, cos, of_real_sin_of_real_re, of_real_sub, of_real_add, of_real_div, of_real_mul,
of_real_one, of_real_bit0],
convert sin_sub_sin _ _;

theorem cos_sub_cos : cos x - cos y = -2 * sin((x + y)/2) * sin((x - y)/2) :=
rw ← of_real_inj,
simp only [cos, neg_mul_eq_neg_mul_symm, of_real_sin, of_real_sub, of_real_add,
of_real_cos_of_real_re, of_real_div, of_real_mul, of_real_one, of_real_neg, of_real_bit0],
convert cos_sub_cos _ _,

lemma cos_add_cos : cos x + cos y = 2 * cos ((x + y) / 2) * cos ((x - y) / 2) :=
rw ← of_real_inj,
simp only [cos, of_real_sub, of_real_add, of_real_cos_of_real_re, of_real_div, of_real_mul,
of_real_one, of_real_bit0],
convert cos_add_cos _ _;

lemma tan_eq_sin_div_cos : tan x = sin x / cos x :=
if h : complex.cos x = 0 then by simp [sin, cos, tan, *, complex.tan, div_eq_mul_inv] at *
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