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feat(analysis/inner_product_space/projection): orthogonal group is ge…
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…nerated by reflections (#10381)

Co-authored-by: Deniz Aydin

Co-authored-by: Deniz A <>
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hrmacbeth committed Nov 21, 2021
1 parent e0c0d84 commit 2168297
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Showing 3 changed files with 139 additions and 2 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/undergrad.yaml
Expand Up @@ -228,7 +228,7 @@ Bilinear and Quadratic Forms Over a Vector Space:
diagonalization of a self-adjoint endomorphism: 'is_self_adjoint.diagonalization_basis_apply_self_apply'
diagonalization of normal endomorphisms:
simultaneous diagonalization of two real quadratic forms, with one positive-definite:
decomposition of an orthogonal transformation as a product of reflections:
decomposition of an orthogonal transformation as a product of reflections: 'linear_isometry_equiv.reflections_generate'
polar decompositions in $\mathrm{GL}(n, \R)$:
polar decompositions in $\mathrm{GL}(n, \C)$:
Low dimensions:
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13 changes: 13 additions & 0 deletions src/analysis/inner_product_space/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -1745,6 +1745,19 @@ submodule.inner_right_of_mem_orthogonal (submodule.mem_span_singleton_self u) hv
lemma inner_left_of_mem_orthogonal_singleton (u : E) {v : E} (hv : v ∈ (𝕜 ∙ u)ᗮ) : ⟪v, u⟫ = 0 :=
submodule.inner_left_of_mem_orthogonal (submodule.mem_span_singleton_self u) hv

/-- A vector orthogonal to `u` lies in `(𝕜 ∙ u)ᗮ`. -/
lemma mem_orthogonal_singleton_of_inner_right (u : E) {v : E} (hv : ⟪u, v⟫ = 0) : v ∈ (𝕜 ∙ u)ᗮ :=
intros w hw,
rw submodule.mem_span_singleton at hw,
obtain ⟨c, rfl⟩ := hw,
simp [inner_smul_left, hv],

/-- A vector orthogonal to `u` lies in `(𝕜 ∙ u)ᗮ`. -/
lemma mem_orthogonal_singleton_of_inner_left (u : E) {v : E} (hv : ⟪v, u⟫ = 0) : v ∈ (𝕜 ∙ u)ᗮ :=
mem_orthogonal_singleton_of_inner_right u $ inner_eq_zero_sym.2 hv

variables (K)

/-- `K` and `Kᗮ` have trivial intersection. -/
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126 changes: 125 additions & 1 deletion src/analysis/inner_product_space/projection.lean
Expand Up @@ -612,6 +612,11 @@ variables (K)
/-- Reflection is involutive. -/
lemma reflection_involutive : function.involutive (reflection K) := reflection_reflection K

/-- Reflection is involutive. -/
@[simp] lemma reflection_trans_reflection :
(reflection K).trans (reflection K) = linear_isometry_equiv.refl 𝕜 E :=
linear_isometry_equiv.ext $ reflection_involutive K

variables {K}

/-- A point is its own reflection if and only if it is in the subspace. -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -771,6 +776,24 @@ lemma reflection_orthogonal_complement_singleton_eq_neg [complete_space E] (v :
reflection (𝕜 ∙ v)ᗮ v = -v :=
reflection_mem_subspace_orthogonal_precomplement_eq_neg (submodule.mem_span_singleton_self v)

lemma reflection_sub [complete_space F] {v w : F} (h : ∥v∥ = ∥w∥) :
reflection (ℝ ∙ (v - w))ᗮ v = w :=
set R : F ≃ₗᵢ[ℝ] F := reflection (ℝ ∙ (v - w))ᗮ,
suffices : R v + R v = w + w,
{ apply smul_right_injective F (by norm_num : (2:ℝ) ≠ 0),
simpa [two_smul] using this },
have h₁ : R (v - w) = -(v - w) := reflection_orthogonal_complement_singleton_eq_neg (v - w),
have h₂ : R (v + w) = v + w,
{ apply reflection_mem_subspace_eq_self,
apply mem_orthogonal_singleton_of_inner_left,
rw real_inner_add_sub_eq_zero_iff,
exact h },
convert congr_arg2 (+) h₂ h₁ using 1,
{ simp },
{ abel }

variables (K)

/-- In a complete space `E`, a vector splits as the sum of its orthogonal projections onto a
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -838,7 +861,7 @@ by { rw ← add_right_inj (finrank 𝕜 K₁),

/-- Given a finite-dimensional space `E` and subspace `K`, the dimensions of `K` and `Kᗮ` add to
that of `E`. -/
lemma submodule.finrank_add_finrank_orthogonal [finite_dimensional 𝕜 E] {K : submodule 𝕜 E} :
lemma submodule.finrank_add_finrank_orthogonal [finite_dimensional 𝕜 E] (K : submodule 𝕜 E) :
finrank 𝕜 K + finrank 𝕜 Kᗮ = finrank 𝕜 E :=
convert submodule.finrank_add_inf_finrank_orthogonal (le_top : K ≤ ⊤) using 1,
Expand All @@ -862,6 +885,107 @@ lemma finrank_orthogonal_span_singleton {n : ℕ} [_i : fact (finrank 𝕜 E = n
finrank 𝕜 (𝕜 ∙ v)ᗮ = n :=
submodule.finrank_add_finrank_orthogonal' $ by simp [finrank_span_singleton hv, _i.elim, add_comm]

/-- An element `φ` of the orthogonal group of `F` can be factored as a product of reflections, and
specifically at most as many reflections as the dimension of the complement of the fixed subspace
of `φ`. -/
lemma linear_isometry_equiv.reflections_generate_dim_aux [finite_dimensional ℝ F] {n : ℕ}
(φ : F ≃ₗᵢ[ℝ] F)
(hn : finrank ℝ ( ℝ F - φ.to_continuous_linear_equiv).kerᗮ ≤ n) :
∃ l : list F, l.length ≤ n ∧ φ = ( (λ v, reflection (ℝ ∙ v)ᗮ)).prod :=
-- We prove this by strong induction on `n`, the dimension of the orthogonal complement of the
-- fixed subspace of the endomorphism `φ`
induction n with n IH generalizing φ,
{ -- Base case: `n = 0`, the fixed subspace is the whole space, so `φ = id`
refine ⟨[], rfl.le, _⟩,
have : ( ℝ F - φ.to_continuous_linear_equiv).ker = ⊤,
{ rwa [nat.le_zero_iff, finrank_eq_zero, submodule.orthogonal_eq_bot_iff] at hn },
ext x,
simpa [sub_eq_zero] using congr_arg (λ f : F →ₗ[ℝ] F, f x) ( this) },
{ -- Inductive step. Let `W` be the fixed subspace of `φ`. We suppose its complement to have
-- dimension at most n + 1.
let W := ( ℝ F - φ.to_continuous_linear_equiv).ker,
have hW : ∀ w ∈ W, φ w = w := λ w hw, ( hw).symm,
by_cases hn' : finrank ℝ Wᗮ ≤ n,
{ obtain ⟨V, hV₁, hV₂⟩ := IH φ hn',
exact ⟨V, hV₁.trans n.le_succ, hV₂⟩ },
-- Take a nonzero element `v` of the orthogonal complement of `W`.
haveI : nontrivial Wᗮ := nontrivial_of_finrank_pos (by linarith [zero_le n] : 0 < finrank ℝ Wᗮ),
obtain ⟨v, hv⟩ := exists_ne (0 : Wᗮ),
have hφv : φ v ∈ Wᗮ,
{ intros w hw,
rw [← hW w hw, linear_isometry_equiv.inner_map_map],
exact v.prop w hw },
have hv' : (v:F) ∉ W,
{ intros h,
exact hv ((submodule.mem_left_iff_eq_zero_of_disjoint W.orthogonal_disjoint).mp h) },
-- Let `ρ` be the reflection in `v - φ v`; this is designed to swap `v` and `φ v`
let x : F := v - φ v,
let ρ := reflection (ℝ ∙ x)ᗮ,
-- Notation: Let `V` be the fixed subspace of `φ.trans ρ`
let V := ( ℝ F - (φ.trans ρ).to_continuous_linear_equiv).ker,
have hV : ∀ w, ρ (φ w) = w → w ∈ V,
{ intros w hw,
change w - ρ (φ w) = 0,
rw [sub_eq_zero, hw] },
-- Everything fixed by `φ` is fixed by `φ.trans ρ`
have H₂V : W ≤ V,
{ intros w hw,
apply hV,
rw hW w hw,
refine reflection_mem_subspace_eq_self _,
apply mem_orthogonal_singleton_of_inner_left,
exact submodule.sub_mem _ v.prop hφv _ hw },
-- `v` is also fixed by `φ.trans ρ`
have H₁V : (v : F) ∈ V,
{ apply hV,
have : ρ v = φ v := reflection_sub (by simp),
simp [← this, ρ] },
-- By dimension-counting, the complement of the fixed subspace of `φ.trans ρ` has dimension at
-- most `n`
have : finrank ℝ Vᗮ ≤ n,
{ change finrank ℝ Wᗮ ≤ n + 1 at hn,
have : finrank ℝ W + 1 ≤ finrank ℝ V :=
submodule.finrank_lt_finrank_of_lt (set_like.lt_iff_le_and_exists.2 ⟨H₂V, v, H₁V, hv'⟩),
have : finrank ℝ V + finrank ℝ Vᗮ = finrank ℝ F := V.finrank_add_finrank_orthogonal,
have : finrank ℝ W + finrank ℝ Wᗮ = finrank ℝ F := W.finrank_add_finrank_orthogonal,
linarith },
-- So apply the inductive hypothesis to `φ.trans ρ`
obtain ⟨l, hl, hφl⟩ := IH (φ.trans ρ) this,
-- Prepend `ρ` to the factorization into reflections obtained for `φ.trans ρ`; this gives a
-- factorization into reflections for `φ`.
refine ⟨x :: l, _, _⟩,
{ simp [hl, nat.succ_le_succ] },
have := congr_arg (λ ψ, linear_isometry_equiv.trans ψ ρ) hφl,
convert this using 1,
{ simp [← linear_isometry_equiv.trans_assoc φ ρ ρ] },
{ change _ = _ * _,
simp } }

/-- The orthogonal group of `F` is generated by reflections; specifically each element `φ` of the
orthogonal group is a product of at most as many reflections as the dimension of `F`.
Special case of the **Cartan–Dieudonné theorem**. -/
lemma linear_isometry_equiv.reflections_generate_dim [finite_dimensional ℝ F] (φ : F ≃ₗᵢ[ℝ] F) :
∃ l : list F, l.length ≤ finrank ℝ F ∧ φ = ( (λ v, reflection (ℝ ∙ v)ᗮ)).prod :=
let ⟨l, hl₁, hl₂⟩ := φ.reflections_generate_dim_aux le_rfl in
⟨l, hl₁.trans (submodule.finrank_le _), hl₂⟩

/-- The orthogonal group of `F` is generated by reflections. -/
lemma linear_isometry_equiv.reflections_generate [finite_dimensional ℝ F] :
subgroup.closure (set.range (λ v : F, reflection (ℝ ∙ v)ᗮ)) = ⊤ :=
rw subgroup.eq_top_iff',
intros φ,
rcases φ.reflections_generate_dim with ⟨l, _, rfl⟩,
apply (subgroup.closure _).list_prod_mem,
intros x hx,
rcases hx with ⟨a, _, hax⟩,
exact subgroup.subset_closure ⟨a, hax⟩,

end orthogonal

section orthogonal_family
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