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feat(ring_theory/{ideal/basic, adjoin_root): some lemmas from #15000 (#…
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This PR contains some lemmas that were originally in #15000.

The main result that is proven here is `quotient_equiv_quotient_minpoly_map`, which says that if `α` has minimal polynomial `f` over `R` and `I` is an ideal of `R`, then rings  `R[α] / I[α]` and  `(R/I)[X] / (f mod I)` are isomorphic as R-algebras.

Co-authored-by: Anne Baanen <>
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Paul-Lez and Vierkantor committed Sep 15, 2022
1 parent 0f287f8 commit 2178a7f
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Showing 3 changed files with 124 additions and 5 deletions.
24 changes: 21 additions & 3 deletions src/algebra/algebra/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -907,6 +907,7 @@ rfl
@[simp] lemma to_ring_equiv_eq_coe : e.to_ring_equiv = e := rfl

@[simp, norm_cast] lemma coe_ring_equiv : ((e : A₁ ≃+* A₂) : A₁ → A₂) = e := rfl

lemma coe_ring_equiv' : (e.to_ring_equiv : A₁ → A₂) = e := rfl

lemma coe_ring_equiv_injective : function.injective (coe : (A₁ ≃ₐ[R] A₂) → (A₁ ≃+* A₂)) :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -996,8 +997,12 @@ symm_bijective.injective $ ext $ λ x, rfl
{ to_fun := f', inv_fun := f,
..(⟨f, f', h₁, h₂, h₃, h₄, h₅⟩ : A₁ ≃ₐ[R] A₂).symm } := rfl

theorem refl_symm : (alg_equiv.refl : A₁ ≃ₐ[R] A₁).symm = alg_equiv.refl := rfl
@[simp] theorem refl_symm : (alg_equiv.refl : A₁ ≃ₐ[R] A₁).symm = alg_equiv.refl := rfl

--this should be a simp lemma but causes a lint timeout
lemma to_ring_equiv_symm (f : A₁ ≃ₐ[R] A₁) : (f : A₁ ≃+* A₁).symm = f.symm := rfl

@[simp] lemma symm_to_ring_equiv : (e.symm : A₂ ≃+* A₁) = (e : A₁ ≃+* A₂).symm := rfl

/-- Algebra equivalences are transitive. -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1166,7 +1171,20 @@ by { ext, refl }

end of_linear_equiv

@[simps mul one inv {attrs := []}] instance aut : group (A₁ ≃ₐ[R] A₁) :=
section of_ring_equiv

/-- Promotes a linear ring_equiv to an alg_equiv. -/
def of_ring_equiv {f : A₁ ≃+* A₂}
(hf : ∀ x, f (algebra_map R A₁ x) = algebra_map R A₂ x) : A₁ ≃ₐ[R] A₂ :=
{ to_fun := f,
inv_fun := f.symm,
commutes' := hf,
.. f }

end of_ring_equiv

@[simps mul one {attrs := []}] instance aut : group (A₁ ≃ₐ[R] A₁) :=
{ mul := λ ϕ ψ, ψ.trans ϕ,
mul_assoc := λ ϕ ψ χ, rfl,
one := refl,
Expand Down
77 changes: 76 additions & 1 deletion src/ring_theory/adjoin_root.lean
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2018 Mario Carneiro. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Mario Carneiro, Chris Hughes
import algebra.algebra.basic
import data.polynomial.field_division
import linear_algebra.finite_dimensional
import ring_theory.adjoin.basic
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -608,7 +609,7 @@ by simp only [polynomial.quot_quot_equiv_comm, quotient_equiv_symm_mk,

/-- The natural isomorphism `R[α]/I[α] ≅ (R/I)[X]/(f mod I)` for `α` a root of `f : polynomial R`
and `I : ideal R`-/
and `I : ideal R`.-/
def quot_adjoin_root_equiv_quot_polynomial_quot : (adjoin_root f) ⧸ ( (of f)) ≃+*
polynomial (R ⧸ I) ⧸ (span ({ (I^} : set (polynomial (R ⧸ I)))) :=
(quot_map_of_equiv_quot_map_C_map_span_mk I f).trans
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -641,6 +642,80 @@ by rw [quot_adjoin_root_equiv_quot_polynomial_quot, ring_equiv.symm_trans_apply,

/-- Promote `adjoin_root.quot_adjoin_root_equiv_quot_polynomial_quot` to an alg_equiv. -/
@[simps apply symm_apply]
noncomputable def quot_equiv_quot_map (f : R[X]) (I : ideal R) :
((adjoin_root f) ⧸ ( (of f) I)) ≃ₐ[R]
((R ⧸ I) [X]) ⧸ (ideal.span ({ I^ f} : set ((R ⧸ I) [X]))) :=
alg_equiv.of_ring_equiv (show ∀ x, (quot_adjoin_root_equiv_quot_polynomial_quot I f)
(algebra_map R _ x) = algebra_map R _ x, from λ x, begin
have : algebra_map R ((adjoin_root f) ⧸ ( (of f) I)) x =
( (adjoin_root.of f) I) ((mk f) (C x)) := rfl,
simpa only [this, quot_adjoin_root_equiv_quot_polynomial_quot_mk_of, map_C]

lemma quot_equiv_quot_map_apply_mk (f g : polynomial R) (I : ideal R) :
adjoin_root.quot_equiv_quot_map f I ( _ ( f g)) = _ ( I^ :=
by rw [adjoin_root.quot_equiv_quot_map_apply,

lemma quot_equiv_quot_map_symm_apply_mk (f g : polynomial R) (I : ideal R) :
(adjoin_root.quot_equiv_quot_map f I).symm ( _ (map ( I) g)) = _ ( f g) :=
by rw [adjoin_root.quot_equiv_quot_map_symm_apply,


end adjoin_root

namespace power_basis

open adjoin_root alg_equiv

variables [comm_ring R] [is_domain R] [comm_ring S] [is_domain S] [algebra R S]

/-- Let `α` have minimal polynomial `f` over `R` and `I` be an ideal of `R`,
then `R[α] / (I) = (R[x] / (f)) / pS = (R/p)[x] / (f mod p)`. -/
@[simps apply symm_apply]
noncomputable def quotient_equiv_quotient_minpoly_map (pb : power_basis R S)
(I : ideal R) :
(S ⧸ (algebra_map R S)) ≃ₐ[R] (polynomial (R ⧸ I)) ⧸
(ideal.span ({(minpoly R pb.gen).map I^} : set (polynomial (R ⧸ I)))) :=
(show ∀ x, (ideal.quotient_equiv _ ( (adjoin_root.of (minpoly R pb.gen)) I)
(adjoin_root.equiv' (minpoly R pb.gen) pb
(by rw [adjoin_root.aeval_eq, adjoin_root.mk_self])
(minpoly.aeval _ _)).symm.to_ring_equiv
(by rw [ideal.map_map, alg_equiv.to_ring_equiv_eq_coe, ← alg_equiv.coe_ring_hom_commutes,
← adjoin_root.algebra_map_eq, alg_hom.comp_algebra_map]))
(algebra_map R (S ⧸ (algebra_map R S)) x) = algebra_map R _ x, from
(λ x, by rw [← ideal.quotient.mk_algebra_map, ideal.quotient_equiv_apply,
ring_hom.to_fun_eq_coe, ideal.quotient_map_mk, alg_equiv.to_ring_equiv_eq_coe,
ring_equiv.coe_to_ring_hom, alg_equiv.coe_ring_equiv, alg_equiv.commutes,
quotient.mk_algebra_map]))).trans (adjoin_root.quot_equiv_quot_map _ _)

lemma quotient_equiv_quotient_minpoly_map_apply_mk (pb : power_basis R S) (I : ideal R)
(g : polynomial R) : pb.quotient_equiv_quotient_minpoly_map I
( _ (aeval pb.gen g)) = _ ( I^ :=
by rw [power_basis.quotient_equiv_quotient_minpoly_map, alg_equiv.trans_apply,
alg_equiv.of_ring_equiv_apply, quotient_equiv_mk, alg_equiv.coe_ring_equiv',
adjoin_root.equiv'_symm_apply, power_basis.lift_aeval,
adjoin_root.aeval_eq, adjoin_root.quot_equiv_quot_map_apply_mk]

lemma quotient_equiv_quotient_minpoly_map_symm_apply_mk (pb : power_basis R S) (I : ideal R)
(g : polynomial R) : (pb.quotient_equiv_quotient_minpoly_map I).symm
( _ ( I^ = ( _ (aeval pb.gen g)) :=
begin simp only [quotient_equiv_quotient_minpoly_map, to_ring_equiv_eq_coe, symm_trans_apply,
quot_equiv_quot_map_symm_apply_mk, of_ring_equiv_symm_apply, quotient_equiv_symm_mk,
to_ring_equiv_symm, ring_equiv.symm_symm, adjoin_root.equiv'_apply, coe_ring_equiv,
lift_hom_mk, symm_to_ring_equiv],


end power_basis
28 changes: 27 additions & 1 deletion src/ring_theory/ideal/operations.lean
Expand Up @@ -2109,7 +2109,11 @@ end ring_hom

namespace double_quot
open ideal
variables {R : Type u} [comm_ring R] (I J : ideal R)
variable {R : Type u}


variables [comm_ring R] (I J : ideal R)

/-- The obvious ring hom `R/I → R/(I ⊔ J)` -/
def quot_left_to_quot_sup : R ⧸ I →+* R ⧸ (I ⊔ J) :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -2178,4 +2182,26 @@ lemma quot_quot_equiv_comm_symm :
(quot_quot_equiv_comm I J).symm = quot_quot_equiv_comm J I :=


section algebra

lemma quot_quot_equiv_comm_mk_mk [comm_ring R] (I J : ideal R) (x : R) :
quot_quot_equiv_comm I J ( _ ( _ x)) =
algebra_map R _ x := rfl

variables [comm_semiring R] {A : Type v} [comm_ring A] [algebra R A] (I J : ideal A)

lemma quot_quot_equiv_quot_sup_quot_quot_algebra_map (x : R) :
double_quot.quot_quot_equiv_quot_sup I J (algebra_map R _ x) = algebra_map _ _ x :=

lemma quot_quot_equiv_comm_algebra_map (x : R) :
quot_quot_equiv_comm I J (algebra_map R _ x) = algebra_map _ _ x := rfl

end algebra

end double_quot

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