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feat(ring_theory/ideal_operations): lemmas about ideals and galois co…
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depends on #2766 

Co-authored-by: Chris Hughes <>
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ChrisHughes24 and ChrisHughes24 committed May 23, 2020
1 parent ceb13ba commit 2b79f1d
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Showing 3 changed files with 152 additions and 28 deletions.
28 changes: 18 additions & 10 deletions src/order/complete_lattice.lean
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Expand Up @@ -252,6 +252,11 @@ supr_le $ le_supr _ ∘ h
@[simp] theorem supr_le_iff : supr s ≤ a ↔ (∀i, s i ≤ a) :=
(is_lub_le_iff is_lub_supr).trans forall_range_iff

theorem Sup_eq_supr {s : set α} : Sup s = (⨆a ∈ s, a) :=
(Sup_le $ assume b h, le_supr_of_le b $ le_supr _ h)
(supr_le $ assume b, supr_le $ assume h, le_Sup h)

lemma le_supr_iff : (a ≤ supr s) ↔ (∀ b, (∀ i, s i ≤ b) → a ≤ b) :=
⟨λ h b hb, le_trans h (supr_le hb), λ h, h _ $ λ i, le_supr s i⟩

Expand All @@ -266,6 +271,10 @@ calc (⨆ i h, f (s i h)) ≤ (⨆ i, f (⨆ h, s i h)) :
supr_le_supr $ λ i, hf.le_map_supr
... ≤ f (⨆ i (h : ι' i), s i h) : hf.le_map_supr

lemma monotone.le_map_Sup [complete_lattice β] {s : set α} {f : α → β} (hf : monotone f) :
(⨆a∈s, f a) ≤ f (Sup s) :=
by rw [Sup_eq_supr]; exact hf.le_map_supr2 _

lemma supr_comp_le {ι' : Sort*} (f : ι' → α) (g : ι → ι') :
(⨆ x, f (g x)) ≤ ⨆ y, f y :=
supr_le_supr2 $ λ x, ⟨_, le_refl _⟩
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -321,6 +330,11 @@ le_infi $ infi_le _ ∘ h
@[simp] theorem le_infi_iff : a ≤ infi s ↔ (∀i, a ≤ s i) :=
⟨assume : a ≤ infi s, assume i, le_trans this (infi_le _ _), le_infi⟩

theorem Inf_eq_infi {s : set α} : Inf s = (⨅a ∈ s, a) :=
(le_infi $ assume b, le_infi $ assume h, Inf_le h)
(le_Inf $ assume b h, infi_le_of_le b $ infi_le _ h)

lemma monotone.map_infi_le [complete_lattice β] {f : α → β} (hf : monotone f) :
f (infi s) ≤ (⨅ i, f (s i)) :=
le_infi $ λ i, hf $ infi_le _ _
Expand All @@ -331,6 +345,10 @@ lemma monotone.map_infi2_le [complete_lattice β] {f : α → β} (hf : monotone
calc f (⨅ i (h : ι' i), s i h) ≤ (⨅ i, f (⨅ h, s i h)) : hf.map_infi_le
... ≤ (⨅ i h, f (s i h)) : infi_le_infi $ λ i, hf.map_infi_le

lemma monotone.map_Inf_le [complete_lattice β] {s : set α} {f : α → β} (hf : monotone f) :
f (Inf s) ≤ ⨅ a∈s, f a :=
by rw [Inf_eq_infi]; exact hf.map_infi2_le _

lemma le_infi_comp {ι' : Sort*} (f : ι' → α) (g : ι → ι') :
(⨅ y, f y) ≤ ⨅ x, f (g x) :=
infi_le_infi2 $ λ x, ⟨_, le_refl _⟩
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -550,16 +568,6 @@ le_antisymm
(supr_le_supr2 $ assume i, ⟨or.inl i, le_refl _⟩)
(supr_le_supr2 $ assume j, ⟨or.inr j, le_refl _⟩))

theorem Inf_eq_infi {s : set α} : Inf s = (⨅a ∈ s, a) :=
(le_infi $ assume b, le_infi $ assume h, Inf_le h)
(le_Inf $ assume b h, infi_le_of_le b $ infi_le _ h)

theorem Sup_eq_supr {s : set α} : Sup s = (⨆a ∈ s, a) :=
(Sup_le $ assume b h, le_supr_of_le b $ le_supr _ h)
(supr_le $ assume b, supr_le $ assume h, le_Sup h)

lemma Sup_range {α : Type u} [has_Sup α] {f : ι → α} : Sup (range f) = supr f := rfl

lemma Inf_range {α : Type u} [has_Inf α] {f : ι → α} : Inf (range f) = infi f := rfl
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10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions src/order/galois_connection.lean
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Expand Up @@ -83,6 +83,16 @@ funext (assume x, le_antisymm (gc.monotone_u (gc.l_u_le _)) (gc.le_u_l _))
lemma l_u_l_eq_l : l ∘ u ∘ l = l :=
funext (assume x, le_antisymm (gc.l_u_le _) (gc.monotone_l (gc.le_u_l _)))

lemma l_unique {l' : α → β} {u' : β → α} (gc' : galois_connection l' u')
(hu : ∀ b, u b = u' b) {a : α} : l a = l' a :=
le_antisymm (gc.l_le $ (hu (l' a)).symm ▸ gc'.le_u_l _)
(gc'.l_le $ hu (l a) ▸ gc.le_u_l _)

lemma u_unique {l' : α → β} {u' : β → α} (gc' : galois_connection l' u')
(hl : ∀ a, l a = l' a) {b : β} : u b = u' b :=
le_antisymm (gc'.le_u $ hl (u b) ▸ gc.l_u_le _)
(gc.le_u $ (hl (u' b)).symm ▸ gc'.l_u_le _)

end partial_order

section order_top
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142 changes: 124 additions & 18 deletions src/ring_theory/ideal_operations.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -45,7 +45,7 @@ theorem annihilator_eq_top_iff : N.annihilator = ⊤ ↔ N = ⊥ :=
theorem annihilator_mono (h : N ≤ P) : P.annihilator ≤ N.annihilator :=
λ r hrp, mem_annihilator.2 $ λ n hn, mem_annihilator.1 hrp n $ h hn

theorem annihilator_supr (ι : Type w) (f : ι → submodule R M) :
theorem annihilator_supr (ι : Sort w) (f : ι → submodule R M) :
(annihilator ⨆ i, f i) = ⨅ i, annihilator (f i) :=
le_antisymm (le_infi $ λ i, annihilator_mono $ le_supr _ _)
(λ r H, mem_annihilator'.2 $ supr_le $ λ i,
Expand All @@ -61,8 +61,8 @@ mem_colon
theorem colon_mono (hn : N₁ ≤ N₂) (hp : P₁ ≤ P₂) : N₁.colon P₂ ≤ N₂.colon P₁ :=
λ r hrnp, mem_colon.2 $ λ p₁ hp₁, hn $ mem_colon.1 hrnp p₁ $ hp hp₁

theorem infi_colon_supr (ι₁ : Type w) (f : ι₁ → submodule R M)
(ι₂ : Type x) (g : ι₂ → submodule R M) :
theorem infi_colon_supr (ι₁ : Sort w) (f : ι₁ → submodule R M)
(ι₂ : Sort x) (g : ι₂ → submodule R M) :
(⨅ i, f i).colon (⨆ j, g j) = ⨅ i j, (f i).colon (g j) :=
le_antisymm (le_infi $ λ i, le_infi $ λ j, colon_mono (infi_le _ _) (le_supr _ _))
(λ r H, mem_colon'.2 $ supr_le $ λ j, map_le_iff_le_comap.1 $ le_infi $ λ i,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -251,6 +251,24 @@ mul_comm r s ▸ mul_mem_mul hr hs
theorem mul_le : I * J ≤ K ↔ ∀ (r ∈ I) (s ∈ J), r * s ∈ K :=

lemma mul_le_left : I * J ≤ J :=
ideal.mul_le.2 (λ r hr s, ideal.mul_mem_left _)

lemma mul_le_right : I * J ≤ I :=
ideal.mul_le.2 (λ r hr s hs, ideal.mul_mem_right _ hr)

@[simp] lemma sup_mul_right_self : I ⊔ (I * J) = I :=
sup_eq_left.2 ideal.mul_le_right

@[simp] lemma sup_mul_left_self : I ⊔ (J * I) = I :=
sup_eq_left.2 ideal.mul_le_left

@[simp] lemma mul_right_self_sup : (I * J) ⊔ I = I :=
sup_eq_right.2 ideal.mul_le_right

@[simp] lemma mul_left_self_sup : (J * I) ⊔ I = I :=
sup_eq_right.2 ideal.mul_le_left

variables (I J K)
protected theorem mul_comm : I * J = J * I :=
le_antisymm (mul_le.2 $ λ r hrI s hsJ, mul_mem_mul_rev hsJ hrI)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -448,21 +466,10 @@ theorem is_prime.comap [hK : K.is_prime] : (comap f K).is_prime :=
by simp only [mem_comap, f.map_mul]; apply hK.2

variables (I J K L)
theorem map_bot : map f ⊥ = ⊥ :=
le_antisymm (map_le_iff_le_comap.2 bot_le) bot_le

theorem map_top : map f ⊤ = ⊤ :=
(eq_top_iff_one _).2 $ subset_span ⟨1, trivial, f.map_one⟩

theorem comap_top : comap f ⊤ = ⊤ :=
(eq_top_iff_one _).2 trivial

theorem map_sup : map f (I ⊔ J) = map f I ⊔ map f J :=
le_antisymm (map_le_iff_le_comap.2 $ sup_le
(map_le_iff_le_comap.1 le_sup_left)
(map_le_iff_le_comap.1 le_sup_right))
(sup_le (map_mono le_sup_left) (map_mono le_sup_right))

theorem map_mul : map f (I * J) = map f I * map f J :=
le_antisymm (map_le_iff_le_comap.2 $ mul_le.2 $ λ r hri s hsj,
show f (r * s) ∈ _, by rw f.map_mul;
Expand All @@ -474,8 +481,71 @@ le_antisymm (map_le_iff_le_comap.2 $ mul_le.2 $ λ r hri s hsj,
by rw [← f.map_mul];
exact mem_map_of_mem (mul_mem_mul hri hsj))

variable (f)
lemma gc_map_comap : galois_connection ( f) (ideal.comap f) :=
λ I J, ideal.map_le_iff_le_comap

@[simp] lemma comap_id : I.comap ( R) = I :=
ideal.ext $ λ _, iff.rfl

@[simp] lemma map_id : ( R) = I :=
(gc_map_comap ( R)).l_unique comap_id

lemma comap_comap {T : Type*} [comm_ring T] {I : ideal T} (f : R →+* S)
(g : S →+*T) : (I.comap g).comap f = I.comap (g.comp f) := rfl

lemma map_map {T : Type*} [comm_ring T] {I : ideal R} (f : R →+* S)
(g : S →+*T) : ( f).map g = (g.comp f) :=
((gc_map_comap f).compose _ _ _ _ (gc_map_comap g)).l_unique
(gc_map_comap (g.comp f)) (λ _, comap_comap _ _)

variables {f I J K L}

lemma map_le_of_le_comap : I ≤ K.comap f → f ≤ K :=
(gc_map_comap f).l_le

lemma le_comap_of_map_le : f ≤ K → I ≤ K.comap f :=
(gc_map_comap f).le_u

lemma le_comap_map : I ≤ ( f).comap f :=
(gc_map_comap f).le_u_l _

lemma map_comap_le : (K.comap f).map f ≤ K :=
(gc_map_comap f).l_u_le _

@[simp] lemma comap_top : (⊤ : ideal S).comap f = ⊤ :=
(gc_map_comap f).u_top

@[simp] lemma map_bot : (⊥ : ideal R).map f = ⊥ :=
(gc_map_comap f).l_bot

variables (f I J K L)

@[simp] lemma map_comap_map : (( f).comap f).map f = f :=
congr_fun (gc_map_comap f).l_u_l_eq_l I

@[simp] lemma comap_map_comap : ((K.comap f).map f).comap f = K.comap f :=
congr_fun (gc_map_comap f).u_l_u_eq_u K

lemma map_sup : (I ⊔ J).map f = f ⊔ f :=
(gc_map_comap f).l_sup

theorem comap_inf : comap f (K ⊓ L) = comap f K ⊓ comap f L := rfl

variables {ι : Sort*}

lemma map_supr (K : ι → ideal R) : (supr K).map f = ⨆ i, (K i).map f :=
(gc_map_comap f).l_supr

lemma comap_infi (K : ι → ideal S) : (infi K).comap f = ⨅ i, (K i).comap f :=
(gc_map_comap f).u_infi

lemma map_Sup (s : set (ideal R)): (Sup s).map f = ⨆ I ∈ s, (I : ideal R).map f :=
(gc_map_comap f).l_Sup

lemma comap_Inf (s : set (ideal S)): (Inf s).comap f = ⨅ I ∈ s, (I : ideal S).comap f :=
(gc_map_comap f).u_Inf

theorem comap_radical : comap f (radical K) = radical (comap f K) :=
le_antisymm (λ r ⟨n, hfrnk⟩, ⟨n, show f (r ^ n) ∈ K,
from (f.map_pow r n).symm ▸ hfrnk⟩)
Expand All @@ -489,15 +559,13 @@ eq_bot_iff.2 $ ideal.map_le_iff_le_comap.2 $ λ x hx,
variables {I J K L}

theorem map_inf_le : map f (I ⊓ J) ≤ map f I ⊓ map f J :=
map_le_iff_le_comap.2 $ (comap_inf f (map f I) (map f J)).symm ▸
inf_le_inf (map_le_iff_le_comap.1 $ le_refl _) (map_le_iff_le_comap.1 $ le_refl _)
(gc_map_comap f).monotone_l.map_inf_le _ _

theorem map_radical_le : map f (radical I) ≤ radical (map f I) :=
map_le_iff_le_comap.2 $ λ r ⟨n, hrni⟩, ⟨n, f.map_pow r n ▸ mem_map_of_mem hrni⟩

theorem le_comap_sup : comap f K ⊔ comap f L ≤ comap f (K ⊔ L) :=
map_le_iff_le_comap.1 $ (map_sup f (comap f K) (comap f L)).symm ▸
sup_le_sup (map_le_iff_le_comap.2 $ le_refl _) (map_le_iff_le_comap.2 $ le_refl _)
(gc_map_comap f).monotone_u.le_map_sup _ _

theorem le_comap_mul : comap f K * comap f L ≤ comap f (K * L) :=
map_le_iff_le_comap.1 $ (map_mul f (comap f K) (comap f L)).symm ▸
Expand All @@ -507,12 +575,41 @@ section surjective
variables (hf : function.surjective f)
include hf

open function

theorem map_comap_of_surjective (I : ideal S) :
map f (comap f I) = I :=
le_antisymm (map_le_iff_le_comap.2 (le_refl _))
(λ s hsi, let ⟨r, hfrs⟩ := hf s in
hfrs ▸ (mem_map_of_mem $ show f r ∈ I, from hfrs.symm ▸ hsi))

/-- `map` and `comap` are adjoint, and the composition `map f ∘ comap f` is the
identity -/
def gi_map_comap : galois_insertion (map f) (comap f) :=
((gc_map_comap f).monotone_u)
((gc_map_comap f).monotone_l)
(λ _, le_comap_map)
(map_comap_of_surjective _ hf)

lemma map_surjective_of_surjective : surjective (map f) :=
(gi_map_comap f hf).l_surjective

lemma comap_injective_of_surjective : injective (comap f) :=
(gi_map_comap f hf).u_injective

lemma map_sup_comap_of_surjective (I J : ideal S) : (I.comap f ⊔ J.comap f).map f = I ⊔ J :=
(gi_map_comap f hf).l_sup_u _ _

lemma map_supr_comap_of_surjective (K : ι → ideal S) : (⨆i, (K i).comap f).map f = supr K :=
(gi_map_comap f hf).l_supr_u _

lemma map_inf_comap_of_surjective (I J : ideal S) : (I.comap f ⊓ J.comap f).map f = I ⊓ J :=
(gi_map_comap f hf).l_inf_u _ _

lemma map_infi_comap_of_surjective (K : ι → ideal S) : (⨅i, (K i).comap f).map f = infi K :=
(gi_map_comap f hf).l_infi_u _

theorem mem_image_of_mem_map_of_surjective {I : ideal R} {y}
(H : y ∈ map f I) : y ∈ f '' I :=
submodule.span_induction H (λ _, id) ⟨0, I.zero_mem, f.map_zero⟩
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -695,6 +792,15 @@ lemma ker_is_prime [integral_domain S] (f : R →+* S) :

end ring_hom

namespace ideal

variables {R : Type*} {S : Type*} [comm_ring R] [comm_ring S]

lemma map_eq_bot_iff_le_ker {I : ideal R} (f : R →+* S) : f = ⊥ ↔ I ≤ f.ker :=
by rw [ring_hom.ker, eq_bot_iff, map_le_iff_le_comap]

end ideal

namespace submodule

variables {R : Type u} {M : Type v}
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