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joelriou committed Mar 1, 2022
1 parent 73dd4b5 commit 37885e8
Showing 1 changed file with 170 additions and 0 deletions.
170 changes: 170 additions & 0 deletions src/category_theory/idempotents/biproducts.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
Copyright (c) 2022 Joël Riou. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Joël Riou

import category_theory.idempotents.karoubi
import category_theory.additive.basic

# Biproducts in the idempotent completion of a preadditive category
In this file, we define an instance expressing that if `C` is an additive category,
then `karoubi C` is also an additive category.
We also obtain that for all `P : karoubi C` where `C` is a preadditive category `C`, there
is a canonical isomorphism `P ⊞ P.complement ≅ (to_karoubi C).obj P.X` in the category
`karoubi C` where `P.complement` is the formal direct factor of `P.X` corresponding to
the idempotent endomorphism `𝟙 P.X - P.p`.

noncomputable theory

open category_theory.category
open category_theory.limits
open category_theory.preadditive

universes v

namespace category_theory

namespace idempotents

namespace karoubi

variables {C : Type*} [category.{v} C] [preadditive C]

namespace biproducts

/-- The `bicone` used in order to obtain the existence of
the biproduct of a functor `J ⥤ karoubi C` when the category `C` is additive. -/
def bicone [has_finite_biproducts C] {J : Type v} [decidable_eq J] [fintype J]
(F : J → karoubi C) : bicone F :=
{ X :=
{ X := biproduct (λ j, (F j).X),
p := (λ j, (F j).p),
idempotence := begin
ext j,
simp only [biproduct.ι_map_assoc, biproduct.ι_map],
slice_lhs 1 2 { rw (F j).idempotence, },
end, },
π := λ j,
{ f := (λ j, (F j).p) ≫ bicone.π _ j,
comm := by simp only [assoc, biproduct.bicone_π, biproduct.map_π,
biproduct.map_π_assoc, (F j).idempotence], },
ι := λ j,
{ f := (by exact bicone.ι _ j) ≫ (λ j, (F j).p),
comm := by rw [biproduct.ι_map, ← assoc, ← assoc, (F j).idempotence,
assoc, biproduct.ι_map, ← assoc, (F j).idempotence], },
ι_π := λ j j', begin
{ subst h,
simp only [biproduct.bicone_ι, biproduct.ι_map, biproduct.bicone_π,
biproduct.ι_π_self_assoc, comp, category.assoc, eq_to_hom_refl, id_eq,
biproduct.map_π, (F j).idempotence], },
{ simpa only [hom_ext, biproduct.ι_π_ne_assoc _ h, assoc,
biproduct.map_π, biproduct.map_π_assoc, zero_comp, comp], },
end, }

end biproducts

lemma karoubi_has_finite_biproducts [has_finite_biproducts C] :
has_finite_biproducts (karoubi C) :=
{ has_biproducts_of_shape := λ J hJ₁ hJ₂,
{ has_biproduct := λ F, begin
letI := hJ₂,
apply has_biproduct_of_total (biproducts.bicone F),
ext1, ext1,
simp only [id_eq, comp_id, biproducts.bicone_X_p, biproduct.ι_map],
rw [sum_hom, comp_sum, finset.sum_eq_single j], rotate,
{ intros j' h1 h2,
simp only [biproduct.ι_map, biproducts.bicone_ι_f, biproducts.bicone_π_f,
assoc, comp, biproduct.map_π],
slice_lhs 1 2 { rw biproduct.ι_π, },
{ exfalso, exact h2 h.symm, },
{ simp only [zero_comp], } },
{ intro h,
simpa only [finset.mem_univ, not_true] using h, },
{ simp only [biproducts.bicone_π_f, comp,
biproduct.ι_map, assoc, biproducts.bicone_ι_f, biproduct.map_π],
slice_lhs 1 2 { rw biproduct.ι_π, },
split_ifs, swap, { exfalso, exact h rfl, },
simp only [eq_to_hom_refl, id_comp, (F j).idempotence], },
end, } }

instance {D : Type*} [category D] [additive_category D] : additive_category (karoubi D) :=
{ to_preadditive := infer_instance,
to_has_finite_biproducts := karoubi_has_finite_biproducts }

/-- `P.complement` is the formal direct factor of `P.X` given by the idempotent
endomorphism `𝟙 P.X - P.p` -/
def complement (P : karoubi C) : karoubi C :=
{ X := P.X,
p := 𝟙 _ - P.p,
idempotence := idempotence_of_id_sub_idempotent P.p P.idempotence, }

instance (P : karoubi C) : has_binary_biproduct P P.complement :=
{ X := P.X,
fst := P.decomp_id_p,
snd := P.complement.decomp_id_p,
inl := P.decomp_id_i,
inr := P.complement.decomp_id_i,
inl_fst' := P.decomp_id.symm,
inl_snd' := begin
simp only [decomp_id_i_f, decomp_id_p_f, complement_p, comp_sub, comp,
hom_ext, quiver.hom.add_comm_group_zero_f, P.idempotence],
erw [comp_id, sub_self],
inr_fst' := begin
simp only [decomp_id_i_f, complement_p, decomp_id_p_f, sub_comp, comp,
hom_ext, quiver.hom.add_comm_group_zero_f, P.idempotence],
erw [id_comp, sub_self],
inr_snd' := P.complement.decomp_id.symm, }
(by simp only [hom_ext, ← decomp_p, quiver.hom.add_comm_group_add_f,
to_karoubi_map_f, id_eq, coe_p, complement_p, add_sub_cancel'_right])

/-- A formal direct factor `P : karoubi C` of an object `P.X : C` in a
preadditive category is actually a direct factor of the image `(to_karoubi C).obj P.X`
of `P.X` in the category `karoubi C` -/
def decomposition (P : karoubi C) : P ⊞ P.complement ≅ (to_karoubi _).obj P.X :=
{ hom := biprod.desc P.decomp_id_i P.complement.decomp_id_i,
inv := biprod.lift P.decomp_id_p P.complement.decomp_id_p,
hom_inv_id' := begin
{ simp only [← assoc, biprod.inl_desc, comp_id, biprod.lift_eq, comp_add,
← decomp_id, id_comp, add_right_eq_self],
convert zero_comp,
simp only [decomp_id_i_f, decomp_id_p_f, complement_p, comp_sub, comp,
quiver.hom.add_comm_group_zero_f, P.idempotence],
erw [comp_id, sub_self], },
{ simp only [← assoc, biprod.inr_desc, biprod.lift_eq, comp_add,
← decomp_id, comp_id, id_comp, add_left_eq_self],
convert zero_comp,
simp only [decomp_id_i_f, decomp_id_p_f, complement_p, sub_comp, comp,
quiver.hom.add_comm_group_zero_f, P.idempotence],
erw [id_comp, sub_self], }
inv_hom_id' := begin
rw biprod.lift_desc,
simp only [← decomp_p],
dsimp only [complement, to_karoubi],
simp only [quiver.hom.add_comm_group_add_f, add_sub_cancel'_right, id_eq],
end, }

end karoubi

end idempotents

end category_theory

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