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chore(algebra/direct_sum/module): extract out common variables (#10207
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Slight reorganization to extract out repeatedly-used variable declarations, and update module docstring.  No changes to the content.
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hrmacbeth committed Nov 8, 2021
1 parent bf242b7 commit 380d6ca
Showing 1 changed file with 51 additions and 41 deletions.
92 changes: 51 additions & 41 deletions src/algebra/direct_sum/module.lean
Expand Up @@ -7,32 +7,31 @@ import algebra.direct_sum.basic
import linear_algebra.dfinsupp

# Direct sum of modules over commutative rings, indexed by a discrete type.
# Direct sum of modules
This file provides constructors for finite direct sums of modules.
It provides a construction of the direct sum using the universal property and proves
its uniqueness.
The first part of the file provides constructors for direct sums of modules. It provides a
construction of the direct sum using the universal property and proves its uniqueness
## Implementation notes
The second part of the file covers the special case of direct sums of submodules of a fixed module
`M`. There is a canonical linear map from this direct sum to `M`, and the construction is
of particular importance when this linear map is an equivalence; that is, when the submodules
provide an internal decomposition of `M`. The property is defined as
`direct_sum.submodule_is_internal`, and its basic consequences are established.
All of this file assumes that
* `R` is a commutative ring,
* `ι` is a discrete type,
* `S` is a finite set in `ι`,
* `M` is a family of `R` modules indexed over `ι`.

universes u v w u₁

variables (R : Type u) [semiring R]
variables (ι : Type v) [dec_ι : decidable_eq ι] (M : ι → Type w)
variables [Π i, add_comm_monoid (M i)] [Π i, module R (M i)]
include R

namespace direct_sum
open_locale direct_sum

variables {R ι M}
section general
variables {R : Type u} [semiring R]
variables {ι : Type v} [dec_ι : decidable_eq ι]
include R
variables {M : ι → Type w} [Π i, add_comm_monoid (M i)] [Π i, module R (M i)]

instance : module R (⨁ i, M i) := dfinsupp.module
instance {S : Type*} [semiring S] [Π i, module S (M i)] [Π i, smul_comm_class R S (M i)] :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -194,15 +193,22 @@ lemma component.of (i j : ι) (b : M j) :
if h : j = i then eq.rec_on h b else 0 :=

end general

section submodule

section semiring
variables {R : Type u} [semiring R]
variables {ι : Type v} [dec_ι : decidable_eq ι]
include dec_ι
variables {M : Type*} [add_comm_monoid M] [module R M]
variables (A : ι → submodule R M)

/-- The canonical embedding from `⨁ i, A i` to `M` where `A` is a collection of `submodule R M`
indexed by `ι`-/
def submodule_coe {R M : Type*} [semiring R] [add_comm_monoid M] [module R M]
(A : ι → submodule R M) : (⨁ i, A i) →ₗ[R] M :=
to_module R ι M (λ i, (A i).subtype)
def submodule_coe : (⨁ i, A i) →ₗ[R] M := to_module R ι M (λ i, (A i).subtype)

@[simp] lemma submodule_coe_of {R M : Type*} [semiring R] [add_comm_monoid M] [module R M]
(A : ι → submodule R M) (i : ι) (x : A i) :
submodule_coe A (of (λ i, A i) i x) = x :=
@[simp] lemma submodule_coe_of (i : ι) (x : A i) : submodule_coe A (of (λ i, A i) i x) = x :=
to_add_monoid_of _ _ _

Expand All @@ -211,51 +217,55 @@ canonical map `(⨁ i, A i) →ₗ[R] M` is bijective.
For the alternate statement in terms of independence and spanning, see
`direct_sum.submodule_is_internal_iff_independent_and_supr_eq_top`. -/
def submodule_is_internal {R M : Type*}
[semiring R] [add_comm_monoid M] [module R M]
(A : ι → submodule R M) : Prop :=
function.bijective (submodule_coe A)
def submodule_is_internal : Prop := function.bijective (submodule_coe A)

lemma submodule_is_internal.to_add_submonoid {R M : Type*}
[semiring R] [add_comm_monoid M] [module R M] (A : ι → submodule R M) :
lemma submodule_is_internal.to_add_submonoid :
submodule_is_internal A ↔ add_submonoid_is_internal (λ i, (A i).to_add_submonoid) :=

lemma submodule_is_internal.to_add_subgroup {R M : Type*}
[ring R] [add_comm_group M] [module R M] (A : ι → submodule R M) :
submodule_is_internal A ↔ add_subgroup_is_internal (λ i, (A i).to_add_subgroup) :=
variables {A}

/-- If a direct sum of submodules is internal then the submodules span the module. -/
lemma submodule_is_internal.supr_eq_top {R M : Type*}
[semiring R] [add_comm_monoid M] [module R M] {A : ι → submodule R M}
(h : submodule_is_internal A) : supr A = ⊤ :=
lemma submodule_is_internal.supr_eq_top (h : submodule_is_internal A) : supr A = ⊤ :=
rw [submodule.supr_eq_range_dfinsupp_lsum, linear_map.range_eq_top],
exact function.bijective.surjective h,

/-- If a direct sum of submodules is internal then the submodules are independent. -/
lemma submodule_is_internal.independent {R M : Type*}
[semiring R] [add_comm_monoid M] [module R M] {A : ι → submodule R M}
(h : submodule_is_internal A) : complete_lattice.independent A :=
lemma submodule_is_internal.independent (h : submodule_is_internal A) :
complete_lattice.independent A :=
complete_lattice.independent_of_dfinsupp_lsum_injective _ h.injective

end semiring

section ring
variables {R : Type u} [ring R]
variables {ι : Type v} [dec_ι : decidable_eq ι]
include dec_ι
variables {M : Type*} [add_comm_group M] [module R M]

lemma submodule_is_internal.to_add_subgroup (A : ι → submodule R M) :
submodule_is_internal A ↔ add_subgroup_is_internal (λ i, (A i).to_add_subgroup) :=

/-- Note that this is not generally true for `[semiring R]`; see
`complete_lattice.independent.dfinsupp_lsum_injective` for details. -/
lemma submodule_is_internal_of_independent_of_supr_eq_top {R M : Type*}
[ring R] [add_comm_group M] [module R M] {A : ι → submodule R M}
lemma submodule_is_internal_of_independent_of_supr_eq_top {A : ι → submodule R M}
(hi : complete_lattice.independent A) (hs : supr A = ⊤) : submodule_is_internal A :=
⟨hi.dfinsupp_lsum_injective, linear_map.range_eq_top.1 $
(submodule.supr_eq_range_dfinsupp_lsum _).symm.trans hs⟩

/-- `iff` version of `direct_sum.submodule_is_internal_of_independent_of_supr_eq_top`,
`direct_sum.submodule_is_internal.independent`, and `direct_sum.submodule_is_internal.supr_eq_top`.
lemma submodule_is_internal_iff_independent_and_supr_eq_top {R M : Type*}
[ring R] [add_comm_group M] [module R M] (A : ι → submodule R M) :
lemma submodule_is_internal_iff_independent_and_supr_eq_top (A : ι → submodule R M) :
submodule_is_internal A ↔ complete_lattice.independent A ∧ supr A = ⊤ :=
⟨λ i, ⟨i.independent, i.supr_eq_top⟩,
and.rec submodule_is_internal_of_independent_of_supr_eq_top⟩

end ring

end submodule

end direct_sum

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