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recognizing filtered colimits of types
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rwbarton committed Apr 8, 2019
1 parent bc457fb commit 3881c3a
Showing 1 changed file with 45 additions and 0 deletions.
45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions src/category_theory/limits/types.lean
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Expand Up @@ -83,6 +83,20 @@ instance : has_colimits.{u} (Type u) :=
(λ p, c.ι.app p.1 p.2)
(λ p p' ⟨f, h⟩, by rw h; exact (functor_to_types.naturality _ _ c.ι f _).symm) := rfl

lemma jointly_surjective (F : J ⥤ Type u) {t : limits.cocone F} (h : limits.is_colimit t)
(x : t.X) : ∃ j y, t.ι.app j y = x :=
suffices : (λ (x : t.X), ulift.up (∃ j y, t.ι.app j y = x)) = (λ _, ulift.up true),
{ have := congr_fun this x,
have H := congr_arg ulift.down this,
dsimp at H,
rwa eq_true at H },
refine h.hom_ext _,
intro j, ext y,
erw iff_true,
exact ⟨j, y, rfl⟩

namespace filtered_colimit
/- For filtered colimits of types, we can give an explicit description
of the equivalence relation generated by the relation used to form
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -148,6 +162,37 @@ begin
convert equiv.apply_eq_iff_eq e'.to_equiv _ _; rw ←e.hom.w; refl

variables (t)
/-- Recognizing filtered colimits of types. -/
noncomputable def is_colimit_of (hsurj : ∀ (x : t.X), ∃ i xi, x = t.ι.app i xi)
(hinj : ∀ i j xi xj, t.ι.app i xi = t.ι.app j xj →
∃ k (f : i ⟶ k) (g : j ⟶ k), f xi = g xj) : is_colimit t :=
-- Strategy: Prove that the map from "the" colimit of F (defined above) to t.X
-- is a bijection.
apply is_colimit.of_iso_colimit (colimit.is_colimit F),
refine cocones.ext (equiv.to_iso (equiv.of_bijective _)) _,
{ exact colimit.desc F t },
{ split,
{ show function.injective _,
intros a b h,
rcases jointly_surjective F (colimit.is_colimit F) a with ⟨i, xi, rfl⟩,
rcases jointly_surjective F (colimit.is_colimit F) b with ⟨j, xj, rfl⟩,
change (colimit.ι F i ≫ colimit.desc F t) xi = (colimit.ι F j ≫ colimit.desc F t) xj at h,
rw [colimit.ι_desc, colimit.ι_desc] at h,
rcases hinj i j xi xj h with ⟨k, f, g, h'⟩,
change colimit.ι F i xi = colimit.ι F j xj,
rw [←colimit.w F f, ←colimit.w F g],
change colimit.ι F k ( f xi) = colimit.ι F k ( g xj),
rw h' },
{ show function.surjective _,
intro x,
rcases hsurj x with ⟨i, xi, rfl⟩,
use colimit.ι F i xi,
simp } },
{ intro j, apply colimit.ι_desc }

end filtered_colimit

end category_theory.limits.types

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