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feat(linear_algebra/affine_space): more lemmas (#3615)
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Add further lemmas on affine spaces.  This is the last piece of
preparation needed on the affine space side for my definitions of
`circumcenter` and `circumradius` for a simplex in a Euclidean affine

Co-authored-by: Vierkantor <>
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jsm28 and Vierkantor committed Aug 5, 2020
1 parent 84b450d commit 3b26878
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Showing 2 changed files with 264 additions and 1 deletion.
18 changes: 18 additions & 0 deletions src/algebra/add_torsor.lean
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import
import data.equiv.basic
import data.set.finite

# Torsors of additive group actions
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -217,6 +218,12 @@ by rw [←add_right_inj (p2 -ᵥ p1 : G), vsub_add_vsub_cancel, ←neg_vsub_eq_v
(p1 -ᵥ p3 : G) - (p2 -ᵥ p3) = (p1 -ᵥ p2) :=
by rw [←vsub_vadd_eq_vsub_sub, vsub_vadd]

/-- Convert between an equality with adding a group element to a point
and an equality of a subtraction of two points with a group
element. -/
lemma eq_vadd_iff_vsub_eq (p1 : P) (g : G) (p2 : P) : p1 = g +ᵥ p2 ↔ p1 -ᵥ p2 = g :=
⟨λ h, h.symm ▸ vadd_vsub _ _ _, λ h, h ▸ (vsub_vadd _ _ _).symm⟩

/-- The pairwise differences of a set of points. -/
def vsub_set (s : set P) : set G := {g | ∃ x ∈ s, ∃ y ∈ s, g = x -ᵥ y}

Expand All @@ -240,6 +247,17 @@ begin
{ exact λ h, h.symm ▸ ⟨p, set.mem_singleton p, p, set.mem_singleton p, (vsub_self G p).symm⟩ }

/-- `vsub_set` of a finite set is finite. -/
lemma vsub_set_finite_of_finite {s : set P} (h : set.finite s) : set.finite (vsub_set G s) :=
have hi : vsub_set G s = set.image2 vsub s s,
{ ext,
exact ⟨λ ⟨p1, hp1, p2, hp2, hg⟩, ⟨p1, p2, hp1, hp2, hg.symm⟩,
λ ⟨p1, p2, hp1, hp2, hg⟩, ⟨p1, hp1, p2, hp2, hg.symm⟩⟩ },
rw hi,
exact set.finite.image2 _ h h

/-- Each pairwise difference is in the `vsub_set`. -/
lemma vsub_mem_vsub_set {p1 p2 : P} {s : set P} (hp1 : p1 ∈ s) (hp2 : p2 ∈ s) :
(p1 -ᵥ p2) ∈ vsub_set G s :=
Expand Down
247 changes: 246 additions & 1 deletion src/linear_algebra/affine_space.lean
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,7 @@ Author: Joseph Myers.
import algebra.add_torsor
import data.indicator_function
import linear_algebra.basis
import linear_algebra.finite_dimensional

noncomputable theory
open_locale big_operators
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -333,6 +333,67 @@ lemma affine_combination_indicator_subset (w : ι → k) (p : ι → P) {s₁ s
by rw [affine_combination_apply, affine_combination_apply,
weighted_vsub_of_point_indicator_subset _ _ _ _ h]

variables {V}

/-- Suppose an indexed family of points is given, along with a subset
of the index type. A vector can be expressed as
`weighted_vsub_of_point` using a `finset` lying within that subset and
with a given sum of weights if and only if it can be expressed as
`weighted_vsub_of_point` with that sum of weights for the
corresponding indexed family whose index type is the subtype
corresponding to that subset. -/
lemma eq_weighted_vsub_of_point_subset_iff_eq_weighted_vsub_of_point_subtype {v : V} {x : k}
{s : set ι} {p : ι → P} {b : P} :
(∃ (fs : finset ι) (hfs : ↑fs ⊆ s) (w : ι → k) (hw : ∑ i in fs, w i = x),
v = fs.weighted_vsub_of_point V p b w) ↔
∃ (fs : finset s) (w : s → k) (hw : ∑ i in fs, w i = x),
v = fs.weighted_vsub_of_point V (λ (i : s), p i) b w :=
simp_rw weighted_vsub_of_point_apply,
{ rintros ⟨fs, hfs, w, rfl, rfl⟩,
use [fs.subtype s, λ i, w i, sum_subtype_of_mem _ hfs, (sum_subtype_of_mem _ hfs).symm] },
{ rintros ⟨fs, w, rfl, rfl⟩,
refine ⟨ (function.embedding.subtype _), map_subtype_subset _,
λ i, if h : i ∈ s then w ⟨i, h⟩ else 0, _, _⟩;
simp }

variables (k)

/-- Suppose an indexed family of points is given, along with a subset
of the index type. A vector can be expressed as `weighted_vsub` using
a `finset` lying within that subset and with sum of weights 0 if and
only if it can be expressed as `weighted_vsub` with sum of weights 0
for the corresponding indexed family whose index type is the subtype
corresponding to that subset. -/
lemma eq_weighted_vsub_subset_iff_eq_weighted_vsub_subtype {v : V} {s : set ι} {p : ι → P} :
(∃ (fs : finset ι) (hfs : ↑fs ⊆ s) (w : ι → k) (hw : ∑ i in fs, w i = 0),
v = fs.weighted_vsub V p w) ↔
∃ (fs : finset s) (w : s → k) (hw : ∑ i in fs, w i = 0),
v = fs.weighted_vsub V (λ (i : s), p i) w :=

variables (V)

/-- Suppose an indexed family of points is given, along with a subset
of the index type. A point can be expressed as an
`affine_combination` using a `finset` lying within that subset and
with sum of weights 1 if and only if it can be expressed an
`affine_combination` with sum of weights 1 for the corresponding
indexed family whose index type is the subtype corresponding to that
subset. -/
lemma eq_affine_combination_subset_iff_eq_affine_combination_subtype {p0 : P} {s : set ι}
{p : ι → P} :
(∃ (fs : finset ι) (hfs : ↑fs ⊆ s) (w : ι → k) (hw : ∑ i in fs, w i = 1),
p0 = fs.affine_combination V w p) ↔
∃ (fs : finset s) (w : s → k) (hw : ∑ i in fs, w i = 1),
p0 = fs.affine_combination V w (λ (i : s), p i) :=
simp_rw [affine_combination_apply, eq_vadd_iff_vsub_eq],
exact eq_weighted_vsub_of_point_subset_iff_eq_weighted_vsub_of_point_subtype

end finset

section affine_independent
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -402,6 +463,79 @@ begin
exact finset.eq_zero_of_sum_eq_zero hw h2b i hi }

/-- A family is affinely independent if and only if any affine
combinations (with sum of weights 1) that evaluate to the same point
have equal `set.indicator`. -/
lemma affine_independent_iff_indicator_eq_of_affine_combination_eq (p : ι → P) :
affine_independent k V p ↔ ∀ (s1 s2 : finset ι) (w1 w2 : ι → k), ∑ i in s1, w1 i = 1
∑ i in s2, w2 i = 1 → s1.affine_combination V w1 p = s2.affine_combination V w2 p →
set.indicator ↑s1 w1 = set.indicator ↑s2 w2 :=
{ intros ha s1 s2 w1 w2 hw1 hw2 heq,
ext i,
by_cases hi : i ∈ (s1 ∪ s2),
{ rw ←sub_eq_zero,
rw set.sum_indicator_subset _ (finset.subset_union_left s1 s2) at hw1,
rw set.sum_indicator_subset _ (finset.subset_union_right s1 s2) at hw2,
have hws : ∑ i in s1 ∪ s2, (set.indicator ↑s1 w1 - set.indicator ↑s2 w2) i = 0,
{ simp [hw1, hw2] },
rw [finset.affine_combination_indicator_subset _ _ _ (finset.subset_union_left s1 s2),
finset.affine_combination_indicator_subset _ _ _ (finset.subset_union_right s1 s2),
←vsub_eq_zero_iff_eq V, finset.affine_combination_vsub] at heq,
exact ha (s1 ∪ s2) (set.indicator ↑s1 w1 - set.indicator ↑s2 w2) hws heq i hi },
{ rw [←finset.mem_coe, finset.coe_union] at hi,
simp [mt (set.mem_union_left ↑s2) hi, mt (set.mem_union_right ↑s1) hi] } },
{ intros ha s w hw hs i0 hi0,
let w1 : ι → k := function.update (function.const ι 0) i0 1,
have hw1 : ∑ i in s, w1 i = 1,
{ rw [finset.sum_update_of_mem hi0, finset.sum_const_zero, add_zero] },
have hw1s : s.affine_combination V w1 p = p i0 :=
s.affine_combination_of_eq_one_of_eq_zero V w1 p hi0 (function.update_same _ _ _)
(λ _ _ hne, function.update_noteq hne _ _),
let w2 := w + w1,
have hw2 : ∑ i in s, w2 i = 1,
{ simp [w2, finset.sum_add_distrib, hw, hw1] },
have hw2s : s.affine_combination V w2 p = p i0,
{ simp [w2, ←finset.weighted_vsub_vadd_affine_combination, hs, hw1s] },
replace ha := ha s s w2 w1 hw2 hw1 (hw1s.symm ▸ hw2s),
have hws : w2 i0 - w1 i0 = 0,
{ rw ←finset.mem_coe at hi0,
rw [←set.indicator_of_mem hi0 w2, ←set.indicator_of_mem hi0 w1, ha, sub_self] },
simpa [w2] using hws }

variables {k V}

/-- If a family is affinely independent, so is any subfamily given by
composition of an embedding into index type with the original
family. -/
lemma affine_independent_embedding_of_affine_independent2 : Type*} (f : ι2 ↪ ι) {p : ι → P}
(ha : affine_independent k V p) : affine_independent k V (p ∘ f) :=
intros fs w hw hs i0 hi0,
let fs' := f,
let w' := λ i, if h : ∃ i2, f i2 = i then w h.some else 0,
have hw' : ∀ i2 : ι2, w' (f i2) = w i2,
{ intro i2,
have h : ∃ i : ι2, f i = f i2 := ⟨i2, rfl⟩,
have hs : h.some = i2 := f.injective h.some_spec,
simp_rw [w', dif_pos h, hs] },
have hw's : ∑ i in fs', w' i = 0,
{ rw [←hw, finset.sum_map],
simp [hw'] },
have hs' : fs'.weighted_vsub V p w' = 0,
{ rw [←hs, finset.weighted_vsub_apply, finset.weighted_vsub_apply, finset.sum_map],
simp [hw'] },
rw [←ha fs' w' hw's hs' (f i0) ((finset.mem_map' _).2 hi0), hw']

/-- If a family is affinely independent, so is any subfamily indexed
by a subtype of the index type. -/
lemma affine_independent_subtype_of_affine_independent {p : ι → P}
(ha : affine_independent k V p) (s : set ι) : affine_independent k V (λ i : s, p i) :=
affine_independent_embedding_of_affine_independent (function.embedding.subtype _) ha

end affine_independent

namespace affine_space
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -763,6 +897,31 @@ mem_span_points k V p s hp

end affine_span

namespace affine_space

variables (k : Type*) (V : Type*) {P : Type*} [field k] [add_comm_group V] [module k V]
[affine_space k V P]
variables {ι : Type*}

/-- The `vector_span` of a finite set is finite-dimensional. -/
lemma finite_dimensional_vector_span_of_finite {s : set P} (h : set.finite s) :
finite_dimensional k (vector_span k V s) :=
finite_dimensional.span_of_finite k $ vsub_set_finite_of_finite V h

/-- The direction of the affine span of a finite set is
finite-dimensional. -/
lemma finite_dimensional_direction_affine_span_of_finite {s : set P} (h : set.finite s) :
finite_dimensional k (affine_span k V s).direction :=
(direction_affine_span k V s).symm ▸ finite_dimensional_vector_span_of_finite k V h

/-- The direction of the affine span of a family indexed by a
`fintype` is finite-dimensional. -/
instance finite_dimensional_direction_affine_span_of_fintype [fintype ι] (p : ι → P) :
finite_dimensional k (affine_span k V (set.range p)).direction :=
finite_dimensional_direction_affine_span_of_finite k V (set.finite_range _)

end affine_space

namespace affine_subspace

variables {k : Type*} {V : Type*} {P : Type*} [ring k] [add_comm_group V] [module k V]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -873,6 +1032,12 @@ begin

/-- A point is in the affine span of a single point if and only if
they are equal. -/
@[simp] lemma mem_affine_span_singleton (p1 p2 : P) :
p1 ∈ affine_span k V ({p2} : set P) ↔ p1 = p2 :=
by simp [←mem_coe]

/-- The span of a union of sets is the sup of their spans. -/
lemma span_union (s t : set P) : affine_span k V (s ∪ t) = affine_span k V s ⊔ affine_span k V t :=
( k V P).gc.l_sup
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1035,6 +1200,15 @@ begin
{ exact λ h, h.symm ▸ hp }

/-- Coercing a subspace to a set then taking the affine span produces
the original subspace. -/
@[simp] lemma affine_span_coe (s : affine_subspace k V P) : affine_span k V (s : set P) = s :=
refine le_antisymm _ (subset_span_points _ _ _),
rintros p ⟨p1, hp1, v, hv, rfl⟩,
exact vadd_mem_of_mem_direction hv hp1

end affine_subspace

namespace affine_space
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1248,6 +1422,77 @@ end

end affine_space

section affine_independent

open affine_space

variables {k : Type*} {V : Type*} {P : Type*} [ring k] [add_comm_group V] [module k V]
variables [affine_space k V P] {ι : Type*}

/-- If a family is affinely independent, and the spans of points
indexed by two subsets of the index type have a point in common, those
subsets of the index type have an element in common, if the underlying
ring is nontrivial. -/
lemma exists_mem_inter_of_exists_mem_inter_affine_span_of_affine_independent [nontrivial k]
{p : ι → P} (ha : affine_independent k V p) {s1 s2 : set ι} {p0 : P}
(hp0s1 : p0 ∈ affine_span k V (p '' s1)) (hp0s2 : p0 ∈ affine_span k V (p '' s2)):
∃ (i : ι), i ∈ s1 ∩ s2 :=
rw set.image_eq_range at hp0s1 hp0s2,
rw [mem_affine_span_iff_eq_affine_combination,
←finset.eq_affine_combination_subset_iff_eq_affine_combination_subtype] at hp0s1 hp0s2,
rcases hp0s1 with ⟨fs1, hfs1, w1, hw1, hp0s1⟩,
rcases hp0s2 with ⟨fs2, hfs2, w2, hw2, hp0s2⟩,
rw affine_independent_iff_indicator_eq_of_affine_combination_eq at ha,
replace ha := ha fs1 fs2 w1 w2 hw1 hw2 (hp0s1 ▸ hp0s2),
have hnz : ∑ i in fs1, w1 i ≠ 0 := hw1.symm ▸ one_ne_zero,
rcases finset.exists_ne_zero_of_sum_ne_zero hnz with ⟨i, hifs1, hinz⟩,
simp_rw [←set.indicator_of_mem (finset.mem_coe.2 hifs1) w1, ha] at hinz,
use [i, hfs1 hifs1, hfs2 (set.mem_of_indicator_ne_zero hinz)]

/-- If a family is affinely independent, the spans of points indexed
by disjoint subsets of the index type are disjoint, if the underlying
ring is nontrivial. -/
lemma affine_span_disjoint_of_disjoint_of_affine_independent [nontrivial k] {p : ι → P}
(ha : affine_independent k V p) {s1 s2 : set ι} (hd : s1 ∩ s2 = ∅) :
(affine_span k V (p '' s1) : set P) ∩ affine_span k V (p '' s2) = ∅ :=
by_contradiction hne,
change (affine_span k V (p '' s1) : set P) ∩ affine_span k V (p '' s2) ≠ ∅ at hne,
rw set.ne_empty_iff_nonempty at hne,
rcases hne with ⟨p0, hp0s1, hp0s2⟩,
cases exists_mem_inter_of_exists_mem_inter_affine_span_of_affine_independent
ha hp0s1 hp0s2 with i hi,
exact set.not_mem_empty i (hd ▸ hi)

/-- If a family is affinely independent, a point in the family is in
the span of some of the points given by a subset of the index type if
and only if that point's index is in the subset, if the underlying
ring is nontrivial. -/
@[simp] lemma mem_affine_span_iff_mem_of_affine_independent [nontrivial k] {p : ι → P}
(ha : affine_independent k V p) (i : ι) (s : set ι) :
p i ∈ affine_span k V (p '' s) ↔ i ∈ s :=
{ intro hs,
have h := exists_mem_inter_of_exists_mem_inter_affine_span_of_affine_independent
ha hs (mem_affine_span k V (set.mem_image_of_mem _ (set.mem_singleton _))),
rwa [←set.nonempty_def, set.inter_singleton_nonempty] at h },
{ exact λ h, mem_affine_span k V (set.mem_image_of_mem p h) }

/-- If a family is affinely independent, a point in the family is not
in the affine span of the other points, if the underlying ring is
nontrivial. -/
lemma not_mem_affine_span_diff_of_affine_independent [nontrivial k] {p : ι → P}
(ha : affine_independent k V p) (i : ι) (s : set ι) :
p i ∉ affine_span k V (p '' (s \ {i})) :=
by simp [ha]

end affine_independent

namespace affine_subspace

variables {k : Type*} {V : Type*} {P : Type*} [ring k] [add_comm_group V] [module k V]
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