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feat(topology/sheaves): construct sheaves of functions (#3608)
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# Sheaf conditions for presheaves of (continuous) functions.

We show that
* `Top.sheaf_condition.to_Type`: not-necessarily-continuous functions into a type form a sheaf
* `Top.sheaf_condition.to_Types`: in fact, these may be dependent functions into a type family
* `Top.sheaf_condition.to_Top`: continuous functions into a topological space form a sheaf

Co-authored-by: Johan Commelin <>

Co-authored-by: Scott Morrison <>
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semorrison and semorrison committed Aug 16, 2020
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33 changes: 33 additions & 0 deletions src/topology/sheaves/presheaf_of_functions.lean
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variables (X : Top.{v})

The presheaf of dependently typed functions on `X`, with fibres given by a type family `f`.
There is no requirement that the functions are continuous, here.
def presheaf_to_Types (f : X → Type v) : X.presheaf (Type v) :=
{ obj := λ U, Π x : (unop U), f x,
map := λ U V i g, λ (x : unop V), g (i.unop x) }

The presheaf of functions on `X` with values in a type `T`.
There is no requirement that the functions are continuous, here.
-- We don't just define this in terms of `presheaf_to_Types`,
-- as it's helpful later to see (at a syntactic level) that `(presheaf_to_Type X T).obj U`
-- is a non-dependent function.
-- We don't use `@[simps]` to generate the projection lemmas here,
-- as it turns out to be useful to have `presheaf_to_Type_map`
-- written as an equality of functions (rather than being applied to some argument).
def presheaf_to_Type (T : Type v) : X.presheaf (Type v) :=
{ obj := λ U, (unop U) → T,
map := λ U V i g, g ∘ i.unop }

@[simp] lemma presheaf_to_Type_obj
{T : Type v} {U : (opens X)ᵒᵖ} :
(presheaf_to_Type X T).obj U = ((unop U) → T) :=

@[simp] lemma presheaf_to_Type_map
{T : Type v} {U V : (opens X)ᵒᵖ} {i : U ⟶ V} {f} :
(presheaf_to_Type X T).map i f = f ∘ i.unop :=

/-- The presheaf of continuous functions on `X` with values in fixed target topological space `T`. -/
def presheaf_to_Top (T : Top.{v}) : X.presheaf (Type v) :=
(opens.to_Top X).op ⋙ (yoneda.obj T)
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267 changes: 267 additions & 0 deletions src/topology/sheaves/sheaf_of_functions.lean
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Copyright (c) 2020 Scott Morrison. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Johan Commelin, Scott Morrison
import topology.sheaves.presheaf_of_functions
import topology.sheaves.sheaf
import category_theory.limits.types
import topology.local_homeomorph

# Sheaf conditions for presheaves of (continuous) functions.
We show that
* `Top.sheaf_condition.to_Type`: not-necessarily-continuous functions into a type form a sheaf
* `Top.sheaf_condition.to_Types`: in fact, these may be dependent functions into a type family
* `Top.sheaf_condition.to_Top`: continuous functions into a topological space form a sheaf
## Future work
Obviously there's more to do:
* sections of a fiber bundle
* various classes of smooth and structure preserving functions
* functions into spaces with algebraic structure, which the sections inherit

open category_theory
open category_theory.limits
open topological_space
open topological_space.opens

universe u

noncomputable theory

variables (X : Top.{u})

open Top

namespace Top.sheaf_condition

We show that the presheaf of functions to a type `T`
(no continuity assumptions, just plain functions)
form a sheaf.
In fact, the proof is identical when we do this for dependent functions to a type family `T`,
so we do the more general case.
def to_Types (T : X → Type u) : sheaf_condition (presheaf_to_Types X T) :=
λ ι U,
-- U is a family of open sets, indexed by `ι`.
-- In the informal comments below, I'll just write `U` to represent the union.
refine _ _ _ _,
{ -- Our first goal is to define a function "lifted" to all of `U`, given
-- `s`, some cone over the sheaf condition diagram
-- (which we can think of as some type `s.X` which we know nothing about,
-- except how to restrict terms to each of the `U i`, obtaining a function there,
-- and that these restrictions are compatible), and
-- `f`, a term of `s.X`.
-- We do this one point at a time, so we also pick some `x` and the evidence `mem : x ∈ supr U`.
rintros s f ⟨x, mem⟩,
change x ∈ supr U at mem, -- FIXME there is a stray `has_coe_t_aux.coe` here
-- Since `x ∈ supr U`, there must be some `i` so `x ∈ U i`:
simp [opens.mem_supr] at mem,
choose i hi using mem,
-- We define out function to be the restriction of `f` to that `U i`, evaluated at `x`.
exact ((s.ι ≫ pi.π _ i) f) ⟨x, hi⟩, },
{ -- Now we need to verify that this lifted function restricts correctly to each set `U i`.
-- Of course, the difficulty is that at any given point `x ∈ U i`,
-- we may have used the axiom of choice to pick a differnt `j` with `x ∈ U j`
-- when defining the function.
-- This we'll need to use the fact that the restrictions are compatible.

-- Again, we begin with some `s`, a cone over the sheaf condition diagram.
intros s,
-- The goal at this point is fairly inscrutable,
-- but we know we're trying two functions are equal, so we call `ext` and see what we get:
ext i f ⟨x, mem⟩,
dsimp at mem,
-- We now have `i : ι`, a term `f : s.X`, and a point `x` with `mem : x ∈ U i`.

-- We clean up the goal a little,
simp only [exists_prop, set.mem_range, set.mem_image, exists_exists_eq_and, category.assoc],
simp only [limit.lift_π, types_comp_apply, fan.mk_π_app, presheaf_to_Type],
-- although you still need to be ambitious to read it.
-- The mathematical content, of course, is that the lifted function we constructed from `f`,
-- when restricted to `U i` and evaluated at `x`,
-- has the same value as `f` restricted to to `U i` and evaluated at `x`.

-- We have a slightly annoying issue at this point,
-- that we're not really sure which `j : ι` was used to define the lifted function
-- and this point `x`, because we used choice.
-- As a trick, we create a new metavariable `j` to represent this choice,
-- and later in the proof it will be solved by unification.
let j : ι := _,

-- Now, we assert that the two restrictions of `f` to `U i` and `U j` coincide on `U i ⊓ U j`,
-- and in particular coincide there after evaluating at `x`.
have s₀ := s.condition =≫ pi.π _ (j, i),
simp only [sheaf_condition.left_res, sheaf_condition.right_res] at s₀,
have s₁ := congr_fun s₀ f,
have s₂ := congr_fun s₁ ⟨x, _⟩,
-- Notice at this point we've spun after an additional goal:
-- that `x ∈ U j ⊓ U i` to begin with! We'll postpone that.

-- In the meantime, we can just assert that `s₂` is the droid you are looking for.
-- (We relying shamefacedly on Lean's unification understanding this,
-- even though the type of the goal is still fairly messy. "It's obvious.")
simpa [presheaf_to_Type] using s₂,
clear s₀ s₁,

-- We still need to show `x ∈ U j ⊓ U i`.
-- We knew `x ∈ U i` right from the start:
refine ⟨_, mem⟩,

-- Notice that when we introduced `j`, we just introduced it as some metavariable.
-- However at this point it's received a concrete value,
-- because Lean's unification has worked out that this `j` must have been the index
-- that we picked using choice back when constructing the lift.
-- From this, we can extract the evidence that `x ∈ U j`:
convert @classical.some_spec _ (λ i, x ∈ (U i : set X)) _, },
{ -- On the home stretch now,
-- we just need to check that the lift we picked was the only possible one.

-- So we suppose we had some other way `m` of choosing lifts,
intros s m w,
-- and observe that we need to check that it agrees with our choice
-- for each `f : s .X` and each `x ∈ supr U`.
ext f ⟨x, mem⟩,

-- Now `w` is the evidence that other choice of lift agrees either on the `U i`s,
-- or on the `U i ⊓ U j`s.
-- We'll need the later,
specialize w,
-- because we're not sure which arbitrary `j : ι` we used to define our lift.
let j : ι := _,

-- Now it's just a matter of plugging in all the values;
-- `j` gets solved for during unification.
convert congr_fun (congr_fun (w =≫ pi.π _ j) f) ⟨x, _⟩, }

-- We verify that the non-dependent version is an immediate consequence:
The presheaf of not-necessarily-continuous functions to
a target type `T` satsifies the sheaf condition.
def to_Type (T : Type u) : sheaf_condition (presheaf_to_Type X T) :=
to_Types X (λ _, T)

Next we to check the sheaf condition for continuous functions.
The idea, of course, is to first lift to the underlying function,
using the fact that the presheaf of functions is a sheaf.
Because continuous functions are determined by their underlying functions,
this takes care of our factorisation and uniqueness obligations in the sheaf condition.
To show continuity, we already know that our lifted function restricted to any `U i` is the
original continuous function we had here,
and since continuity is a local condition we should be done!
In fact, I'd like to do it for any "functions satisfying a local condition",
for which there's a sketch at

The natural transformation from the sheaf condition diagram for continuous functions
to the sheaf condition diagram for arbitrary functions,
given by forgetting continuity everywhere.
def forget_continuity (T : Top.{u}) {ι : Type u} (U : ι → opens X) :
diagram (presheaf_to_Top X T) U ⟶ diagram (presheaf_to_Type X T) U :=
{ app :=
rintro ⟨_|_⟩,
exact ( (λ i f, f.to_fun)),
exact ( (λ p f, f.to_fun)),
naturality' := by rintro ⟨_|_⟩ ⟨_|_⟩ f; cases f; refl, }

The presheaf of continuous functions to a target topological space `T` satsifies the sheaf condition.
def to_Top (T : Top.{u}) : sheaf_condition (presheaf_to_Top X T) :=
λ ι U,
refine _ _ _ _,
{ intros s f,
-- First, we use the fact that not necessarily continuous functions form a sheaf,
-- to provide the lift.
{ let s' := (cones.postcompose (forget_continuity X T U)).obj s,
exact (to_Type X T U).lift s' f, },
-- Second, we need to do the actual work, proving this lift is continuous.
{ dsimp,

-- We prove continuity by proving continuity at each point,
apply continuous_iff_continuous_at.2,
-- so that once we're at a particular point `x`, we can select some open set `x ∈ U i`.
rintro ⟨x, mem⟩,
simp at mem,
choose i hi using mem,

-- Now our goal is to show that the previously chosen lift,
-- when restricted to that `U i`, is a continuous function.
-- This follows from the factorisation condition,
-- and the fact that underlying presheaf is a presheaf of continuous functions.
let s' := (cones.postcompose (forget_continuity X T U)).obj s,
have fac_i := ((to_Type X T U).fac s' =≫ pi.π _ i,
simp only [sheaf_condition.res, limit.lift_π, cones.postcompose_obj_π,
sheaf_condition.fork_π_app_walking_parallel_pair_zero, fan.mk_π_app,
nat_trans.comp_app, category.assoc] at fac_i,
have fac_i_f := congr_fun fac_i f,
simp only [forget_continuity, discrete.nat_trans_app, types_comp_apply,
presheaf_to_Type_map, limit.map_π] at fac_i_f,

have cts : continuous ((to_Type X ↥T U).lift s' f ∘ ((opens.le_supr U i).op.unop)),
{ rw fac_i_f, continuity, },

-- Next, we just remember that this restriction is continuous at `x`.
rw continuous_iff_continuous_at at cts,
specialize cts ⟨x, hi⟩,

-- Finally, since the inclusion `U i ≤ supr U` is an open embedding,
-- continuity at `x` of the restriction is the same as continuity at `x`.
exact (open_embedding_of_le (le_supr U i)).continuous_at_iff.1 cts, }, },
{ -- Proving the factorisation condition is straightforward:
-- we observe that checking equality of continuous functions reduces to
-- checking equality of the underlying functions,
-- and use the factorisation condition for the sheaf condition for functions.
intros s,
ext i f : 2,
apply continuous_map.coe_inj,
exact congr_fun (((to_Type X T U).fac _ =≫ pi.π _ i) _, },
{ -- Similarly for proving the uniqueness condition, after a certain amount of bookkeeping.
intros s m w,
ext f : 1,
apply continuous_map.coe_inj,
let s' := (cones.postcompose (forget_continuity X T U)).obj s,
refine congr_fun ((to_Type X T U).uniq s' _ _) f,
-- We "just" need to fix up our `w` to match the missing `w` argument.
-- Unfortunately, it's still gross.
intro j,
specialize w j,
dsimp [s'],
rw ←w, clear w,
simp only [category.assoc],
rcases j with ⟨_|_⟩,
{ apply limit.hom_ext,
intro i,
simp only [category.assoc, limit.map_π, forget_continuity],
ext f' ⟨x, mem⟩,
simp [presheaf_to_Top, presheaf_to_Type, res],
refl, },
{ apply limit.hom_ext,
intro i,
simp only [category.assoc, limit.map_π, forget_continuity],
ext f' ⟨x, mem⟩,
simp [presheaf_to_Top, presheaf_to_Type, res, left_res],
refl, }, },

end Top.sheaf_condition

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