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feat(probability_theory/density): add continuous uniform distribution (
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JasonKYi committed Oct 10, 2021
1 parent 54a4c17 commit 3d438ba
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Showing 3 changed files with 134 additions and 4 deletions.
15 changes: 15 additions & 0 deletions src/algebra/indicator_function.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -82,6 +82,21 @@ by simp only [funext_iff, mul_indicator_apply_eq_one, set.disjoint_left, mem_mul
mul_indicator s f = 1 ↔ disjoint (mul_support f) s :=

@[to_additive] lemma mul_indicator_eq_one_iff (a : α) :
s.mul_indicator f a ≠ 1 ↔ a ∈ s ∩ mul_support f :=
split; intro h,
{ by_contra hmem,
simp only [set.mem_inter_eq, not_and, not_not, function.mem_mul_support] at hmem,
refine h _,
by_cases a ∈ s,
{ simp_rw [set.mul_indicator, if_pos h],
exact hmem h },
{ simp_rw [set.mul_indicator, if_neg h] } },
{ simp_rw [set.mul_indicator, if_pos h.1],
exact h.2 }

@[simp, to_additive] lemma mul_support_mul_indicator :
function.mul_support (s.mul_indicator f) = s ∩ function.mul_support f :=
ext $ λ x, by simp [function.mem_mul_support, mul_indicator_apply_eq_one]
Expand Down
11 changes: 11 additions & 0 deletions src/measure_theory/measure/measure_space_def.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -378,6 +378,17 @@ lemma ae_eq_set {s t : set α} :
s =ᵐ[μ] t ↔ μ (s \ t) = 0 ∧ μ (t \ s) = 0 :=
by simp [eventually_le_antisymm_iff, ae_le_set]

lemma _root_.set.mul_indicator_ae_eq_one {M : Type*} [has_one M] {f : α → M} {s : set α}
(h : s.mul_indicator f =ᵐ[μ] 1) : μ (s ∩ function.mul_support f) = 0 :=
rw [filter.eventually_eq, ae_iff] at h,
convert h,
ext a,
rw ← set.mul_indicator_eq_one_iff,

/-- If `s ⊆ t` modulo a set of measure `0`, then `μ s ≤ μ t`. -/
@[mono] lemma measure_mono_ae (H : s ≤ᵐ[μ] t) : μ s ≤ μ t :=
calc μ s ≤ μ (s ∪ t) : measure_mono $ subset_union_left s t
Expand Down
112 changes: 108 additions & 4 deletions src/probability_theory/density.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -16,22 +16,30 @@ sets `S`, `ℙ(X ∈ S) = ∫ x in S, f x dx`. Probability density functions are
the distribution of a random variable, and are useful for calculating probabilities and
finding moments (although the latter is better achieved with moment generating functions).
This file also defines the continuous uniform distribution and proves some properties about
random variables with this distribution.
## Main definitions
* `measure_theory.measure.has_pdf` : A random variable `X : α → E` is said to `has_pdf` with
* `measure_theory.has_pdf` : A random variable `X : α → E` is said to `has_pdf` with
respect to the measure `ℙ` on `α` and `μ` on `E` if there exists a measurable function `f`
such that the push-forward measure of `ℙ` along `X` equals `μ.with_density f`.
* `measure_theory.measure.pdf` : If `X` is a random variable that `has_pdf X ℙ μ`, then `pdf X`
* `measure_theory.pdf` : If `X` is a random variable that `has_pdf X ℙ μ`, then `pdf X`
is the measurable function `f` such that the push-forward measure of `ℙ` along `X` equals
`μ.with_density f`.
* `measure_theory.pdf.uniform` : A random variable `X` is said to follow the uniform
distribution if it has a constant probability density function with a compact, non-null support.
## Main results
* `measure_theory.measure.pdf.integral_mul_eq_integral'` : Law of the unconscious statistician,
* `measure_theory.pdf.integral_fun_mul_eq_integral` : Law of the unconscious statistician,
i.e. if a random variable `X : α → E` has pdf `f`, then `𝔼(g(X)) = ∫ x, g x * f x dx` for
all measurable `g : E → ℝ`.
* `measure_theory.measure.pdf.integral_mul_eq_integral` : A real-valued random variable `X` with
* `measure_theory.pdf.integral_mul_eq_integral` : A real-valued random variable `X` with
pdf `f` has expectation `∫ x, x * f x dx`.
* `measure_theory.pdf.uniform.integral_eq` : If `X` follows the uniform distribution with
its pdf having support `s`, then `X` has expectation `(λ s)⁻¹ * ∫ x in s, x dx` where `λ`
is the Lebesgue measure.
## TODOs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -73,6 +81,14 @@ lemma pdf_undef {m : measurable_space α} {ℙ : measure α} {μ : measure E} {X
pdf X ℙ μ = 0 :=
by simp only [pdf, dif_neg h]

lemma has_pdf_of_pdf_ne_zero {m : measurable_space α} {ℙ : measure α} {μ : measure E} {X : α → E}
(h : pdf X ℙ μ ≠ 0) : has_pdf X ℙ μ :=
by_contra hpdf,
rw [pdf, dif_neg hpdf] at h,
exact hpdf (false.rec (has_pdf X ℙ μ) (h rfl))

lemma pdf_eq_zero_of_not_measurable {m : measurable_space α}
{ℙ : measure α} {μ : measure E} {X : α → E} (hX : ¬ measurable X) :
pdf X ℙ μ = 0 :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -310,6 +326,94 @@ end

end real


/-! **Uniform Distribution** -/

/-- A random variable `X` has uniform distribution if it has a probability density function `f`
with support `s` such that `f = (μ s)⁻¹ 1ₛ` a.e. where `1ₛ` is the indicator function for `s`. -/
def is_uniform {m : measurable_space α} (X : α → E) (support : set E)
(ℙ : measure α) (μ : measure E . volume_tac) :=
pdf X ℙ μ =ᵐ[μ] support.indicator ((μ support)⁻¹ • 1)

namespace is_uniform

lemma has_pdf {m : measurable_space α} {X : α → E} {ℙ : measure α} {μ : measure E}
{support : set E} (hns : μ support ≠ 0) (hnt : μ support ≠ ⊤) (hu : is_uniform X support ℙ μ) :
has_pdf X ℙ μ :=
intro hpdf,
rw [is_uniform, hpdf] at hu,
suffices : μ (support ∩ ((μ support)⁻¹ • 1)) = 0,
{ have heq : ((μ support)⁻¹ • (1 : E → ℝ≥0∞)) = set.univ,
{ ext x,
rw [function.mem_support],
simp [hnt] },
rw [heq, set.inter_univ] at this,
exact hns this },
exact set.indicator_ae_eq_zero hu.symm,

lemma pdf_to_real_ae_eq {m : measurable_space α}
{X : α → E} {ℙ : measure α} {μ : measure E} {s : set E} (hX : is_uniform X s ℙ μ) :
(λ x, (pdf X ℙ μ x).to_real) =ᵐ[μ]
(λ x, (s.indicator ((μ s)⁻¹ • (1 : E → ℝ≥0∞)) x).to_real) :=
filter.eventually_eq.fun_comp hX ennreal.to_real

variables [is_finite_measure ℙ] {X : α → ℝ}
variables {s : set ℝ} (hms : measurable_set s) (hns : volume s ≠ 0)

include hms hns

lemma mul_pdf_integrable (hcs : is_compact s) (huX : is_uniform X s ℙ) :
integrable (λ x : ℝ, x * (pdf X ℙ volume x).to_real) :=
by_cases hsupp : volume s = ∞,
{ have : pdf X ℙ =ᵐ[volume] 0,
{ refine ae_eq_trans huX _,
simp [hsupp] },
refine integrable.congr (integrable_zero _ _ _) _,
rw [(by simp : (λ x, 0 : ℝ → ℝ) = (λ x, x * (0 : ℝ≥0∞).to_real))],
refine filter.eventually_eq.mul (ae_eq_refl _)
(filter.eventually_eq.fun_comp this.symm ennreal.to_real) },
refine ⟨ae_measurable_id'.mul (measurable_pdf X ℙ).ae_measurable.ennreal_to_real, _⟩,
refine has_finite_integral_mul huX _,
set ind := (volume s)⁻¹ • (1 : ℝ → ℝ≥0∞) with hind,
have : ∀ x, ↑∥x∥₊ * s.indicator ind x = s.indicator (λ x, ∥x∥₊ * ind x) x :=
λ x, (s.indicator_mul_right (λ x, ↑∥x∥₊) ind).symm,
simp only [this, lintegral_indicator _ hms, hind, mul_one,, pi.one_apply, pi.smul_apply],
rw lintegral_mul_const _ measurable_nnnorm.coe_nnreal_ennreal,
{ refine (ennreal.mul_lt_top (set_lintegral_lt_top_of_is_compact
hsupp hcs continuous_nnnorm).ne (ennreal.inv_lt_top.2 (pos_iff_ne_zero.mpr hns)).ne).ne },
{ apply_instance }

/-- A real uniform random variable `X` with support `s` has expectation
`(λ s)⁻¹ * ∫ x in s, x ∂λ` where `λ` is the Lebesgue measure. -/
lemma integral_eq (hnt : volume s ≠ ⊤) (huX : is_uniform X s ℙ) :
∫ x, X x ∂ℙ = (volume s)⁻¹.to_real * ∫ x in s, x :=
haveI := has_pdf hns hnt huX,
rw ← integral_mul_eq_integral,
all_goals { try { apply_instance } },
rw integral_congr_ae (filter.eventually_eq.mul (ae_eq_refl _) (pdf_to_real_ae_eq huX)),
have : ∀ x, x * (s.indicator ((volume s)⁻¹ • (1 : ℝ → ℝ≥0∞)) x).to_real =
x * (s.indicator ((volume s)⁻¹.to_real • (1 : ℝ → ℝ)) x),
{ refine λ x, congr_arg ((*) x) _,
by_cases hx : x ∈ s,
{ simp [set.indicator_of_mem hx] },
{ simp [set.indicator_of_not_mem hx] }},
simp_rw [this, ← s.indicator_mul_right (λ x, x), integral_indicator hms],
change ∫ x in s, x * ((volume s)⁻¹.to_real • 1) ∂(volume) = _,
rw [integral_mul_right, mul_comm,, mul_one],
end .

end is_uniform


end pdf

end measure_theory

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