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Add basic polyhedra to lean
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tobiasgrosser committed Nov 7, 2018
1 parent 89431cf commit 41d5eee
Showing 1 changed file with 306 additions and 0 deletions.
306 changes: 306 additions & 0 deletions linear_algebra/polyhedra.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,306 @@
import ring_theory.matrix
import data.rat
import data.set data.set.enumerate data.set.finite data.finset
import set_theory.cardinal
import tactic.linarith

variables {α : Type} {n m l s t : Type} [fintype n] [fintype m] [fintype s] [fintype t]

variables {n1 n2 : nat}

section matrix
def le [partial_order α] (M N : matrix n m α) :=
∀i:n, ∀j:m, M i j ≤ N i j

instance [partial_order α] : has_le (matrix n m α) :=
{ le := le }

protected lemma matrix.le_refl [partial_order α] (A: matrix n m α) :
A ≤ A :=
by intros i j; refl

protected lemma matrix.le_trans [partial_order α] (a b c: matrix n m α)
(h1 : a ≤ b) (h2 : b ≤ c) : a ≤ c :=
by intros i j; transitivity; solve_by_elim

protected lemma matrix.le_antisymm [partial_order α] (a b: matrix n m α)
(h1 : a ≤ b) (h2 : b ≤ a) : a = b :=
by ext i j; exact le_antisymm (h1 i j) (h2 i j)

instance [partial_order α] : partial_order (matrix n m α) :=
le := le,
le_refl := matrix.le_refl,
le_trans := matrix.le_trans,
le_antisymm := matrix.le_antisymm

end matrix

local infixl ` *ₘ ` : 70 := matrix.mul

def polyhedron [ordered_ring α] (A : matrix m n α) (b : matrix m unit α) :
set (matrix n unit α) :=
{ x : matrix n unit α | A *ₘ x ≥ b }

def vec (n: Type) (α : Type) [fintype n] :=
n → α

instance [ordered_ring α] [decidable_rel ((≤) : α → α → Prop)]
(A : matrix m n α) (b : matrix m unit α) (x : matrix n unit α) :
decidable (x ∈ polyhedron A b) :=
show decidable (∀i:m, ∀j:unit, b i j ≤ (A *ₘ x) i j),
by apply_instance

variables [ordered_ring α] (A B : matrix m n α) (b : matrix m unit α)

protected def matrix.row (A : matrix m n α) (row : m) : matrix unit n α :=
λ x: unit, λ y: n, (A row) y

lemma polyhedron_rowinE [ordered_ring α]
(x: matrix n unit α) (A: matrix m n α) (b: matrix m unit α):
x ∈ (polyhedron A b) = ∀ i:m, (matrix.row A i *ₘ x) () () ≥ b i () :=

propext $ iff.intro
(assume h: x ∈ (polyhedron A b),
assume d: m,
show (matrix.row A d *ₘ x) () () ≥ b d (),
rw polyhedron at h,
rw set.mem_set_of_eq at h,
exact h d ()
(assume h: ∀ i:m, (matrix.row A i *ₘ x) () () ≥ b i (),
show x ∈ (polyhedron A b),
assume d : m,
assume j : unit,
rw <-(≥),
cases j,
apply h,

def active_ineq [ordered_ring α] (x: matrix n unit α)
(A: matrix m n α) (b: matrix m unit α) : set m :=
{ i | ((A *ₘ x) i () == b i ())}

def pick_encodable (α : Type) (p : α → Prop) [decidable_pred p]:
Π (m n), matrix (fin m) (fin n) α → option(fin m × fin n)
| x y V :=
if h : ∃ (ij : fin x × fin y), p (V ij.1 ij.2)
then let idx := encodable.choose h in
some idx

def fin_prefix {n} (i : fin n) (k: nat) : fin (n + k) :=
have h : i.val < n, from by apply i.2,
apply lt_add_of_lt_of_nonneg,
apply h,
have h2 : n = 0 ∨ n > 0, from by apply nat.eq_zero_or_pos,

def fin_first {n m} (i : fin (n + m)) (h : i.val < n): fin (n) :=
⟨i.1, begin apply h end

def fin_second {n m} (i : fin (n + m)) (h: i.val >= n ): fin (m) :=
⟨i.1 - n,
have h2: i.val < n + m, from i.2,

variables {m' n': Type} [fintype m'] [fintype n']

def nat_add {n} (k) (i : fin n) : fin (k + n) :=
⟨k + i.1, nat.add_lt_add_left i.2 _⟩

def xrow [decidable_eq m] (row1: m) (row2: m) (A: matrix m n α) : matrix m n α :=
λ x y, if x = row1
A row2 y
if x = row2
A row1 y
A x y

def xcol [decidable_eq n] (col1: n) (col2: n) (A: matrix m n α) : matrix m n α :=
λ x y, if y = col1
A x col2
if y = col2
A x col1
A x y

def minormx
(A: matrix m n α)
(trans_col: (m' → m))
(trans_row: (n' → n)) :
matrix m' n' α :=
λ i j, A (trans_col i) (trans_row j)

def rsubmx {m n_left n_right: nat}
(A : matrix (fin m) (fin (n_left + n_right)) α) :
matrix (fin m) (fin (n_right)) α :=
minormx A (λ i, i) (λ j, nat_add n_left j)

def lsubmx {m n_left n_right: nat}
(A: matrix (fin m) (fin (n_left + n_right)) α):
matrix (fin m) (fin (n_left)) α :=
minormx A (λ i, i) (λ j, fin_prefix j n_right)

def usubmx {m_down m_up n: nat}
(A: matrix (fin (m_up + m_down)) (fin n) α) :
matrix (fin m_up) (fin n) α :=
minormx A (λ i, fin_prefix i m_down) (λ j, j)

def dsubmx {m_down m_up n: nat}
(A: matrix (fin (m_up + m_down)) (fin n) α) :
matrix (fin m_down) (fin n) α :=
minormx A (λ i, nat_add m_up i) (λ j, j)

def ursubmx {m_down m_up n_left n_right: nat}
(A: matrix (fin (m_up + m_down)) (fin (n_left + n_right)) α) :
matrix (fin m_up) (fin (n_right)) α :=
usubmx (rsubmx A)

def drsubmx {m_down m_up n_left n_right: nat}
(A: matrix (fin (m_up + m_down)) (fin (n_left + n_right)) α) :
matrix (fin m_down) (fin (n_right)) α :=
dsubmx (rsubmx A)

def ulsubmx {m_down m_up n_left n_right: nat}
(A: matrix (fin (m_up + m_down)) (fin (n_left + n_right)) α) :
matrix (fin m_up) (fin (n_left)) α :=
usubmx (lsubmx A)

def dlsubmx {m_down m_up n_left n_right: nat}
(A: matrix (fin (m_up + m_down)) (fin (n_left + n_right)) α) :
matrix (fin m_down) (fin (n_left)) α :=
dsubmx (lsubmx A)

def fin_swap {m m' n n' : nat}
(A: matrix (fin (m + m')) (fin (n + n')) α) :
matrix (fin (m' + m)) (fin (n' + n)) α :=
minormx A fin_swap_add fin_swap_add

def block_mx {m_down m_up n_left n_right: nat} :
matrix (fin m_up) (fin n_left) α →
matrix (fin m_up) (fin n_right) α →
matrix (fin m_down) (fin n_left) α →
matrix (fin m_down) (fin n_right) α →
matrix (fin (m_up + m_down)) (fin (n_left + n_right)) α
| up_left up_right down_left down_right :=
λ i j,
if h_i: i.val < m_up
if h_j: j.val < n_left
up_left (fin_first i (by assumption)) (fin_first j (by assumption))
up_right (fin_first i (by assumption)) (fin_second j (by apply le_of_not_gt; assumption))
if h_j: j.val < n_left
down_left (fin_second i (by apply le_of_not_gt; assumption)) (fin_first j (by assumption))
down_right (fin_second i (by apply le_of_not_gt; assumption)) (fin_second j (by apply le_of_not_gt; assumption))

def Gaussian_elimination [decidable_eq α] [has_inv α]:
Π (m n), matrix (fin m) (fin n) α →
(matrix (fin m) (fin m) α × matrix (fin n) (fin n) α × nat)
| (x+1) (y+1) A :=
let optional_ij := pick_encodable (α) (λ el, el ≠ 0) (x+1) (y+1) A in
match optional_ij with
| some ij :=
let i := ij.1 in
let j := ij.2 in
let a := A i j in
let A1 := xrow i 0 (xcol j 0 A) in
let A1' := fin_swap A1 in
let B := A1' in
let u := ursubmx A1' in
let v := a⁻¹ • dlsubmx A1' in
let (L, U, r) := Gaussian_elimination (x) (y) (drsubmx A1' - (v *ₘ u)) in
xrow i 0 (fin_swap (block_mx 1 0 v L)),
xcol j 0 (fin_swap (block_mx (λ i1 j1, a) u 0 U)),
r + 1
| none :=
(1 : (matrix (fin (x+1)) (fin (x+1)) α)),
(1 : (matrix (fin (y+1)) (fin (y+1)) α)),
| x y A :=
(1 : (matrix (fin (x)) (fin (x)) α)),
(1 : (matrix (fin (y)) (fin (y)) α)),

def test : matrix (fin 3) (fin 3) rat :=
λ x y,
if (x = 0 ∧ y = 0) then 3 else
if (x = 0 ∧ y = 1) then 3 else
if (x = 0 ∧ y = 2) then 3 else
if (x = 1 ∧ y = 0) then 3 else
if (x = 1 ∧ y = 1) then 2 else
if (x = 1 ∧ y = 2) then 3 else
if (x = 2 ∧ y = 0) then 2 else
if (x = 2 ∧ y = 1) then 1 else
if (x = 2 ∧ y = 2) then 1 else

def getL [decidable_eq α] [has_inv α] {m n : nat} (M : matrix (fin n) (fin m) α) :=
let res := Gaussian_elimination n m M in

def getU [decidable_eq α] [has_inv α] {m n : nat} (M : matrix (fin n) (fin m) α) :=
let res := Gaussian_elimination n m M in

def getRank [decidable_eq α] [has_inv α] (m n : nat) (M : matrix (fin n) (fin m) α) :=
let res := Gaussian_elimination n m M in

theorem L_times_U_is_input [decidable_eq α] [has_inv α] [has_one α] (m n : nat)
(M : matrix (fin m) (fin m) α) : (getL M) *ₘ (getU M) = M :=
rw getL,
rw getU,
induction m,
rw Gaussian_elimination,
rw (*ₘ),

rw Gaussian_elimination,


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