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feat(topology/category/*/projective): CompHaus and Profinite have eno…
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…ugh projectives (#8613)

Co-authored-by: Adam Topaz <>

Co-authored-by: Adam Topaz <>
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jcommelin and adamtopaz committed Aug 16, 2021
1 parent 4bf5177 commit 46b3fae
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9 changes: 9 additions & 0 deletions docs/references.bib
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Expand Up @@ -744,6 +744,15 @@ @InProceedings{ mcbride1996
organization = {Springer}

@Book{ miraglia2006introduction,
title = {An Introduction to Partially Ordered Structures and Sheaves},
author = {Miraglia, F.},
isbn = {9788876990359},
series = {Contemporary logic},
year = {2006},
publisher = {Polimetrica}

@Book{ MM92,
title = {Sheaves in geometry and logic: A first introduction to
topos theory},
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Expand Up @@ -8,6 +8,7 @@ import category_theory.adjunction.reflective
import topology.category.Top
import topology.stone_cech
import category_theory.monad.limits
import topology.urysohns_lemma

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -169,23 +170,27 @@ def limit_cone {J : Type u} [small_category J] (F : J ⥤ CompHaus.{u}) :
{ X :=
{ to_Top := (Top.limit_cone (F ⋙ CompHaus_to_Top)).X,
is_compact := begin
dsimp [Top.limit_cone],
show compact_space ↥{u : Π j, (F.obj j) | ∀ {i j : J} (f : i ⟶ j), ( f) (u i) = u j},
rw ← is_compact_iff_compact_space,
apply is_closed.is_compact,
have : {u : Π j, F.obj j | ∀ {i j : J} (f : i ⟶ j), f (u i) = u j} =
⋂ (i j : J) (f : i ⟶ j), {u | f (u i) = u j}, by tidy,
⋂ (i j : J) (f : i ⟶ j), {u | f (u i) = u j},
{ ext1, simp only [set.mem_Inter, set.mem_set_of_eq], },
rw this,
apply is_closed_Inter, intros i,
apply is_closed_Inter, intros j,
apply is_closed_Inter, intros f,
apply is_closed_eq;
apply is_closed_eq,
{ exact (continuous_map.continuous ( f)).comp (continuous_apply i), },
{ exact continuous_apply j, }
is_hausdorff := by { dsimp [Top.limit_cone], apply_instance } },
is_hausdorff :=
show t2_space ↥{u : Π j, (F.obj j) | ∀ {i j : J} (f : i ⟶ j), ( f) (u i) = u j},
from infer_instance },
π :=
{ app := λ j, (Top.limit_cone (F ⋙ CompHaus_to_Top)).π.app j,
-- tidy needs a little help in the `naturality'` field to avoid deterministic timeouts.
naturality' := by { intros _ _ _, ext, tidy } } }
naturality' := by { intros _ _ _, ext ⟨x, hx⟩,
simp only [comp_apply, functor.const.obj_map, id_apply], exact (hx f).symm, } } }

/-- The limit cone `CompHaus.limit_cone F` is indeed a limit cone. -/
def limit_cone_is_limit {J : Type u} [small_category J] (F : J ⥤ CompHaus.{u}) :
Expand All @@ -194,4 +199,50 @@ def limit_cone_is_limit {J : Type u} [small_category J] (F : J ⥤ CompHaus.{u})
(Top.limit_cone_is_limit (F ⋙ CompHaus_to_Top)).lift (CompHaus_to_Top.map_cone S),
uniq' := λ S m h, (Top.limit_cone_is_limit _).uniq (CompHaus_to_Top.map_cone S) _ h }

lemma epi_iff_surjective {X Y : CompHaus.{u}} (f : X ⟶ Y) : epi f ↔ function.surjective f :=
{ contrapose!,
rintros ⟨y, hy⟩ hf,
let C := set.range f,
have hC : is_closed C := (is_compact_range f.continuous).is_closed,
let D := {y},
have hD : is_closed D := is_closed_singleton,
have hCD : disjoint C D,
{ rw set.disjoint_singleton_right, rintro ⟨y', hy'⟩, exact hy y' hy' },
haveI : normal_space ↥(Y.to_Top) := normal_of_compact_t2,
obtain ⟨φ, hφ0, hφ1, hφ01⟩ := exists_continuous_zero_one_of_closed hC hD hCD,
haveI : compact_space (ulift.{u} $ set.Icc (0:ℝ) 1) := homeomorph.ulift.symm.compact_space,
haveI : t2_space (ulift.{u} $ set.Icc (0:ℝ) 1) := homeomorph.ulift.symm.t2_space,
let Z := of (ulift.{u} $ set.Icc (0:ℝ) 1),
let g : Y ⟶ Z := ⟨λ y', ⟨⟨φ y', hφ01 y'⟩⟩,
continuous_ulift_up.comp (continuous_subtype_mk (λ y', hφ01 y') φ.continuous)⟩,
let h : Y ⟶ Z := ⟨λ _, ⟨⟨0, set.left_mem_Icc.mpr zero_le_one⟩⟩, continuous_const⟩,
have H : h = g,
{ rw ← cancel_epi f,
ext x, dsimp,
simp only [comp_apply, continuous_map.coe_mk, subtype.coe_mk, hφ0 (set.mem_range_self x),
pi.zero_apply], },
apply_fun (λ e, (e y).down) at H,
dsimp at H,
simp only [subtype.mk_eq_mk, hφ1 (set.mem_singleton y), pi.one_apply] at H,
exact zero_ne_one H, },
{ rw ← category_theory.epi_iff_surjective,
apply faithful_reflects_epi (forget CompHaus) },

lemma mono_iff_injective {X Y : CompHaus.{u}} (f : X ⟶ Y) : mono f ↔ function.injective f :=
{ introsI hf x₁ x₂ h,
let g₁ : of punit ⟶ X := ⟨λ _, x₁, continuous_of_discrete_topology⟩,
let g₂ : of punit ⟶ X := ⟨λ _, x₂, continuous_of_discrete_topology⟩,
have : g₁ ≫ f = g₂ ≫ f, by { ext, exact h },
rw cancel_mono at this,
apply_fun (λ e, e at this,
exact this },
{ rw ← category_theory.mono_iff_injective,
apply faithful_reflects_mono (forget CompHaus) }

end CompHaus
64 changes: 64 additions & 0 deletions src/topology/category/CompHaus/projective.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
Copyright (c) 2021 Johan Commelin. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Johan Commelin

import topology.category.CompHaus
import topology.stone_cech
import category_theory.preadditive.projective

# CompHaus has enough projectives
In this file we show that `CompHaus` has enough projectives.
## Main results
Let `X` be a compact Hausdorff space.
* `CompHaus.projective_ultrafilter`: the space `ultrafilter X` is a projective object
* `CompHaus.projective_presentation`: the natural map `ultrafilter X → X`
is a projective presentation
## Reference
See [miraglia2006introduction] Chapter 21 for a proof that `CompHaus` has enough projectives.

noncomputable theory

open category_theory function

namespace CompHaus

instance projective_ultrafilter (X : Type*) :
projective (of $ ultrafilter X) :=
{ factors := λ Y Z f g hg,
rw epi_iff_surjective at hg,
obtain ⟨g', hg'⟩ := hg.has_right_inverse,
let t : X → Y := g' ∘ f ∘ (pure : X → ultrafilter X),
let h : ultrafilter X → Y := ultrafilter.extend t,
have hh : continuous h := continuous_ultrafilter_extend _,
use ⟨h, hh⟩,
apply faithful.map_injective (forget CompHaus),
simp only [forget_map_eq_coe, continuous_map.coe_mk, coe_comp],
convert dense_range_pure.equalizer (g.continuous.comp hh) f.continuous _,
rw [comp.assoc, ultrafilter_extend_extends, ← comp.assoc, hg'.comp_eq_id, comp.left_id],
end }

/-- For any compact Hausdorff space `X`,
the natural map `ultrafilter X → X` is a projective presentation. -/
def projective_presentation (X : CompHaus) : projective_presentation X :=
{ P := of $ ultrafilter X,
f := ⟨_, continuous_ultrafilter_extend id⟩,
projective := CompHaus.projective_ultrafilter X,
epi := concrete_category.epi_of_surjective _ $
λ x, ⟨(pure x : ultrafilter X), congr_fun (ultrafilter_extend_extends (𝟙 X)) x⟩ }

instance : enough_projectives CompHaus :=
{ presentation := λ X, ⟨projective_presentation X⟩ }

end CompHaus
45 changes: 45 additions & 0 deletions src/topology/category/Profinite/default.lean
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Expand Up @@ -7,8 +7,10 @@ Authors: Kevin Buzzard, Calle Sönne
import topology.category.CompHaus
import topology.connected
import topology.subset_properties
import topology.locally_constant.basic
import category_theory.adjunction.reflective
import category_theory.monad.limits
import category_theory.limits.constructions.epi_mono
import category_theory.Fintype

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -249,4 +251,47 @@ of topological spaces. -/
left_inv := λ f, by { ext, refl },
right_inv := λ f, by { ext, refl } }

lemma epi_iff_surjective {X Y : Profinite.{u}} (f : X ⟶ Y) : epi f ↔ function.surjective f :=
{ contrapose!,
rintros ⟨y, hy⟩ hf,
let C := set.range f,
have hC : is_closed C := (is_compact_range f.continuous).is_closed,
let U := Cᶜ,
have hU : is_open U := is_open_compl_iff.mpr hC,
have hyU : y ∈ U,
{ refine set.mem_compl _, rintro ⟨y', hy'⟩, exact hy y' hy' },
have hUy : U ∈ nhds y := hU.mem_nhds hyU,
obtain ⟨V, hV, hyV, hVU⟩ := hUy,
letI : topological_space (ulift.{u} $ fin 2) := ⊥,
let Z := of (ulift.{u} $ fin 2),
let g : Y ⟶ Z := ⟨(locally_constant.of_clopen hV).map ulift.up, locally_constant.continuous _⟩,
let h : Y ⟶ Z := ⟨λ _, ⟨1⟩, continuous_const⟩,
have H : h = g,
{ rw ← cancel_epi f,
ext x, dsimp [locally_constant.of_clopen],
rw if_neg, { refl },
refine mt (λ α, hVU α) _,
simp only [set.mem_range_self, not_true, not_false_iff, set.mem_compl_eq], },
apply_fun (λ e, (e y).down) at H,
dsimp [locally_constant.of_clopen] at H,
rw if_pos hyV at H,
exact top_ne_bot H },
{ rw ← category_theory.epi_iff_surjective,
apply faithful_reflects_epi (forget Profinite) },

lemma mono_iff_injective {X Y : Profinite.{u}} (f : X ⟶ Y) : mono f ↔ function.injective f :=
{ intro h,
haveI : limits.preserves_limits Profinite_to_CompHaus := infer_instance,
haveI : mono ( f) := infer_instance,
rwa ← CompHaus.mono_iff_injective },
{ rw ← category_theory.mono_iff_injective,
apply faithful_reflects_mono (forget Profinite) }

end Profinite
59 changes: 59 additions & 0 deletions src/topology/category/Profinite/projective.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
Copyright (c) 2021 Johan Commelin. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Johan Commelin

import topology.category.Profinite
import topology.stone_cech
import category_theory.preadditive.projective

# Profinite sets have enough projectives
In this file we show that `Profinite` has enough projectives.
## Main results
Let `X` be a profinite set.
* `Profinite.projective_ultrafilter`: the space `ultrafilter X` is a projective object
* `Profinite.projective_presentation`: the natural map `ultrafilter X → X`
is a projective presentation

noncomputable theory

open category_theory function

namespace Profinite

instance projective_ultrafilter (X : Type*) :
projective (of $ ultrafilter X) :=
{ factors := λ Y Z f g hg,
rw epi_iff_surjective at hg,
obtain ⟨g', hg'⟩ := hg.has_right_inverse,
let t : X → Y := g' ∘ f ∘ (pure : X → ultrafilter X),
let h : ultrafilter X → Y := ultrafilter.extend t,
have hh : continuous h := continuous_ultrafilter_extend _,
use ⟨h, hh⟩,
apply faithful.map_injective (forget Profinite),
simp only [forget_map_eq_coe, continuous_map.coe_mk, coe_comp],
refine dense_range_pure.equalizer (g.continuous.comp hh) f.continuous _,
rw [comp.assoc, ultrafilter_extend_extends, ← comp.assoc, hg'.comp_eq_id, comp.left_id],
end }

/-- For any profinite `X`, the natural map `ultrafilter X → X` is a projective presentation. -/
def projective_presentation (X : Profinite) : projective_presentation X :=
{ P := of $ ultrafilter X,
f := ⟨_, continuous_ultrafilter_extend id⟩,
projective := Profinite.projective_ultrafilter X,
epi := concrete_category.epi_of_surjective _ $
λ x, ⟨(pure x : ultrafilter X), congr_fun (ultrafilter_extend_extends (𝟙 X)) x⟩ }

instance : enough_projectives Profinite :=
{ presentation := λ X, ⟨projective_presentation X⟩ }

end Profinite
16 changes: 16 additions & 0 deletions src/topology/homeomorph.lean
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Expand Up @@ -170,6 +170,22 @@ h.embedding.is_compact_iff_is_compact_image.symm
lemma compact_preimage {s : set β} (h : α ≃ₜ β) : is_compact (h ⁻¹' s) ↔ is_compact s :=
by rw ← image_symm; exact h.symm.compact_image

lemma compact_space [compact_space α] (h : α ≃ₜ β) : compact_space β :=
{ compact_univ := by { rw [← image_univ_of_surjective h.surjective, h.compact_image],
apply compact_space.compact_univ } }

lemma t2_space [t2_space α] (h : α ≃ₜ β) : t2_space β :=
{ t2 :=
intros x y hxy,
obtain ⟨u, v, hu, hv, hxu, hyv, huv⟩ := t2_separation ( hxy),
refine ⟨h.symm ⁻¹' u, h.symm ⁻¹' v,
h.symm.continuous.is_open_preimage _ hu,
h.symm.continuous.is_open_preimage _ hv,
hxu, hyv, _⟩,
rw [← preimage_inter, huv, preimage_empty],
end }

protected lemma dense_embedding (h : α ≃ₜ β) : dense_embedding h :=
{ dense := h.surjective.dense_range,
.. h.embedding }
Expand Down
14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions src/topology/stone_cech.lean
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Expand Up @@ -84,6 +84,20 @@ t2_iff_ultrafilter.mpr $ assume x y f fx fy,
have hy : y = mjoin f, from fy,
hx.trans hy.symm

instance : totally_disconnected_space (ultrafilter α) :=
rw totally_disconnected_space_iff_connected_component_singleton,
intro A,
simp only [set.eq_singleton_iff_unique_mem, mem_connected_component, true_and],
intros B hB,
rw ← ultrafilter.coe_le_coe,
intros s hs,
rw [connected_component_eq_Inter_clopen, set.mem_Inter] at hB,
let Z := { F : ultrafilter α | s ∈ F },
have hZ : is_clopen Z := ⟨ultrafilter_is_open_basic s, ultrafilter_is_closed_basic s⟩,
exact hB ⟨Z, hZ, hs⟩,

lemma ultrafilter_comap_pure_nhds (b : ultrafilter α) : comap pure (𝓝 b) ≤ b :=
rw topological_space.nhds_generate_from,
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