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feat(analysis/metric_space): Isometries (#657)
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sgouezel authored and johoelzl committed Feb 7, 2019
1 parent 8911b8c commit 46d1009
Showing 1 changed file with 205 additions and 0 deletions.
205 changes: 205 additions & 0 deletions src/topology/metric_space/isometry.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,205 @@
Copyright (c) 2018 Sébastien Gouëzel. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Isometries of emetric and metric spaces
Authors: Sébastien Gouëzel
We define isometries, i.e., maps between emetric spaces that preserve
the edistance (on metric spaces, these are exactly the maps that preserve distances),
and prove their basic properties. We also introduce isometric bijections.

import topology.metric_space.basic topology.instances.real

noncomputable theory

universes u v w
variables {α : Type u} {β : Type v} {γ : Type w}

open function set

/-- An isometry (also known as isometric embedding) is a map preserving the edistance
between emetric spaces, or equivalently the distance between metric space. -/
def isometry [emetric_space α] [emetric_space β] (f : α → β) : Prop :=
∀x1 x2 : α, edist (f x1) (f x2) = edist x1 x2

/-- On metric spaces, a map is an isometry if and only if it preserves distances. -/
lemma isometry_emetric_iff_metric [metric_space α] [metric_space β] {f : α → β} :
isometry f ↔ (∀x y, dist (f x) (f y) = dist x y) :=
⟨assume H x y, by simp [dist_edist, H x y],
assume H x y, by simp [edist_dist, H x y]⟩

/-- An isometry preserves edistances. -/
theorem isometry.edist_eq [emetric_space α] [emetric_space β] {f : α → β} {x y : α} (hf : isometry f) :
edist (f x) (f y) = edist x y :=
hf x y

/-- An isometry preserves distances. -/
theorem isometry.dist_eq [metric_space α] [metric_space β] {f : α → β} {x y : α} (hf : isometry f) :
dist (f x) (f y) = dist x y :=
by rw [dist_edist, dist_edist, hf]

section emetric_isometry

variables [emetric_space α] [emetric_space β] [emetric_space γ]
variables {f : α → β} {x y z : α} {s : set α}

/-- An isometry is injective -/
lemma isometry.injective (h : isometry f) : injective f :=
λx y hxy, edist_eq_zero.1 $
calc edist x y = edist (f x) (f y) : (h x y).symm
... = 0 : by rw [hxy]; simp

/-- Any map on a subsingleton is an isometry -/
theorem isometry_subsingleton [subsingleton α] : isometry f :=
λx y, by rw subsingleton.elim x y; simp

/-- The identity is an isometry -/
lemma isometry_id : isometry (id : α → α) :=
λx y, rfl

/-- The composition of isometries is an isometry -/
theorem isometry.comp {g : β → γ} (hf : isometry f) (hg : isometry g) : isometry (g ∘ f) :=
assume x y, calc
edist ((g ∘ f) x) ((g ∘ f) y) = edist (f x) (f y) : hg _ _
... = edist x y : hf _ _

/-- An isometry is an embedding -/
theorem isometry.uniform_embedding (hf : isometry f) : uniform_embedding f :=
refine emetric.uniform_embedding_iff.2 ⟨_, _, _⟩,
{ assume x y hxy,
have : edist (f x) (f y) = 0 := by simp [hxy],
have : edist x y = 0 :=
begin have A := hf x y, rwa this at A, exact eq.symm A end,
by simpa using this },
{ rw emetric.uniform_continuous_iff,
assume ε εpos,
existsi [ε, εpos],
simp [hf.edist_eq] },
{ assume δ δpos,
existsi [δ, δpos],
simp [hf.edist_eq] }

/-- An isometry is continuous. -/
lemma isometry.continuous (hf : isometry f) : continuous f :=

/-- The inverse of an isometry is an isometry. -/
lemma isometry.inv (e : α ≃ β) (h : isometry e.to_fun) : isometry e.inv_fun :=
λx y, by rw [← h, e.right_inv _, e.right_inv _]

/-- Isometries preserve the diameter -/
lemma emetric.isometry.diam_image (hf : isometry f) {s : set α}:
emetric.diam (f '' s) = emetric.diam s :=
refine le_antisymm _ _,
{ apply lattice.Sup_le _,
simp only [and_imp, set.mem_image, set.mem_prod, exists_imp_distrib, prod.exists],
assume b x x' z zs xz z' z's x'z' hb,
rw [← hb, ← xz, ← x'z', hf z z'],
exact emetric.edist_le_diam_of_mem zs z's },
{ apply lattice.Sup_le _,
simp only [and_imp, set.mem_image, set.mem_prod, exists_imp_distrib, prod.exists],
assume b x x' xs x's hb,
rw [← hb, ← hf x x'],
exact emetric.edist_le_diam_of_mem (mem_image_of_mem _ xs) (mem_image_of_mem _ x's) }

/-- The injection from a subtype is an isometry -/
lemma isometry_subtype_val {s : set α} : isometry (subtype.val : s → α) :=
λx y, rfl

end emetric_isometry --section

/-- An isometry preserves the diameter in metric spaces -/
lemma metric.isometry.diam_image [metric_space α] [metric_space β]
{f : α → β} {s : set α} (hf : isometry f) : metric.diam (f '' s) = metric.diam s :=
by rw [metric.diam, metric.diam, emetric.isometry.diam_image hf]

/-- α and β are isometric if there is an isometric bijection between them. -/
structure isometric (α : Type*) (β : Type*) [emetric_space α] [emetric_space β]
extends α ≃ β :=
(isometry_to_fun : isometry to_fun)
(isometry_inv_fun : isometry inv_fun)

infix ` ≃ᵢ`:50 := isometric

namespace isometric
variables [emetric_space α] [emetric_space β] [emetric_space γ]

instance : has_coe_to_fun (α ≃ᵢ β) := ⟨λ_, α → β, λe, e.to_equiv⟩

lemma coe_eq_to_equiv (h : α ≃ᵢ β) (a : α) : h a = h.to_equiv a := rfl

protected def to_homeomorph (h : α ≃ᵢ β) : α ≃ₜ β :=
{ continuous_to_fun := (isometry_to_fun h).continuous,
continuous_inv_fun := (isometry_inv_fun h).continuous,
.. h.to_equiv }

lemma coe_eq_to_homeomorph (h : α ≃ᵢ β) (a : α) :
h a = h.to_homeomorph a := rfl

lemma to_homeomorph_to_equiv (h : α ≃ᵢ β) :
h.to_homeomorph.to_equiv = h.to_equiv :=
by ext; refl

protected def refl (α : Type*) [emetric_space α] : α ≃ᵢ α :=
{ isometry_to_fun := isometry_id, isometry_inv_fun := isometry_id, .. equiv.refl α }

protected def trans (h₁ : α ≃ᵢ β) (h₂ : β ≃ᵢ γ) : α ≃ᵢ γ :=
{ isometry_to_fun := h₁.isometry_to_fun.comp h₂.isometry_to_fun,
isometry_inv_fun := h₂.isometry_inv_fun.comp h₁.isometry_inv_fun,
.. equiv.trans h₁.to_equiv h₂.to_equiv }

protected def symm (h : α ≃ᵢ β) : β ≃ᵢ α :=
{ isometry_to_fun := h.isometry_inv_fun,
isometry_inv_fun := h.isometry_to_fun,
.. h.to_equiv.symm }

protected lemma isometry (h : α ≃ᵢ β) : isometry h := h.isometry_to_fun

lemma symm_comp_self (h : α ≃ᵢ β) : ⇑h.symm ∘ ⇑h = id :=
funext $ assume a, h.to_equiv.left_inv a

lemma self_comp_symm (h : α ≃ᵢ β) : ⇑h ∘ ⇑h.symm = id :=
funext $ assume a, h.to_equiv.right_inv a

lemma range_coe (h : α ≃ᵢ β) : range h = univ :=
eq_univ_of_forall $ assume b, ⟨h.symm b, congr_fun h.self_comp_symm b⟩

lemma image_symm (h : α ≃ᵢ β) : image h.symm = preimage h :=
image_eq_preimage_of_inverse h.symm.to_equiv.left_inv h.symm.to_equiv.right_inv

lemma preimage_symm (h : α ≃ᵢ β) : preimage h.symm = image h :=
(image_eq_preimage_of_inverse h.to_equiv.left_inv h.to_equiv.right_inv).symm

end isometric

/-- An isometry induces an isometric isomorphism between the source space and the
range of the isometry. -/
lemma isometry.isometric_on_range [emetric_space α] [emetric_space β] {f : α → β} (h : isometry f) :
α ≃ᵢ range f :=
{ isometry_to_fun := λx y,
change edist ((equiv.set.range f _) x) ((equiv.set.range f _) y) = edist x y,
rw [equiv.set.range_apply f h.injective, equiv.set.range_apply f h.injective],
exact h x y
isometry_inv_fun :=
apply isometry.inv,
assume x y,
change edist ((equiv.set.range f _) x) ((equiv.set.range f _) y) = edist x y,
rw [equiv.set.range_apply f h.injective, equiv.set.range_apply f h.injective],
exact h x y
.. equiv.set.range f h.injective }

lemma isometry.isometric_on_range_apply [emetric_space α] [emetric_space β]
{f : α → β} (h : isometry f) (x : α) : h.isometric_on_range x = ⟨f x, mem_range_self _⟩ :=
dunfold isometry.isometric_on_range,
rw ← equiv.set.range_apply f h.injective x,

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