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feat(tactic/lint): check that left-hand side of all simp lemmas is in…
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… simp-normal form (#2017)

* feat(tactic/lint): check that lhs of simp lemmas are in simp nf

* fix(topology/metric_space/basic): remove @[simp] from lemmas with {x,y} on the lhs

* chore(topology/local_homeomorph): remove redundant lemmas from the simp set

* fix(topology/algebra/module): fix simp-nf lints

* chore(ring_theory/localization): mark fewer things as simp

* fix(set_theory/ordinal): put lhs into simp-normal form

* chore(algebra/big_operators): fix simp lemmas

* chore(data/set/lattice): remove redundant simp lemmas

* chore(data/set/basic): remove redundant simp lemma

* chore(data/zsqrtd/basic): make simp_nf lint happy

* fix(order/complete_lattice): remove lemmas from simp set

* chore(order/filter/filter_product): fix linting issues

* feat(data/mv_polynomial): add simp lemmas about neg

* fix(data/multiset): fix simp_nf linter issues

* chore(data/list/sigma): fix simp_nf linter issues

* fix(data/list/basic): remove redundant and unapplicable simp lemmas

* fix(measure_theory/set_integral): remove redundant simp lemma

* fix(measure_theory/l1_space): remove redundant simp lemmas

* fix(algebra/group_power): remove simp lemmas that are not in nf

* fix(algebra/field): remove redundant simp lemma

* chore(data/list/alist): remove simp lemmas

* fix(data/int/basic): simp-normal form for coercions...

* fix(data/finset): formulate simp-lemmas for simp-nf

* fix(data/int/parity): use simp-normal form

* fix(data/equiv/denumerable): remove redundant simp lemma

* fix(category_theory/**): fix simp-normal forms

* fix(set_theory/zfc): put simp lemmas in simp-normal form

* fix(tactlic/lint): ignore sub_eq_add_neg for simp_nf lint

* doc(tactic/lint): add simp_nf linter to module doc

* doc(docs/commands): add simp_nf linter

* fix(*): put lemmas in simp-normal form
  • Loading branch information
gebner committed Feb 21, 2020
1 parent bb7631f commit 472156f
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Showing 46 changed files with 394 additions and 186 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions docs/
Expand Up @@ -116,6 +116,7 @@ The following linters are run by default:
9. `incorrect_type_class_argument` checks for arguments in [square brackets] that are not classes.
10. `dangerous_instance` checks for instances that generate type-class problems with metavariables.
11. `inhabited_nonempty` checks for `inhabited` instance arguments that should be changed to `nonempty`.
12. `simp_nf` checks that arguments of the left-hand side of simp lemmas are in simp-normal form.

Another linter, `doc_blame_thm`, checks for missing doc strings on lemmas and theorems.
This is not run by default.
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion scripts/
Expand Up @@ -40,5 +40,5 @@ cat <<EOT >> lint_mathlib.lean
open nat -- need to do something before running a command
#lint_mathlib- only unused_arguments dup_namespace doc_blame ge_or_gt def_lemma instance_priority
impossible_instance incorrect_type_class_argument dangerous_instance inhabited_nonempty
impossible_instance incorrect_type_class_argument dangerous_instance inhabited_nonempty simp_nf
21 changes: 7 additions & 14 deletions src/algebra/big_operators.lean
Expand Up @@ -626,20 +626,13 @@ lemma sum_mul : s.sum f * b = s.sum (λx, f x * b) :=
lemma mul_sum : b * s.sum f = s.sum (λx, b * f x) :=
(s.sum_hom _).symm

@[simp] lemma sum_mul_boole [decidable_eq α] (s : finset α) (f : α → β) (a : α) :
lemma sum_mul_boole [decidable_eq α] (s : finset α) (f : α → β) (a : α) :
s.sum (λ x, (f x * ite (a = x) 1 0)) = ite (a ∈ s) (f a) 0 :=
convert sum_ite_eq s a f,
split_ifs with h; simp [h],
@[simp] lemma sum_boole_mul [decidable_eq α] (s : finset α) (f : α → β) (a : α) :
by simp

lemma sum_boole_mul [decidable_eq α] (s : finset α) (f : α → β) (a : α) :
s.sum (λ x, (ite (a = x) 1 0) * f x) = ite (a ∈ s) (f a) 0 :=
convert sum_ite_eq s a f,
split_ifs with h; simp [h],
by simp

end semiring

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -920,7 +913,7 @@ namespace with_top
open finset
variables [decidable_eq α]

/-- sum of finte numbers is still finite -/
/-- sum of finite numbers is still finite -/
lemma sum_lt_top [ordered_comm_monoid β] {s : finset α} {f : α → with_top β} :
(∀a∈s, f a < ⊤) → s.sum f < ⊤ :=
finset.induction_on s (by { intro h, rw sum_empty, exact coe_lt_top _ })
Expand All @@ -931,7 +924,7 @@ finset.induction_on s (by { intro h, rw sum_empty, exact coe_lt_top _ })
{ apply ih, intros a ha, apply h, apply mem_insert_of_mem ha }

/-- sum of finte numbers is still finite -/
/-- sum of finite numbers is still finite -/
lemma sum_lt_top_iff [canonically_ordered_monoid β] {s : finset α} {f : α → with_top β} :
s.sum f < ⊤ ↔ (∀a∈s, f a < ⊤) :=
iff.intro (λh a ha, lt_of_le_of_lt (single_le_sum (λa ha, zero_le _) ha) h) sum_lt_top
Expand Down
2 changes: 0 additions & 2 deletions src/algebra/field.lean
Expand Up @@ -46,8 +46,6 @@ def mk0 (a : α) (ha : a ≠ 0) : units α :=

@[simp] theorem mk0_val (ha : a ≠ 0) : (mk0 a ha : α) = a := rfl

@[simp] theorem mk0_inv (ha : a ≠ 0) : ((mk0 a ha)⁻¹ : α) = a⁻¹ := rfl

@[simp] lemma mk0_coe (u : units α) (h : (u : α) ≠ 0) : mk0 (u : α) h = u :=
units.ext rfl

Expand Down
12 changes: 4 additions & 8 deletions src/algebra/group_power.lean
Expand Up @@ -198,8 +198,8 @@ localized "infix ` •ℤ `:70 := gsmul" in smul
@[simp] theorem gpow_coe_nat (a : G) (n : ℕ) : a ^ (n:ℤ) = a ^ n := rfl
@[simp] theorem gsmul_coe_nat (a : A) (n : ℕ) : (n:ℤ) • a = n •ℕ a := rfl

@[simp] theorem gpow_of_nat (a : G) (n : ℕ) : a ^ of_nat n = a ^ n := rfl
@[simp] theorem gsmul_of_nat (a : A) (n : ℕ) : of_nat n • a = n •ℕ a := rfl
theorem gpow_of_nat (a : G) (n : ℕ) : a ^ of_nat n = a ^ n := rfl
theorem gsmul_of_nat (a : A) (n : ℕ) : of_nat n • a = n •ℕ a := rfl

@[simp] theorem gpow_neg_succ (a : G) (n : ℕ) : a ^ -[1+n] = (a ^ n.succ)⁻¹ := rfl
@[simp] theorem gsmul_neg_succ (a : A) (n : ℕ) : -[1+n] • a = - (n.succ •ℕ a) := rfl
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -231,11 +231,7 @@ theorem gpow_neg_one (x : G) : x ^ (-1:ℤ) = x⁻¹ := congr_arg has_inv.inv $
theorem neg_one_gsmul (x : A) : (-1:ℤ) • x = -x := congr_arg has_neg.neg $ add_monoid.one_smul x

theorem gsmul_one [has_one A] (n : ℤ) : n • (1 : A) = n :=
cases n,
{ rw [gsmul_of_nat, add_monoid.smul_one, int.cast_of_nat] },
{ rw [gsmul_neg_succ, add_monoid.smul_one, int.cast_neg_succ_of_nat, nat.cast_succ] }
by cases n; simp

theorem inv_gpow (a : G) : ∀n:ℤ, a⁻¹ ^ n = (a ^ n)⁻¹
| (n : ℕ) := inv_pow a n
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -419,7 +415,7 @@ end
@[field_simps] theorem pow_ne_zero [domain R] {a : R} (n : ℕ) (h : a ≠ 0) : a ^ n ≠ 0 :=
mt pow_eq_zero h

@[simp] theorem one_div_pow [division_ring R] {a : R} (ha : a ≠ 0) (n : ℕ) : (1 / a) ^ n = 1 / a ^ n :=
theorem one_div_pow [division_ring R] {a : R} (ha : a ≠ 0) (n : ℕ) : (1 / a) ^ n = 1 / a ^ n :=
by induction n with n ih; [exact (div_one _).symm,
rw [pow_succ', ih, division_ring.one_div_mul_one_div (pow_ne_zero _ ha) ha]]; refl

Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/algebra/ring.lean
Expand Up @@ -60,6 +60,10 @@ theorem bit0_eq_two_mul (n : α) : bit0 n = 2 * n :=
a * (if P then 1 else 0) = if P then a else 0 :=
by split_ifs; simp

@[simp] lemma ite_mul {α} [semiring α] (P : Prop) [decidable P] (a : α) :
(if P then 1 else 0) * a = if P then a else 0 :=
by split_ifs; simp

variable (α)

/-- Either zero and one are nonequal in a semiring, or the semiring is the zero ring. -/
Expand Down
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion src/algebraic_geometry/prime_spectrum.lean
Expand Up @@ -171,10 +171,14 @@ lemma subset_zero_locus_vanishing_ideal (t : set (prime_spectrum R)) :
t ⊆ zero_locus (vanishing_ideal t) :=
(gc R).l_u_le t

@[simp] lemma zero_locus_bot :
lemma zero_locus_bot :
zero_locus ((⊥ : ideal R) : set R) = set.univ :=
(gc R).l_bot

@[simp] lemma zero_locus_singleton_zero :
zero_locus ({0} : set R) = set.univ :=

@[simp] lemma zero_locus_empty :
zero_locus (∅ : set R) = set.univ :=
(gc_set R).l_bot
Expand Down
21 changes: 16 additions & 5 deletions src/analysis/normed_space/multilinear.lean
Expand Up @@ -841,10 +841,15 @@ variable {𝕜}
(f : continuous_multilinear_map 𝕜 (λ (i : fin 0), G) E₂) :
f.uncurry0 = f 0 := rfl

@[simp] lemma continuous_multilinear_map.uncurry0_curry0
@[simp] lemma continuous_multilinear_map.apply_zero_curry0
(f : continuous_multilinear_map 𝕜 (λ (i : fin 0), G) E₂) {x : fin 0 → G} :
continuous_multilinear_map.curry0 𝕜 G (f x) = f :=
by { ext m, simp [(subsingleton.elim _ _ : x = m)] }

lemma continuous_multilinear_map.uncurry0_curry0
(f : continuous_multilinear_map 𝕜 (λ (i : fin 0), G) E₂) :
continuous_multilinear_map.curry0 𝕜 G (f.uncurry0) = f :=
by { ext m, have : m = 0 := rfl, rw this, refl }
by simp

variables (𝕜 G)
@[simp] lemma continuous_multilinear_map.curry0_uncurry0 (x : E₂) :
Expand All @@ -859,15 +864,21 @@ begin

variables {𝕜 G}
@[simp] lemma continuous_multilinear_map.curry0_norm
(f : continuous_multilinear_map 𝕜 (λ (i : fin 0), G) E₂) : ∥f.uncurry0∥ = ∥f∥ :=
@[simp] lemma continuous_multilinear_map.fin0_apply_norm
(f : continuous_multilinear_map 𝕜 (λ (i : fin 0), G) E₂) {x : fin 0 → G} :
∥f x∥ = ∥f∥ :=
have : x = 0 := subsingleton.elim _ _, subst this,
refine le_antisymm (by simpa using f.le_op_norm 0) _,
have : ∥continuous_multilinear_map.curry0 𝕜 G (f.uncurry0)∥ ≤ ∥f.uncurry0∥ :=
continuous_multilinear_map.op_norm_le_bound _ (norm_nonneg _) (λm, by simp),
simpa [-continuous_multilinear_map.uncurry0_apply]

lemma continuous_multilinear_map.curry0_norm
(f : continuous_multilinear_map 𝕜 (λ (i : fin 0), G) E₂) : ∥f.uncurry0∥ = ∥f∥ :=
by simp

variables (𝕜 G E₂)
/-- The linear isomorphism between elements of a normed space, and continuous multilinear maps in
`0` variables with values in this normed space. The continuous version is given in
Expand Down
8 changes: 1 addition & 7 deletions src/category_theory/const.lean
Expand Up @@ -62,17 +62,11 @@ include 𝒟
/-- These are actually equal, of course, but not definitionally equal
(the equality requires (𝟙 _) = 𝟙 _). A natural isomorphism is
more convenient than an equality between functors (compare id_to_iso). -/
@[simp] def const_comp (X : C) (F : C ⥤ D) :
@[simps] def const_comp (X : C) (F : C ⥤ D) :
(const J).obj X ⋙ F ≅ (const J).obj (F.obj X) :=
{ hom := { app := λ _, 𝟙 _ },
inv := { app := λ _, 𝟙 _ } }

@[simp] lemma const_comp_hom_app (X : C) (F : C ⥤ D) (j : J) :
(const_comp J X F) j = 𝟙 _ := rfl

@[simp] lemma const_comp_inv_app (X : C) (F : C ⥤ D) (j : J) :
(const_comp J X F) j = 𝟙 _ := rfl


end category_theory.functor
10 changes: 5 additions & 5 deletions src/category_theory/equivalence.lean
Expand Up @@ -49,12 +49,12 @@ lemma counit_def (e : C ≌ D) : e.counit_iso.hom = e.counit := rfl
lemma unit_inv_def (e : C ≌ D) : e.unit_iso.inv = e.unit_inv := rfl
lemma counit_inv_def (e : C ≌ D) : e.counit_iso.inv = e.counit_inv := rfl

@[simp] lemma functor_unit_comp (e : C ≌ D) (X : C) : ( X) ≫ (e.functor.obj X) = 𝟙 (e.functor.obj X) :=
@[simp] lemma functor_unit_comp (e : C ≌ D) (X : C) : ( X) ≫ (e.functor.obj X) = 𝟙 (e.functor.obj X) :=
e.functor_unit_iso_comp X

@[simp] lemma counit_inv_functor_comp (e : C ≌ D) (X : C) : (e.functor.obj X) ≫ ( X) = 𝟙 (e.functor.obj X) := (e.functor.obj X) ≫ ( X) = 𝟙 (e.functor.obj X) :=
erw [iso.inv_eq_inv
(e.functor.map_iso ( X) ≪≫ (e.functor.obj X)) (iso.refl _)],
Expand All @@ -72,7 +72,7 @@ by { erw [←iso.hom_comp_eq_id (e.functor.map_iso ( X)), functor_
/-- The other triangle equality. The proof follows the following proof in Globular: -/
@[simp] lemma unit_inverse_comp (e : C ≌ D) (Y : D) : (e.inverse.obj Y) ≫ ( Y) = 𝟙 (e.inverse.obj Y) := (e.inverse.obj Y) ≫ ( Y) = 𝟙 (e.inverse.obj Y) :=
rw [←id_comp _ ( _), ←map_id e.inverse, ←counit_inv_functor_comp, map_comp,
←iso.hom_inv_id_assoc ( _) ( ( _)),
Expand All @@ -93,7 +93,7 @@ begin

@[simp] lemma inverse_counit_inv_comp (e : C ≌ D) (Y : D) : ( Y) ≫ (e.inverse.obj Y) = 𝟙 (e.inverse.obj Y) := ( Y) ≫ (e.inverse.obj Y) = 𝟙 (e.inverse.obj Y) :=
erw [iso.inv_eq_inv
( (e.inverse.obj Y) ≪≫ e.inverse.map_iso ( Y)) (iso.refl _)],
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/category_theory/functor.lean
Expand Up @@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ infixr ` ⥤ `:26 := functor -- type as \func --
restate_axiom functor.map_id'
attribute [simp] functor.map_id
restate_axiom functor.map_comp'
attribute [simp, reassoc] functor.map_comp
attribute [reassoc, simp] functor.map_comp

namespace functor

Expand Down
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/category_theory/functor_category.lean
Expand Up @@ -14,6 +14,7 @@ open nat_trans category category_theory.functor
variables (C : Type u₁) [𝒞 : category.{v₁} C] (D : Type u₂) [𝒟 : category.{v₂} D]
include 𝒞 𝒟

local attribute [simp] vcomp_app
`functor.category C D` gives the category structure on functors and natural transformations
between categories `C` and `D`.
Expand All @@ -35,6 +36,9 @@ namespace nat_trans

@[simp] lemma vcomp_eq_comp (α : F ⟶ G) (β : G ⟶ H) : vcomp α β = α ≫ β := rfl

@[simp] lemma vcomp_app' (α : F ⟶ G) (β : G ⟶ H) (X : C) :
(α ≫ β).app X = (α.app X) ≫ (β.app X) := rfl

lemma congr_app {α β : F ⟶ G} (h : α = β) (X : C) : α.app X = β.app X := by rw h
@[simp] lemma id_app (F : C ⥤ D) (X : C) : (𝟙 F : F ⟶ F).app X = 𝟙 (F.obj X) := rfl
@[simp] lemma comp_app {F G H : C ⥤ D} (α : F ⟶ G) (β : G ⟶ H) (X : C) :
Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/category_theory/isomorphism.lean
Expand Up @@ -265,13 +265,13 @@ is_iso.of_iso $ F.map_iso (as_iso f) (inv f) = inv ( f) :=

@[simp] lemma map_hom_inv (F : C ⥤ D) {X Y : C} (f : X ⟶ Y) [is_iso f] :
lemma map_hom_inv (F : C ⥤ D) {X Y : C} (f : X ⟶ Y) [is_iso f] : f ≫ (inv f) = 𝟙 (F.obj X) :=
by rw [map_inv, is_iso.hom_inv_id]
by simp

@[simp] lemma map_inv_hom (F : C ⥤ D) {X Y : C} (f : X ⟶ Y) [is_iso f] :
lemma map_inv_hom (F : C ⥤ D) {X Y : C} (f : X ⟶ Y) [is_iso f] : (inv f) ≫ f = 𝟙 (F.obj Y) :=
by rw [map_inv, is_iso.inv_hom_id]
by simp

end functor

Expand Down
8 changes: 4 additions & 4 deletions src/category_theory/limits/limits.lean
Expand Up @@ -462,9 +462,9 @@ def limit.cone_morphism {F : J ⥤ C} [has_limit F] (c : cone F) :

@[simp] lemma limit.cone_morphism_hom {F : J ⥤ C} [has_limit F] (c : cone F) :
(limit.cone_morphism c).hom = limit.lift F c := rfl
@[simp] lemma limit.cone_morphism_π {F : J ⥤ C} [has_limit F] (c : cone F) (j : J) :
lemma limit.cone_morphism_π {F : J ⥤ C} [has_limit F] (c : cone F) (j : J) :
(limit.cone_morphism c).hom ≫ limit.π F j = c.π.app j :=
by erw is_limit.fac
by simp

@[ext] lemma limit.hom_ext {F : J ⥤ C} [has_limit F] {X : C} {f f' : X ⟶ limit F}
(w : ∀ j, f ≫ limit.π F j = f' ≫ limit.π F j) : f = f' :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -733,9 +733,9 @@ def colimit.cocone_morphism {F : J ⥤ C} [has_colimit F] (c : cocone F) :

@[simp] lemma colimit.cocone_morphism_hom {F : J ⥤ C} [has_colimit F] (c : cocone F) :
(colimit.cocone_morphism c).hom = colimit.desc F c := rfl
@[simp] lemma colimit.ι_cocone_morphism {F : J ⥤ C} [has_colimit F] (c : cocone F) (j : J) :
lemma colimit.ι_cocone_morphism {F : J ⥤ C} [has_colimit F] (c : cocone F) (j : J) :
colimit.ι F j ≫ (colimit.cocone_morphism c).hom = c.ι.app j :=
by erw is_colimit.fac
by simp

@[ext] lemma colimit.hom_ext {F : J ⥤ C} [has_colimit F] {X : C} {f f' : colimit F ⟶ X}
(w : ∀ j, colimit.ι F j ≫ f = colimit.ι F j ≫ f') : f = f' :=
Expand Down
16 changes: 12 additions & 4 deletions src/category_theory/limits/shapes/binary_products.lean
Expand Up @@ -132,10 +132,14 @@ local attribute [tidy] tactic.case_bash
{ hom := prod.lift prod.snd prod.fst,
inv := prod.lift prod.snd prod.fst }

@[simp] lemma prod.symmetry' (P Q : C) :
prod.lift prod.snd prod.fst ≫ prod.lift prod.snd prod.fst = 𝟙 (P ⨯ Q) :=
by tidy

/-- The braiding isomorphism is symmetric. -/
@[simp] lemma prod.symmetry (P Q : C) :
lemma prod.symmetry (P Q : C) :
(prod.braiding P Q).hom ≫ (prod.braiding Q P).hom = 𝟙 _ :=
by tidy
by simp

/-- The associator isomorphism for binary products. -/
@[simps] def prod.associator
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -191,10 +195,14 @@ local attribute [tidy] tactic.case_bash
{ hom := coprod.desc coprod.inr coprod.inl,
inv := coprod.desc coprod.inr coprod.inl }

@[simp] lemma coprod.symmetry' (P Q : C) :
coprod.desc coprod.inr coprod.inl ≫ coprod.desc coprod.inr coprod.inl = 𝟙 (P ⨿ Q) :=
by tidy

/-- The braiding isomorphism is symmetric. -/
@[simp] lemma coprod.symmetry (P Q : C) :
lemma coprod.symmetry (P Q : C) :
(coprod.braiding P Q).hom ≫ (coprod.braiding Q P).hom = 𝟙 _ :=
by tidy
by simp

/-- The associator isomorphism for binary coproducts. -/
@[simps] def coprod.associator
Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/category_theory/limits/shapes/pullbacks.lean
Expand Up @@ -163,9 +163,9 @@ def span {X Y Z : C} (f : X ⟶ Y) (g : X ⟶ Z) : walking_span.{v} ⥤ C :=
@[simp] lemma span_map_snd {X Y Z : C} (f : X ⟶ Y) (g : X ⟶ Z) :
(span f g).map walking_span.hom.snd = g := rfl

@[simp] lemma cospan_map_id {X Y Z : C} (f : X ⟶ Z) (g : Y ⟶ Z) (w : walking_cospan) :
lemma cospan_map_id {X Y Z : C} (f : X ⟶ Z) (g : Y ⟶ Z) (w : walking_cospan) :
(cospan f g).map ( w) = 𝟙 _ := rfl
@[simp] lemma span_map_id {X Y Z : C} (f : X ⟶ Y) (g : X ⟶ Z) (w : walking_span) :
lemma span_map_id {X Y Z : C} (f : X ⟶ Y) (g : X ⟶ Z) (w : walking_span) :
(span f g).map ( w) = 𝟙 _ := rfl

Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/category_theory/natural_isomorphism.lean
Expand Up @@ -63,10 +63,10 @@ begin

variables {X Y : C}
@[simp] lemma naturality_1 (α : F ≅ G) (f : X ⟶ Y) :
lemma naturality_1 (α : F ≅ G) (f : X ⟶ Y) :
(α X) ≫ ( f) ≫ (α Y) = f :=
begin erw [naturality, ←category.assoc, is_iso.hom_inv_id, category.id_comp] end
@[simp] lemma naturality_2 (α : F ≅ G) (f : X ⟶ Y) :
lemma naturality_2 (α : F ≅ G) (f : X ⟶ Y) :
(α X) ≫ ( f) ≫ (α Y) = f :=
begin erw [naturality, ←category.assoc, is_iso.hom_inv_id, category.id_comp] end

Expand Down
4 changes: 3 additions & 1 deletion src/category_theory/natural_transformation.lean
Expand Up @@ -58,7 +58,9 @@ def vcomp (α : nat_trans F G) (β : nat_trans G H) : nat_trans F H :=
intros, simp, rw [←assoc, naturality, assoc, ←naturality],
end }

@[simp] lemma vcomp_app (α : nat_trans F G) (β : nat_trans G H) (X : C) :
-- functor_category will rewrite (vcomp α β) to (α ≫ β), so this is not a
-- suitable simp lemma. We will declare the variant vcomp_app' there.
lemma vcomp_app (α : nat_trans F G) (β : nat_trans G H) (X : C) :
(vcomp α β).app X = (α.app X) ≫ (β.app X) := rfl

Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/data/equiv/denumerable.lean
Expand Up @@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ section
variables {α : Type*} {β : Type*} [denumerable α] [denumerable β]
open encodable

@[simp] theorem decode_is_some (α) [denumerable α] (n : ℕ) :
theorem decode_is_some (α) [denumerable α] (n : ℕ) :
(decode α n).is_some :=
option.is_some_iff_exists.2 $
(decode_inv α n).imp $ λ a, Exists.fst
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4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/data/fin.lean
Expand Up @@ -283,6 +283,10 @@ We can think of the type `Π(i : fin n), α i` as `n`-tuples of elements of poss
operations, first about adding or removing elements at the beginning of a tuple.

/-- There is exactly one tuple of size zero. -/
instance tuple0_unique (α : fin 0Type u) : unique (Π i : fin 0, α i) :=
{ default := fin_zero_elim', uniq := λ x, funext fin_zero_elim' }

variables {α : fin (n+1) → Type u} (x : α 0) (q : Πi, α i) (p : Π(i : fin n), α (i.succ))
(i : fin n) (y : α i.succ) (z : α 0)

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