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feat(measure_theory/lp_space): define Lp, subtype of ae_eq_fun with f…
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…inite norm (#5853)

Co-authored-by: sgouezel <>
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RemyDegenne and sgouezel committed Jan 24, 2021
1 parent aa744db commit 49c53d4
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Showing 2 changed files with 159 additions and 8 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion docs/undergrad.yaml
Expand Up @@ -507,7 +507,7 @@ Measures and integral Calculus:
finite dimensional vector-valued integrable functions: 'measure_theory.integrable'
continuity of integrals with respect to parameters:
differentiability of integrals with respect to parameters:
$\mathrm{L}^p$ spaces where $1 ≤ p ≤ ∞$:
$\mathrm{L}^p$ spaces where $1 ≤ p ≤ ∞$: 'measure_theory.Lp'
Completeness of $\mathrm{L}^p$ spaces:
Holder's inequality: 'nnreal.lintegral_mul_le_Lp_mul_Lq'
Fubini's theorem: 'measure_theory.integral_prod'
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165 changes: 158 additions & 7 deletions src/measure_theory/lp_space.lean
Expand Up @@ -8,11 +8,17 @@ import measure_theory.l1_space
import analysis.mean_inequalities

# ℒp space
# ℒp space and Lp space
This file describes properties of almost everywhere measurable functions with finite seminorm,
defined for `p:ennreal` as `0` if `p=0`, `(∫ ∥f a∥^p ∂μ) ^ (1/p)` for `0 < p < ∞` and
`ess_sup ∥f∥ μ` for `p=∞`.
denoted by `snorm f p μ` and defined for `p:ennreal` as `0` if `p=0`, `(∫ ∥f a∥^p ∂μ) ^ (1/p)` for
`0 < p < ∞` and `ess_sup ∥f∥ μ` for `p=∞`.
The Prop-valued `mem_ℒp f p μ` states that a function `f : α → E` has finite seminorm.
The space `Lp α E p μ` is the subtype of elements of `α →ₘ[μ] E` (see ae_eq_fun) such that
`snorm f p μ` is finite. For `1 ≤ p`, `snorm` defines a norm and Lp is a metric space.
TODO: prove that Lp is complete.
## Main definitions
Expand All @@ -24,14 +30,16 @@ defined for `p:ennreal` as `0` if `p=0`, `(∫ ∥f a∥^p ∂μ) ^ (1/p)` for `
* `mem_ℒp f p μ` : property that the function `f` is almost everywhere measurable and has finite
p-seminorm for measure `μ` (`snorm f p μ < ∞`)
* `Lp E p μ` : elements of `α →ₘ[μ] E` (see ae_eq_fun) such that `snorm f p μ` is finite. Defined
as an `add_subgroup` of `α →ₘ[μ] E`.

open measure_theory

noncomputable theory

namespace ℒp_space
namespace measure_theory

section ℒp

variables {α E F : Type*} [measurable_space α] {μ : measure α}
[measurable_space E] [normed_group E]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -632,4 +640,147 @@ end

end normed_space

end ℒp_space
end ℒp

/-! ### Lp space
The space of equivalence classes of measurable functions for which `snorm f p μ < ⊤`.

@[simp] lemma snorm_ae_eq_fun {α E : Type*} [measurable_space α] {μ : measure α}
[measurable_space E] [normed_group E] {p : ennreal} {f : α → E} (hf : ae_measurable f μ) :
snorm ( f hf) p μ = snorm f p μ :=
snorm_congr_ae (ae_eq_fun.coe_fn_mk _ _)

lemma mem_ℒp.snorm_mk_lt_top {α E : Type*} [measurable_space α] {μ : measure α}
[measurable_space E] [normed_group E] {p : ennreal} {f : α → E} (hfp : mem_ℒp f p μ) :
snorm ( f hfp.1) p μ < ⊤ :=
by simp [hfp.2]

/-- Lp space -/
def Lp {α} (E : Type*) [measurable_space α] [measurable_space E] [normed_group E]
[borel_space E] [topological_space.second_countable_topology E]
(p : ennreal) (μ : measure α) : add_subgroup (α →ₘ[μ] E) :=
{ carrier := {f | snorm f p μ < ⊤},
zero_mem' := by simp [snorm_congr_ae ae_eq_fun.coe_fn_zero, snorm_zero],
add_mem' := λ f g hf hg, by simp [snorm_congr_ae (ae_eq_fun.coe_fn_add _ _),
snorm_add_lt_top ⟨f.ae_measurable, hf⟩ ⟨g.ae_measurable, hg⟩],
neg_mem' := λ f hf,
by rwa [set.mem_set_of_eq, snorm_congr_ae (ae_eq_fun.coe_fn_neg _), snorm_neg] }

/-- make an element of Lp from a function verifying `mem_ℒp` -/
def mem_ℒp.to_Lp {α E} [measurable_space α] [measurable_space E] [normed_group E]
[borel_space E] [topological_space.second_countable_topology E]
(f : α → E) {p : ennreal} {μ : measure α} (h_mem_ℒp : mem_ℒp f p μ) : Lp E p μ :=
⟨ f h_mem_ℒp.1, h_mem_ℒp.snorm_mk_lt_top⟩

lemma mem_ℒp.coe_fn_to_Lp {α E} [measurable_space α] [measurable_space E] [normed_group E]
[borel_space E] [topological_space.second_countable_topology E] {μ : measure α} {p : ennreal}
{f : α → E} (hf : mem_ℒp f p μ) : hf.to_Lp f =ᵐ[μ] f :=
ae_eq_fun.coe_fn_mk _ _

namespace Lp

variables {α E F : Type*} [measurable_space α] {μ : measure α} [measurable_space E] [normed_group E]
[borel_space E] [topological_space.second_countable_topology E] {p : ennreal}

lemma mem_Lp_iff_snorm_lt_top {f : α →ₘ[μ] E} : f ∈ Lp E p μ ↔ snorm f p μ < ⊤ := iff.refl _

lemma antimono [finite_measure μ] {p q : ennreal} (hpq : p ≤ q) : Lp E q μ ≤ Lp E p μ :=
λ f hf, (mem_ℒp.mem_ℒp_of_exponent_le ⟨f.ae_measurable, hf⟩ hpq).2

lemma coe_fn_mk {f : α →ₘ[μ] E} (hf : snorm f p μ < ⊤) : ⇑(⟨f, hf⟩ : Lp E p μ) =ᵐ[μ] f :=
by simp only [coe_fn_coe_base, subtype.coe_mk]

lemma snorm_lt_top (f : Lp E p μ) : snorm f p μ < ⊤ := f.prop

lemma snorm_ne_top (f : Lp E p μ) : snorm f p μ ≠ ⊤ := (snorm_lt_top f).ne

lemma measurable (f : Lp E p μ) : measurable f := f.val.measurable

lemma ae_measurable (f : Lp E p μ) : ae_measurable f μ := f.val.ae_measurable

lemma mem_ℒp (f : Lp E p μ) : mem_ℒp f p μ := ⟨ae_measurable f, f.prop⟩

lemma coe_fn_zero : ⇑(0 : Lp E p μ) =ᵐ[μ] 0 := ae_eq_fun.coe_fn_zero

lemma coe_fn_neg {f : Lp E p μ} : ⇑(-f) =ᵐ[μ] -f := ae_eq_fun.coe_fn_neg _

lemma coe_fn_add {f g : Lp E p μ} : ⇑(f + g) =ᵐ[μ] f + g := ae_eq_fun.coe_fn_add _ _

lemma coe_fn_sub {f g : Lp E p μ} : ⇑(f - g) =ᵐ[μ] f - g := ae_eq_fun.coe_fn_sub _ _

lemma mem_Lp_const (α) [measurable_space α] (μ : measure α) (c : E) [finite_measure μ] :
@ae_eq_fun.const α _ _ μ _ c ∈ Lp E p μ :=
(mem_ℒp_const c).snorm_mk_lt_top

instance : has_norm (Lp E p μ) := { norm := λ f, ennreal.to_real (snorm f p μ) }

lemma norm_def (f : Lp E p μ) : ∥f∥ = ennreal.to_real (snorm f p μ) := rfl

@[simp] lemma norm_zero : ∥(0 : Lp E p μ)∥ = 0 :=
by simp [norm, snorm_congr_ae ae_eq_fun.coe_fn_zero, snorm_zero]

lemma norm_eq_zero_iff {f : Lp E p μ} (hp : 0 < p) : ∥f∥ = 0 ↔ f = 0 :=
refine ⟨λ hf, _, λ hf, by simp [hf]⟩,
rw [norm_def, ennreal.to_real_eq_zero_iff] at hf,
cases hf,
{ rw snorm_eq_zero_iff (ae_measurable f) at hf,
exact subtype.eq (ae_eq_fun.ext (hf.trans ae_eq_fun.coe_fn_zero.symm)), },
{ exact absurd hf (snorm_ne_top f), },

@[simp] lemma norm_neg {f : Lp E p μ} : ∥-f∥ = ∥f∥ :=
by rw [norm_def, norm_def, snorm_congr_ae coe_fn_neg, snorm_neg]

instance [hp : fact (1 ≤ p)] : normed_group (Lp E p μ) :=
normed_group.of_core _
{ norm_eq_zero_iff := λ f, norm_eq_zero_iff (ennreal.zero_lt_one.trans_le hp),
triangle := begin
assume f g,
simp only [norm_def],
rw ← ennreal.to_real_add (snorm_ne_top f) (snorm_ne_top g),
suffices h_snorm : snorm ⇑(f + g) p μ ≤ snorm ⇑f p μ + snorm ⇑g p μ,
{ rwa ennreal.to_real_le_to_real (snorm_ne_top (f + g)),
exact ennreal.add_ne_top.mpr ⟨snorm_ne_top f, snorm_ne_top g⟩, },
rw [snorm_congr_ae coe_fn_add],
exact snorm_add_le (ae_measurable f) (ae_measurable g) hp,
norm_neg := by simp }

section normed_space

variables {𝕜 : Type*} [normed_field 𝕜] [normed_space 𝕜 E]

lemma mem_Lp_const_smul (c : 𝕜) (f : Lp E p μ) : c • ↑f ∈ Lp E p μ :=
rw [mem_Lp_iff_snorm_lt_top, snorm_congr_ae (ae_eq_fun.coe_fn_smul _ _), snorm_const_smul,
exact or.inl ⟨ennreal.coe_lt_top, f.prop⟩,

instance : has_scalar 𝕜 (Lp E p μ) := { smul := λ c f, ⟨c • ↑f, mem_Lp_const_smul c f⟩ }

lemma coe_fn_smul {f : Lp E p μ} {c : 𝕜} : ⇑(c • f) =ᵐ[μ] c • f := ae_eq_fun.coe_fn_smul _ _

instance : semimodule 𝕜 (Lp E p μ) :=
{ one_smul := λ _, subtype.eq (one_smul 𝕜 _),
mul_smul := λ _ _ _, subtype.eq (mul_smul _ _ _),
smul_add := λ _ _ _, subtype.eq (smul_add _ _ _),
smul_zero := λ _, subtype.eq (smul_zero _),
add_smul := λ _ _ _, subtype.eq (add_smul _ _ _),
zero_smul := λ _, subtype.eq (zero_smul _ _) }

lemma norm_const_smul (c : 𝕜) (f : Lp E p μ) : ∥c • f∥ = ∥c∥ * ∥f∥ :=
by rw [norm_def, snorm_congr_ae coe_fn_smul, snorm_const_smul c,
ennreal.to_real_mul, ennreal.coe_to_real, coe_nnnorm, norm_def]

instance [fact (1 ≤ p)] : normed_space 𝕜 (Lp E p μ) :=
{ norm_smul_le := λ _ _, by simp [norm_const_smul] }

end normed_space

end Lp

end measure_theory

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