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refactor(category_theory/cones): golf and cleanup cones (#6756)
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No mathematical content here, basically just golfing and tidying in preparation for future PRs.
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b-mehta committed Mar 20, 2021
1 parent 56e5aa7 commit 4db82a4
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115 changes: 47 additions & 68 deletions src/category_theory/limits/cones.lean
Expand Up @@ -8,12 +8,14 @@ import category_theory.discrete_category
import category_theory.yoneda
import category_theory.reflects_isomorphisms

universes v u u' -- morphism levels before object levels. See note [category_theory universes].
universes v u₁ u₂ -- morphism levels before object levels. See note [category_theory universes].

open category_theory

variables {J : Type v} [small_category J]
variables {C : Type u} [category.{v} C]
variables {K : Type v} [small_category K]
variables {C : Type u₁} [category.{v} C]
variables {D : Type u₂} [category.{v} D]

open category_theory
open category_theory.category
Expand All @@ -31,7 +33,7 @@ natural transformations from the constant functor with value `X` to `F`.
An object representing this functor is a limit of `F`.
def cones : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ Type v := (const J).op ⋙ (yoneda.obj F)
def cones : Cᵒᵖ ⥤ Type v := (const J).op ⋙ yoneda.obj F

`F.cocones` is the functor assigning to an object `X` the type of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -79,14 +81,11 @@ structure cone (F : J ⥤ C) :=

instance inhabited_cone (F : discrete punit ⥤ C) : inhabited (cone F) :=
⟨{ X := F.obj,
π :=
{ app := λ X, match X with
| := 𝟙 _
end } }⟩
π := { app := λ ⟨⟩, 𝟙 _ } }⟩

@[simp, reassoc] lemma cone.w {F : J ⥤ C} (c : cone F) {j j' : J} (f : j ⟶ j') :
c.π.app j ≫ f = c.π.app j' :=
by { rw ← (c.π.naturality f), apply id_comp }
by { rw ← c.π.naturality f, apply id_comp }

A `c : cocone F` is
Expand All @@ -101,41 +100,36 @@ structure cocone (F : J ⥤ C) :=

instance inhabited_cocone (F : discrete punit ⥤ C) : inhabited (cocone F) :=
⟨{ X := F.obj,
ι :=
{ app := λ X, match X with
| := 𝟙 _
end } }⟩
ι := { app := λ ⟨⟩, 𝟙 _ } }⟩

@[simp, reassoc] lemma cocone.w {F : J ⥤ C} (c : cocone F) {j j' : J} (f : j ⟶ j') : f ≫ c.ι.app j' = c.ι.app j :=
by { rw (c.ι.naturality f), apply comp_id }
by { rw c.ι.naturality f, apply comp_id }

variables {F : J ⥤ C}

namespace cone

/-- The isomorphism between a cone on `F` and an element of the functor `F.cones`. -/
def equiv (F : J ⥤ C) : cone F ≅ Σ X, F.cones.obj X :=
{ hom := λ c, ⟨op c.X, c.π⟩,
inv := λ c, { X := unop c.1, π := c.2 },
hom_inv_id' := begin ext1, cases x, refl, end,
inv_hom_id' := begin ext1, cases x, refl, end }
inv := λ c, { X := c.1.unop, π := c.2 },
hom_inv_id' := by { ext1, cases x, refl },
inv_hom_id' := by { ext1, cases x, refl } }

/-- A map to the vertex of a cone naturally induces a cone by composition. -/
@[simp] def extensions (c : cone F) : yoneda.obj c.X ⟶ F.cones :=
@[simps] def extensions (c : cone F) :
yoneda.obj c.X ⟶ F.cones :=
{ app := λ X f, (const J).map f ≫ c.π }

/-- A map to the vertex of a cone induces a cone by composition. -/
@[simp] def extend (c : cone F) {X : C} (f : X ⟶ c.X) : cone F :=
@[simps] def extend (c : cone F) {X : C} (f : X ⟶ c.X) : cone F :=
{ X := X,
π := (op X) f }

@[simp] lemma extend_π (c : cone F) {X : Cᵒᵖ} (f : unop X ⟶ c.X) :
(extend c f).π = X f :=

/-- Whisker a cone by precomposition of a functor. -/
@[simps] def whisker {K : Type v} [small_category K] (E : K ⥤ J) (c : cone F) : cone (E ⋙ F) :=
@[simps] def whisker (E : K ⥤ J) (c : cone F) : cone (E ⋙ F) :=
{ X := c.X,
π := whisker_left E c.π }

Expand All @@ -147,27 +141,23 @@ namespace cocone
def equiv (F : J ⥤ C) : cocone F ≅ Σ X, F.cocones.obj X :=
{ hom := λ c, ⟨c.X, c.ι⟩,
inv := λ c, { X := c.1, ι := c.2 },
hom_inv_id' := begin ext1, cases x, refl, end,
inv_hom_id' := begin ext1, cases x, refl, end }
hom_inv_id' := by { ext1, cases x, refl },
inv_hom_id' := by { ext1, cases x, refl } }

/-- A map from the vertex of a cocone naturally induces a cocone by composition. -/
@[simp] def extensions (c : cocone F) : coyoneda.obj (op c.X) ⟶ F.cocones :=
@[simps] def extensions (c : cocone F) : coyoneda.obj (op c.X) ⟶ F.cocones :=
{ app := λ X f, c.ι ≫ (const J).map f }

/-- A map from the vertex of a cocone induces a cocone by composition. -/
@[simp] def extend (c : cocone F) {X : C} (f : c.X ⟶ X) : cocone F :=
@[simps] def extend (c : cocone F) {X : C} (f : c.X ⟶ X) : cocone F :=
{ X := X,
ι := X f }

@[simp] lemma extend_ι (c : cocone F) {X : C} (f : c.X ⟶ X) :
(extend c f).ι = X f :=

Whisker a cocone by precomposition of a functor. See `whiskering` for a functorial
@[simps] def whisker {K : Type v} [small_category K] (E : K ⥤ J) (c : cocone F) : cocone (E ⋙ F) :=
@[simps] def whisker (E : K ⥤ J) (c : cocone F) : cocone (E ⋙ F) :=
{ X := c.X,
ι := whisker_left E c.ι }

Expand All @@ -183,10 +173,10 @@ restate_axiom cone_morphism.w'
attribute [simp, reassoc] cone_morphism.w

instance inhabited_cone_morphism (A : cone F) : inhabited (cone_morphism A A) :=
⟨{ hom := 𝟙 _}⟩
⟨{ hom := 𝟙 _ }⟩

/-- The category of cones on a given diagram. -/
@[simps] instance cone.category : category.{v} (cone F) :=
@[simps] instance cone.category : category (cone F) :=
{ hom := λ A B, cone_morphism A B,
comp := λ X Y Z f g, { hom := f.hom ≫ g.hom },
id := λ B, { hom := 𝟙 B.X } }
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -214,16 +204,17 @@ Functorially postcompose a cone for `F` by a natural transformation `F ⟶ G` to
@[simps] def postcompose {G : J ⥤ C} (α : F ⟶ G) : cone F ⥤ cone G :=
{ obj := λ c, { X := c.X, π := c.π ≫ α },
map := λ c₁ c₂ f, { hom := f.hom, w' :=
by intro; erw ← category.assoc; simp [-category.assoc] } }
map := λ c₁ c₂ f, { hom := f.hom } }

/-- Postcomposing a cone by the composite natural transformation `α ≫ β` is the same as
postcomposing by `α` and then by `β`. -/
def postcompose_comp {G H : J ⥤ C} (α : F ⟶ G) (β : G ⟶ H) :
postcompose (α ≫ β) ≅ postcompose α ⋙ postcompose β :=
nat_iso.of_components (λ s, cones.ext (iso.refl _) (by tidy)) (by tidy)

/-- Postcomposing by the identity does not change the cone up to isomorphism. -/
def postcompose_id : postcompose (𝟙 F) ≅ 𝟭 (cone F) :=
nat_iso.of_components (λ s, cones.ext (iso.refl _) (by tidy)) (by tidy)

Expand All @@ -242,37 +233,32 @@ def postcompose_equivalence {G : J ⥤ C} (α : F ≅ G) : cone F ≌ cone G :=
Whiskering on the left by `E : K ⥤ J` gives a functor from `cone F` to `cone (E ⋙ F)`.
def whiskering {K : Type v} [small_category K] (E : K ⥤ J) : cone F ⥤ cone (E ⋙ F) :=
def whiskering (E : K ⥤ J) : cone F ⥤ cone (E ⋙ F) :=
{ obj := λ c, c.whisker E,
map := λ c c' f, { hom := f.hom, } }
map := λ c c' f, { hom := f.hom } }

Whiskering by an equivalence gives an equivalence between categories of cones.
def whiskering_equivalence {K : Type v} [small_category K] (e : K ≌ J) :
def whiskering_equivalence (e : K ≌ J) :
cone F ≌ cone (e.functor ⋙ F) :=
{ functor := whiskering e.functor,
inverse := whiskering e.inverse ⋙
postcompose ((functor.associator _ _ _).inv ≫ (whisker_right (e.counit_iso).hom F) ≫
(functor.left_unitor F).hom),
inverse := whiskering e.inverse ⋙ postcompose (e.inv_fun_id_assoc F).hom,
unit_iso := nat_iso.of_components (λ s, cones.ext (iso.refl _) (by tidy)) (by tidy),
counit_iso := nat_iso.of_components (λ s, cones.ext (iso.refl _)
intro k,
have t := s.π.naturality ( k),
dsimp at t,
simp only [←e.counit_app_functor k, id_comp] at t,
simp [t],
dsimp, -- See library note [dsimp, simp]
simpa [e.counit_app_functor] using s.w ( k),
end)) (by tidy), }

The categories of cones over `F` and `G` are equivalent if `F` and `G` are naturally isomorphic
(possibly after changing the indexing category by an equivalence).
@[simps functor_obj]
def equivalence_of_reindexing {K : Type v} [small_category K] {G : K ⥤ C}
@[simps functor inverse unit_iso counit_iso]
def equivalence_of_reindexing {G : K ⥤ C}
(e : K ≌ J) (α : e.functor ⋙ F ≅ G) : cone F ≌ cone G :=
(whiskering_equivalence e).trans (postcompose_equivalence α)

Expand All @@ -284,7 +270,7 @@ variable (F)
def forget : cone F ⥤ C :=
{ obj := λ t, t.X, map := λ s t f, f.hom }

variables {D : Type u'} [category.{v} D] (G : C ⥤ D)
variables (G : C ⥤ D)

/-- A functor `G : C ⥤ D` sends cones over `F` to cones over `F ⋙ G` functorially. -/
@[simps] def functoriality : cone F ⥤ cone (F ⋙ G) :=
Expand All @@ -293,7 +279,7 @@ variables {D : Type u'} [category.{v} D] (G : C ⥤ D)
π := { app := λ j, (A.π.app j), naturality' := by intros; erw ←G.map_comp; tidy } },
map := λ X Y f,
{ hom := f.hom,
w' := by intros; rw [←functor.map_comp, f.w] } }
w' := λ j, by simp [-cone_morphism.w, ←f.w j] } }

instance functoriality_full [full G] [faithful G] : full (functoriality F G) :=
{ preimage := λ X Y t,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -348,7 +334,7 @@ instance inhabited_cocone_morphism (A : cocone F) : inhabited (cocone_morphism A
restate_axiom cocone_morphism.w'
attribute [simp, reassoc] cocone_morphism.w

@[simps] instance cocone.category : category.{v} (cocone F) :=
@[simps] instance cocone.category : category (cocone F) :=
{ hom := λ A B, cocone_morphism A B,
comp := λ _ _ _ f g,
{ hom := f.hom ≫ g.hom },
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -403,15 +389,15 @@ def precompose_equivalence {G : J ⥤ C} (α : G ≅ F) : cocone F ≌ cocone G
Whiskering on the left by `E : K ⥤ J` gives a functor from `cocone F` to `cocone (E ⋙ F)`.
def whiskering {K : Type v} [small_category K] (E : K ⥤ J) : cocone F ⥤ cocone (E ⋙ F) :=
def whiskering (E : K ⥤ J) : cocone F ⥤ cocone (E ⋙ F) :=
{ obj := λ c, c.whisker E,
map := λ c c' f, { hom := f.hom, } }

Whiskering by an equivalence gives an equivalence between categories of cones.
def whiskering_equivalence {K : Type v} [small_category K] (e : K ≌ J) :
def whiskering_equivalence (e : K ≌ J) :
cocone F ≌ cocone (e.functor ⋙ F) :=
{ functor := whiskering e.functor,
inverse := whiskering e.inverse ⋙
Expand All @@ -421,19 +407,16 @@ def whiskering_equivalence {K : Type v} [small_category K] (e : K ≌ J) :
counit_iso := nat_iso.of_components (λ s, cocones.ext (iso.refl _)
intro k,
have t := s.ι.naturality ( k),
dsimp at t,
simp only [←e.counit_inv_app_functor k, comp_id] at t,
simp [t],
simpa [e.counit_inv_app_functor k] using s.w ( k),
end)) (by tidy), }

The categories of cocones over `F` and `G` are equivalent if `F` and `G` are naturally isomorphic
(possibly after changing the indexing category by an equivalence).
@[simps functor_obj]
def equivalence_of_reindexing {K : Type v} [small_category K] {G : K ⥤ C}
def equivalence_of_reindexing {G : K ⥤ C}
(e : K ≌ J) (α : e.functor ⋙ F ≅ G) : cocone F ≌ cocone G :=
(whiskering_equivalence e).trans (precompose_equivalence α.symm)

Expand All @@ -445,7 +428,7 @@ variable (F)
def forget : cocone F ⥤ C :=
{ obj := λ t, t.X, map := λ s t f, f.hom }

variables {D : Type u'} [category.{v} D] (G : C ⥤ D)
variables (G : C ⥤ D)

/-- A functor `G : C ⥤ D` sends cocones over `F` to cocones over `F ⋙ G` functorially. -/
@[simps] def functoriality : cocone F ⥤ cocone (F ⋙ G) :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -510,7 +493,6 @@ end limits

namespace functor

variables {D : Type u'} [category.{v} D]
variables {F : J ⥤ C} {G : J ⥤ C} (H : C ⥤ D)

open category_theory.limits
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -636,8 +618,6 @@ def map_cocone_precompose_equivalence_functor {α : F ≅ G} {c} :
(cocones.precompose_equivalence (iso_whisker_right α H : _)).functor.obj (H.map_cocone c) :=
cocones.ext (iso.refl _) (by tidy)

variables {K : Type v} [small_category K]

`map_cone` commutes with `whisker`
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -682,16 +662,14 @@ variables {F : J ⥤ C}
{ X := unop c.X,
π :=
{ app := λ j, (c.ι.app (op j)).unop,
naturality' := λ j j' f, has_hom.hom.op_inj
begin dsimp, simp only [comp_id], exact (c.w f.op).symm, end } }
naturality' := λ j j' f, has_hom.hom.op_inj (c.ι.naturality f.op).symm } }

/-- Change a `cone F.op` into a `cocone F`. -/
@[simps] def cone.unop (c : cone F.op) : cocone F :=
{ X := unop c.X,
ι :=
{ app := λ j, (c.π.app (op j)).unop,
naturality' := λ j j' f, has_hom.hom.op_inj
begin dsimp, simp only [id_comp], exact (c.w f.op), end } }
naturality' := λ j j' f, has_hom.hom.op_inj (c.π.naturality f.op).symm } }

variables (F)

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -778,16 +756,17 @@ namespace category_theory.functor
open category_theory.limits

variables {F : J ⥤ C}
variables {D : Type u'} [category.{v} D]

variables (G : C ⥤ D)

/-- The opposite cocone of the image of a cone is the image of the opposite cocone. -/
@[simps {rhs_md := semireducible}]
def map_cone_op (t : cone F) : (G.map_cone t).op ≅ (G.op.map_cocone t.op) :=
cocones.ext (iso.refl _) (by tidy)

/-- The opposite cone of the image of a cocone is the image of the opposite cone. -/
@[simps {rhs_md := semireducible}]
def map_cocone_op {t : cocone F} : (G.map_cocone t).op ≅ (G.op.map_cone t.op) :=
cones.ext (iso.refl _) (by tidy)

Expand Down
4 changes: 2 additions & 2 deletions src/category_theory/limits/is_limit.lean
Expand Up @@ -449,7 +449,7 @@ def of_nat_iso {X : C} (h : yoneda.obj X ≅ F.cones) :
rw ←hom_of_cone_of_hom h m,
rw cone_of_hom_fac,
dsimp, cases s, congr' with j, exact w j,
dsimp [cone.extend], cases s, congr' with j, exact w j,
end }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -864,7 +864,7 @@ def of_nat_iso {X : C} (h : coyoneda.obj (op X) ≅ F.cocones) :
rw ←hom_of_cocone_of_hom h m,
rw cocone_of_hom_fac,
dsimp, cases s, congr' with j, exact w j,
dsimp [cocone.extend], cases s, congr' with j, exact w j,
end }

Expand Down

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