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feat(geometry/euclidean/basic): intersections of circles (#4088)
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Add two versions of the statement that two circles in two-dimensional
space intersect in at most two points, along with some lemmas involved
in the proof (some of which can be interpreted in terms of
intersections of circles or spheres and lines).
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jsm28 committed Sep 18, 2020
1 parent 9051aa7 commit 4e3729b
Showing 1 changed file with 125 additions and 1 deletion.
126 changes: 125 additions & 1 deletion src/geometry/euclidean/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -5,7 +5,9 @@ Author: Joseph Myers.
import analysis.normed_space.real_inner_product
import analysis.normed_space.add_torsor
import data.matrix.notation
import linear_algebra.affine_space.combination
import tactic.fin_cases

noncomputable theory
open_locale big_operators
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -405,7 +407,129 @@ begin
exact inner_weighted_vsub p h p h

open affine_subspace
/-- Suppose that `c₁` is equidistant from `p₁` and `p₂`, and the same
applies to `c₂`. Then the vector between `c₁` and `c₂` is orthogonal
to that between `p₁` and `p₂`. (In two dimensions, this says that the
diagonals of a kite are orthogonal.) -/
lemma inner_vsub_vsub_of_dist_eq_of_dist_eq {c₁ c₂ p₁ p₂ : P} (hc₁ : dist p₁ c₁ = dist p₂ c₁)
(hc₂ : dist p₁ c₂ = dist p₂ c₂) : inner (c₂ -ᵥ c₁) (p₂ -ᵥ p₁) = 0 :=
have h : inner ((c₂ -ᵥ c₁) + (c₂ -ᵥ c₁)) (p₂ -ᵥ p₁) = 0,
{ conv_lhs { congr, congr, rw ←vsub_sub_vsub_cancel_right c₂ c₁ p₁,
skip, rw ←vsub_sub_vsub_cancel_right c₂ c₁ p₂ },
rw [←add_sub_comm, inner_sub_left],
conv_lhs { congr, rw ←vsub_sub_vsub_cancel_right p₂ p₁ c₂,
skip, rw ←vsub_sub_vsub_cancel_right p₂ p₁ c₁ },
rw [dist_comm p₁, dist_comm p₂, dist_eq_norm_vsub V _ p₁,
dist_eq_norm_vsub V _ p₂, ←inner_add_sub_eq_zero_iff] at hc₁ hc₂,
simp_rw [←neg_vsub_eq_vsub_rev c₁, ←neg_vsub_eq_vsub_rev c₂, sub_neg_eq_add,
neg_add_eq_sub, hc₁, hc₂, sub_zero] },
simpa [inner_add_left, ←mul_two, (by norm_num : (2 : ℝ) ≠ 0)] using h

/-- The squared distance between points on a line (expressed as a
multiple of a fixed vector added to a point) and another point,
expressed as a quadratic. -/
lemma dist_smul_vadd_square (r : ℝ) (v : V) (p₁ p₂ : P) :
dist (r • v +ᵥ p₁) p₂ * dist (r • v +ᵥ p₁) p₂ =
inner v v * r * r + 2 * inner v (p₁ -ᵥ p₂) * r + inner (p₁ -ᵥ p₂) (p₁ -ᵥ p₂) :=
rw [dist_eq_norm_vsub V _ p₂, ←inner_self_eq_norm_square, vadd_vsub_assoc, inner_add_add_self,
inner_smul_left, inner_smul_left, inner_smul_right],

/-- The condition for two points on a line to be equidistant from
another point. -/
lemma dist_smul_vadd_eq_dist {v : V} (p₁ p₂ : P) (hv : v ≠ 0) (r : ℝ) :
dist (r • v +ᵥ p₁) p₂ = dist p₁ p₂ ↔ (r = 0 ∨ r = -2 * inner v (p₁ -ᵥ p₂) / inner v v) :=
conv_lhs { rw [←mul_self_inj_of_nonneg dist_nonneg dist_nonneg, dist_smul_vadd_square,
←sub_eq_zero_iff_eq, add_sub_assoc, dist_eq_norm_vsub V p₁ p₂,
←inner_self_eq_norm_square, sub_self] },
have hvi : inner v v ≠ 0, by simpa using hv,
have hd : discrim (inner v v) (2 * inner v (p₁ -ᵥ p₂)) 0 =
(2 * inner v (p₁ -ᵥ p₂)) * (2 * inner v (p₁ -ᵥ p₂)),
{ rw discrim, ring },
rw [quadratic_eq_zero_iff hvi hd, add_left_neg, zero_div, neg_mul_eq_neg_mul,
←mul_sub_right_distrib, sub_eq_add_neg, ←mul_two, mul_assoc, mul_div_assoc,
mul_div_mul_left, mul_div_assoc],

open affine_subspace finite_dimensional

/-- Distances `r₁` `r₂` of `p` from two different points `c₁` `c₂` determine at
most two points `p₁` `p₂` in a two-dimensional subspace containing those points
(two circles intersect in at most two points). -/
lemma eq_of_dist_eq_of_dist_eq_of_mem_of_findim_eq_two {s : affine_subspace ℝ P}
[finite_dimensional ℝ s.direction] (hd : findim ℝ s.direction = 2) {c₁ c₂ p₁ p₂ p : P}
(hc₁s : c₁ ∈ s) (hc₂s : c₂ ∈ s) (hp₁s : p₁ ∈ s) (hp₂s : p₂ ∈ s) (hps : p ∈ s) {r₁ r₂ : ℝ}
(hc : c₁ ≠ c₂) (hp : p₁ ≠ p₂) (hp₁c₁ : dist p₁ c₁ = r₁) (hp₂c₁ : dist p₂ c₁ = r₁)
(hpc₁ : dist p c₁ = r₁) (hp₁c₂ : dist p₁ c₂ = r₂) (hp₂c₂ : dist p₂ c₂ = r₂)
(hpc₂ : dist p c₂ = r₂) : p = p₁ ∨ p = p₂ :=
have ho : inner (c₂ -ᵥ c₁) (p₂ -ᵥ p₁) = 0 :=
inner_vsub_vsub_of_dist_eq_of_dist_eq (by cc) (by cc),
let b : fin 2 → V := ![c₂ -ᵥ c₁, p₂ -ᵥ p₁],
have hb : linear_independent ℝ b,
{ refine linear_independent_of_ne_zero_of_inner_eq_zero _ _,
{ intro i,
fin_cases i; simp [b, hc.symm, hp.symm] },
{ intros i j hij,
fin_cases i; fin_cases j; try { exact false.elim (hij rfl) },
{ exact ho },
{ rw inner_comm, exact ho } } },
have hbs : submodule.span ℝ (set.range b) = s.direction,
{ refine eq_of_le_of_findim_eq _ _,
{ rw [submodule.span_le, set.range_subset_iff],
intro i,
fin_cases i,
{ exact vsub_mem_direction hc₂s hc₁s },
{ exact vsub_mem_direction hp₂s hp₁s } },
{ rw [findim_span_eq_card hb, fintype.card_fin, hd] } },
have hv : ∀ v ∈ s.direction, ∃ t₁ t₂ : ℝ, v = t₁ • (c₂ -ᵥ c₁) + t₂ • (p₂ -ᵥ p₁),
{ intros v hv,
have hr : set.range b = {c₂ -ᵥ c₁, p₂ -ᵥ p₁},
{ have hu : (finset.univ : finset (fin 2)) = {0, 1}, by dec_trivial,
rw [←fintype.coe_image_univ, hu],
refl },
rw [←hbs, hr, submodule.mem_span_insert] at hv,
rcases hv with ⟨t₁, v', hv', hv⟩,
rw submodule.mem_span_singleton at hv',
rcases hv' with ⟨t₂, rfl⟩,
exact ⟨t₁, t₂, hv⟩ },
rcases hv (p -ᵥ p₁) (vsub_mem_direction hps hp₁s) with ⟨t₁, t₂, hpt⟩,
have hop : inner (c₂ -ᵥ c₁) (p -ᵥ p₁) = 0 :=
inner_vsub_vsub_of_dist_eq_of_dist_eq (by cc) (by cc),
simp only [hpt, inner_add_right, inner_smul_right, ho, mul_zero, add_zero, mul_eq_zero,
inner_self_eq_zero, vsub_eq_zero_iff_eq, hc.symm, or_false] at hop,
rw [hop, zero_smul, zero_add, ←eq_vadd_iff_vsub_eq] at hpt,
subst hpt,
have hp' : (p₂ -ᵥ p₁ : V) ≠ 0, { simp [hp.symm] },
have hp₂ : dist ((1 : ℝ) • (p₂ -ᵥ p₁) +ᵥ p₁) c₁ = r₁, { simp [hp₂c₁] },
rw [←hp₁c₁, dist_smul_vadd_eq_dist _ _ hp'] at hpc₁ hp₂,
simp only [one_ne_zero, false_or] at hp₂,
rw hp₂.symm at hpc₁,
cases hpc₁; simp [hpc₁]

/-- Distances `r₁` `r₂` of `p` from two different points `c₁` `c₂` determine at
most two points `p₁` `p₂` in two-dimensional space (two circles intersect in at
most two points). -/
lemma eq_of_dist_eq_of_dist_eq_of_findim_eq_two [finite_dimensional ℝ V] (hd : findim ℝ V = 2)
{c₁ c₂ p₁ p₂ p : P} {r₁ r₂ : ℝ} (hc : c₁ ≠ c₂) (hp : p₁ ≠ p₂) (hp₁c₁ : dist p₁ c₁ = r₁)
(hp₂c₁ : dist p₂ c₁ = r₁) (hpc₁ : dist p c₁ = r₁) (hp₁c₂ : dist p₁ c₂ = r₂)
(hp₂c₂ : dist p₂ c₂ = r₂) (hpc₂ : dist p c₂ = r₂) : p = p₁ ∨ p = p₂ :=
have hd' : findim ℝ (⊤ : affine_subspace ℝ P).direction = 2,
{ rw [direction_top, findim_top],
exact hd },
exact eq_of_dist_eq_of_dist_eq_of_mem_of_findim_eq_two hd'
(mem_top ℝ V _) (mem_top ℝ V _) (mem_top ℝ V _) (mem_top ℝ V _) (mem_top ℝ V _)
hc hp hp₁c₁ hp₂c₁ hpc₁ hp₁c₂ hp₂c₂ hpc₂

variables {V}

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