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feat(geometry/manifold/charted_space): typeclass `closed_under_restri…
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…ction` for structure groupoids (#3347)

* Define a typeclass `closed_under_restriction` for structure groupoids.
* Prove that it is equivalent to requiring that the structure groupoid contain all local homeomorphisms equivalent to the restriction of the identity to an open subset.
* Verify that `continuous_groupoid` and `times_cont_diff_groupoid` satisfy `closed_under_restriction`.  
* Show that a charted space defined by a single chart is `has_groupoid` for any structure groupoid satisfying `closed_under_restriction`.

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hrmacbeth committed Jul 12, 2020
1 parent 0e1c2bc commit 4e603f4
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Showing 3 changed files with 135 additions and 2 deletions.
117 changes: 115 additions & 2 deletions src/geometry/manifold/charted_space.lean
Expand Up @@ -134,13 +134,14 @@ open set local_homeomorph

section groupoid

/- One could add to the definition of a structure groupoid the fact that the restriction of an
/-! One could add to the definition of a structure groupoid the fact that the restriction of an
element of the groupoid to any open set still belongs to the groupoid.
(This is in Kobayashi-Nomizu.)
I am not sure I want this, for instance on `H × E` where `E` is a vector space, and the groupoid is
made of functions respecting the fibers and linear in the fibers (so that a charted space over this
groupoid is naturally a vector bundle) I prefer that the members of the groupoid are always
defined on sets of the form `s × E`.
defined on sets of the form `s × E`. There is a typeclass `closed_under_restriction` for groupoids
which have the restriction property.
The only nontrivial requirement is locality: if a local homeomorphism belongs to the groupoid
around each point in its domain of definition, then it belongs to the groupoid. Without this
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -365,6 +366,86 @@ instance : order_top (structure_groupoid H) :=
le_top := λ u f hf, by { split; exact dec_trivial },
..structure_groupoid.partial_order }

/-- A groupoid is closed under restriction if it contains all restrictions of its element local
homeomorphisms to open subsets of the source. -/
class closed_under_restriction (G : structure_groupoid H) : Prop :=
(closed_under_restriction : ∀ {e : local_homeomorph H H}, e ∈ G → ∀ (s : set H), is_open s →
(e : local_homeomorph H H).restr s ∈ G)

/-- The trivial restriction-closed groupoid, containing only local homeomorphisms equivalent to the
restriction of the identity to the various open subsets. -/
def id_restr_groupoid : structure_groupoid H :=
{ members := {e | ∃ {s : set H} (h : is_open s), e ≈ local_homeomorph.of_set s h},
trans' := begin
rintros e e' ⟨s, hs, hse⟩ ⟨s', hs', hse'⟩,
refine ⟨s ∩ s', is_open_inter hs hs', _⟩,
have := local_homeomorph.eq_on_source.trans' hse hse',
rwa local_homeomorph.of_set_trans_of_set at this,
symm' := begin
rintros e ⟨s, hs, hse⟩,
refine ⟨s, hs, _⟩,
rw [← of_set_symm],
exact local_homeomorph.eq_on_source.symm' hse,
id_mem' := ⟨univ, is_open_univ, by simp only with mfld_simps⟩,
locality' := begin
intros e h,
refine ⟨e.source, e.open_source, by simp only with mfld_simps, _⟩,
intros x hx,
rcases h x hx with ⟨s, hs, hxs, s', hs', hes'⟩,
have hes : x ∈ (e.restr s).source,
{ rw e.restr_source, refine ⟨hx, _⟩,
rw interior_eq_of_open hs, exact hxs },
simpa only with mfld_simps using local_homeomorph.eq_on_source.eq_on hes' hes,
eq_on_source' := begin
rintros e e' ⟨s, hs, hse⟩ hee',
exact ⟨s, hs, setoid.trans hee' hse⟩,

lemma id_restr_groupoid_mem {s : set H} (hs : is_open s) :
of_set s hs ∈ (@id_restr_groupoid H _).members := ⟨s, hs, by refl⟩

/-- The trivial restriction-closed groupoid is indeed `closed_under_restriction`. -/
instance closed_under_restriction_id_restr_groupoid :
closed_under_restriction (@id_restr_groupoid H _) :=
rintros e ⟨s', hs', he⟩ s hs,
use [s' ∩ s, is_open_inter hs' hs],
refine setoid.trans (local_homeomorph.eq_on_source.restr he s) _,
exact ⟨by simp only [interior_eq_of_open hs] with mfld_simps, by simp only with mfld_simps⟩,

/-- A groupoid is closed under restriction if and only if it contains the trivial restriction-closed
groupoid. -/
lemma closed_under_restriction_iff_id_le (G : structure_groupoid H) :
closed_under_restriction G ↔ id_restr_groupoid ≤ G :=
{ intros _i,
apply structure_groupoid.le_iff.mpr,
rintros e ⟨s, hs, hes⟩,
refine G.eq_on_source _ hes,
have h := _i.closed_under_restriction,
convert h G.id_mem s hs,
rw interior_eq_of_open hs,
simp only with mfld_simps },
{ intros h,
intros e he s hs,
rw ← of_set_trans (e : local_homeomorph H H) hs,
refine G.trans _ he,
apply h,
exact id_restr_groupoid_mem hs },

/-- The groupoid of all local homeomorphisms on a topological space `H` is closed under restriction.
instance : closed_under_restriction (continuous_groupoid H) :=
(closed_under_restriction_iff_id_le _).mpr (by convert le_top)

end groupoid

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -666,6 +747,38 @@ end

end maximal_atlas

section singleton
variables {α : Type*} [topological_space α]
variables (e : local_homeomorph α H)

/-- If a single local homeomorphism `e` from a space `α` into `H` has source covering the whole
space `α`, then that local homeomorphism induces an `H`-charted space structure on `α`.
(This condition is equivalent to `e` being an open embedding of `α` into `H`.) -/
def singleton_charted_space (h : e.source = set.univ) : charted_space H α :=
{ atlas := {e},
chart_at := λ _, e,
mem_chart_source := λ _, by simp only [h] with mfld_simps,
chart_mem_atlas := λ _, by tauto }

lemma singleton_charted_space_one_chart (h : e.source = set.univ) (e' : local_homeomorph α H)
(h' : e' ∈ (singleton_charted_space e h).atlas) : e' = e := h'

/-- Given a local homeomorphism `e` from a space `α` into `H`, if its source covers the whole
space `α`, then the induced charted space structure on `α` is `has_groupoid G` for any structure
groupoid `G` which is closed under restrictions. -/
lemma singleton_has_groupoid (h : e.source = set.univ) (G : structure_groupoid H)
[closed_under_restriction G] : @has_groupoid _ _ _ _ (singleton_charted_space e h) G :=
{ compatible := begin
intros e' e'' he' he'',
rw singleton_charted_space_one_chart e h e' he',
rw singleton_charted_space_one_chart e h e'' he'',
refine G.eq_on_source _ e.trans_symm_self,
have hle : id_restr_groupoid ≤ G := (closed_under_restriction_iff_id_le G).mp (by assumption),
exact hle _ (id_restr_groupoid_mem _),
end }

end singleton

/-! ### Structomorphisms -/

/-- A `G`-diffeomorphism between two charted spaces is a homeomorphism which, when read in the
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10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions src/geometry/manifold/smooth_manifold_with_corners.lean
Expand Up @@ -472,6 +472,16 @@ begin
exact h3, }

/-- The `C^n` groupoid is closed under restriction. -/
instance : closed_under_restriction (times_cont_diff_groupoid n I) :=
(closed_under_restriction_iff_id_le _).mpr
apply structure_groupoid.le_iff.mpr,
rintros e ⟨s, hs, hes⟩,
apply (times_cont_diff_groupoid n I).eq_on_source' _ _ _ hes,
exact of_set_mem_times_cont_diff_groupoid n I hs,

end times_cont_diff_groupoid

end model_with_corners
Expand Down
10 changes: 10 additions & 0 deletions src/topology/local_homeomorph.lean
Expand Up @@ -318,6 +318,9 @@ lemma of_set_target : (of_set s hs).target = s := rfl
@[simp, mfld_simps] lemma of_set_coe : (of_set s hs : α → α) = id := rfl
@[simp, mfld_simps] lemma of_set_symm : (of_set s hs).symm = of_set s hs := rfl

@[simp, mfld_simps] lemma of_set_univ_eq_refl : of_set univ is_open_univ = local_homeomorph.refl α :=
by ext; simp


/-- Composition of two local homeomorphisms when the target of the first and the source of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -404,6 +407,13 @@ lemma of_set_trans' {s : set α} (hs : is_open s) :
(of_set s hs).trans e = e.restr (e.source ∩ s) :=
by rw [of_set_trans, restr_source_inter]

@[simp, mfld_simps] lemma of_set_trans_of_set {s : set α} (hs : is_open s) {s' : set α} (hs' : is_open s') :
(of_set s hs).trans (of_set s' hs') = of_set (s ∩ s') (is_open_inter hs hs') :=
rw (of_set s hs).trans_of_set hs',
ext; simp [interior_eq_of_open hs']

lemma restr_trans (s : set α) :
(e.restr s).trans e' = (e.trans e').restr s :=
eq_of_local_equiv_eq $ local_equiv.restr_trans e.to_local_equiv e'.to_local_equiv (interior s)
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