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feat(set_theory/ordinal_arithmetic): Enumerating unbounded sets of or…
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…dinals with ordinals (#10979)

This PR introduces `enum_ord`, which enumerates an unbounded set of ordinals using ordinals. This is used to build an explicit order isomorphism `enum_ord.order_iso`.
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vihdzp committed Jan 10, 2022
1 parent 8e92af1 commit 4e7e5a6
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Showing 2 changed files with 121 additions and 1 deletion.
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/set_theory/ordinal.lean
Expand Up @@ -1116,6 +1116,9 @@ le_min.trans set_coe.forall
theorem omin_le {S H i} (h : i ∈ S) : omin S H ≤ i :=
le_omin.1 (le_refl _) _ h

theorem not_lt_omin {S H i} (h : i ∈ S) : ¬ i < omin S H :=
not_lt_of_le (omin_le h)

@[simp] theorem lift_min {ι} (I) (f : ι → ordinal) : lift (min I f) = min I (lift ∘ f) :=
le_antisymm (le_min.2 $ λ a, lift_le.2 $ min_le _ a) $
let ⟨i, e⟩ := min_eq I (lift ∘ f) in
Expand Down
119 changes: 118 additions & 1 deletion src/set_theory/ordinal_arithmetic.lean
Expand Up @@ -1091,6 +1091,123 @@ begin
exact lt_irrefl _ (lt_blsub.{u u} (λ x _, x) _ h)

/-! ### Enumerating unbounded sets of ordinals with ordinals -/

variables {S : set ordinal.{u}} (hS : unbounded (<) S)

-- A characterization of unboundedness that's more convenient to our purposes.
private lemma unbounded_aux (hS : unbounded (<) S) (a) : ∃ b, b ∈ S ∧ a ≤ b :=
by { rcases hS a with ⟨b, hb, hb'⟩, exact ⟨b, hb, le_of_not_gt hb'⟩ }

/-- Enumerator function for an unbounded set of ordinals. -/
def enum_ord : ordinal.{u} → ordinal.{u} :=
wf.fix (λ o f, omin _ (unbounded_aux hS (blsub.{u u} o f)))

/-- The hypothesis that asserts that the `omin` from `enum_ord_def'` exists. -/
lemma enum_ord_def'_H {hS : unbounded (<) S} {o} :
∃ x, x ∈ S ∧ blsub.{u u} o (λ c _, enum_ord hS c) ≤ x :=
unbounded_aux hS _

/-- The equation that characterizes `enum_ord` definitionally. This isn't the nicest expression to
work with, so consider using `enum_ord_def` instead. -/
theorem enum_ord_def' (o) :
enum_ord hS o = omin (λ b, b ∈ S ∧ blsub.{u u} o (λ c _, enum_ord hS c) ≤ b) enum_ord_def'_H :=
wf.fix_eq _ _

private theorem enum_ord_mem_aux (o) :
S (enum_ord hS o) ∧ blsub.{u u} o (λ c _, enum_ord hS c) ≤ (enum_ord hS o) :=
by { rw enum_ord_def', exact omin_mem (λ _, _ ∧ _) _ }

theorem enum_ord_mem (o) : enum_ord hS o ∈ S := (enum_ord_mem_aux hS o).left

theorem blsub_le_enum_ord (o) : blsub.{u u} o (λ c _, enum_ord hS c) ≤ enum_ord hS o :=
(enum_ord_mem_aux hS o).right

theorem enum_ord.strict_mono {hS : unbounded (<) S} : strict_mono (enum_ord hS) :=
λ _ _ h, lt_of_lt_of_le (lt_blsub.{u u} _ _ h) (blsub_le_enum_ord hS _)

/-- The hypothesis that asserts that the `omin` from `enum_ord_def` exists. -/
lemma enum_ord_def_H {hS : unbounded (<) S} {o} :
∃ x, (λ b, b ∈ S ∧ ∀ c, c < o → enum_ord hS c < b) x :=
(⟨_, enum_ord_mem hS o, λ _ b, enum_ord.strict_mono b⟩)

/-- A more workable definition for `enum_ord`. -/
theorem enum_ord_def (o) :
enum_ord hS o = omin (λ b, b ∈ S ∧ ∀ c, c < o → enum_ord hS c < b) enum_ord_def_H :=
rw enum_ord_def',
have : (λ b, b ∈ S ∧ blsub.{u u} o (λ c _, enum_ord hS c) ≤ b) =
(λ b, b ∈ S ∧ ∀ c, c < o → _ < b) :=
funext (λ _, propext ⟨λ ⟨hl, hr⟩, ⟨hl, λ _ h, lt_of_lt_of_le (lt_blsub.{u u} _ _ h) hr⟩,
λ ⟨hl, hr⟩, ⟨hl, blsub_le_iff_lt.2 hr⟩⟩),
simp_rw this,

theorem enum_ord.surjective {hS : unbounded (<) S} : ∀ s ∈ S, ∃ a, enum_ord hS a = s :=
by_contra' H,
cases omin_mem _ H with hal har,
apply har (omin (λ b, omin _ H ≤ enum_ord hS b)
⟨_, well_founded.self_le_of_strict_mono wf enum_ord.strict_mono _⟩),
rw enum_ord_def,
refine le_antisymm (omin_le ⟨hal, λ b hb, _⟩) _,
{ by_contra' h,
exact not_lt_of_le (@omin_le _ _ b h) hb },
rw le_omin,
rintros b ⟨hb, hbr⟩,
by_contra' hba,
refine @not_lt_omin _ H _ ⟨hb, (λ d hdb, ne_of_lt (hbr d _) hdb)⟩ hba,
by_contra' hcd,
apply not_le_of_lt hba,
rw ←hdb,
refine le_trans _ (enum_ord.strict_mono.monotone hcd),
exact omin_mem (λ _, omin _ H ≤ _) _

/-- An order isomorphism between an unbounded set of ordinals and the ordinals. -/
def enum_ord.order_iso : ordinal.{u} ≃o S :=
strict_mono.order_iso_of_surjective (λ o, ⟨_, enum_ord_mem hS o⟩) enum_ord.strict_mono
convert @enum_ord.surjective _ hS,
refine propext ⟨λ h s hs, _, λ h a, _⟩,
{ cases h ⟨s, hs⟩ with a ha,
exact ⟨a, ha⟩ },
cases h a a.prop with s hs,
exact ⟨s, subtype.eq hs⟩

theorem enum_ord_range : range (enum_ord hS) = S :=
by { rw range_eq_iff, exact ⟨enum_ord_mem hS, enum_ord.surjective⟩ }

/-- A characterization of `enum_ord`: it is the unique strict monotonic function with range `S`. -/
theorem eq_enum_ord (f : ordinal.{u} → ordinal.{u}) :
strict_mono f ∧ range f = S ↔ f = enum_ord hS :=
split, swap,
{ rintro ⟨h⟩,
exact ⟨enum_ord.strict_mono, enum_ord_range hS⟩ },
rw range_eq_iff,
rintro ⟨h, hl, hr⟩,
refine funext (λ a, _),
apply wf.induction a,
refine λ b H, le_antisymm _ _,
{ cases hr _ (enum_ord_mem hS b) with d hd,
rw ←hd,
apply h.monotone,
by_contra' hbd,
have := enum_ord.strict_mono hbd,
rw ←(H d hbd) at this,
exact ne_of_lt this hd },
rw enum_ord_def,
refine omin_le ⟨hl b, λ c hc, _⟩,
rw ←(H c hc),
exact h hc


/-! ### Ordinal exponential -/

/-- The ordinal exponential, defined by transfinite recursion. -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1437,7 +1554,7 @@ by rw [CNF_rec, dif_neg o0]
in the base-`b` expansion of `o`.
CNF b (b ^ u₁ * v₁ + b ^ u₂ * v₂) = [(u₁, v₁), (u₂, v₂)] -/
noncomputable def CNF (b := omega) (o : ordinal) : list (ordinal × ordinal) :=
def CNF (b := omega) (o : ordinal) : list (ordinal × ordinal) :=
if b0 : b = 0 then [] else
CNF_rec b0 [] (λ o o0 h IH, (log b o, o / b ^ log b o) :: IH) o

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