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feat(geometry/manifold/cont_mdiff): more flexibility in changing char…
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* Adds lemmas that allows one to change the chart one considers for only the source or target
* Also adds a lemma that shows `cont_mdiff_on` if the source and target lie completely in one chart.
* Also add various properties for `local_invariant_prop`
* From the sphere eversion project
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fpvandoorn committed Aug 10, 2022
1 parent be63ea2 commit 4ef4fef
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Showing 5 changed files with 304 additions and 65 deletions.
146 changes: 144 additions & 2 deletions src/geometry/manifold/cont_mdiff.lean
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Expand Up @@ -78,6 +78,22 @@ functions between manifolds. -/
def cont_diff_within_at_prop (n : with_top ℕ) (f : H → H') (s : set H) (x : H) : Prop :=
cont_diff_within_at 𝕜 n (I' ∘ f ∘ I.symm) (I.symm ⁻¹' s ∩ range I) (I x)

lemma cont_diff_within_at_prop_self_source {f : E → H'} {s : set E} {x : E} :
cont_diff_within_at_prop 𝓘(𝕜, E) I' n f s x ↔ cont_diff_within_at 𝕜 n (I' ∘ f) s x :=
simp_rw [cont_diff_within_at_prop, model_with_corners_self_coe, range_id, inter_univ],

lemma cont_diff_within_at_prop_self {f : E → E'} {s : set E} {x : E} :
cont_diff_within_at_prop 𝓘(𝕜, E) 𝓘(𝕜, E') n f s x ↔ cont_diff_within_at 𝕜 n f s x :=
cont_diff_within_at_prop_self_source 𝓘(𝕜, E')

lemma cont_diff_within_at_prop_self_target {f : H → E'} {s : set H} {x : H} :
cont_diff_within_at_prop I 𝓘(𝕜, E') n f s x ↔
cont_diff_within_at 𝕜 n (f ∘ I.symm) (I.symm ⁻¹' s ∩ range I) (I x) :=

/-- Being `Cⁿ` in the model space is a local property, invariant under smooth maps. Therefore,
it will lift nicely to manifolds. -/
lemma cont_diff_within_at_local_invariant_prop (n : with_top ℕ) :
Expand All @@ -95,7 +111,7 @@ lemma cont_diff_within_at_local_invariant_prop (n : with_top ℕ) :
by { rw [model_with_corners.left_inv], exact is_open.mem_nhds u_open xu },
apply continuous_at.preimage_mem_nhds I.continuous_symm.continuous_at this,
right_invariance :=
right_invariance' :=
assume s x f e he hx h,
rw cont_diff_within_at_prop at h ⊢,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -306,6 +322,15 @@ lemma smooth_within_at_iff_target :
smooth_within_at I 𝓘(𝕜, E') (ext_chart_at I' (f x) ∘ f) s x :=

lemma cont_mdiff_at_iff_target {x : M} :
cont_mdiff_at I I' n f x ↔
continuous_at f x ∧ cont_mdiff_at I 𝓘(𝕜, E') n (ext_chart_at I' (f x) ∘ f) x :=
by rw [cont_mdiff_at, cont_mdiff_at, cont_mdiff_within_at_iff_target, continuous_within_at_univ]

lemma smooth_at_iff_target {x : M} :
smooth_at I I' f x ↔ continuous_at f x ∧ smooth_at I 𝓘(𝕜, E') (ext_chart_at I' (f x) ∘ f) x :=

include Is I's

/-- One can reformulate smoothness within a set at a point as continuity within this set at this
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -347,7 +372,80 @@ lemma cont_mdiff_at_iff_of_mem_source {x' : M} {y : M'} (hx : x' ∈ (chart_at H
(cont_mdiff_within_at_iff_of_mem_source hx hy).trans $
by rw [continuous_within_at_univ, preimage_univ, univ_inter]

omit Is

lemma cont_mdiff_within_at_iff_target_of_mem_source
{x : M} {y : M'} (hy : f x ∈ (chart_at H' y).source) :
cont_mdiff_within_at I I' n f s x ↔ continuous_within_at f s x ∧
cont_mdiff_within_at I 𝓘(𝕜, E') n (ext_chart_at I' y ∘ f) s x :=
simp_rw [cont_mdiff_within_at],
rw [(cont_diff_within_at_local_invariant_prop I I' n).lift_prop_within_at_indep_chart_target
(chart_mem_maximal_atlas I' y) hy, and_congr_right],
intro hf,
simp_rw [structure_groupoid.lift_prop_within_at_self_target],
simp_rw [((chart_at H' y).continuous_at hy).comp_continuous_within_at hf],
rw [← ext_chart_at_source I'] at hy,
simp_rw [(ext_chart_at_continuous_at' I' _ hy).comp_continuous_within_at hf],

lemma cont_mdiff_at_iff_target_of_mem_source
{x : M} {y : M'} (hy : f x ∈ (chart_at H' y).source) :
cont_mdiff_at I I' n f x ↔ continuous_at f x ∧
cont_mdiff_at I 𝓘(𝕜, E') n (ext_chart_at I' y ∘ f) x :=
rw [cont_mdiff_at, cont_mdiff_within_at_iff_target_of_mem_source hy,
continuous_within_at_univ, cont_mdiff_at],

omit I's
variable (I)
lemma model_with_corners.symm_continuous_within_at_comp_right_iff {X} [topological_space X]
{f : H → X} {s : set H} {x : H} :
continuous_within_at (f ∘ I.symm) (I.symm ⁻¹' s ∩ range I) (I x) ↔ continuous_within_at f s x :=
refine ⟨λ h, _, λ h, _⟩,
{ have := h.comp I.continuous_within_at (maps_to_preimage _ _),
simp_rw [preimage_inter, preimage_preimage, I.left_inv, preimage_id', preimage_range,
inter_univ] at this,
rwa [function.comp.assoc, I.symm_comp_self] at this },
{ rw [← I.left_inv x] at h, exact h.comp I.continuous_within_at_symm (inter_subset_left _ _) }
variable {I}

lemma ext_chart_at_symm_continuous_within_at_comp_right_iff {X} [topological_space X] {f : M → X}
{s : set M} {x x' : M} :
continuous_within_at (f ∘ (ext_chart_at I x).symm) ((ext_chart_at I x).symm ⁻¹' s ∩ range I)
(ext_chart_at I x x') ↔
continuous_within_at (f ∘ (chart_at H x).symm) ((chart_at H x).symm ⁻¹' s) (chart_at H x x') :=
by convert I.symm_continuous_within_at_comp_right_iff; refl

include Is

lemma cont_mdiff_within_at_iff_source_of_mem_source
{x' : M} (hx' : x' ∈ (chart_at H x).source) :
cont_mdiff_within_at I I' n f s x' ↔
cont_mdiff_within_at 𝓘(𝕜, E) I' n (f ∘ (ext_chart_at I x).symm)
((ext_chart_at I x).symm ⁻¹' s ∩ range I) (ext_chart_at I x x') :=
have h2x' := hx', rw [← ext_chart_at_source I] at h2x',
simp_rw [cont_mdiff_within_at,
(cont_diff_within_at_local_invariant_prop I I' n).lift_prop_within_at_indep_chart_source
(chart_mem_maximal_atlas I x) hx', structure_groupoid.lift_prop_within_at_self_source,
ext_chart_at_symm_continuous_within_at_comp_right_iff, cont_diff_within_at_prop_self_source,
cont_diff_within_at_prop, function.comp, (chart_at H x).left_inv hx',
(ext_chart_at I x).left_inv h2x'],

lemma cont_mdiff_at_iff_source_of_mem_source
{x' : M} (hx' : x' ∈ (chart_at H x).source) :
cont_mdiff_at I I' n f x' ↔ cont_mdiff_within_at 𝓘(𝕜, E) I' n (f ∘ (ext_chart_at I x).symm)
(range I) (ext_chart_at I x x') :=
by simp_rw [cont_mdiff_at, cont_mdiff_within_at_iff_source_of_mem_source hx', preimage_univ,

lemma cont_mdiff_at_ext_chart_at' {x' : M} (h : x' ∈ (chart_at H x).source) :
cont_mdiff_at I 𝓘(𝕜, E) n (ext_chart_at I x) x' :=
Expand All @@ -366,6 +464,36 @@ cont_mdiff_at_ext_chart_at' $ mem_chart_source H x

include I's

/-- If the set where you want `f` to be smooth lies entirely in a single chart, and `f` maps it
into a single chart, the smoothness of `f` on that set can be expressed by purely looking in
these charts.
Note: this lemma uses `ext_chart_at I x '' s` instead of `(ext_chart_at I x).symm ⁻¹' s` to ensure
that this set lies in `(ext_chart_at I x).target`. -/
lemma cont_mdiff_on_iff_of_subset_source {x : M} {y : M'}
(hs : s ⊆ (chart_at H x).source)
(h2s : maps_to f s (chart_at H' y).source) :
cont_mdiff_on I I' n f s ↔ continuous_on f s ∧
cont_diff_on 𝕜 n (ext_chart_at I' y ∘ f ∘ (ext_chart_at I x).symm)
(ext_chart_at I x '' s) :=
{ refine λ H, ⟨λ x hx, (H x hx).1, _⟩,
rintro _ ⟨x', hx', rfl⟩,
exact ((cont_mdiff_within_at_iff_of_mem_source (hs hx')
(h2s.image_subset $ mem_image_of_mem f hx')).mp (H _ hx')).2.mono
(maps_to_ext_chart_at I x hs).image_subset },
{ rintro ⟨h1, h2⟩ x' hx',
refine (cont_mdiff_within_at_iff_of_mem_source (hs hx')
(h2s.image_subset $ mem_image_of_mem f hx')).mpr
⟨h1.continuous_within_at hx', _⟩,
refine (h2 _ $ mem_image_of_mem _ hx').mono_of_mem _,
rw [← ext_chart_at_source I] at hs,
rw [(ext_chart_at I x).image_eq_target_inter_inv_preimage hs],
refine inter_mem _ (ext_chart_preimage_mem_nhds_within' I x (hs hx') self_mem_nhds_within),
have := ext_chart_at_target_mem_nhds_within' I x (hs hx'),
refine nhds_within_mono _ (inter_subset_right _ _) this }

/-- One can reformulate smoothness on a set as continuity on this set, and smoothness in any
extended chart. -/
lemma cont_mdiff_on_iff :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -495,7 +623,7 @@ lemma cont_mdiff.of_succ {n : ℕ} (h : cont_mdiff I I' n.succ f) :
cont_mdiff I I' n f :=
λ x, (h x).of_succ

/-! ### Deducing continuity from smoothness-/
/-! ### Deducing continuity from smoothness -/

lemma cont_mdiff_within_at.continuous_within_at
(hf : cont_mdiff_within_at I I' n f s x) : continuous_within_at f s x :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -1423,6 +1551,20 @@ namespace basic_smooth_vector_bundle_core

variables (Z : basic_smooth_vector_bundle_core I M E')

/-- A version of `cont_mdiff_at_iff_target` when the codomain is the total space of
a `basic_smooth_vector_bundle_core`. The continuity condition in the RHS is weaker. -/
lemma cont_mdiff_at_iff_target {f : N → Z.to_topological_vector_bundle_core.total_space}
{x : N} {n : with_top ℕ} :
cont_mdiff_at J ( 𝓘(𝕜, E')) n f x ↔ continuous_at (bundle.total_space.proj ∘ f) x ∧
cont_mdiff_at J 𝓘(𝕜, E × E') n (ext_chart_at ( 𝓘(𝕜, E')) (f x) ∘ f) x :=
let Z' := Z.to_topological_vector_bundle_core,
rw [cont_mdiff_at_iff_target, and.congr_left_iff],
refine λ hf, ⟨λ h, Z'.continuous_proj.continuous_at.comp h, λ h, _⟩,
exact (Z'.local_triv ⟨chart_at _ (f x).1, chart_mem_atlas _ _⟩).to_fiber_bundle_trivialization
.continuous_at_of_comp_left h (mem_chart_source _ _) ( hf.continuous_at.snd)

lemma cont_mdiff_proj :
cont_mdiff ( 𝓘(𝕜, E')) I n Z.to_topological_vector_bundle_core.proj :=
Expand Down

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