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feat(order/galois_connection): galois_coinsertions (#3656)
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Co-authored-by: Chris Hughes <>
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ChrisHughes24 and ChrisHughes24 committed Aug 3, 2020
1 parent 40c6a29 commit 50d1c48
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Showing 2 changed files with 236 additions and 11 deletions.
10 changes: 6 additions & 4 deletions src/order/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -203,16 +203,18 @@ begin
apply h _ _ k }

variables [partial_order α] [partial_order β] {f : α → β}

lemma strict_mono_of_monotone_of_injective (h₁ : monotone f) (h₂ : injective f) :
strict_mono f :=
lemma strict_mono_of_monotone_of_injective [partial_order α] [partial_order β] {f : α → β}
(h₁ : monotone f) (h₂ : injective f) : strict_mono f :=
λ a b h,
rw lt_iff_le_and_ne at ⊢ h,
exact ⟨h₁ h.1, λ e, h.2 (h₂ e)⟩

lemma strict_mono_of_le_iff_le [preorder α] [preorder β] {f : α → β}
(h : ∀ x y, x ≤ y ↔ f x ≤ f y) : strict_mono f :=
λ a b, by simp [lt_iff_le_not_le, h] {contextual := tt}


/-- Type tag for a set with dual order: `≤` means `≥` and `<` means `>`. -/
Expand Down
237 changes: 230 additions & 7 deletions src/order/galois_connection.lean
Expand Up @@ -2,19 +2,55 @@
Copyright (c) 2017 Johannes Hölzl. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Johannes Hölzl
Galois connections - order theoretic adjoints.
import order.complete_lattice
import order.order_iso
# Galois connections, insertions and coinsertions
Galois connections are order theoretic adjoints, i.e. a pair of functions `u` and `l`,
such that `∀a b, l a ≤ b ↔ a ≤ u b`.
## Main definitions
* `galois_connection`: A Galois connection is a pair of functions `l` and `u` satisfying
`l a ≤ b ↔ a ≤ u b`. They are special cases of adjoint functors in category theory,
but do not depend on the category theory library in mathlib.
* `galois_insertion`: A Galois insertion is a Galois connection where `l ∘ u = id`
* `galois_coinsertion`: A Galois coinsertion is a Galois connection where `u ∘ l = id`
## Implementation details
Galois insertions can be used to lift order structures from one type to another.
For example if `α` is a complete lattice, and `l : α → β`, and `u : β → α` form
a Galois insertion, then `β` is also a complete lattice. `l` is the lower adjoint and
`u` is the upper adjoint.
An example of this is the Galois insertion is in group thery. If `G` is a topological space,
then there is a Galois insertion between the set of subsets of `G`, `set G`, and the
set of subgroups of `G`, `subgroup G`. The left adjoint is `subgroup.closure`,
taking the `subgroup` generated by a `set`, The right adjoint is the coercion from `subgroup G` to
`set G`, taking the underlying set of an subgroup.
Naively lifting a lattice structure along this Galois insertion would mean that the definition
of `inf` on subgroups would be `subgroup.closure (↑S ∩ ↑T)`. This is an undesirable definition
because the intersection of subgroups is already a subgroup, so there is no need to take the
closure. For this reason a `choice` function is added as a field to the `galois_insertion`
structure. It has type `Π S : set G, ↑(closure S) ≤ S → subgroup G`. When `↑(closure S) ≤ S`, then
`S` is already a subgroup, so this function can be defined using `` and not `closure`.
This means the infimum of subgroups will be defined to be the intersection of sets, paired
with a proof that intersection of subgroups is a subgroup, rather than the closure of the
open function set

universes u v w x
variables {α : Type u} {β : Type v} {γ : Type w} {ι : Sort x} {a a₁ a₂ : α} {b b₁ b₂ : β}

/-- A Galois connection is a pair of functions `l` and `u` satisfying
`l a ≤ b ↔ a ≤ u b`. They are closely connected to adjoint functors
in category theory. -/
`l a ≤ b ↔ a ≤ u b`. They are special cases of adjoint functors in category theory,
but do not depend on the category theory library in mathlib. -/
def galois_connection [preorder α] [preorder β] (l : α → β) (u : β → α) := ∀a b, l a ≤ b ↔ a ≤ u b

/-- Makes a Galois connection from an order-preserving bijection. -/
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -186,7 +222,9 @@ assume x y, (le_div_iff_mul_le x y h).symm
end nat

/-- A Galois insertion is a Galois connection where `l ∘ u = id`. It also contains a constructive
choice function, to give better definitional equalities when lifting order structures. -/
choice function, to give better definitional equalities when lifting order structures. Dual
to `galois_coinsertion` -/
@[nolint has_inhabited_instance]
structure galois_insertion {α β : Type*} [preorder α] [preorder β] (l : α → β) (u : β → α) :=
(choice : Πx:α, u (l x) ≤ x → β)
(gc : galois_connection l u)
Expand All @@ -210,6 +248,15 @@ protected def order_iso.to_galois_insertion [preorder α] [preorder β] (oi : @o
le_l_u := λ g, le_of_eq (oi.right_inv g).symm,
choice_eq := λ b h, rfl }

/-- Make a `galois_insertion l u` from a `galois_connection l u` such that `∀ b, b ≤ l (u b)` -/
def galois_connection.to_galois_insertion {α β : Type*} [preorder α] [preorder β]
{l : α → β} {u : β → α} (gc : galois_connection l u) (h : ∀ b, b ≤ l (u b)) :
galois_insertion l u :=
{ choice := λ x _, l x,
gc := gc,
le_l_u := h,
choice_eq := λ _ _, rfl }

/-- Lift the bottom along a Galois connection -/
def galois_connection.lift_order_bot {α β : Type*} [order_bot α] [partial_order β]
{l : α → β} {u : β → α} (gc : galois_connection l u) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -248,7 +295,7 @@ lemma l_supr_u [complete_lattice α] [complete_lattice β] (gi : galois_insertio
calc l (⨆ (i : ι), u (f i)) = ⨆ (i : ι), l (u (f i)) : gi.gc.l_supr
... = ⨆ (i : ι), f i : congr_arg _ $ funext $ λ i, gi.l_u_eq (f i)

lemma l_supr_of_ul [complete_lattice α] [complete_lattice β] (gi : galois_insertion l u)
lemma l_supr_of_ul_eq_self [complete_lattice α] [complete_lattice β] (gi : galois_insertion l u)
{ι : Sort x} (f : ι → α) (hf : ∀ i, u (l (f i)) = f i) :
l (⨆ i, (f i)) = ⨆ i, l (f i) :=
calc l (⨆ (i : ι), (f i)) = l ⨆ (i : ι), (u (l (f i))) : by simp [hf]
Expand All @@ -265,12 +312,20 @@ lemma l_infi_u [complete_lattice α] [complete_lattice β] (gi : galois_insertio
calc l (⨅ (i : ι), u (f i)) = l (u (⨅ (i : ι), (f i))) : congr_arg l gi.gc.u_infi.symm
... = ⨅ (i : ι), f i : gi.l_u_eq _

lemma l_infi_of_ul [complete_lattice α] [complete_lattice β] (gi : galois_insertion l u)
lemma l_infi_of_ul_eq_self [complete_lattice α] [complete_lattice β] (gi : galois_insertion l u)
{ι : Sort x} (f : ι → α) (hf : ∀ i, u (l (f i)) = f i) :
l (⨅ i, (f i)) = ⨅ i, l (f i) :=
calc l (⨅ i, (f i)) = l ⨅ (i : ι), (u (l (f i))) : by simp [hf]
... = ⨅ i, l (f i) : gi.l_infi_u _

lemma u_le_u_iff [preorder α] [preorder β] (gi : galois_insertion l u) {a b} :
u a ≤ u b ↔ a ≤ b :=
⟨λ h, le_trans (gi.le_l_u _) (gi.gc.l_le h),
λ h, gi.gc.monotone_u h⟩

lemma strict_mono_u [preorder α] [partial_order β] (gi : galois_insertion l u) : strict_mono u :=
strict_mono_of_le_iff_le $ λ _ _, gi.u_le_u_iff.symm

section lift

variables [partial_order β]
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -324,3 +379,171 @@ def lift_complete_lattice [complete_lattice α] (gi : galois_insertion l u) : co
end lift

end galois_insertion

/-- A Galois coinsertion is a Galois connection where `u ∘ l = id`. It also contains a constructive
choice function, to give better definitional equalities when lifting order structures. Dual to
`galois_insertion` -/
@[nolint has_inhabited_instance]
structure galois_coinsertion {α β : Type*} [preorder α] [preorder β] (l : α → β) (u : β → α) :=
(choice : Πx:β, x ≤ l (u x) → α)
(gc : galois_connection l u)
(u_l_le : ∀x, u (l x) ≤ x)
(choice_eq : ∀a h, choice a h = u a)

/-- Make a `galois_insertion u l` in the `order_dual`, from a `galois_coinsertion l u` -/
def galois_coinsertion.dual {α β : Type*} [preorder α] [preorder β] {l : α → β} {u : β → α} :
galois_coinsertion l u → @galois_insertion (order_dual β) (order_dual α) _ _ u l :=
λ x, ⟨x.1, x.2.dual, x.3, x.4

/-- Make a `galois_coinsertion u l` in the `order_dual`, from a `galois_insertion l u` -/
def galois_insertion.dual {α β : Type*} [preorder α] [preorder β] {l : α → β} {u : β → α} :
galois_insertion l u → @galois_coinsertion (order_dual β) (order_dual α) _ _ u l :=
λ x, ⟨x.1, x.2.dual, x.3, x.4

/-- Make a `galois_coinsertion l u` from a `galois_insertion l u` in the `order_dual` -/
def galois_coinsertion.of_dual {α β : Type*} [preorder α] [preorder β] {l : α → β} {u : β → α} :
@galois_insertion (order_dual β) (order_dual α) _ _ u l → galois_coinsertion l u :=
λ x, ⟨x.1, x.2.dual, x.3, x.4

/-- Make a `galois_insertion l u` from a `galois_coinsertion l u` in the `order_dual` -/
def galois_insertion.of_dual {α β : Type*} [preorder α] [preorder β] {l : α → β} {u : β → α} :
@galois_coinsertion (order_dual β) (order_dual α) _ _ u l → galois_insertion l u :=
λ x, ⟨x.1, x.2.dual, x.3, x.4

/-- Makes a Galois coinsertion from an order-preserving bijection. -/
protected def order_iso.to_galois_coinsertion [preorder α] [preorder β] (oi : @order_iso α β (≤) (≤)) :
@galois_coinsertion α β _ _ (oi) (oi.symm) :=
{ choice := λ b h, oi.symm b,
gc := oi.to_galois_connection,
u_l_le := λ g, le_of_eq (oi.left_inv g),
choice_eq := λ b h, rfl }

/-- A constructor for a Galois coinsertion with the trivial `choice` function. -/
def galois_coinsertion.monotone_intro {α β : Type*} [preorder α] [preorder β] {l : α → β} {u : β → α}
(hu : monotone u) (hl : monotone l) (hlu : ∀ b, l (u b) ≤ b) (hul : ∀ a, u (l a) = a) :
galois_coinsertion l u :=
galois_coinsertion.of_dual (galois_insertion.monotone_intro hl.order_dual hu.order_dual hlu hul)

/-- Make a `galois_coinsertion l u` from a `galois_connection l u` such that `∀ b, b ≤ l (u b)` -/
def galois_connection.to_galois_coinsertion {α β : Type*} [preorder α] [preorder β]
{l : α → β} {u : β → α} (gc : galois_connection l u) (h : ∀ a, u (l a) ≤ a) :
galois_coinsertion l u :=
{ choice := λ x _, u x,
gc := gc,
u_l_le := h,
choice_eq := λ _ _, rfl }

/-- Lift the top along a Galois connection -/
def galois_connection.lift_order_top {α β : Type*} [partial_order α] [order_top β]
{l : α → β} {u : β → α} (gc : galois_connection l u) :
order_top α :=
{ top := u ⊤,
le_top := assume b, gc.le_u $ le_top,
.. ‹partial_order α› }

namespace galois_coinsertion

variables {l : α → β} {u : β → α}

lemma u_l_eq [partial_order α] [preorder β] (gi : galois_coinsertion l u) (a : α) :
u (l a) = a :=
gi.dual.l_u_eq a

lemma u_surjective [partial_order α] [preorder β] (gi : galois_coinsertion l u) :
surjective u :=

lemma l_injective [partial_order α] [preorder β] (gi : galois_coinsertion l u) :
injective l :=

lemma u_inf_l [semilattice_inf α] [semilattice_inf β] (gi : galois_coinsertion l u) (a b : α) :
u (l a ⊓ l b) = a ⊓ b :=
gi.dual.l_sup_u a b

lemma u_infi_l [complete_lattice α] [complete_lattice β] (gi : galois_coinsertion l u)
{ι : Sort x} (f : ι → α) :
u (⨅ i, l (f i)) = ⨅ i, (f i) :=
gi.dual.l_supr_u _

lemma u_infi_of_lu_eq_self [complete_lattice α] [complete_lattice β] (gi : galois_coinsertion l u)
{ι : Sort x} (f : ι → β) (hf : ∀ i, l (u (f i)) = f i) :
u (⨅ i, (f i)) = ⨅ i, u (f i) :=
gi.dual.l_supr_of_ul_eq_self _ hf

lemma u_sup_l [semilattice_sup α] [semilattice_sup β] (gi : galois_coinsertion l u) (a b : α) :
u (l a ⊔ l b) = a ⊔ b :=
gi.dual.l_inf_u _ _

lemma u_supr_l [complete_lattice α] [complete_lattice β] (gi : galois_coinsertion l u)
{ι : Sort x} (f : ι → α) :
u (⨆ i, l (f i)) = ⨆ i, (f i) :=
gi.dual.l_infi_u _

lemma u_supr_of_lu_eq_self [complete_lattice α] [complete_lattice β] (gi : galois_coinsertion l u)
{ι : Sort x} (f : ι → β) (hf : ∀ i, l (u (f i)) = f i) :
u (⨆ i, (f i)) = ⨆ i, u (f i) :=
gi.dual.l_infi_of_ul_eq_self _ hf

lemma l_le_l_iff [preorder α] [preorder β] (gi : galois_coinsertion l u) {a b} :
l a ≤ l b ↔ a ≤ b :=

lemma strict_mono_l [partial_order α] [preorder β] (gi : galois_coinsertion l u) : strict_mono l :=
λ a b h, gi.dual.strict_mono_u h

section lift

variables [partial_order α]

/-- Lift the infima along a Galois coinsertion -/
def lift_semilattice_inf [semilattice_inf β] (gi : galois_coinsertion l u) : semilattice_inf α :=
{ inf := λa b, u (l a ⊓ l b),
inf_le_left := assume a b, le_trans (gi.gc.monotone_u $ inf_le_left) (gi.u_l_le a),
inf_le_right := assume a b, le_trans (gi.gc.monotone_u $ inf_le_right) (gi.u_l_le b),
le_inf := assume a b c hac hbc, gi.gc.le_u $ le_inf (gi.gc.monotone_l hac) (gi.gc.monotone_l hbc),
.. ‹partial_order α› }

/-- Lift the suprema along a Galois coinsertion -/
def lift_semilattice_sup [semilattice_sup β] (gi : galois_coinsertion l u) : semilattice_sup α :=
{ sup := λa b, gi.choice (l a ⊔ l b) $
(sup_le (gi.gc.monotone_l $ gi.gc.le_u $ le_sup_left) (gi.gc.monotone_l $ gi.gc.le_u $ le_sup_right)),
le_sup_left := by simp only [gi.choice_eq]; exact assume a b, gi.gc.le_u le_sup_left,
le_sup_right := by simp only [gi.choice_eq]; exact assume a b, gi.gc.le_u le_sup_right,
sup_le := by simp only [gi.choice_eq]; exact assume a b c hac hbc,
le_trans (gi.gc.monotone_u $ sup_le (gi.gc.monotone_l hac) (gi.gc.monotone_l hbc)) (gi.u_l_le c),
.. ‹partial_order α› }

/-- Lift the suprema and infima along a Galois coinsertion -/
def lift_lattice [lattice β] (gi : galois_coinsertion l u) : lattice α :=
{ .. gi.lift_semilattice_sup, .. gi.lift_semilattice_inf }

/-- Lift the bot along a Galois coinsertion -/
def lift_order_bot [order_bot β] (gi : galois_coinsertion l u) : order_bot α :=
{ bot := gi.choice ⊥ $ bot_le,
bot_le := by simp only [gi.choice_eq]; exact assume b, le_trans (gi.gc.monotone_u bot_le) (gi.u_l_le b),
.. ‹partial_order α› }

/-- Lift the top, bottom, suprema, and infima along a Galois coinsertion -/
def lift_bounded_lattice [bounded_lattice β] (gi : galois_coinsertion l u) : bounded_lattice α :=
{ .. gi.lift_lattice, .. gi.lift_order_bot, .. gi.gc.lift_order_top }

/-- Lift all suprema and infima along a Galois coinsertion -/
def lift_complete_lattice [complete_lattice β] (gi : galois_coinsertion l u) : complete_lattice α :=
{ Inf := λs, u (⨅ a∈s, l a),
le_Inf := assume s a hs, gi.gc.le_u $ le_infi $ assume b, le_infi $ assume hb, gi.gc.monotone_l $ hs _ hb,
Inf_le := assume s a ha, le_trans (gi.gc.monotone_u $ infi_le_of_le a $
infi_le_of_le ha $ le_refl _) (gi.u_l_le a),
Sup := λs, gi.choice (⨆ a∈s, l a) $ supr_le $ assume b, supr_le $ assume hb,
gi.gc.monotone_l $ gi.gc.le_u $ le_supr_of_le b $ le_supr_of_le hb $ le_refl _,
le_Sup := by simp only [gi.choice_eq]; exact
assume s a ha, gi.gc.le_u $ le_supr_of_le a $ le_supr_of_le ha $ le_refl _,
Sup_le := by simp only [gi.choice_eq]; exact
assume s a hs, le_trans (gi.gc.monotone_u $ supr_le $ assume b,
show (⨆ (hb : b ∈ s), l b) ≤ l a, from supr_le $ assume hb, gi.gc.monotone_l $ hs b hb)
(gi.u_l_le a),
.. gi.lift_bounded_lattice }

end lift

end galois_coinsertion

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