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refactor(analysis/inner_product_space/*): split big file (#9382)
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This PR makes a new folder `analysis/inner_product_space/*` comprising several files splitting the old `analysis/normed_space/inner_product` (which had reached 2900 lines!).
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hrmacbeth committed Sep 25, 2021
1 parent 55d8cd0 commit 51ad06e
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Showing 15 changed files with 1,328 additions and 1,260 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/analysis/calculus/conformal/inner_product.lean
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Yourong Zang
import analysis.calculus.conformal.normed_space
import analysis.normed_space.conformal_linear_map.inner_product
import analysis.inner_product_space.conformal_linear_map

# Conformal maps between inner product spaces
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/analysis/calculus/specific_functions.lean
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Authors: Sébastien Gouëzel
import analysis.calculus.iterated_deriv
import analysis.normed_space.euclidean_dist
import analysis.inner_product_space.euclidean_dist

# Infinitely smooth bump function
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2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/analysis/convex/cone.lean
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Authors: Yury Kudryashov, Frédéric Dupuis
import analysis.convex.basic
import analysis.normed_space.inner_product
import analysis.inner_product_space.basic

# Convex cones
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291 changes: 291 additions & 0 deletions src/analysis/inner_product_space/calculus.lean
@@ -0,0 +1,291 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Yury Kudryashov. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Yury Kudryashov
import analysis.inner_product_space.basic
import analysis.special_functions.sqrt

# Derivative of the inner product
In this file we prove that the inner product and square of the norm in an inner space are
infinitely `ℝ`-smooth. In order to state these results, we need a `normed_space ℝ E`
instance. Though we can deduce this structure from `inner_product_space 𝕜 E`, this instance may be
not definitionally equal to some other “natural” instance. So, we assume `[normed_space ℝ E]` and
`[is_scalar_tower ℝ 𝕜 E]`. In both interesting cases `𝕜 = ℝ` and `𝕜 = ℂ` we have these instances.
Currently, the continuity of the inner product is also proved in this file, as a consequence of the
differentiability; however (TODO) this ought to be re-proved directly and moved to

noncomputable theory

open is_R_or_C real filter
open_locale big_operators classical topological_space

variables {𝕜 E F : Type*} [is_R_or_C 𝕜]
variables [inner_product_space 𝕜 E] [inner_product_space ℝ F]
local notation `⟪`x`, `y`⟫` := @inner 𝕜 _ _ x y

section deriv

variables [normed_space ℝ E] [is_scalar_tower ℝ 𝕜 E]

lemma is_bounded_bilinear_map_inner : is_bounded_bilinear_map ℝ (λ p : E × E, ⟪p.1, p.2⟫) :=
{ add_left := λ _ _ _, inner_add_left,
smul_left := λ r x y,
by simp only [← algebra_map_smul 𝕜 r x, algebra_map_eq_of_real, inner_smul_real_left],
add_right := λ _ _ _, inner_add_right,
smul_right := λ r x y,
by simp only [← algebra_map_smul 𝕜 r y, algebra_map_eq_of_real, inner_smul_real_right],
bound := ⟨1, zero_lt_one, λ x y,
by { rw [one_mul], exact norm_inner_le_norm x y, }⟩ }

/-- Derivative of the inner product. -/
def fderiv_inner_clm (p : E × E) : E × E →L[ℝ] 𝕜 := is_bounded_bilinear_map_inner.deriv p

@[simp] lemma fderiv_inner_clm_apply (p x : E × E) :
fderiv_inner_clm p x = ⟪p.1, x.2⟫ + ⟪x.1, p.2⟫ := rfl

lemma times_cont_diff_inner {n} : times_cont_diff ℝ n (λ p : E × E, ⟪p.1, p.2⟫) :=

lemma times_cont_diff_at_inner {p : E × E} {n} :
times_cont_diff_at ℝ n (λ p : E × E, ⟪p.1, p.2⟫) p :=

lemma differentiable_inner : differentiable ℝ (λ p : E × E, ⟪p.1, p.2⟫) :=

variables {G : Type*} [normed_group G] [normed_space ℝ G]
{f g : G → E} {f' g' : G →L[ℝ] E} {s : set G} {x : G} {n : with_top ℕ}

include 𝕜

lemma times_cont_diff_within_at.inner (hf : times_cont_diff_within_at ℝ n f s x)
(hg : times_cont_diff_within_at ℝ n g s x) :
times_cont_diff_within_at ℝ n (λ x, ⟪f x, g x⟫) s x :=
times_cont_diff_at_inner.comp_times_cont_diff_within_at x ( hg)

lemma times_cont_diff_at.inner (hf : times_cont_diff_at ℝ n f x)
(hg : times_cont_diff_at ℝ n g x) :
times_cont_diff_at ℝ n (λ x, ⟪f x, g x⟫) x :=
hf.inner hg

lemma times_cont_diff_on.inner (hf : times_cont_diff_on ℝ n f s) (hg : times_cont_diff_on ℝ n g s) :
times_cont_diff_on ℝ n (λ x, ⟪f x, g x⟫) s :=
λ x hx, (hf x hx).inner (hg x hx)

lemma times_cont_diff.inner (hf : times_cont_diff ℝ n f) (hg : times_cont_diff ℝ n g) :
times_cont_diff ℝ n (λ x, ⟪f x, g x⟫) :=
times_cont_diff_inner.comp ( hg)

lemma has_fderiv_within_at.inner (hf : has_fderiv_within_at f f' s x)
(hg : has_fderiv_within_at g g' s x) :
has_fderiv_within_at (λ t, ⟪f t, g t⟫) ((fderiv_inner_clm (f x, g x)).comp $ f'.prod g') s x :=
(is_bounded_bilinear_map_inner.has_fderiv_at (f x, g x)).comp_has_fderiv_within_at x ( hg)

lemma has_fderiv_at.inner (hf : has_fderiv_at f f' x) (hg : has_fderiv_at g g' x) :
has_fderiv_at (λ t, ⟪f t, g t⟫) ((fderiv_inner_clm (f x, g x)).comp $ f'.prod g') x :=
(is_bounded_bilinear_map_inner.has_fderiv_at (f x, g x)).comp x ( hg)

lemma has_deriv_within_at.inner {f g : ℝ → E} {f' g' : E} {s : set ℝ} {x : ℝ}
(hf : has_deriv_within_at f f' s x) (hg : has_deriv_within_at g g' s x) :
has_deriv_within_at (λ t, ⟪f t, g t⟫) (⟪f x, g'⟫ + ⟪f', g x⟫) s x :=
by simpa using (hf.has_fderiv_within_at.inner hg.has_fderiv_within_at).has_deriv_within_at

lemma has_deriv_at.inner {f g : ℝ → E} {f' g' : E} {x : ℝ} :
has_deriv_at f f' x → has_deriv_at g g' x →
has_deriv_at (λ t, ⟪f t, g t⟫) (⟪f x, g'⟫ + ⟪f', g x⟫) x :=
by simpa only [← has_deriv_within_at_univ] using has_deriv_within_at.inner

lemma differentiable_within_at.inner (hf : differentiable_within_at ℝ f s x)
(hg : differentiable_within_at ℝ g s x) :
differentiable_within_at ℝ (λ x, ⟪f x, g x⟫) s x :=
((differentiable_inner _).has_fderiv_at.comp_has_fderiv_within_at x
( hg).has_fderiv_within_at).differentiable_within_at

lemma differentiable_at.inner (hf : differentiable_at ℝ f x) (hg : differentiable_at ℝ g x) :
differentiable_at ℝ (λ x, ⟪f x, g x⟫) x :=
(differentiable_inner _).comp x ( hg)

lemma differentiable_on.inner (hf : differentiable_on ℝ f s) (hg : differentiable_on ℝ g s) :
differentiable_on ℝ (λ x, ⟪f x, g x⟫) s :=
λ x hx, (hf x hx).inner (hg x hx)

lemma differentiable.inner (hf : differentiable ℝ f) (hg : differentiable ℝ g) :
differentiable ℝ (λ x, ⟪f x, g x⟫) :=
λ x, (hf x).inner (hg x)

lemma fderiv_inner_apply (hf : differentiable_at ℝ f x) (hg : differentiable_at ℝ g x) (y : G) :
fderiv ℝ (λ t, ⟪f t, g t⟫) x y = ⟪f x, fderiv ℝ g x y⟫ + ⟪fderiv ℝ f x y, g x⟫ :=
by { rw [(hf.has_fderiv_at.inner hg.has_fderiv_at).fderiv], refl }

lemma deriv_inner_apply {f g : ℝ → E} {x : ℝ} (hf : differentiable_at ℝ f x)
(hg : differentiable_at ℝ g x) :
deriv (λ t, ⟪f t, g t⟫) x = ⟪f x, deriv g x⟫ + ⟪deriv f x, g x⟫ :=
(hf.has_deriv_at.inner hg.has_deriv_at).deriv

lemma times_cont_diff_norm_sq : times_cont_diff ℝ n (λ x : E, ∥x∥ ^ 2) :=
simp only [sq, ← inner_self_eq_norm_sq],
exact (re_clm : 𝕜 →L[ℝ] ℝ).times_cont_diff.comp (times_cont_diff_id.inner times_cont_diff_id)

lemma times_cont_diff.norm_sq (hf : times_cont_diff ℝ n f) :
times_cont_diff ℝ n (λ x, ∥f x∥ ^ 2) :=
times_cont_diff_norm_sq.comp hf

lemma times_cont_diff_within_at.norm_sq (hf : times_cont_diff_within_at ℝ n f s x) :
times_cont_diff_within_at ℝ n (λ y, ∥f y∥ ^ 2) s x :=
times_cont_diff_norm_sq.times_cont_diff_at.comp_times_cont_diff_within_at x hf

lemma times_cont_diff_at.norm_sq (hf : times_cont_diff_at ℝ n f x) :
times_cont_diff_at ℝ n (λ y, ∥f y∥ ^ 2) x :=

lemma times_cont_diff_at_norm {x : E} (hx : x ≠ 0) : times_cont_diff_at ℝ n norm x :=
have ∥id x∥ ^ 20, from pow_ne_zero _ (norm_pos_iff.2 hx).ne',
by simpa only [id, sqrt_sq, norm_nonneg] using times_cont_diff_at_id.norm_sq.sqrt this

lemma times_cont_diff_at.norm (hf : times_cont_diff_at ℝ n f x) (h0 : f x ≠ 0) :
times_cont_diff_at ℝ n (λ y, ∥f y∥) x :=
(times_cont_diff_at_norm h0).comp x hf

lemma times_cont_diff_at.dist (hf : times_cont_diff_at ℝ n f x) (hg : times_cont_diff_at ℝ n g x)
(hne : f x ≠ g x) :
times_cont_diff_at ℝ n (λ y, dist (f y) (g y)) x :=
by { simp only [dist_eq_norm], exact (hf.sub hg).norm (sub_ne_zero.2 hne) }

lemma times_cont_diff_within_at.norm (hf : times_cont_diff_within_at ℝ n f s x) (h0 : f x ≠ 0) :
times_cont_diff_within_at ℝ n (λ y, ∥f y∥) s x :=
(times_cont_diff_at_norm h0).comp_times_cont_diff_within_at x hf

lemma times_cont_diff_within_at.dist (hf : times_cont_diff_within_at ℝ n f s x)
(hg : times_cont_diff_within_at ℝ n g s x) (hne : f x ≠ g x) :
times_cont_diff_within_at ℝ n (λ y, dist (f y) (g y)) s x :=
by { simp only [dist_eq_norm], exact (hf.sub hg).norm (sub_ne_zero.2 hne) }

lemma times_cont_diff_on.norm_sq (hf : times_cont_diff_on ℝ n f s) :
times_cont_diff_on ℝ n (λ y, ∥f y∥ ^ 2) s :=
(λ x hx, (hf x hx).norm_sq)

lemma times_cont_diff_on.norm (hf : times_cont_diff_on ℝ n f s) (h0 : ∀ x ∈ s, f x ≠ 0) :
times_cont_diff_on ℝ n (λ y, ∥f y∥) s :=
λ x hx, (hf x hx).norm (h0 x hx)

lemma times_cont_diff_on.dist (hf : times_cont_diff_on ℝ n f s)
(hg : times_cont_diff_on ℝ n g s) (hne : ∀ x ∈ s, f x ≠ g x) :
times_cont_diff_on ℝ n (λ y, dist (f y) (g y)) s :=
λ x hx, (hf x hx).dist (hg x hx) (hne x hx)

lemma times_cont_diff.norm (hf : times_cont_diff ℝ n f) (h0 : ∀ x, f x ≠ 0) :
times_cont_diff ℝ n (λ y, ∥f y∥) :=
times_cont_diff_iff_times_cont_diff_at.2 $ λ x, hf.times_cont_diff_at.norm (h0 x)

lemma times_cont_diff.dist (hf : times_cont_diff ℝ n f) (hg : times_cont_diff ℝ n g)
(hne : ∀ x, f x ≠ g x) :
times_cont_diff ℝ n (λ y, dist (f y) (g y)) :=
times_cont_diff_iff_times_cont_diff_at.2 $
λ x, hf.times_cont_diff_at.dist hg.times_cont_diff_at (hne x)

lemma differentiable_at.norm_sq (hf : differentiable_at ℝ f x) :
differentiable_at ℝ (λ y, ∥f y∥ ^ 2) x :=
(times_cont_diff_at_id.norm_sq.differentiable_at le_rfl).comp x hf

lemma differentiable_at.norm (hf : differentiable_at ℝ f x) (h0 : f x ≠ 0) :
differentiable_at ℝ (λ y, ∥f y∥) x :=
((times_cont_diff_at_norm h0).differentiable_at le_rfl).comp x hf

lemma differentiable_at.dist (hf : differentiable_at ℝ f x) (hg : differentiable_at ℝ g x)
(hne : f x ≠ g x) :
differentiable_at ℝ (λ y, dist (f y) (g y)) x :=
by { simp only [dist_eq_norm], exact (hf.sub hg).norm (sub_ne_zero.2 hne) }

lemma differentiable.norm_sq (hf : differentiable ℝ f) : differentiable ℝ (λ y, ∥f y∥ ^ 2) :=
λ x, (hf x).norm_sq

lemma differentiable.norm (hf : differentiable ℝ f) (h0 : ∀ x, f x ≠ 0) :
differentiable ℝ (λ y, ∥f y∥) :=
λ x, (hf x).norm (h0 x)

lemma differentiable.dist (hf : differentiable ℝ f) (hg : differentiable ℝ g)
(hne : ∀ x, f x ≠ g x) :
differentiable ℝ (λ y, dist (f y) (g y)) :=
λ x, (hf x).dist (hg x) (hne x)

lemma differentiable_within_at.norm_sq (hf : differentiable_within_at ℝ f s x) :
differentiable_within_at ℝ (λ y, ∥f y∥ ^ 2) s x :=
(times_cont_diff_at_id.norm_sq.differentiable_at le_rfl).comp_differentiable_within_at x hf

lemma differentiable_within_at.norm (hf : differentiable_within_at ℝ f s x) (h0 : f x ≠ 0) :
differentiable_within_at ℝ (λ y, ∥f y∥) s x :=
((times_cont_diff_at_id.norm h0).differentiable_at le_rfl).comp_differentiable_within_at x hf

lemma differentiable_within_at.dist (hf : differentiable_within_at ℝ f s x)
(hg : differentiable_within_at ℝ g s x) (hne : f x ≠ g x) :
differentiable_within_at ℝ (λ y, dist (f y) (g y)) s x :=
by { simp only [dist_eq_norm], exact (hf.sub hg).norm (sub_ne_zero.2 hne) }

lemma differentiable_on.norm_sq (hf : differentiable_on ℝ f s) :
differentiable_on ℝ (λ y, ∥f y∥ ^ 2) s :=
λ x hx, (hf x hx).norm_sq

lemma differentiable_on.norm (hf : differentiable_on ℝ f s) (h0 : ∀ x ∈ s, f x ≠ 0) :
differentiable_on ℝ (λ y, ∥f y∥) s :=
λ x hx, (hf x hx).norm (h0 x hx)

lemma differentiable_on.dist (hf : differentiable_on ℝ f s) (hg : differentiable_on ℝ g s)
(hne : ∀ x ∈ s, f x ≠ g x) :
differentiable_on ℝ (λ y, dist (f y) (g y)) s :=
λ x hx, (hf x hx).dist (hg x hx) (hne x hx)

end deriv

section continuous

### Continuity of the inner product
Since the inner product is `ℝ`-smooth, it is continuous. We do not need a `[normed_space ℝ E]`
structure to *state* this fact and its corollaries, so we introduce them in the proof instead.

lemma continuous_inner : continuous (λ p : E × E, ⟪p.1, p.2⟫) :=
letI : inner_product_space ℝ E := inner_product_space.is_R_or_C_to_real 𝕜 E,
letI : is_scalar_tower ℝ 𝕜 E := restrict_scalars.is_scalar_tower _ _ _,
exact differentiable_inner.continuous

variables {α : Type*}

lemma filter.tendsto.inner {f g : α → E} {l : filter α} {x y : E} (hf : tendsto f l (𝓝 x))
(hg : tendsto g l (𝓝 y)) :
tendsto (λ t, ⟪f t, g t⟫) l (𝓝 ⟪x, y⟫) :=
(continuous_inner.tendsto _).comp (hf.prod_mk_nhds hg)

variables [topological_space α] {f g : α → E} {x : α} {s : set α}

include 𝕜

lemma continuous_within_at.inner (hf : continuous_within_at f s x)
(hg : continuous_within_at g s x) :
continuous_within_at (λ t, ⟪f t, g t⟫) s x :=
hf.inner hg

lemma continuous_at.inner (hf : continuous_at f x) (hg : continuous_at g x) :
continuous_at (λ t, ⟪f t, g t⟫) x :=
hf.inner hg

lemma continuous_on.inner (hf : continuous_on f s) (hg : continuous_on g s) :
continuous_on (λ t, ⟪f t, g t⟫) s :=
λ x hx, (hf x hx).inner (hg x hx)

lemma continuous.inner (hf : continuous f) (hg : continuous g) : continuous (λ t, ⟪f t, g t⟫) :=
continuous_iff_continuous_at.2 $ λ x, hf.continuous_at.inner hg.continuous_at

end continuous
Expand Up @@ -4,7 +4,7 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Yourong Zang
import analysis.normed_space.conformal_linear_map
import analysis.normed_space.inner_product
import analysis.inner_product_space.basic

# Conformal maps between inner product spaces
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Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2021 Yury Kudryashov. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Yury Kudryashov
import analysis.inner_product_space.calculus
import analysis.normed_space.pi_Lp

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