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feat(topology/fiber_bundle): Each fiber of a trivialization is homeom…
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…orphic to the specified fiber (#16079)

This PR adds `topological_fiber_bundle.trivialization.preimage_singleton_homeomorph`, which states that each fiber of a trivialization is homeomorphic to the specified fiber.
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tb65536 committed Sep 2, 2022
1 parent 394f6e6 commit 525c5a8
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Showing 3 changed files with 73 additions and 8 deletions.
51 changes: 51 additions & 0 deletions src/topology/fiber_bundle.lean
Expand Up @@ -361,6 +361,57 @@ lemma map_proj_nhds (ex : x ∈ e.source) : map proj (𝓝 x) = 𝓝 (proj x) :=
by rw [← e.coe_fst ex, ← map_congr (e.coe_fst_eventually_eq_proj ex), ← map_map, ← e.coe_coe,
e.to_local_homeomorph.map_nhds_eq ex, map_fst_nhds]

lemma preimage_subset_source {s : set B} (hb : s ⊆ e.base_set) : proj ⁻¹' s ⊆ e.source :=
λ p hp, e.mem_source.mpr (hb hp)

lemma image_preimage_eq_prod_univ {s : set B} (hb : s ⊆ e.base_set) :
e '' (proj ⁻¹' s) = s ×ˢ univ :=
subset.antisymm (image_subset_iff.mpr (λ p hp,
⟨(e.proj_to_fun p (e.preimage_subset_source hb hp)).symm ▸ hp, trivial⟩)) (λ p hp,
let hp' : p ∈ := e.mem_target.mpr (hb hp.1) in
⟨e.inv_fun p, mem_preimage.mpr ((e.proj_symm_apply hp').symm ▸ hp.1), e.apply_symm_apply hp'⟩)

/-- The preimage of a subset of the base set is homeomorphic to the product with the fiber. -/
def preimage_homeomorph {s : set B} (hb : s ⊆ e.base_set) : proj ⁻¹' s ≃ₜ s × F :=
(e.to_local_homeomorph.homeomorph_of_image_subset_source (e.preimage_subset_source hb)
(e.image_preimage_eq_prod_univ hb)).trans
(( s univ).trans ((homeomorph.refl s).prod_congr (homeomorph.set.univ F)))

@[simp] lemma preimage_homeomorph_apply {s : set B} (hb : s ⊆ e.base_set) (p : proj ⁻¹' s) :
e.preimage_homeomorph hb p = (⟨proj p, p.2⟩, (e p).2) :=
prod.ext (subtype.ext (e.proj_to_fun p (e.mem_source.mpr (hb p.2)))) rfl

@[simp] lemma preimage_homeomorph_symm_apply {s : set B} (hb : s ⊆ e.base_set) (p : s × F) :
(e.preimage_homeomorph hb).symm p = ⟨e.symm (p.1, p.2), ((e.preimage_homeomorph hb).symm p).2⟩ :=

/-- The source is homeomorphic to the product of the base set with the fiber. -/
def source_homeomorph_base_set_prod : e.source ≃ₜ e.base_set × F :=
(homeomorph.set_congr e.source_eq).trans (e.preimage_homeomorph subset_rfl)

@[simp] lemma source_homeomorph_base_set_prod_apply (p : e.source) :
e.source_homeomorph_base_set_prod p = (⟨proj p, p.2⟩, (e p).2) :=
e.preimage_homeomorph_apply subset_rfl ⟨p, p.2

@[simp] lemma source_homeomorph_base_set_prod_symm_apply (p : e.base_set × F) :
e.source_homeomorph_base_set_prod.symm p =
⟨e.symm (p.1, p.2), (e.source_homeomorph_base_set_prod.symm p).2⟩ :=

/-- Each fiber of a trivialization is homeomorphic to the specified fiber. -/
def preimage_singleton_homeomorph {b : B} (hb : b ∈ e.base_set) : proj ⁻¹' {b} ≃ₜ F :=
(e.preimage_homeomorph (set.singleton_subset_iff.mpr hb)).trans (((homeomorph.homeomorph_of_unique
({b} : set B) punit).prod_congr (homeomorph.refl F)).trans (homeomorph.punit_prod F))

@[simp] lemma preimage_singleton_homeomorph_apply {b : B} (hb : b ∈ e.base_set)
(p : proj ⁻¹' {b}) : e.preimage_singleton_homeomorph hb p = (e p).2 :=

@[simp] lemma preimage_singleton_homeomorph_symm_apply {b : B} (hb : b ∈ e.base_set) (p : F) :
(e.preimage_singleton_homeomorph hb).symm p =
⟨e.symm (b, p), by rw [mem_preimage, e.proj_symm_apply' hb, mem_singleton_iff]⟩ :=

/-- In the domain of a bundle trivialization, the projection is continuous-/
lemma continuous_at_proj (ex : x ∈ e.source) : continuous_at proj x :=
(e.map_proj_nhds ex).le
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6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/topology/homeomorph.lean
Expand Up @@ -379,6 +379,12 @@ def punit_prod : punit × α ≃ₜ α :=

@[simp] lemma coe_punit_prod : ⇑(punit_prod α) = prod.snd := rfl

/-- If both `α` and `β` have a unique element, then `α ≃ₜ β`. -/
@[simps] def _root_.homeomorph.homeomorph_of_unique [unique α] [unique β] : α ≃ₜ β :=
{ continuous_to_fun := @continuous_const α β _ _ default,
continuous_inv_fun := @continuous_const β α _ _ default,
.. equiv.equiv_of_unique α β }


/-- `ulift α` is homeomorphic to `α`. -/
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24 changes: 16 additions & 8 deletions src/topology/local_homeomorph.lean
Expand Up @@ -985,16 +985,24 @@ end

end continuity

/-- The homeomorphism obtained by restricting a `local_homeomorph` to a subset of the source. -/
@[simps] def homeomorph_of_image_subset_source
{s : set α} {t : set β} (hs : s ⊆ e.source) (ht : e '' s = t) : s ≃ₜ t :=
{ to_fun := λ a, ⟨e a, (congr_arg ((∈) (e a)) ht).mp ⟨a, a.2, rfl⟩⟩,
inv_fun := λ b, ⟨e.symm b, let ⟨a, ha1, ha2⟩ := (congr_arg ((∈) ↑b) ht).mpr b.2 in
ha2 ▸ (e.left_inv (hs ha1)).symm ▸ ha1⟩,
left_inv := λ a, subtype.ext (e.left_inv (hs a.2)),
right_inv := λ b, let ⟨a, ha1, ha2⟩ := (congr_arg ((∈) ↑b) ht).mpr b.2 in
subtype.ext (e.right_inv (ha2 ▸ e.map_source (hs ha1))),
continuous_to_fun := (
(e.continuous_on.mono hs)).subtype_mk _,
continuous_inv_fun := (
(e.continuous_on_symm.mono (λ b hb, let ⟨a, ha1, ha2⟩ := show b ∈ e '' s, from ht.symm ▸ hb in
ha2 ▸ e.map_source (hs ha1)))).subtype_mk _ }

/-- A local homeomrphism defines a homeomorphism between its source and target. -/
def to_homeomorph_source_target : e.source ≃ₜ :=
{ to_fun := e.maps_to.restrict _ _ _,
inv_fun := e.symm_maps_to.restrict _ _ _,
left_inv := λ x, subtype.eq $ e.left_inv x.2,
right_inv := λ x, subtype.eq $ e.right_inv x.2,
continuous_to_fun :=
(continuous_on_iff_continuous_restrict.1 e.continuous_on).subtype_mk _,
continuous_inv_fun :=
(continuous_on_iff_continuous_restrict.1 e.symm.continuous_on).subtype_mk _ }
e.homeomorph_of_image_subset_source subset_rfl e.image_source_eq_target

lemma second_countable_topology_source [second_countable_topology β]
(e : local_homeomorph α β) :
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