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feat(linear_algebra/affine_space): more lemmas (#3990)
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Add another batch of lemmas about affine spaces.  These lemmas mostly
relate to manipulating centroids and the relations between centroids
of points given by different subsets of the index type.
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jsm28 committed Sep 2, 2020
1 parent 71ef45e commit 57463fa
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Showing 3 changed files with 220 additions and 3 deletions.
116 changes: 115 additions & 1 deletion src/linear_algebra/affine_space/combination.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ Copyright (c) 2020 Joseph Myers. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Joseph Myers.
import algebra.invertible
import data.indicator_function
import linear_algebra.affine_space.basic
import linear_algebra.finsupp
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -47,6 +48,7 @@ variables [S : affine_space V P]
include S

variables {ι : Type*} (s : finset ι)
variables {ι₂ : Type*} (s₂ : finset ι₂)

/-- A weighted sum of the results of subtracting a base point from the
given points, as a linear map on the weights. The main cases of
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -127,6 +129,16 @@ begin
exact set.sum_indicator_subset_of_eq_zero w (λ i wi, wi • (p i -ᵥ b : V)) h (λ i, zero_smul k _)

/-- A weighted sum, over the image of an embedding, equals a weighted
sum with the same points and weights over the original
`finset`. -/
lemma weighted_vsub_of_point_map (e : ι₂ ↪ ι) (w : ι → k) (p : ι → P) (b : P) :
(s₂.map e).weighted_vsub_of_point p b w = s₂.weighted_vsub_of_point (p ∘ e) b (w ∘ e) :=
simp_rw [weighted_vsub_of_point_apply],
exact finset.sum_map _ _ _

/-- A weighted sum of the results of subtracting a default base point
from the given points, as a linear map on the weights. This is
intended to be used when the sum of the weights is 0; that condition
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -161,6 +173,13 @@ lemma weighted_vsub_indicator_subset (w : ι → k) (p : ι → P) {s₁ s₂ :
s₁.weighted_vsub p w = s₂.weighted_vsub p (set.indicator ↑s₁ w) :=
weighted_vsub_of_point_indicator_subset _ _ _ h

/-- A weighted subtraction, over the image of an embedding, equals a
weighted subtraction with the same points and weights over the
original `finset`. -/
lemma weighted_vsub_map (e : ι₂ ↪ ι) (w : ι → k) (p : ι → P) :
(s₂.map e).weighted_vsub p w = s₂.weighted_vsub (p ∘ e) (w ∘ e) :=
s₂.weighted_vsub_of_point_map _ _ _ _

/-- A weighted sum of the results of subtracting a default base point
from the given points, added to that base point, as an affine map on
the weights. This is intended to be used when the sum of the weights
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -233,6 +252,13 @@ lemma affine_combination_indicator_subset (w : ι → k) (p : ι → P) {s₁ s
by rw [affine_combination_apply, affine_combination_apply,
weighted_vsub_of_point_indicator_subset _ _ _ h]

/-- An affine combination, over the image of an embedding, equals an
affine combination with the same points and weights over the original
`finset`. -/
lemma affine_combination_map (e : ι₂ ↪ ι) (w : ι → k) (p : ι → P) :
(s₂.map e).affine_combination p w = s₂.affine_combination (p ∘ e) (w ∘ e) :=
by simp_rw [affine_combination_apply, weighted_vsub_of_point_map]

variables {V}

/-- Suppose an indexed family of points is given, along with a subset
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -299,7 +325,7 @@ end finset
namespace finset

variables (k : Type*) {V : Type*} {P : Type*} [division_ring k] [add_comm_group V] [module k V]
variables [affine_space V P] {ι : Type*} (s : finset ι)
variables [affine_space V P] {ι : Type*} (s : finset ι) {ι₂ : Type*} (s₂ : finset ι₂)

/-- The weights for the centroid of some points. -/
def centroid_weights : ι → k := function.const ι (card s : k) ⁻¹
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -359,6 +385,94 @@ rfl
({i} : finset ι).centroid k p = p i :=
by simp [centroid_def, affine_combination_apply]

/-- The centroid of two points, expressed directly as adding a vector
to a point. -/
lemma centroid_insert_singleton [invertible (2 : k)] (p : ι → P) (i₁ i₂ : ι) :
({i₁, i₂} : finset ι).centroid k p = (2 ⁻¹ : k) • (p i₂ -ᵥ p i₁) +ᵥ p i₁ :=
by_cases h : i₁ = i₂,
{ simp [h] },
{ have hc : (card ({i₁, i₂} : finset ι) : k) ≠ 0,
{ rw [card_insert_of_not_mem (not_mem_singleton.2 h), card_singleton],
exact nonzero_of_invertible _ },
rw [centroid_def,
affine_combination_eq_weighted_vsub_of_point_vadd_of_sum_eq_one _ _ _
(sum_centroid_weights_eq_one_of_cast_card_ne_zero _ hc) (p i₁)],
simp [h],
norm_num }

/-- The centroid of two points indexed by `fin 2`, expressed directly
as adding a vector to the first point. -/
lemma centroid_insert_singleton_fin [invertible (2 : k)] (p : fin 2 → P) :
univ.centroid k p = (2 ⁻¹ : k) • (p 1 -ᵥ p 0) +ᵥ p 0 :=
have hu : (finset.univ : finset (fin 2)) = {0, 1}, by dec_trivial,
rw hu,
convert centroid_insert_singleton k p 0 1

/-- A centroid, over the image of an embedding, equals a centroid with
the same points and weights over the original `finset`. -/
lemma centroid_map (e : ι₂ ↪ ι) (p : ι → P) : (s₂.map e).centroid k p = s₂.centroid k (p ∘ e) :=
by simp [centroid_def, affine_combination_map, centroid_weights]

omit V

/-- `centroid_weights` gives the weights for the centroid as a
constant function, which is suitable when summing over the points
whose centroid is being taken. This function gives the weights in a
form suitable for summing over a larger set of points, as an indicator
function that is zero outside the set whose centroid is being taken.
In the case of a `fintype`, the sum may be over `univ`. -/
def centroid_weights_indicator : ι → k := set.indicator ↑s (s.centroid_weights k)

/-- The definition of `centroid_weights_indicator`. -/
lemma centroid_weights_indicator_def :
s.centroid_weights_indicator k = set.indicator ↑s (s.centroid_weights k) :=

/-- The sum of the weights for the centroid indexed by a `fintype`. -/
lemma sum_centroid_weights_indicator [fintype ι] :
∑ i, s.centroid_weights_indicator k i = ∑ i in s, s.centroid_weights k i :=
(set.sum_indicator_subset _ (subset_univ _)).symm

/-- In the characteristic zero case, the weights in the centroid
indexed by a `fintype` sum to 1 if the number of points is not
zero. -/
lemma sum_centroid_weights_indicator_eq_one_of_card_ne_zero [char_zero k] [fintype ι]
(h : card s ≠ 0) : ∑ i, s.centroid_weights_indicator k i = 1 :=
rw sum_centroid_weights_indicator,
exact s.sum_centroid_weights_eq_one_of_card_ne_zero k h

/-- In the characteristic zero case, the weights in the centroid
indexed by a `fintype` sum to 1 if the set is nonempty. -/
lemma sum_centroid_weights_indicator_eq_one_of_nonempty [char_zero k] [fintype ι]
(h : s.nonempty) : ∑ i, s.centroid_weights_indicator k i = 1 :=
rw sum_centroid_weights_indicator,
exact s.sum_centroid_weights_eq_one_of_nonempty k h

/-- In the characteristic zero case, the weights in the centroid
indexed by a `fintype` sum to 1 if the number of points is `n + 1`. -/
lemma sum_centroid_weights_indicator_eq_one_of_card_eq_add_one [char_zero k] [fintype ι] {n : ℕ}
(h : card s = n + 1) : ∑ i, s.centroid_weights_indicator k i = 1 :=
rw sum_centroid_weights_indicator,
exact s.sum_centroid_weights_eq_one_of_card_eq_add_one k h

include V

/-- The centroid as an affine combination over a `fintype`. -/
lemma centroid_eq_affine_combination_fintype [fintype ι] (p : ι → P) :
s.centroid k p = univ.affine_combination p (s.centroid_weights_indicator k) :=
affine_combination_indicator_subset _ _ (subset_univ _)

end finset

section affine_space'
Expand Down
6 changes: 6 additions & 0 deletions src/linear_algebra/affine_space/finite_dimensional.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -44,6 +44,12 @@ instance finite_dimensional_direction_affine_span_of_fintype [fintype ι] (p :
finite_dimensional k (affine_span k (set.range p)).direction :=
finite_dimensional_direction_affine_span_of_finite k (set.finite_range _)

/-- The direction of the affine span of a subset of a family indexed
by a `fintype` is finite-dimensional. -/
instance finite_dimensional_direction_affine_span_image_of_fintype [fintype ι] (p : ι → P)
(s : set ι) : finite_dimensional k (affine_span k (p '' s)).direction :=
finite_dimensional_direction_affine_span_of_finite k ((set.finite.of_fintype _).image _)

variables {k}

/-- The `vector_span` of a finite affinely independent family has
Expand Down
101 changes: 99 additions & 2 deletions src/linear_algebra/affine_space/independent.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Author: Joseph Myers.
import data.finset.sort
import data.matrix.notation
import linear_algebra.affine_space.combination
import linear_algebra.basis

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -219,7 +220,8 @@ begin
{ rw [←hw, finset.sum_map],
simp [hw'] },
have hs' : fs'.weighted_vsub p w' = (0:V),
{ rw [←hs, finset.weighted_vsub_apply, finset.weighted_vsub_apply, finset.sum_map],
{ rw [←hs, finset.weighted_vsub_map],
congr' with i,
simp [hw'] },
rw [←ha fs' w' hw's hs' (f i0) ((finset.mem_map' _).2 hi0), hw']
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -310,7 +312,7 @@ end affine_independent
section field

variables {k : Type*} {V : Type*} {P : Type*} [field k] [add_comm_group V] [module k V]
variables [affine_space V P]
variables [affine_space V P] {ι : Type*}
include V

/-- An affinely independent set of points can be extended to such a
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -343,6 +345,27 @@ begin
{ use [hsvi, affine_span_singleton_union_vadd_eq_top_of_span_eq_top p₁ hsvt] } }

variables (k)

/-- Two different points are affinely independent. -/
lemma affine_independent_of_ne {p₁ p₂ : P} (h : p₁ ≠ p₂) : affine_independent k ![p₁, p₂] :=
rw affine_independent_iff_linear_independent_vsub k ![p₁, p₂] 0,
let i₁ : {x // x ≠ (0 : fin 2)} := ⟨1, dec_trivial⟩,
have he' : ∀ i, i = i₁,
{ rintro ⟨i, hi⟩,
fin_cases i,
{ simpa using hi } },
haveI : unique {x // x ≠ (0 : fin 2)} := ⟨⟨i₁⟩, he'⟩,
have hz : (![p₁, p₂] ↑(default {x // x ≠ (0 : fin 2)}) -ᵥ ![p₁, p₂] 0 : V) ≠ 0,
{ rw he' (default _),
intro he,
rw vsub_eq_zero_iff_eq at he,
exact h he.symm },
exact linear_independent_unique hz

end field

namespace affine
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -413,6 +436,80 @@ rfl
s.face (finset.card_singleton i) = mk_of_point k (s.points i) :=
by { ext, simp [face_points] }

/-- The set of points of a face. -/
@[simp] lemma range_face_points {n : ℕ} (s : simplex k P n) {fs : finset (fin (n + 1))}
{m : ℕ} (h : fs.card = m + 1) : set.range (s.face h).points = s.points '' ↑fs :=
rw [face, set.range_comp],

end simplex

end affine

namespace affine
namespace simplex

variables {k : Type*} {V : Type*} {P : Type*} [division_ring k]
[add_comm_group V] [module k V] [affine_space V P]
include V

/-- The centroid of a face of a simplex as the centroid of a subset of
the points. -/
@[simp] lemma face_centroid_eq_centroid {n : ℕ} (s : simplex k P n) {fs : finset (fin (n + 1))}
{m : ℕ} (h : fs.card = m + 1) :
finset.univ.centroid k (s.face h).points = fs.centroid k s.points :=
convert (finset.univ.centroid_map k ⟨fs.mono_of_fin h, fs.mono_of_fin_injective h⟩ s.points).symm,
rw [←finset.coe_inj, finset.coe_map, function.embedding.coe_fn_mk],

/-- Over a characteristic-zero division ring, the centroids given by
two subsets of the points of a simplex are equal if and only if those
faces are given by the same subset of points. -/
@[simp] lemma centroid_eq_iff [char_zero k] {n : ℕ} (s : simplex k P n)
{fs₁ fs₂ : finset (fin (n + 1))} {m₁ m₂ : ℕ} (h₁ : fs₁.card = m₁ + 1) (h₂ : fs₂.card = m₂ + 1) :
fs₁.centroid k s.points = fs₂.centroid k s.points ↔ fs₁ = fs₂ :=
{ intro h,
rw [finset.centroid_eq_affine_combination_fintype,
finset.centroid_eq_affine_combination_fintype] at h,
have ha := (affine_independent_iff_indicator_eq_of_affine_combination_eq k s.points).1
s.independent _ _ _ _ (fs₁.sum_centroid_weights_indicator_eq_one_of_card_eq_add_one k h₁)
(fs₂.sum_centroid_weights_indicator_eq_one_of_card_eq_add_one k h₂) h,
simp_rw [finset.coe_univ, set.indicator_univ, function.funext_iff,
finset.centroid_weights_indicator_def, finset.centroid_weights, h₁, h₂] at ha,
ext i,
replace ha := ha i,
{ intro hi,
by_contradiction hni,
simp [hi, hni] at ha,
norm_cast at ha } },
{ intro h,
have hm : m₁ = m₂,
{ subst h,
simpa [h₁] using h₂ },
subst hm,
exact h }

/-- Over a characteristic-zero division ring, the centroids of two
faces of a simplex are equal if and only if those faces are given by
the same subset of points. -/
lemma face_centroid_eq_iff [char_zero k] {n : ℕ} (s : simplex k P n)
{fs₁ fs₂ : finset (fin (n + 1))} {m₁ m₂ : ℕ} (h₁ : fs₁.card = m₁ + 1) (h₂ : fs₂.card = m₂ + 1) :
finset.univ.centroid k (s.face h₁).points = finset.univ.centroid k (s.face h₂).points ↔
fs₁ = fs₂ :=
rw [face_centroid_eq_centroid, face_centroid_eq_centroid],
exact s.centroid_eq_iff h₁ h₂

end simplex
end affine

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