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feat(algebra/vector_space): modules and vector spaces, linear spaces
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kckennylau authored and digama0 committed Nov 6, 2017
1 parent 0947f96 commit 5cb7fb0
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Showing 3 changed files with 429 additions and 8 deletions.
309 changes: 302 additions & 7 deletions algebra/module.lean
Expand Up @@ -3,18 +3,17 @@ Copyright (c) 2015 Nathaniel Thomas. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Nathaniel Thomas, Jeremy Avigad
Modules and vector spaces over a ring.
Modules over a ring.
import algebra.field

import algebra.ring

universes u v

class has_scalar (α : inout Type u) (γ : Type v) := (smul : α → γ → γ)

infixl ` • `:73 := has_scalar.smul

/- modules over a ring -/

class module (α : inout Type u) (β : Type v) [ring α] extends has_scalar α β, add_comm_group β :=
(smul_left_distrib : ∀r (x y : β), r • (x + y) = r • x + r • y)
(smul_right_distrib : ∀r s (x : β), (r + s) • x = r • x + s • x)
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -52,16 +51,312 @@ by simp [smul_left_distrib]
theorem sub_smul_right_distrib (a b : α) (v : β) : (a - b) • v = a • v - b • v :=
by simp [smul_right_distrib]

lemma smul_smul : a • (b • u) = (a * b) • u := mul_smul.symm

end module

def ring.to_module {α : Type u} [r : ring α] : module α α :=
instance ring.to_module {α : Type u} [r : ring α] : module α α :=
{ r with
smul := λa b, a * b,
smul_left_distrib := assume a b c, mul_add _ _ _,
smul_right_distrib := assume a b c, add_mul _ _ _,
mul_smul := assume a b c, mul_assoc _ _ _,
one_smul := assume a, one_mul _ }

/- vector spaces -/
lemma eq_zero_of_add_self_eq {α : Type} [add_comm_group α]
{a : α} (H : a + a = a) : a = 0 :=
add_left_cancel (by {rw add_zero, exact H})

class submodule (R : Type) (M : Type) [ring R] [module R M] (p : set M) :=
(add : ∀ {u v}, u ∈ p → v ∈ p → u + v ∈ p)
(zero : (0:M) ∈ p)
(neg : ∀ {v}, v ∈ p → -v ∈ p)
(smul : ∀ c {v}, v ∈ p → c • v ∈ p)

namespace submodule

variables (R : Type) {M : Type} [ring R] [module R M]
variables {p : set M} [submodule R M p]
variables {c d : R} (u v w : {x : M // x ∈ p})

include R

protected def add' : {x : M // x ∈ p} → {x : M // x ∈ p} → {x : M // x ∈ p}
| ⟨v₁, p₁⟩ ⟨v₂, p₂⟩ := ⟨v₁ + v₂, add R p₁ p₂⟩

protected def neg' : {x : M // x ∈ p} → {x : M // x ∈ p}
| ⟨v, p⟩ := ⟨-v, neg R p⟩

protected def smul' : R → {x : M // x ∈ p} → {x : M // x ∈ p}
| c ⟨v, p⟩ := ⟨c • v, smul c p⟩

instance : has_add {x : M // x ∈ p} := ⟨submodule.add' R⟩
instance : has_zero {x : M // x ∈ p} := ⟨⟨0, zero R p⟩⟩
instance : has_neg {x : M // x ∈ p} := ⟨submodule.neg' R⟩
instance : has_scalar R {x : M // x ∈ p} := ⟨submodule.smul' R⟩

@[simp] lemma add_val : (u + v).val = u.val + v.val := by cases u; cases v; refl
@[simp] lemma zero_val : (0 : {x : M // x ∈ p}).val = 0 := rfl
@[simp] lemma neg_val : (-v).val = -v.val := by cases v; refl
@[simp] lemma smul_val : (c • v).val = c • v.val := by cases v; refl

lemma sub {u v : M} (HU : u ∈ p) (HV : v ∈ p) : u - v ∈ p := add R HU (neg R HV)

variables (R M p)

instance : module R {x : M // x ∈ p} :=
{ add := (+),
add_assoc := λ u v w, subtype.eq (by simp [add_assoc]),
zero := 0,
zero_add := λ v, subtype.eq (by simp [zero_add]),
add_zero := λ v, subtype.eq (by simp [add_zero]),
neg := has_neg.neg,
add_left_neg := λ v, subtype.eq (by simp [add_left_neg]),
add_comm := λ u v, subtype.eq (by simp [add_comm]),
smul := (•),
smul_left_distrib := λ c u v, subtype.eq (by simp [smul_left_distrib]),
smul_right_distrib := λ c u v, subtype.eq (by simp [smul_right_distrib]),
mul_smul := λ c d v, subtype.eq (by simp [mul_smul]),
one_smul := λ v, subtype.eq (by simp [one_smul]) }

instance : has_coe (submodule R M p) (module R {x : M // x ∈ p}) := ⟨λ s, submodule.module R M p⟩

end submodule

structure linear_map (R M N : Type) [ring R] [module R M] [module R N] :=
(T : M → N)
(map_add : ∀ u v, T (u+v) = T u + T v)
(map_smul : ∀ (c:R) v, T (c • v) = c • (T v))

namespace linear_map

variables {R M N : Type}

section basic

variables [ring R] [module R M] [module R N]
variables {c d : R} {A B C : linear_map R M N} {u v : M}

instance : has_coe_to_fun (linear_map R M N) := ⟨_, T⟩

@[simp] lemma map_add_app : A (u+v) = A u + A v := A.map_add u v
@[simp] lemma map_smul_app : A (c•v) = c • (A v) := A.map_smul c v

theorem ext (HAB : ∀ v, A v = B v) : A = B :=
by {cases A, cases B, congr, exact funext HAB}

@[simp] lemma map_zero : A 0 = 0 :=
have := eq.symm (map_add A 0 0),
rw [add_zero] at this,
exact eq_zero_of_add_self_eq this

@[simp] lemma map_neg : A (-v) = -(A v) :=
eq_neg_of_add_eq_zero (by {rw [←map_add_app], simp})

@[simp] lemma map_sub : A (u-v) = A u - A v := by simp

end basic

def ker [ring R] [module R M] [module R N]
(A : linear_map R M N) : set M := {v | A v = 0}

namespace ker

variables [ring R] [module R M] [module R N]
variables {c d : R} {A : linear_map R M N} {u v : M}

@[simp] lemma mem_ker : v ∈ A.ker ↔ A v = 0 := iff.rfl

theorem ker_of_map_eq_map (Huv : A u = A v) : u-v ∈ A.ker :=
by {rw [mem_ker,map_sub], exact sub_eq_zero_of_eq Huv}

theorem inj_of_trivial_ker (H: ∀ v, A.ker v → v = 0) (Huv: A u = A v) : u = v :=
eq_of_sub_eq_zero (H _ (ker_of_map_eq_map Huv))

variables (R A)

instance : submodule R M A.ker :=
{ add := λ u v HU HV, by {rw [mem_ker] at *, simp [HU,HV]},
zero := map_zero,
neg := λ v HV, by {rw [mem_ker] at *, simp [HV]},
smul := λ c v HV, by {rw [mem_ker] at *, simp [HV]} }

theorem sub_ker (HU : u ∈ A.ker) (HV : v ∈ A.ker) : u - v ∈ A.ker :=
submodule.sub R HU HV

end ker

def im [ring R] [module R M] [module R N]
(A : linear_map R M N) : set N := {w | ∃ v, A v = w}

namespace im

class vector_space (α : inout Type u) (β : Type v) [field α] extends module α β
variables [ring R] [module R M] [module R N]
variables {c d : R} {A : linear_map R M N} (u v w : N)

@[simp] lemma mem_im : w ∈ ↔ ∃ v, A v = w := ⟨id, id⟩

theorem add_im (HU : u ∈ (HV : v ∈ : u + v ∈ :=
unfold im at *,
cases HU with x hx,
cases HV with y hy,
existsi (x + y),
simp [hx, hy]

theorem zero_im : (0:N) ∈ := ⟨0, map_zero⟩

theorem neg_im (HV : v ∈ : -v ∈ :=
unfold im at *,
cases HV with y hy,
existsi (-y),
simp [hy]

theorem smul_im (c : R) (v : N) (HV : v ∈ : c • v ∈ :=
unfold im at *,
cases HV with y hy,
existsi (c • y),
simp [hy]

variables (R A)

instance : submodule R N :=
{ add := add_im,
zero := zero_im,
neg := neg_im,
smul := smul_im }

end im

section add_comm_group

variables [ring R] [module R M] [module R N]
variables {c d : R} {A B C : linear_map R M N} {u v : M}

protected def add : linear_map R M N → linear_map R M N → linear_map R M N
| ⟨T₁, a₁, s₁⟩ ⟨T₂, a₂, s₂⟩ :=
{ T := λ v, T₁ v + T₂ v,
map_add := λ u v, by simp [a₁, a₂],
map_smul := λ c v, by simp [smul_left_distrib, s₁, s₂] }

protected def neg : linear_map R M N → linear_map R M N
| ⟨T, a, s⟩ :=
{ T := (λ v, -(T v)),
map_add := λ u v, by simp [a],
map_smul := λ c v, by simp [s] }

instance : has_add (linear_map R M N) := ⟨linear_map.add⟩

instance : has_zero (linear_map R M N) := ⟨
{ T := λ v, 0,
map_add := λ u v, by simp,
map_smul := λ c v, by simp }⟩

instance : has_neg (linear_map R M N) := ⟨linear_map.neg⟩

@[simp] lemma add_app : (A + B) v = A v + B v := by cases A; cases B; refl
@[simp] lemma zero_app : (0:linear_map R M N) v = 0 := rfl
@[simp] lemma neg_app : (-A) v = -(A v) := by cases A; refl

instance : add_comm_group (linear_map R M N) :=
{ add := (+),
add_assoc := λ A B C, ext (λ v, by simp [add_assoc]),
zero := 0,
zero_add := λ A, ext (λ v, by simp [zero_add]),
add_zero := λ A, ext (λ v, by simp [add_zero]),
neg := has_neg.neg,
add_left_neg := λ A, ext (λ v, by simp [add_left_neg]),
add_comm := λ A B, ext (λ v, by simp [add_comm]) }

end add_comm_group

section Hom

variables [comm_ring R] [module R M] [module R N]
variables {c d : R} {A B C : linear_map R M N} {u v : M}

protected def smul : R → linear_map R M N → linear_map R M N
| c ⟨T, a, s⟩ :=
{ T := λ v, c • T v,
map_add := λ u v, by simp [smul_left_distrib,a],
map_smul := λ k v, by simp [smul_smul,s] }

instance : has_scalar R (linear_map R M N) := ⟨linear_map.smul⟩

@[simp] lemma smul_app : (c • A) v = c • (A v) := by cases A; refl

variables (R M N)

instance : module R (linear_map R M N) :=
{ linear_map.add_comm_group with
smul := (•),
smul_left_distrib := λ c A B, ext (λ v, by simp [module.smul_left_distrib]),
smul_right_distrib := λ c d A, ext (λ v, by simp [module.smul_right_distrib]),
mul_smul := λ c d A, ext (λ v, by simp [module.mul_smul]),
one_smul := λ A, ext (λ v, by simp [module.one_smul]) }

end Hom

end linear_map

namespace module

variables (R M : Type)

def dual [comm_ring R] [module R M] := module R (linear_map R M R)

variables {R M}
variables [ring R] [module R M]
variables {A B C : linear_map R M M} {v : M}

protected def mul : linear_map R M M → linear_map R M M → linear_map R M M
| ⟨T₁, a₁, s₁⟩ ⟨T₂, a₂, s₂⟩ :=
{ T := T₁ ∘ T₂,
map_add := λ u v, by simp [function.comp, a₂, a₁],
map_smul := λ c v, by simp [function.comp, s₂, s₁] }

def id : linear_map R M M := ⟨id, λ u v, rfl, λ u v, rfl⟩

instance : has_mul (linear_map R M M) := ⟨module.mul⟩

@[simp] lemma id_app : (id : linear_map R M M) v = v := rfl
@[simp] lemma comp_app : (A * B) v = A (B v) := by cases A; cases B; refl

variables (A B C)

@[simp] lemma comp_id : A * id = A := linear_map.ext (λ v, by simp)
@[simp] lemma id_comp : id * A = A := linear_map.ext (λ v, by simp)
theorem comp_assoc : (A * B) * C = A * (B * C) := linear_map.ext (λ v, by simp)
theorem comp_add : A * (B + C) = A * B + A * C := linear_map.ext (λ v, by simp)
theorem add_comp : (A + B) * C = A * C + B * C := linear_map.ext (λ v, by simp)

variables (R M)

def endomorphism_ring : ring (linear_map R M M) :=
{ linear_map.add_comm_group with
mul := (*),
mul_assoc := comp_assoc,
one := id,
one_mul := id_comp,
mul_one := comp_id,
left_distrib := comp_add,
right_distrib := add_comp }

def general_linear_group [ring R] [module R M] :=
by have := endomorphism_ring R M; exact units (linear_map R M M)

end module

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