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feat(order/well_founded_set): defining is_partially_well_ordered to…
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… prove `is_wf.add` (#6226)

Defines `set.is_partially_well_ordered s`, equivalent to any infinite sequence to `s` contains an infinite monotone subsequence
Provides a basic API for `set.is_partially_well_ordered`
Proves `is_wf.add` and `is_wf.mul`
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awainverse committed Feb 23, 2021
1 parent 5931c5c commit 680e8ed
Showing 1 changed file with 166 additions and 10 deletions.
176 changes: 166 additions & 10 deletions src/order/well_founded_set.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import data.set.finite
import data.fintype.basic
import order.well_founded
import order.order_iso_nat
import algebra.pointwise

# Well-founded sets
Expand All @@ -17,6 +18,8 @@ A well-founded subset of an ordered type is one on which the relation `<` is wel
* `set.well_founded_on s r` indicates that the relation `r` is
well-founded when restricted to the set `s`.
* `set.is_wf s` indicates that `<` is well-founded when restricted to `s`.
* `set.is_partially_well_ordered s` indicates that any infinite sequence of elements in `s`
contains an infinite monotone subsequence.
### Definitions for Hahn Series
* `set.add_antidiagonal s t a` and `set.mul_antidiagonal s t a` are the sets of pairs of elements
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -144,13 +147,6 @@ fintype.preorder.well_founded
namespace set
variables [partial_order α] {s : set α} {a : α}

theorem is_wf_singleton : is_wf ({a} : set α) :=
by simp [← finset.coe_singleton]

theorem is_wf.insert (hs : is_wf s) : is_wf (insert a s) :=
by { rw ← union_singleton, exact hs.union is_wf_singleton }

theorem finite.is_wf (h : s.finite) : s.is_wf :=
rw ← h.coe_to_finset,
Expand All @@ -160,6 +156,137 @@ end
theorem fintype.is_wf [fintype α] : s.is_wf := (finite.of_fintype s).is_wf

theorem is_wf_empty : is_wf (∅ : set α) :=

theorem is_wf_singleton (a) : is_wf ({a} : set α) :=
(finite_singleton a).is_wf

theorem is_wf.insert (a) (hs : is_wf s) : is_wf (insert a s) :=
by { rw ← union_singleton, exact hs.union (is_wf_singleton a) }

end set

namespace set

/-- A subset of a preorder is partially well-ordered when any infinite sequence contains
a monotone subsequence of length 2 (or equivalently, an infinite monotone subsequence). -/
def is_partially_well_ordered [preorder α] (s) : Prop :=
∀ (f : ℕ → α), range f ⊆ s → ∃ (m n : ℕ), m < n ∧ f m ≤ f n

section partial_order
variables [partial_order α] {s : set α} {t : set α}

lemma is_partially_well_ordered.is_wf (h : s.is_partially_well_ordered) :
s.is_wf :=
rw is_wf_iff_no_descending_seq,
intros f con,
obtain ⟨m, n, hlt, hle⟩ := h f con,
exact not_lt_of_le hle (f.lt_iff_lt.2 hlt),

theorem is_partially_well_ordered.exists_monotone_subseq
(h : s.is_partially_well_ordered) (f : ℕ → α) (hf : range f ⊆ s) :
∃ (g : ℕ ↪o ℕ), monotone (f ∘ g) :=
obtain ⟨g, h1 | h2⟩ := exists_increasing_or_nonincreasing_subseq (≤) f,
{ refine ⟨g, λ m n hle, _⟩,
obtain hlt | heq := lt_or_eq_of_le hle,
{ exact h1 m n hlt, },
{ rw [heq] } },
{ exfalso,
obtain ⟨m, n, hlt, hle⟩ := h (f ∘ g) (subset.trans (range_comp_subset_range _ _) hf),
exact h2 m n hlt hle }

theorem is_partially_well_ordered_iff_exists_monotone_subseq :
s.is_partially_well_ordered ↔
∀ f : ℕ → α, range f ⊆ s → ∃ (g : ℕ ↪o ℕ), monotone (f ∘ g) :=
split; intros h f hf,
{ exact h.exists_monotone_subseq f hf },
{ obtain ⟨g, gmon⟩ := h f hf,
refine ⟨g 0, g 1, g.lt_iff_lt.2 zero_lt_one, gmon zero_le_one⟩, }

lemma (hs : s.is_partially_well_ordered)
(ht : t.is_partially_well_ordered) :
( t).is_partially_well_ordered :=
rw is_partially_well_ordered_iff_exists_monotone_subseq at *,
intros f hf,
obtain ⟨g1, h1⟩ := hs (prod.fst ∘ f) _,
{ rw [range_comp, image_subset_iff],
refine subset.trans hf _,
rintros ⟨x1, x2⟩ hx,
simp only [mem_preimage, hx.1] },
obtain ⟨g2, h2⟩ := ht (prod.snd ∘ f ∘ g1) _,
refine ⟨g2.trans g1, λ m n mn, _⟩,
{ rw [range_comp, image_subset_iff],
refine subset.trans (range_comp_subset_range _ _) (subset.trans hf _),
rintros ⟨x1, x2⟩ hx,
simp only [mem_preimage, hx.2] },
simp only [rel_embedding.coe_trans, function.comp_app],
exact ⟨h1 (g2.le_iff_le.2 mn), h2 mn⟩,

theorem is_partially_well_ordered.image_of_monotone {β : Type*} [partial_order β]
(hs : s.is_partially_well_ordered) {f : α → β} (hf : monotone f) :
is_partially_well_ordered (f '' s) :=
λ g hg, begin
have h := λ (n : ℕ), ((mem_image _ _ _).1 (hg (mem_range_self n))),
obtain ⟨m, n, hlt, hmn⟩ := hs (λ n, classical.some (h n)) _,
{ refine ⟨m, n, hlt, _⟩,
rw [← (classical.some_spec (h m)).2,
← (classical.some_spec (h n)).2],
apply hf hmn },
{ rintros _ ⟨n, rfl⟩,
exact (classical.some_spec (h n)).1 }

end partial_order

theorem is_wf.is_partially_well_ordered [linear_order α] {s : set α}
(hs : s.is_wf) : s.is_partially_well_ordered :=
λ f hf, begin
rw [is_wf, well_founded_on_iff] at hs,
have hrange : (range f).nonempty := ⟨f 0, mem_range_self 0⟩,
let a := hs.min (range f) hrange,
obtain ⟨m, hm⟩ := hs.min_mem (range f) hrange,
refine ⟨m, m.succ, m.lt_succ_self, le_of_not_lt (λ con, _)⟩,
rw hm at con,
apply hs.not_lt_min (range f) hrange (mem_range_self m.succ)
⟨con, hf (mem_range_self m.succ), hf _⟩,
rw ← hm,
apply mem_range_self,


variables [linear_ordered_cancel_comm_monoid α] {s : set α} {t : set α}

theorem is_partially_well_ordered.mul
(hs : s.is_partially_well_ordered) (ht : t.is_partially_well_ordered) :
is_partially_well_ordered (s * t) :=
rw ← image_mul_prod,
exact ( hs ht).image_of_monotone (λ _ _ h, mul_le_mul' h.1 h.2),

theorem is_wf.mul (hs : s.is_wf) (ht : t.is_wf) : is_wf (s * t) :=
(hs.is_partially_well_ordered.mul ht.is_partially_well_ordered).is_wf


end set

theorem not_well_founded_swap_of_infinite_of_well_order
Expand All @@ -185,8 +312,8 @@ namespace set

/-- `set.mul_antidiagonal s t a` is the set of all pairs of an element in `s` and an element in `t`
that multiply to `a`. -/
@[to_additive "`set.add_antidiagonal s t a` is the set of all pairs of an element in `s` and an
element in `t` that add to `a`."]
@[to_additive "`set.add_antidiagonal s t a` is the set of all pairs of an element in `s`
and an element in `t` that add to `a`."]
def mul_antidiagonal [monoid α] (s t : set α) (a : α) : set (α × α) :=
{ x | x.1 * x.2 = a ∧ x.1 ∈ s ∧ x.2 ∈ t }

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -289,11 +416,40 @@ variables {s t : set α} (hs : s.is_wf) (ht : t.is_wf) (a : α)
noncomputable def mul_antidiagonal : finset (α × α) :=
(set.mul_antidiagonal.finite_of_is_wf hs ht a).to_finset

variables {hs} {ht} {a} {x : α × α}
variables {hs} {ht} {u : set α} {hu : u.is_wf} {a} {x : α × α}

@[simp, to_additive]
lemma mem_mul_antidiagonal :
x ∈ mul_antidiagonal hs ht a ↔ x.1 * x.2 = a ∧ x.1 ∈ s ∧ x.2 ∈ t :=
by simp [mul_antidiagonal]

lemma mul_antidiagonal_mono_left (hus : u ⊆ s) :
(finset.mul_antidiagonal hu ht a) ⊆ (finset.mul_antidiagonal hs ht a) :=
λ x hx, begin
rw mem_mul_antidiagonal at *,
exact ⟨hx.1, hus hx.2.1, hx.2.2⟩,

lemma mul_antidiagonal_mono_right (hut : u ⊆ t) :
(finset.mul_antidiagonal hs hu a) ⊆ (finset.mul_antidiagonal hs ht a) :=
λ x hx, begin
rw mem_mul_antidiagonal at *,
exact ⟨hx.1, hx.2.1, hut hx.2.2⟩,

lemma support_mul_antidiagonal_subset_mul :
{ a : α | (mul_antidiagonal hs ht a).nonempty } ⊆ s * t :=
(λ x ⟨⟨a1, a2⟩, ha⟩, begin
obtain ⟨hmul, h1, h2⟩ := mem_mul_antidiagonal.1 ha,
exact ⟨a1, a2, h1, h2, hmul⟩,

theorem is_wf_support_mul_antidiagonal :
{ a : α | (mul_antidiagonal hs ht a).nonempty }.is_wf :=
(hs.mul ht).mono support_mul_antidiagonal_subset_mul

end finset

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