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feat(group_theory/perm): perm.fintype and card_perm (closed #366)
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ChrisHughes24 authored and johoelzl committed Sep 24, 2018
1 parent cbfe372 commit 68acd76
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123 changes: 121 additions & 2 deletions data/fintype.lean
Expand Up @@ -442,7 +442,6 @@ quotient.lift_on (@quotient.rec_on _ _ (λ l : multiset ι,
(λ f, ⟦λ i, f i (finset.mem_univ _)⟧)
(λ a b h, quotient.sound $ λ i, h _ _)

theorem quotient.fin_choice_eq {ι : Type*} [fintype ι] [decidable_eq ι]
{α : ι → Type*} [∀ i, setoid (α i)]
(f : ∀ i, α i) : quotient.fin_choice (λ i, ⟦f i⟧) = ⟦f⟧ :=
Expand All @@ -453,4 +452,124 @@ begin
exact quotient.induction_on
(@finset.univ ι _).1 (λ l, quotient.fin_choice_aux_eq _ _) },
simp [this], exact setoid.refl _

section equiv

open list equiv equiv.perm

variables [decidable_eq α] [decidable_eq β]

def perms_of_list : list α → list (perm α)
| [] := [1]
| (a :: l) := perms_of_list l ++ l.bind (λ b, (perms_of_list l).map (λ f, swap a b * f))

lemma length_perms_of_list : ∀ l : list α, length (perms_of_list l) = l.length.fact
| [] := rfl
| (a :: l) := by rw [length_cons, nat.fact_succ];
simp [perms_of_list, length_bind, length_perms_of_list, function.comp, nat.succ_mul]

lemma mem_perms_of_list_of_mem : ∀ {l : list α} {f : perm α} (h : ∀ x, f x ≠ x → x ∈ l), f ∈ perms_of_list l
| [] f h := list.mem_singleton.2 $ equiv.ext _ _$ λ x, by simp [imp_false, *] at *
| (a::l) f h :=
if hfa : f a = a
mem_append_left _ $ mem_perms_of_list_of_mem
(λ x hx, mem_of_ne_of_mem (λ h, by rw h at hx; exact hx hfa) (h x hx))
have hfa' : f (f a) ≠ f a, from mt (λ h, f.bijective.1 h) hfa,
have ∀ (x : α), (swap a (f a) * f) x ≠ x → x ∈ l,
from λ x hx, have hxa : x ≠ a, from λ h, by simpa [h, mul_apply] using hx,
have hfxa : f x ≠ f a, from mt (λ h, f.bijective.1 h) hxa,
list.mem_of_ne_of_mem hxa
(h x (λ h, by simp [h, mul_apply, swap_apply_def] at hx; split_ifs at hx; cc)),
suffices f ∈ perms_of_list l ∨ ∃ (b : α), b ∈ l ∧ ∃ g : perm α, g ∈ perms_of_list l ∧ swap a b * g = f,
by simpa [perms_of_list],
(@or_iff_not_imp_left _ _ (classical.prop_decidable _)).2
(λ hfl, ⟨f a,
if hffa : f (f a) = a then mem_of_ne_of_mem hfa (h _ (mt (λ h, f.bijective.1 h) hfa))
else this _ $ by simp [mul_apply, swap_apply_def]; split_ifs; cc,
⟨swap a (f a) * f, mem_perms_of_list_of_mem this,
by rw [← mul_assoc, mul_def (swap a (f a)) (swap a (f a)), swap_swap, ← one_def, one_mul]⟩⟩)

lemma mem_of_mem_perms_of_list : ∀ {l : list α} {f : perm α}, f ∈ perms_of_list l → ∀ {x}, f x ≠ x → x ∈ l
| [] f h := have f = 1 := by simpa [perms_of_list] using h, by rw this; simp
| (a::l) f h :=
(mem_append.1 h).elim
(λ h x hx, mem_cons_of_mem _ (mem_of_mem_perms_of_list h hx))
(λ h x hx,
let ⟨y, hy, hy'⟩ := list.mem_bind.1 h in
let ⟨g, hg₁, hg₂⟩ := list.mem_map.1 hy' in
if hxa : x = a then by simp [hxa]
else if hxy : x = y then mem_cons_of_mem _ $ by rwa hxy
else mem_cons_of_mem _ $
mem_of_mem_perms_of_list hg₁ $
by rw [eq_inv_mul_iff_mul_eq.2 hg₂, mul_apply, swap_inv, swap_apply_def];
split_ifs; cc)

lemma mem_perms_of_list_iff {l : list α} {f : perm α} : f ∈ perms_of_list l ↔ ∀ {x}, f x ≠ x → x ∈ l :=
⟨mem_of_mem_perms_of_list, mem_perms_of_list_of_mem⟩

lemma nodup_perms_of_list : ∀ {l : list α} (hl : l.nodup), (perms_of_list l).nodup
| [] hl := by simp [perms_of_list]
| (a::l) hl :=
have hl' : l.nodup, from nodup_of_nodup_cons hl,
have hln' : (perms_of_list l).nodup, from nodup_perms_of_list hl',
have hmeml : ∀ {f : perm α}, f ∈ perms_of_list l → f a = a,
from λ f hf, not_not.1 (mt (mem_of_mem_perms_of_list hf) (nodup_cons.1 hl).1),
by rw [perms_of_list, list.nodup_append, list.nodup_bind, pairwise_iff_nth_le]; exact
⟨hln', ⟨λ _ _, nodup_map (λ _ _, (mul_left_inj _).1) hln',
λ i j hj hij x hx₁ hx₂,
let ⟨f, hf⟩ := list.mem_map.1 hx₁ in
let ⟨g, hg⟩ := list.mem_map.1 hx₂ in
have hix : x a = nth_le l i (lt_trans hij hj),
by rw [← hf.2, mul_apply, hmeml hf.1, swap_apply_left],
have hiy : x a = nth_le l j hj,
by rw [← hg.2, mul_apply, hmeml hg.1, swap_apply_left],
absurd (hf.2.trans (hg.2.symm)) $
λ h, ne_of_lt hij $ nodup_iff_nth_le_inj.1 hl' i j (lt_trans hij hj) hj $
by rw [← hix, hiy]⟩,
λ f hf₁ hf₂,
let ⟨x, hx, hx'⟩ := list.mem_bind.1 hf₂ in
let ⟨g, hg⟩ := list.mem_map.1 hx' in
have hgxa : g⁻¹ x = a, from f.bijective.1 $
by rw [hmeml hf₁, ← hg.2]; simp,
have hxa : x ≠ a, from λ h, (list.nodup_cons.1 hl).1 (h ▸ hx),
(list.nodup_cons.1 hl).1 $
hgxa ▸ mem_of_mem_perms_of_list hg.1 (by rwa [apply_inv_self, hgxa])⟩

def perms_of_finset (s : finset α) : finset (perm α) :=
quotient.hrec_on s.1 (λ l hl, ⟨perms_of_list l, nodup_perms_of_list hl⟩)
(λ a b hab, hfunext (congr_arg _ (quotient.sound hab))
(λ ha hb _, heq_of_eq $ finset.ext.2 $
by simp [mem_perms_of_list_iff,mem_of_perm hab]))

lemma mem_perms_of_finset_iff : ∀ {s : finset α} {f : perm α},
f ∈ perms_of_finset s ↔ ∀ {x}, f x ≠ x → x ∈ s :=
by rintros ⟨⟨l⟩, hs⟩ f; exact mem_perms_of_list_iff

lemma card_perms_of_finset : ∀ (s : finset α),
(perms_of_finset s).card = s.card.fact :=
by rintros ⟨⟨l⟩, hs⟩; exact length_perms_of_list l

def fintype_perm [fintype α] : fintype (perm α) :=
⟨perms_of_finset (@finset.univ α _), by simp [mem_perms_of_finset_iff]⟩

instance [fintype α] [fintype β] : fintype (α ≃ β) :=
if h : fintype.card β = fintype.card α
then trunc.rec_on_subsingleton (fintype.equiv_fin α)
(λ eα, trunc.rec_on_subsingleton (fintype.equiv_fin β)
(λ eβ, @fintype.of_equiv _ (perm α) fintype_perm
(equiv_congr (equiv.refl α) (eα.trans (eq.rec_on h eβ.symm)) : (α ≃ α) ≃ (α ≃ β))))
else ⟨∅, λ x, false.elim (h (fintype.card_eq.2 ⟨x.symm⟩))⟩

lemma fintype.card_perm [fintype α] : fintype.card (perm α) = (fintype.card α).fact :=
subsingleton.elim (@fintype_perm α _ _) (@equiv.fintype α α _ _ _ _) ▸
card_perms_of_finset _

lemma fintype.card_equiv [fintype α] [fintype β] (e : α ≃ β) :
fintype.card (α ≃ β) = (fintype.card α).fact :=
fintype.card_congr (equiv_congr (equiv.refl α) e) ▸ fintype.card_perm

end equiv
11 changes: 6 additions & 5 deletions group_theory/perm.lean
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ Authors: Chris Hughes
import data.fintype

universes u v
open equiv function finset fintype
open equiv function fintype finset
variables {α : Type u} {β : Type v}

namespace equiv.perm
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -545,23 +545,24 @@ lemma is_cycle_swap_mul {f : perm α} (hf : is_cycle f) {x : α}
is_cycle_swap_mul_aux₂ (i - 1) hf hy hi⟩

lemma support_swap_mul_cycle [fintype α] {f : perm α} (hf : is_cycle f) {x : α}
(hx : f x ≠ x) (hffx : f (f x) ≠ x) : (swap x (f x) * f).support = x :=
(hffx : f (f x) ≠ x) : (swap x (f x) * f).support = x :=
have hfx : f x ≠ x, from λ hfx, by simpa [hfx] using hffx,
finset.ext.2 $ λ y, begin
have h1 : swap x (f x) * f ≠ 1,
from λ h1, hffx $ by
rw [mul_eq_one_iff_inv_eq, swap_inv] at h1;
rw ← h1; simp,
have hfyxor : f y ≠ x ∨ f x ≠ y :=
not_and_distrib.1 (λ h, h1 $
by have := eq_swap_of_is_cycle_of_apply_apply_eq_self hf hx (by rw [h.2, h.1]);
by have := eq_swap_of_is_cycle_of_apply_apply_eq_self hf hfx (by rw [h.2, h.1]);
rw [← this, this, mul_def, swap_swap, one_def]),
rw [mem_support, mem_erase, mem_support],
{ assume h,
refine not_or_distrib.1 (λ h₁, h₁.elim
(λ hyx, by simpa [hyx, mul_apply] using h) _),
assume hfy,
have hyx : x ≠ y := λ h, by rw h at hx; tauto,
have hyx : x ≠ y := λ h, by rw h at hfx; tauto,
have hfyx : f x ≠ y := by rwa [← hfy, ne.def, injective.eq_iff f.bijective.1],
simpa [mul_apply, hfy, swap_apply_of_ne_of_ne hyx.symm hfyx.symm] using h },
{ assume h,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -592,7 +593,7 @@ calc sign f = sign (swap x (f x) * (swap x (f x) * f)) :
card_support_swap hx.1.symm]; refl
have h : card (support (swap x (f x) * f)) + 1 = card (support f),
by rw [← insert_erase (mem_support.2 hx.1), support_swap_mul_cycle hf hx.1 h1,
by rw [← insert_erase (mem_support.2 hx.1), support_swap_mul_cycle hf h1,
card_insert_of_not_mem (not_mem_erase _ _)],
have wf : card (support (swap x (f x) * f)) < card (support f),
from h ▸ nat.lt_succ_self _,
Expand Down

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