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chore(data/setoid): split into basic and partition (#2853)
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The `basic` part has slightly fewer dependencies and `partition` part
is never used in `mathlib`.
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urkud committed May 29, 2020
1 parent 543ae52 commit 6c046c7
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Showing 4 changed files with 221 additions and 207 deletions.
239 changes: 36 additions & 203 deletions src/data/setoid.lean → src/data/setoid/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -3,16 +3,14 @@ Copyright (c) 2019 Amelia Livingston. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Amelia Livingston, Bryan Gin-ge Chen
import data.set.lattice
import order.galois_connection

# Equivalence relations
The first section of the file defines the complete lattice of equivalence relations
on a type, results about the inductively defined equivalence closure of a binary relation,
and the analogues of some isomorphism theorems for quotients of arbitrary types.
The second section comprises properties of equivalence relations viewed as partitions.
This file defines the complete lattice of equivalence relations on a type, results about the
inductively defined equivalence closure of a binary relation, and the analogues of some isomorphism
theorems for quotients of arbitrary types.
## Implementation notes
Expand All @@ -30,8 +28,7 @@ reason about them using the existing `setoid` and its infrastructure.
## Tags
setoid, equivalence, iseqv, relation, equivalence relation, partition, equivalence
setoid, equivalence, iseqv, relation, equivalence relation
variables {α : Type*} {β : Type*}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -72,7 +69,9 @@ def ker (f : α → β) : setoid α :=
@[simp] lemma ker_mk_eq (r : setoid α) : ker ( _ r) = r :=
ext' $ λ x y, quotient.eq

/-- Given types `α, β`, the product of two equivalence relations `r` on `α` and `s` on `β`:
lemma ker_def {f : α → β} {x y : α} : (ker f).rel x y ↔ f x = f y := iff.rfl

/-- Given types `α`, `β`, the product of two equivalence relations `r` on `α` and `s` on `β`:
`(x₁, x₂), (y₁, y₂) ∈ α × β` are related by ` s` iff `x₁` is related to `y₁`
by `r` and `x₂` is related to `y₂` by `s`. -/
protected def prod (r : setoid α) (s : setoid β) : setoid (α × β) :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -207,21 +206,25 @@ open function
of equivalence relations on α. -/
theorem injective_iff_ker_bot (f : α → β) :
injective f ↔ ker f = ⊥ :=
⟨λ hf, setoid.ext' $ λ x y, ⟨λ h, hf h, λ h, h ▸ rfl⟩,
λ hk x y h, show rel ⊥ x y, from hk ▸ (show (ker f).rel x y, from h)⟩
(@eq_bot_iff (setoid α) _ (ker f)).symm

/-- The elements related to x ∈ α by the kernel of f are those in the preimage of f(x) under f. -/
lemma ker_apply_eq_preimage (f : α → β) (x) : (ker f).rel x = f ⁻¹' {f x} :=
set.ext $ λ x,
⟨λ h, set.mem_preimage.2 (set.mem_singleton_iff.2 h.symm),
λ h, (set.mem_singleton_iff.1 (set.mem_preimage.1 h)).symm⟩
lemma ker_iff_mem_preimage {f : α → β} {x y} : (ker f).rel x y ↔ x ∈ f ⁻¹' {f y} :=

/-- Equivalence between functions `α → β` such that `r x y → f x = f y` and functions
`quotient r → β`. -/
def lift_equiv (r : setoid α) : {f : α → β // r ≤ ker f} ≃ (quotient r → β) :=
{ to_fun := λ f, quotient.lift (f : α → β) f.2,
inv_fun := λ f, ⟨f ∘, λ x y h, by simp [ker_def, quotient.sound h]⟩,
left_inv := λ ⟨f, hf⟩, subtype.eq $ funext $ λ x, rfl,
right_inv := λ f, funext $ λ x, quotient.induction_on' x $ λ x, rfl }

/-- The uniqueness part of the universal property for quotients of an arbitrary type. -/
theorem lift_unique {r : setoid α} {f : α → β} (H : r ≤ ker f) (g : quotient r → β)
(Hg : f = g ∘ : quotient.lift f H = g :=
rcases x,
ext ⟨x⟩,
erw [quotient.lift_beta f H, Hg],
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -253,8 +256,7 @@ noncomputable def quotient_ker_equiv_range :
/-- The quotient of α by the kernel of a surjective function f bijects with f's codomain. -/
noncomputable def quotient_ker_equiv_of_surjective (hf : surjective f) :
quotient (ker f) ≃ β :=
@equiv.of_bijective _ _ (@quotient.lift _ _ (ker f) f (λ _ _, id))
⟨injective_ker_lift f, λ y, exists.elim (hf y) $ λ w hw, ⟨' w, hw⟩⟩
(quotient_ker_equiv_range f).trans $ equiv.subtype_univ_equiv hf

variables {r f}

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -312,193 +314,24 @@ def quotient_quotient_equiv_quotient (s : setoid α) (h : r ≤ s) :

variables {r f}

open quotient

/-- Given an equivalence relation r on α, the order-preserving bijection between the set of
equivalence relations containing r and the equivalence relations on the quotient of α by r. -/
def correspondence (r : setoid α) : ((≤) : {s // r ≤ s} → {s // r ≤ s} → Prop) ≃o
((≤) : setoid (quotient r) → setoid (quotient r) → Prop) :=
{ to_fun := λ s, map_of_surjective s.1 ((ker_mk_eq r).symm ▸ s.2) exists_rep,
inv_fun := λ s, ⟨comap s, λ x y h, show s.rel ⟦x⟧ ⟦y⟧, by rw eq_rel.2 h⟩,
left_inv := λ s, subtype.ext.2 $ ext' $ λ _ _,
⟨λ h, let ⟨a, b, hx, hy, H⟩ := h in
s.1.trans' (s.1.symm' $ s.2 $ eq_rel.1 hx) $ s.1.trans' H $ s.2 $ eq_rel.1 hy,
λ h, ⟨_, _, rfl, rfl, h⟩⟩,
right_inv := λ s, let Hm : ker ≤ comap s :=
λ x y h, show s.rel ⟦x⟧ ⟦y⟧, by rw (@eq_rel _ r x y).2 ((ker_mk_eq r) ▸ h) in
ext' $ λ x y, ⟨λ h, let ⟨a, b, hx, hy, H⟩ := h in hx ▸ hy ▸ H,
quotient.induction_on₂ x y $ λ w z h, ⟨w, z, rfl, rfl, h⟩⟩,
ord' := λ s t, ⟨λ h x y hs, let ⟨a, b, hx, hy, Hs⟩ := hs in ⟨a, b, hx, hy, h Hs⟩,
λ h x y hs, let ⟨a, b, hx, hy, ht⟩ := h ⟨x, y, rfl, rfl, hs⟩ in
t.1.trans' (t.1.symm' $ t.2 $ eq_rel.1 hx) $ t.1.trans' ht $ t.2 $ eq_rel.1 hy⟩ }

### Partitions

/-- If x ∈ α is in 2 elements of a set of sets partitioning α, those 2 sets are equal. -/
lemma eq_of_mem_eqv_class {c : set (set α)} (H : ∀ a, ∃! b ∈ c, a ∈ b)
{x b b'} (hc : b ∈ c) (hb : x ∈ b) (hc' : b' ∈ c) (hb' : x ∈ b') :
b = b' :=
(H x).unique2 hc hb hc' hb'

/-- Makes an equivalence relation from a set of sets partitioning α. -/
def mk_classes (c : set (set α)) (H : ∀ a, ∃! b ∈ c, a ∈ b) :
setoid α :=
⟨λ x y, ∀ s ∈ c, x ∈ s → y ∈ s, ⟨λ _ _ _ hx, hx,
λ x y h s hs hy, (H x).elim2 $ λ t ht hx _,
have s = t, from eq_of_mem_eqv_class H hs hy ht (h t ht hx),
this.symm ▸ hx,
λ x y z h1 h2 s hs hx, (H y).elim2 $ λ t ht hy _, (H z).elim2 $ λ t' ht' hz _,
have hst : s = t, from eq_of_mem_eqv_class H hs (h1 _ hs hx) ht hy,
have htt' : t = t', from eq_of_mem_eqv_class H ht (h2 _ ht hy) ht' hz,
(hst.trans htt').symm ▸ hz⟩⟩

/-- Makes the equivalence classes of an equivalence relation. -/
def classes (r : setoid α) : set (set α) :=
{s | ∃ y, s = {x | r.rel x y}}

lemma mem_classes (r : setoid α) (y) : {x | r.rel x y} ∈ r.classes := ⟨y, rfl⟩

/-- Two equivalence relations are equal iff all their equivalence classes are equal. -/
lemma eq_iff_classes_eq {r₁ r₂ : setoid α} :
r₁ = r₂ ↔ ∀ x, {y | r₁.rel x y} = {y | r₂.rel x y} :=
⟨λ h x, h ▸ rfl, λ h, ext' $ λ x, set.ext_iff.1 $ h x⟩

lemma rel_iff_exists_classes (r : setoid α) {x y} :
r.rel x y ↔ ∃ c ∈ r.classes, x ∈ c ∧ y ∈ c :=
⟨λ h, ⟨_, r.mem_classes y, h, r.refl' y⟩,
λ ⟨c, ⟨z, hz⟩, hx, hy⟩, by { subst c, exact r.trans' hx (r.symm' hy) }⟩

/-- Two equivalence relations are equal iff their equivalence classes are equal. -/
lemma classes_inj {r₁ r₂ : setoid α} :
r₁ = r₂ ↔ r₁.classes = r₂.classes :=
⟨λ h, h ▸ rfl, λ h, ext' $ λ a b, by simp only [rel_iff_exists_classes, exists_prop, h] ⟩

/-- The empty set is not an equivalence class. -/
lemma empty_not_mem_classes {r : setoid α} : ∅ ∉ r.classes :=
λ ⟨y, hy⟩, set.not_mem_empty y $ hy.symm ▸ r.refl' y

/-- Equivalence classes partition the type. -/
lemma classes_eqv_classes {r : setoid α} (a) : ∃! b ∈ r.classes, a ∈ b :=
exists_unique.intro2 {x | r.rel x a} (r.mem_classes a) (r.refl' _) $
rintros _ ⟨y, rfl⟩ ha,
ext x,
exact ⟨λ hx, r.trans' hx (r.symm' ha), λ hx, r.trans' hx ha⟩

/-- If x ∈ α is in 2 equivalence classes, the equivalence classes are equal. -/
lemma eq_of_mem_classes {r : setoid α} {x b} (hc : b ∈ r.classes)
(hb : x ∈ b) {b'} (hc' : b' ∈ r.classes) (hb' : x ∈ b') : b = b' :=
eq_of_mem_eqv_class classes_eqv_classes hc hb hc' hb'

/-- The elements of a set of sets partitioning α are the equivalence classes of the
equivalence relation defined by the set of sets. -/
lemma eq_eqv_class_of_mem {c : set (set α)}
(H : ∀ a, ∃! b ∈ c, a ∈ b) {s y} (hs : s ∈ c) (hy : y ∈ s) :
s = {x | (mk_classes c H).rel x y} :=
set.ext $ λ x,
⟨λ hs', symm' (mk_classes c H) $ λ b' hb' h', eq_of_mem_eqv_class H hs hy hb' h' ▸ hs',
λ hx, (H x).elim2 $ λ b' hc' hb' h',
(eq_of_mem_eqv_class H hs hy hc' $ hx b' hc' hb').symm ▸ hb'⟩

/-- The equivalence classes of the equivalence relation defined by a set of sets
partitioning α are elements of the set of sets. -/
lemma eqv_class_mem {c : set (set α)} (H : ∀ a, ∃! b ∈ c, a ∈ b) {y} :
{x | (mk_classes c H).rel x y} ∈ c :=
(H y).elim2 $ λ b hc hy hb, eq_eqv_class_of_mem H hc hy ▸ hc

/-- Distinct elements of a set of sets partitioning α are disjoint. -/
lemma eqv_classes_disjoint {c : set (set α)} (H : ∀ a, ∃! b ∈ c, a ∈ b) :
set.pairwise_disjoint c :=
λ b₁ h₁ b₂ h₂ h, set.disjoint_left.2 $
λ x hx1 hx2, (H x).elim2 $ λ b hc hx hb, h $ eq_of_mem_eqv_class H h₁ hx1 h₂ hx2

/-- A set of disjoint sets covering α partition α (classical). -/
lemma eqv_classes_of_disjoint_union {c : set (set α)}
(hu : set.sUnion c = @set.univ α) (H : set.pairwise_disjoint c) (a) :
∃! b ∈ c, a ∈ b :=
let ⟨b, hc, ha⟩ := set.mem_sUnion.1 $ show a ∈ _, by rw hu; exact set.mem_univ a in
exists_unique.intro2 b hc ha $ λ b' hc' ha', H.elim hc' hc a ha' ha

/-- Makes an equivalence relation from a set of disjoints sets covering α. -/
def setoid_of_disjoint_union {c : set (set α)} (hu : set.sUnion c = @set.univ α)
(H : set.pairwise_disjoint c) : setoid α :=
setoid.mk_classes c $ eqv_classes_of_disjoint_union hu H

/-- The equivalence relation made from the equivalence classes of an equivalence
relation r equals r. -/
theorem mk_classes_classes (r : setoid α) :
mk_classes r.classes classes_eqv_classes = r :=
ext' $ λ x y, ⟨λ h, r.symm' (h {z | r.rel z x} (r.mem_classes x) $ r.refl' x),
λ h b hb hx, eq_of_mem_classes (r.mem_classes x) (r.refl' x) hb hx ▸ r.symm' h⟩

section partition

/-- A collection `c : set (set α)` of sets is a partition of `α` into pairwise
disjoint sets if `∅ ∉ c` and each element `a : α` belongs to a unique set `b ∈ c`. -/
def is_partition (c : set (set α)) :=
∅ ∉ c ∧ ∀ a, ∃! b ∈ c, a ∈ b

/-- A partition of `α` does not contain the empty set. -/
lemma nonempty_of_mem_partition {c : set (set α)} (hc : is_partition c) {s} (h : s ∈ c) :
s.nonempty :=
set.ne_empty_iff_nonempty.1 $ λ hs0, hc.1 $ hs0 ▸ h

/-- All elements of a partition of α are the equivalence class of some y ∈ α. -/
lemma exists_of_mem_partition {c : set (set α)} (hc : is_partition c) {s} (hs : s ∈ c) :
∃ y, s = {x | (mk_classes c hc.2).rel x y} :=
let ⟨y, hy⟩ := nonempty_of_mem_partition hc hs in
⟨y, eq_eqv_class_of_mem hc.2 hs hy⟩

/-- The equivalence classes of the equivalence relation defined by a partition of α equal
the original partition. -/
theorem classes_mk_classes (c : set (set α)) (hc : is_partition c) :
(mk_classes c hc.2).classes = c :=
set.ext $ λ s,
⟨λ ⟨y, hs⟩, (hc.2 y).elim2 $ λ b hm hb hy,
by rwa (show s = b, from hs.symm ▸ set.ext
(λ x, ⟨λ hx, symm' (mk_classes c hc.2) hx b hm hb,
λ hx b' hc' hx', eq_of_mem_eqv_class hc.2 hm hx hc' hx' ▸ hb⟩)),
exists_of_mem_partition hc⟩

/-- Defining `≤` on partitions as the `≤` defined on their induced equivalence relations. -/
instance partition.le : has_le (subtype (@is_partition α)) :=
⟨λ x y, mk_classes x.1 x.2.2 ≤ mk_classes y.1 y.2.2

/-- Defining a partial order on partitions as the partial order on their induced
equivalence relations. -/
instance partition.partial_order : partial_order (subtype (@is_partition α)) :=
{ le := (≤),
lt := λ x y, x ≤ y ∧ ¬y ≤ x,
le_refl := λ _, @le_refl (setoid α) _ _,
le_trans := λ _ _ _, @le_trans (setoid α) _ _ _ _,
lt_iff_le_not_le := λ _ _, iff.rfl,
le_antisymm := λ x y hx hy, let h := @le_antisymm (setoid α) _ _ _ hx hy in by
rw [subtype.ext, ←classes_mk_classes x.1 x.2, ←classes_mk_classes y.1 y.2, h] }

variables (α)

/-- The order-preserving bijection between equivalence relations and partitions of sets. -/
def partition.order_iso :
((≤) : setoid α → setoid α → Prop) ≃o (@setoid.partition.partial_order α).le :=
{ to_fun := λ r, ⟨r.classes, empty_not_mem_classes, classes_eqv_classes⟩,
inv_fun := λ x, mk_classes x.1 x.2.2,
left_inv := mk_classes_classes,
right_inv := λ x, by rw [subtype.ext, ←classes_mk_classes x.1 x.2],
ord' := λ x y, by conv {to_lhs, rw [←mk_classes_classes x, ←mk_classes_classes y]}; refl }

variables {α}

/-- A complete lattice instance for partitions; there is more infrastructure for the
equivalent complete lattice on equivalence relations. -/
instance partition.complete_lattice : complete_lattice (subtype (@is_partition α)) :=
galois_insertion.lift_complete_lattice $ @order_iso.to_galois_insertion
_ (subtype (@is_partition α)) _ (partial_order.to_preorder _) $ partition.order_iso α

end partition
def correspondence (r : setoid α) : ((≤) : {s // r ≤ s} → {s // r ≤ s} → Prop) ≃o
((≤) : setoid (quotient r) → setoid (quotient r) → Prop) :=
{ to_fun := λ s, map_of_surjective s.1 ((ker_mk_eq r).symm ▸ s.2) exists_rep,
inv_fun := λ s, ⟨comap s, λ x y h, show s.rel ⟦x⟧ ⟦y⟧, by rw eq_rel.2 h⟩,
left_inv := λ s, subtype.ext.2 $ ext' $ λ _ _,
⟨λ h, let ⟨a, b, hx, hy, H⟩ := h in
s.1.trans' (s.1.symm' $ s.2 $ eq_rel.1 hx) $ s.1.trans' H $ s.2 $ eq_rel.1 hy,
λ h, ⟨_, _, rfl, rfl, h⟩⟩,
right_inv := λ s, let Hm : ker ≤ comap s :=
λ x y h, show s.rel ⟦x⟧ ⟦y⟧, by rw (@eq_rel _ r x y).2 ((ker_mk_eq r) ▸ h) in
ext' $ λ x y, ⟨λ h, let ⟨a, b, hx, hy, H⟩ := h in hx ▸ hy ▸ H,
quotient.induction_on₂ x y $ λ w z h, ⟨w, z, rfl, rfl, h⟩⟩,
ord' := λ s t, ⟨λ h x y hs, let ⟨a, b, hx, hy, Hs⟩ := hs in ⟨a, b, hx, hy, h Hs⟩,
λ h x y hs, let ⟨a, b, hx, hy, ht⟩ := h ⟨x, y, rfl, rfl, hs⟩ in
t.1.trans' (t.1.symm' $ t.2 $ eq_rel.1 hx) $ t.1.trans' ht $ t.2 $ eq_rel.1 hy⟩ }

end setoid

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