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feat(ring_theory/artinian): Artinian modules (#9009)
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Co-authored-by: Chris Hughes <>
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ChrisHughes24 and ChrisHughes24 committed Sep 10, 2021
1 parent 2410c1f commit 6d2cbf9
Showing 1 changed file with 380 additions and 0 deletions.
380 changes: 380 additions & 0 deletions src/ring_theory/artinian.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,380 @@
Copyright (c) 2021 Chris Hughes. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Chris Hughes
import linear_algebra.basic
import linear_algebra.pi
import data.set_like.fintype
import linear_algebra.linear_independent
import tactic.linarith
import algebra.algebra.basic
import ring_theory.noetherian

# Artinian rings and modules
A module satisfying these equivalent conditions is said to be an *Artinian* R-module
if every decreasing chain of submodules is eventually constant, or equivalently,
if the relation `<` on submodules is well founded.
A ring is an *Artinian ring* if it is Artinian as a module over itself.
(Note that we do not assume yet that our rings are commutative,
so perhaps this should be called "left Artinian".
To avoid cumbersome names once we specialize to the commutative case,
we don't make this explicit in the declaration names.)
## Main definitions
Let `R` be a ring and let `M` and `P` be `R`-modules. Let `N` be an `R`-submodule of `M`.
* `is_artinian R M` is the proposition that `M` is a Artinian `R`-module. It is a class,
implemented as the predicate that the `<` relation on submodules is well founded.
## References
* [M. F. Atiyah and I. G. Macdonald, *Introduction to commutative algebra*][atiyah-macdonald]
* [samuel]
## Tags
Artinian, artinian, Artinian ring, Artinian module, artinian ring, artinian module
open set
open_locale big_operators pointwise

`is_artinian R M` is the proposition that `M` is an Artinian `R`-module,
implemented as the well-foundedness of submodule inclusion.
class is_artinian (R M) [semiring R] [add_comm_monoid M] [module R M] : Prop :=
(well_founded_submodule_lt [] : well_founded ((<) : submodule R M → submodule R M → Prop))

variables {R : Type*} {M : Type*} {P : Type*} {N : Type*}
variables [ring R] [add_comm_group M] [add_comm_group P] [add_comm_group N]
variables [module R M] [module R P] [module R N]
open is_artinian
include R

theorem is_artinian_of_injective (f : M →ₗ[R] P) (h : function.injective f)
[is_artinian R P] : is_artinian R M :=
(λ A B hAB, show f < f,
from submodule.map_strict_mono_of_injective h hAB)
( ( f) (is_artinian.well_founded_submodule_lt R P))⟩

instance is_artinian_submodule' [is_artinian R M] (N : submodule R M) : is_artinian R N :=
is_artinian_of_injective N.subtype subtype.val_injective

lemma is_artinian_of_le {s t : submodule R M} [ht : is_artinian R t]
(h : s ≤ t) : is_artinian R s :=
is_artinian_of_injective (submodule.of_le h) (submodule.of_le_injective h)

variable (M)
theorem is_artinian_of_surjective (f : M →ₗ[R] P) (hf : function.surjective f)
[is_artinian R M] : is_artinian R P :=
(λ A B hAB, show A.comap f < B.comap f,
from submodule.comap_strict_mono_of_surjective hf hAB)
( (submodule.comap f) (is_artinian.well_founded_submodule_lt _ _))⟩
variable {M}

theorem is_artinian_of_linear_equiv (f : M ≃ₗ[R] P)
[is_artinian R M] : is_artinian R P :=
is_artinian_of_surjective _ f.to_linear_map f.to_equiv.surjective

theorem is_artinian_of_range_eq_ker
[is_artinian R M] [is_artinian R P]
(f : M →ₗ[R] N) (g : N →ₗ[R] P)
(hf : function.injective f)
(hg : function.surjective g)
(h : f.range = g.ker) :
is_artinian R N :=
(is_artinian.well_founded_submodule_lt _ _)
(is_artinian.well_founded_submodule_lt _ _)
( f)
(submodule.comap f)
(submodule.comap g)
( g)
(submodule.gci_map_comap hf)
(submodule.gi_map_comap hg)
(by simp [linear_map.map_comap_eq, inf_comm])
(by simp [linear_map.comap_map_eq, h])⟩

instance is_artinian_prod [is_artinian R M]
[is_artinian R P] : is_artinian R (M × P) :=
(linear_map.inl R M P)
(linear_map.snd R M P)
(linear_map.range_inl R M P)

@[instance, priority 100]
lemma is_artinian_of_fintype [fintype M] : is_artinian R M :=
⟨fintype.well_founded_of_trans_of_irrefl _⟩

local attribute [elab_as_eliminator] fintype.induction_empty_option

instance is_artinian_pi {R ι : Type*} [fintype ι] : Π {M : ι → Type*} [ring R]
[Π i, add_comm_group (M i)], by exactI Π [Π i, module R (M i)],
by exactI Π [∀ i, is_artinian R (M i)], is_artinian R (Π i, M i) :=
introsI α β e hα M _ _ _ _,
exact is_artinian_of_linear_equiv
(linear_equiv.Pi_congr_left R M e)
(by { introsI M _ _ _ _, apply_instance })
introsI α _ ih M _ _ _ _,
exact is_artinian_of_linear_equiv
(linear_equiv.pi_option_equiv_prod R).symm,

/-- A version of `is_artinian_pi` for non-dependent functions. We need this instance because
sometimes Lean fails to apply the dependent version in non-dependent settings (e.g., it fails to
prove that `ι → ℝ` is finite dimensional over `ℝ`). -/
instance is_artinian_pi' {R ι M : Type*} [ring R] [add_comm_group M] [module R M] [fintype ι]
[is_artinian R M] : is_artinian R (ι → M) :=


open is_artinian submodule function

variables {R M : Type*} [ring R] [add_comm_group M] [module R M]

theorem is_artinian_iff_well_founded :
is_artinian R M ↔ well_founded ((<) : submodule R M → submodule R M → Prop) :=
⟨λ h, h.1,⟩

variables {R M}

lemma is_artinian.finite_of_linear_independent [nontrivial R] [is_artinian R M]
{s : set M} (hs : linear_independent R (coe : s → M)) : s.finite :=
refine classical.by_contradiction (λ hf, (rel_embedding.well_founded_iff_no_descending_seq.1
(well_founded_submodule_lt R M)).elim' _),
have f : ℕ ↪ s, from @infinite.nat_embedding s ⟨λ f, hf ⟨f⟩⟩,
have : ∀ n, (coe ∘ f) '' {m | n ≤ m} ⊆ s,
{ rintros n x ⟨y, hy₁, hy₂⟩, subst hy₂, exact (f y).2 },
have : ∀ a b : ℕ, a ≤ b ↔
span R ((coe ∘ f) '' {m | b ≤ m}) ≤ span R ((coe ∘ f) '' {m | a ≤ m}),
{ assume a b,
rw [span_le_span_iff hs (this b) (this a),
set.image_subset_image_iff (subtype.coe_injective.comp f.injective),
simp only [set.mem_set_of_eq],
exact ⟨λ hab x, le_trans hab, λ h, (h _ (le_refl _))⟩ },
exact ⟨⟨λ n, span R ((coe ∘ f) '' {m | n ≤ m}),
λ x y, by simp [le_antisymm_iff, (this _ _).symm] {contextual := tt}⟩,
intros a b,
conv_rhs { rw [gt, lt_iff_le_not_le, this, this, ← lt_iff_le_not_le] },

/-- A module is Artinian iff every nonempty set of submodules has a minimal submodule among them.
theorem set_has_minimal_iff_artinrian :
(∀ a : set $ submodule R M, a.nonempty → ∃ M' ∈ a, ∀ I ∈ a, I ≤ M' → I = M') ↔
is_artinian R M :=
by rw [is_artinian_iff_well_founded, well_founded.well_founded_iff_has_min']

/-- A module is Noetherian iff every decreasing chain of submodules stabilizes. -/
theorem monotone_stabilizes_iff_artinian :
(∀ (f : ℕ →ₘ order_dual (submodule R M)), ∃ n, ∀ m, n ≤ m → f n = f m)
↔ is_artinian R M :=
by rw [is_artinian_iff_well_founded];
exact (well_founded.monotone_chain_condition (order_dual (submodule R M))).symm

/-- If `∀ I > J, P I` implies `P J`, then `P` holds for all submodules. -/
lemma is_artinian.induction [is_artinian R M] {P : submodule R M → Prop}
(hgt : ∀ I, (∀ J < I, P J) → P I) (I : submodule R M) : P I :=
well_founded.recursion (well_founded_submodule_lt R M) I hgt

For any endomorphism of a Artinian module, there is some nontrivial iterate
with disjoint kernel and range.
theorem is_artinian.exists_endomorphism_iterate_ker_sup_range_eq_top
[I : is_artinian R M] (f : M →ₗ[R] M) : ∃ n : ℕ, n ≠ 0 ∧ (f ^ n).ker ⊔ (f ^ n).range = ⊤ :=
obtain ⟨n, w⟩ := monotone_stabilizes_iff_artinian.mpr I
(f.iterate_range.comp ⟨λ n, n+1, λ n m w, by linarith⟩),
specialize w ((n + 1) + n) (by linarith),
dsimp at w,
refine ⟨n + 1, nat.succ_ne_zero _, _⟩,
simp_rw [eq_top_iff', mem_sup],
intro x,
have : (f^(n + 1)) x ∈ (f ^ ((n + 1) + n + 1)).range,
{ rw ← w, exact mem_range_self _ },
rcases this with ⟨y, hy⟩,
use x - (f ^ (n+1)) y,
{ rw [linear_map.mem_ker, linear_map.map_sub, ← hy, sub_eq_zero, pow_add],
simp [iterate_add_apply], },
{ use (f^ (n+1)) y,
simp }

/-- Any injective endomorphism of an Artinian module is surjective. -/
theorem is_artinian.surjective_of_injective_endomorphism [is_artinian R M]
(f : M →ₗ[R] M) (s : injective f) : surjective f :=
obtain ⟨n, ne, w⟩ := is_artinian.exists_endomorphism_iterate_ker_sup_range_eq_top f,
rw [linear_map.ker_eq_bot.mpr (linear_map.iterate_injective s n), bot_sup_eq,
linear_map.range_eq_top] at w,
exact linear_map.surjective_of_iterate_surjective ne w,

/-- Any injective endomorphism of an Artinian module is bijective. -/
theorem is_artinian.bijective_of_injective_endomorphism [is_artinian R M]
(f : M →ₗ[R] M) (s : injective f) : bijective f :=
⟨s, is_artinian.surjective_of_injective_endomorphism f s⟩

A sequence `f` of submodules of a artinian module,
with the supremum `f (n+1)` and the infinum of `f 0`, ..., `f n` being ⊤,
is eventually ⊤.
lemma is_artinian.disjoint_partial_infs_eventually_top [I : is_artinian R M]
(f : ℕ → submodule R M) (h : ∀ n, disjoint
(partial_sups (order_dual.to_dual ∘ f) n) (order_dual.to_dual (f (n+1)))) :
∃ n : ℕ, ∀ m, n ≤ m → f m = ⊤ :=
-- A little off-by-one cleanup first:
suffices t : ∃ n : ℕ, ∀ m, n ≤ m → order_dual.to_dual f (m+1) = ⊤,
{ obtain ⟨n, w⟩ := t,
use n+1,
rintros (_|m) p,
{ cases p, },
{ apply w,
exact p }, },

obtain ⟨n, w⟩ := monotone_stabilizes_iff_artinian.mpr I (partial_sups (order_dual.to_dual ∘ f)),
exact ⟨n, (λ m p, eq_bot_of_disjoint_absorbs (h m)
((eq.symm (w (m + 1) (le_add_right p))).trans (w m p)))⟩

universe w
variables {N : Type w} [add_comm_group N] [module R N]

-- TODO: Prove this for artinian modules
-- /--
-- If `M ⊕ N` embeds into `M`, for `M` noetherian over `R`, then `N` is trivial.
-- -/
-- noncomputable def is_noetherian.equiv_punit_of_prod_injective [is_noetherian R M]
-- (f : M × N →ₗ[R] M) (i : injective f) : N ≃ₗ[R] punit.{w+1} :=
-- begin
-- apply nonempty.some,
-- obtain ⟨n, w⟩ := is_noetherian.disjoint_partial_sups_eventually_bot (f.tailing i)
-- (f.tailings_disjoint_tailing i),
-- specialize w n (le_refl n),
-- apply nonempty.intro,
-- refine (f.tailing_linear_equiv i n).symm.trans _,
-- rw w,
-- exact submodule.bot_equiv_punit,
-- end


A ring is Artinian if it is Artinian as a module over itself.
class is_artinian_ring (R) [ring R] extends is_artinian R R : Prop

theorem is_artinian_ring_iff {R} [ring R] : is_artinian_ring R ↔ is_artinian R R :=
⟨λ h, h.1, _ _⟩

theorem ring.is_artinian_of_zero_eq_one {R} [ring R] (h01 : (0 : R) = 1) : is_artinian_ring R :=
by haveI := subsingleton_of_zero_eq_one h01;
haveI := fintype.of_subsingleton (0:R); split;

theorem is_artinian_of_submodule_of_artinian (R M) [ring R] [add_comm_group M] [module R M]
(N : submodule R M) (h : is_artinian R M) : is_artinian R N :=
by apply_instance

theorem is_artinian_of_quotient_of_artinian (R) [ring R] (M) [add_comm_group M] [module R M]
(N : submodule R M) (h : is_artinian R M) : is_artinian R N.quotient :=
is_artinian_of_surjective M (submodule.mkq N) (submodule.quotient.mk_surjective N)

/-- If `M / S / R` is a scalar tower, and `M / R` is Artinian, then `M / S` is
also Artinian. -/
theorem is_artinian_of_tower (R) {S M} [comm_ring R] [ring S]
[add_comm_group M] [algebra R S] [module S M] [module R M] [is_scalar_tower R S M]
(h : is_artinian R M) : is_artinian S M :=
rw is_artinian_iff_well_founded at h ⊢,
refine (submodule.restrict_scalars_embedding R S M).well_founded h

theorem is_artinian_of_fg_of_artinian {R M} [ring R] [add_comm_group M] [module R M]
(N : submodule R M) [is_artinian_ring R] (hN : N.fg) : is_artinian R N :=
let ⟨s, hs⟩ := hN in
haveI := classical.dec_eq M,
haveI := classical.dec_eq R,
letI : is_artinian R R := by apply_instance,
have : ∀ x ∈ s, x ∈ N, from λ x hx, hs ▸ submodule.subset_span hx,
refine @@is_artinian_of_surjective ((↑s : set M) → R) _ _ _ (pi.module _ _ _)
_ _ _ is_artinian_pi,
{ fapply,
{ exact λ f, ⟨∑ i in s.attach, f i • i.1, N.sum_mem (λ c _, N.smul_mem _ $ this _ c.2)⟩ },
{ intros f g, apply subtype.eq,
change ∑ i in s.attach, (f i + g i) • _ = _,
simp only [add_smul, finset.sum_add_distrib], refl },
{ intros c f, apply subtype.eq,
change ∑ i in s.attach, (c • f i) • _ = _,
simp only [smul_eq_mul, mul_smul],
exact finset.smul_sum.symm } },
rintro ⟨n, hn⟩, change n ∈ N at hn,
rw [← hs, ← set.image_id ↑s, finsupp.mem_span_image_iff_total] at hn,
rcases hn with ⟨l, hl1, hl2⟩,
refine ⟨λ x, l x, subtype.ext _⟩,
change ∑ i in s.attach, l i • (i : M) = n,
rw [@finset.sum_attach M M s _ (λ i, l i • i), ← hl2,
finsupp.total_apply, finsupp.sum, eq_comm],
refine finset.sum_subset hl1 (λ x _ hx, _),
rw [finsupp.not_mem_support_iff.1 hx, zero_smul]

lemma is_artinian_of_fg_of_artinian' {R M} [ring R] [add_comm_group M] [module R M]
[is_artinian_ring R] (h : (⊤ : submodule R M).fg) : is_artinian R M :=
have is_artinian R (⊤ : submodule R M), from is_artinian_of_fg_of_artinian _ h,
by exactI is_artinian_of_linear_equiv (linear_equiv.of_top (⊤ : submodule R M) rfl)

/-- In a module over a artinian ring, the submodule generated by finitely many vectors is
artinian. -/
theorem is_artinian_span_of_finite (R) {M} [ring R] [add_comm_group M] [module R M]
[is_artinian_ring R] {A : set M} (hA : finite A) : is_artinian R (submodule.span R A) :=
is_artinian_of_fg_of_artinian _ (submodule.fg_def.mpr ⟨A, hA, rfl⟩)

theorem is_artinian_ring_of_surjective (R) [comm_ring R] (S) [comm_ring S]
(f : R →+* S) (hf : function.surjective f)
[H : is_artinian_ring R] : is_artinian_ring S :=
rw [is_artinian_ring_iff, is_artinian_iff_well_founded] at H ⊢,
exact order_embedding.well_founded (ideal.order_embedding_of_surjective f hf) H,

instance is_artinian_ring_range {R} [comm_ring R] {S} [comm_ring S] (f : R →+* S)
[is_artinian_ring R] : is_artinian_ring f.range :=
is_artinian_ring_of_surjective R f.range f.range_restrict

theorem is_artinian_ring_of_ring_equiv (R) [comm_ring R] {S} [comm_ring S]
(f : R ≃+* S) [is_artinian_ring R] : is_artinian_ring S :=
is_artinian_ring_of_surjective R S f.to_ring_hom f.to_equiv.surjective

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