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refactor(data/real/basic): make ℝ a structure (#6024)
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gebner committed Feb 4, 2021
1 parent d293822 commit 7734d38
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Showing 6 changed files with 169 additions and 69 deletions.
7 changes: 5 additions & 2 deletions src/analysis/specific_limits.lean
Expand Up @@ -188,8 +188,11 @@ metric.mk_uniformity_basis (λ i _, pow_pos h₀ _) $ λ ε ε0,
lemma geom_lt {u : ℕ → ℝ} {c : ℝ} (hc : 0 ≤ c) {n : ℕ} (hn : 0 < n)
(h : ∀ k < n, c * u k < u (k + 1)) :
c ^ n * u 0 < u n :=
(monotone_mul_left_of_nonneg hc).seq_pos_lt_seq_of_le_of_lt hn (by simp)
(λ k hk, by simp [pow_succ, mul_assoc]) h
refine (monotone_mul_left_of_nonneg hc).seq_pos_lt_seq_of_le_of_lt hn _ _ h,
{ simp },
{ simp [pow_succ, mul_assoc, le_refl] }

lemma geom_le {u : ℕ → ℝ} {c : ℝ} (hc : 0 ≤ c) (n : ℕ) (h : ∀ k < n, c * u k ≤ u (k + 1)) :
c ^ n * u 0 ≤ u n :=
Expand Down
214 changes: 150 additions & 64 deletions src/data/real/basic.lean
Expand Up @@ -13,17 +13,57 @@ import

/-- The type `ℝ` of real numbers constructed as equivalence classes of Cauchy sequences of rational
numbers. -/
def real := @cau_seq.completion.Cauchy ℚ _ _ _ abs _
structure real := of_cauchy ::
(cauchy : @cau_seq.completion.Cauchy ℚ _ _ _ abs _)
notation `ℝ` := real

attribute [pp_using_anonymous_constructor] real

namespace real
open cau_seq cau_seq.completion

variables {x y : ℝ}

def comm_ring_aux : comm_ring ℝ := Cauchy.comm_ring
lemma ext_cauchy_iff : ∀ {x y : real}, x = y ↔ x.cauchy = y.cauchy
| ⟨a⟩ ⟨b⟩ := by split; cc

lemma ext_cauchy {x y : real} : x.cauchy = y.cauchy → x = y :=

/-- The real numbers are isomorphic to the quotient of Cauchy sequences on the rationals. -/
def equiv_Cauchy : ℝ ≃ cau_seq.completion.Cauchy :=
⟨real.cauchy, real.of_cauchy, λ ⟨_⟩, rfl, λ _, rfl⟩

-- irreducible doesn't work for instances:
@[irreducible] private def zero : ℝ := ⟨0
@[irreducible] private def one : ℝ := ⟨1
@[irreducible] private def add : ℝ → ℝ → ℝ | ⟨a⟩ ⟨b⟩ := ⟨a + b⟩
@[irreducible] private def neg : ℝ → ℝ | ⟨a⟩ := ⟨-a⟩
@[irreducible] private def mul : ℝ → ℝ → ℝ | ⟨a⟩ ⟨b⟩ := ⟨a * b⟩

instance : comm_ring ℝ := { ..comm_ring_aux }
instance : has_zero ℝ := ⟨zero⟩
instance : has_one ℝ := ⟨one⟩
instance : has_add ℝ := ⟨add⟩
instance : has_neg ℝ := ⟨neg⟩
instance : has_mul ℝ := ⟨mul⟩

lemma zero_cauchy : (⟨0⟩ : ℝ) = 0 := show _ = zero, by rw zero
lemma one_cauchy : (⟨1⟩ : ℝ) = 1 := show _ = one, by rw one
lemma add_cauchy {a b} : (⟨a⟩ + ⟨b⟩ : ℝ) = ⟨a + b⟩ := show add _ _ = _, by rw add
lemma neg_cauchy {a} : (-⟨a⟩ : ℝ) = ⟨-a⟩ := show neg _ = _, by rw neg
lemma mul_cauchy {a b} : (⟨a⟩ * ⟨b⟩ : ℝ) = ⟨a * b⟩ := show mul _ _ = _, by rw mul

instance : comm_ring ℝ :=
refine_struct { zero := 0, one := 1, mul := (*),
add := (+), neg := @has_neg.neg ℝ _, sub := λ a b, a + (-b) },
all_goals {
repeat { rintro ⟨_⟩, },
simp [← zero_cauchy, ← one_cauchy, add_cauchy, neg_cauchy, mul_cauchy],
apply add_assoc <|> apply add_comm <|> apply mul_assoc <|> apply mul_comm <|>
apply left_distrib <|> apply right_distrib <|> apply sub_eq_add_neg <|> skip

/- Extra instances to short-circuit type class resolution -/
instance : ring ℝ := by apply_instance
Expand All @@ -41,71 +81,112 @@ instance : comm_monoid ℝ := by apply_instance
instance : monoid ℝ := by apply_instance
instance : comm_semigroup ℝ := by apply_instance
instance : semigroup ℝ := by apply_instance
instance : has_sub ℝ := by apply_instance
instance : inhabited ℝ := ⟨0

/-- The real numbers are a *-ring, with the trivial *-structure. -/
instance : star_ring ℝ := star_ring_of_comm

/-- Coercion `ℚ` → `ℝ` as a `ring_hom`. Note that this
is `cau_seq.completion.of_rat`, not `rat.cast`. -/
def of_rat : ℚ →+* ℝ := ⟨of_rat, rfl, of_rat_mul, rfl, of_rat_add⟩
def of_rat : ℚ →+* ℝ :=
by refine_struct { to_fun := of_cauchy ∘ of_rat };
simp [of_rat_one, of_rat_zero, of_rat_mul, of_rat_add,
one_cauchy, zero_cauchy, ← mul_cauchy, ← add_cauchy]

lemma of_rat_apply (x : ℚ) : of_rat x = of_cauchy (cau_seq.completion.of_rat x) := rfl

/-- Make a real number from a Cauchy sequence of rationals (by taking the equivalence class). -/
def mk (x : cau_seq ℚ abs) : ℝ := x
def mk (x : cau_seq ℚ abs) : ℝ := x

theorem of_rat_sub (x y : ℚ) : of_rat (x - y) = of_rat x - of_rat y :=
congr_arg mk (const_sub _ _)
theorem mk_eq {f g : cau_seq ℚ abs} : mk f = mk g ↔ f ≈ g :=
ext_cauchy_iff.trans mk_eq

instance : has_lt ℝ :=
⟨λ x y, quotient.lift_on₂ x y (<) $
private def lt : ℝ → ℝ → Prop | ⟨x⟩ ⟨y⟩ :=
quotient.lift_on₂ x y (<) $
λ f₁ g₁ f₂ g₂ hf hg, propext $
⟨λ h, lt_of_eq_of_lt (setoid.symm hf) (lt_of_lt_of_eq h hg),
λ h, lt_of_eq_of_lt hf (lt_of_lt_of_eq h (setoid.symm hg))⟩
λ h, lt_of_eq_of_lt hf (lt_of_lt_of_eq h (setoid.symm hg))⟩

@[simp] theorem mk_lt {f g : cau_seq ℚ abs} : mk f < mk g ↔ f < g := iff.rfl
instance : has_lt ℝ := ⟨lt⟩

theorem mk_eq {f g : cau_seq ℚ abs} : mk f = mk g ↔ f g := mk_eq
lemma lt_cauchy {f g} : (⟨⟦f⟧⟩ : ℝ) < ⟨⟦g⟧⟩ ↔ f < g := show lt _ _ ↔ _, by rw lt; refl

theorem quotient_mk_eq_mk (f : cau_seq ℚ abs) : ⟦f⟧ = mk f := rfl
@[simp] theorem mk_lt {f g : cau_seq ℚ abs} : mk f < mk g ↔ f < g :=

theorem mk_eq_mk {f : cau_seq ℚ abs} : f = mk f := rfl
lemma mk_zero : mk 0 = 0 := by rw ← zero_cauchy; refl
lemma mk_one : mk 1 = 1 := by rw ← one_cauchy; refl
lemma mk_add {f g : cau_seq ℚ abs} : mk (f + g) = mk f + mk g := by simp [mk, add_cauchy]
lemma mk_mul {f g : cau_seq ℚ abs} : mk (f * g) = mk f * mk g := by simp [mk, mul_cauchy]
lemma mk_neg {f : cau_seq ℚ abs} : mk (-f) = -mk f := by simp [mk, neg_cauchy]

@[simp] theorem mk_pos {f : cau_seq ℚ abs} : 0 < mk f ↔ pos f :=
iff_of_eq (congr_arg pos (sub_zero f))
by rw [← mk_zero, mk_lt]; exact iff_of_eq (congr_arg pos (sub_zero f))

protected def le (x y : ℝ) : Prop := x < y ∨ x = y
instance : has_le ℝ := ⟨real.le⟩
@[irreducible] private def le (x y : ℝ) : Prop := x < y ∨ x = y
instance : has_le ℝ := ⟨le⟩
private lemma le_def {x y : ℝ} : x ≤ y ↔ x < y ∨ x = y := show le _ _ ↔ _, by rw le

@[simp] theorem mk_le {f g : cau_seq ℚ abs} : mk f ≤ mk g ↔ f ≤ g :=
or_congr iff.rfl quotient.eq
by simp [le_def, mk_eq]; refl

protected lemma ind_mk {C : real → Prop} (x : real) (h : ∀ y, C (mk y)) : C x :=
cases x with x,
induction x using quot.induction_on with x,
exact h x

theorem add_lt_add_iff_left {a b : ℝ} (c : ℝ) : c + a < c + b ↔ a < b :=
quotient.induction_on₃ a b c (λ f g h,
iff_of_eq (congr_arg pos $ by rw add_sub_add_left_eq_sub))
induction a using real.ind_mk,
induction b using real.ind_mk,
induction c using real.ind_mk,
simp only [mk_lt, ← mk_add],
show pos _ ↔ pos _, rw add_sub_add_left_eq_sub

instance : partial_order ℝ :=
{ le := (≤), lt := (<),
le_refl := λ a, or.inr rfl,
le_trans := λ a b c, quotient.induction_on₃ a b c $
λ f g h, by simpa [quotient_mk_eq_mk] using le_trans,
lt_iff_le_not_le := λ a b, quotient.induction_on₂ a b $
λ f g, by simpa [quotient_mk_eq_mk] using lt_iff_le_not_le,
le_antisymm := λ a b, quotient.induction_on₂ a b $
λ f g, by simpa [mk_eq, quotient_mk_eq_mk] using @cau_seq.le_antisymm _ _ f g }
lt_iff_le_not_le := λ a b, real.ind_mk a $ λ a, real.ind_mk b $ λ b,
by simpa using lt_iff_le_not_le,
le_refl := λ a, a.ind_mk (by intro a; rw mk_le),
le_trans := λ a b c, real.ind_mk a $ λ a, real.ind_mk b $ λ b, real.ind_mk c $ λ c,
by simpa using le_trans,
lt_iff_le_not_le := λ a b, real.ind_mk a $ λ a, real.ind_mk b $ λ b,
by simpa using lt_iff_le_not_le,
le_antisymm := λ a b, real.ind_mk a $ λ a, real.ind_mk b $ λ b,
by simpa [mk_eq] using @cau_seq.le_antisymm _ _ a b }

instance : preorder ℝ := by apply_instance

theorem of_rat_lt {x y : ℚ} : of_rat x < of_rat y ↔ x < y := const_lt
theorem of_rat_lt {x y : ℚ} : of_rat x < of_rat y ↔ x < y :=
rw [mk_lt] {md := tactic.transparency.semireducible},
exact const_lt

protected theorem zero_lt_one : (0 : ℝ) < 1 := of_rat_lt.2 zero_lt_one
protected theorem zero_lt_one : (0 : ℝ) < 1 :=
by convert of_rat_lt.2 zero_lt_one; simp

protected theorem mul_pos {a b : ℝ} : 0 < a → 0 < b → 0 < a * b :=
quotient.induction_on₂ a b $ λ f g,
show pos (f - 0) → pos (g - 0) → pos (f * g - 0),
by simpa using cau_seq.mul_pos
induction a using real.ind_mk with a,
induction b using real.ind_mk with b,
simpa only [mk_lt, mk_pos, ← mk_mul] using cau_seq.mul_pos

instance : ordered_ring ℝ :=
{ add_le_add_left := λ a b h c, h.imp (real.add_lt_add_iff_left c).2 (λ h, h ▸ rfl),
{ add_le_add_left :=
simp only [le_iff_eq_or_lt],
rintros a b ⟨rfl, h⟩,
{ simp },
{ exact λ c, or.inr ((add_lt_add_iff_left c).2 ‹_›) }
zero_le_one := le_of_lt real.zero_lt_one,
mul_pos := @real.mul_pos,
.. real.comm_ring, .. real.partial_order, .. real.semiring }
Expand All @@ -114,18 +195,17 @@ instance : ordered_semiring ℝ := by apply_instance
instance : ordered_add_comm_group ℝ := by apply_instance
instance : ordered_cancel_add_comm_monoid ℝ := by apply_instance
instance : ordered_add_comm_monoid ℝ := by apply_instance
instance : has_one ℝ := by apply_instance
instance : has_zero ℝ := by apply_instance
instance : has_mul ℝ := by apply_instance
instance : has_add ℝ := by apply_instance
instance : has_sub ℝ := by apply_instance
instance : nontrivial ℝ := ⟨⟨0, 1, ne_of_lt real.zero_lt_one⟩⟩

open_locale classical

noncomputable instance : linear_order ℝ :=
{ le_total := λ a b, quotient.induction_on₂ a b $
λ f g, by simpa [quotient_mk_eq_mk] using le_total f g,
{ le_total := begin
intros a b,
induction a using real.ind_mk with a,
induction b using real.ind_mk with b,
simpa using le_total a b,
decidable_le := by apply_instance,
.. real.partial_order }

Expand All @@ -138,10 +218,21 @@ noncomputable instance : linear_ordered_semiring ℝ := by apply_instance
instance : domain ℝ :=
{ .. real.nontrivial, .. real.comm_ring, .. linear_ordered_ring.to_domain }

@[irreducible] private noncomputable def inv' : ℝ → ℝ | ⟨a⟩ := ⟨a⁻¹⟩
noncomputable instance : has_inv ℝ := ⟨inv'⟩
lemma inv_cauchy {f} : (⟨f⟩ : ℝ)⁻¹ = ⟨f⁻¹⟩ := show inv' _ = _, by rw inv'

noncomputable instance : linear_ordered_field ℝ :=
{ ..real.linear_ordered_comm_ring,
..cau_seq.completion.field }
{ inv := has_inv.inv,
mul_inv_cancel := begin
rintros ⟨a⟩ h,
rw mul_comm,
simp only [inv_cauchy, mul_cauchy, ← one_cauchy, ← zero_cauchy, ne.def] at *,
exact cau_seq.completion.inv_mul_cancel h,
inv_zero := by simp [← zero_cauchy, inv_cauchy],
..real.domain }

/- Extra instances to short-circuit type class resolution -/

Expand All @@ -166,23 +257,30 @@ of_rat.eq_rat_cast

theorem le_mk_of_forall_le {f : cau_seq ℚ abs} :
(∃ i, ∀ j ≥ i, x ≤ f j) → x ≤ mk f :=
quotient.induction_on x $ λ g h, le_of_not_lt $
λ ⟨K, K0, hK⟩,
let ⟨i, H⟩ := exists_forall_ge_and h $
exists_forall_ge_and hK (f.cauchy₃ $ half_pos K0) in
intro h,
induction x using real.ind_mk with x,
apply le_of_not_lt,
rw mk_lt,
rintro ⟨K, K0, hK⟩,
obtain ⟨i, H⟩ := exists_forall_ge_and h
(exists_forall_ge_and hK (f.cauchy₃ $ half_pos K0)),
apply not_lt_of_le (H _ (le_refl _)).1,
rw ← of_rat_eq_cast,
rw [mk_lt] {md := tactic.transparency.semireducible},
refine ⟨_, half_pos K0, i, λ j ij, _⟩,
have := add_le_add (H _ ij).2.1
(le_of_lt (abs_lt.1 $ (H _ (le_refl _)).2.2 _ ij).1),
rwa [← sub_eq_add_neg, sub_self_div_two, sub_apply, sub_add_sub_cancel] at this

theorem mk_le_of_forall_le {f : cau_seq ℚ abs} {x : ℝ} :
(∃ i, ∀ j ≥ i, (f j : ℝ) ≤ x) → mk f ≤ x
| ⟨i, H⟩ := by rw [← neg_le_neg_iff, ← mk_eq_mk, mk_neg]; exact
le_mk_of_forall_le ⟨i, λ j ij, by simp [H _ ij]⟩
theorem mk_le_of_forall_le {f : cau_seq ℚ abs} {x : ℝ}
(h : ∃ i, ∀ j ≥ i, (f j : ℝ) ≤ x) : mk f ≤ x :=
cases h with i H,
rw [← neg_le_neg_iff, ← mk_neg],
exact le_mk_of_forall_le ⟨i, λ j ij, by simp [H _ ij]⟩

theorem mk_near_of_forall_near {f : cau_seq ℚ abs} {x : ℝ} {ε : ℝ}
(H : ∃ i, ∀ j ≥ i, abs ((f j : ℝ) - x) ≤ ε) : abs (mk f - x) ≤ ε :=
Expand All @@ -193,17 +291,11 @@ abs_sub_le_iff.2
H.imp $ λ i h j ij, sub_le.1 (abs_sub_le_iff.1 $ h j ij).2

instance : archimedean ℝ :=
archimedean_iff_rat_le.2 $ λ x, quotient.induction_on x $ λ f,
archimedean_iff_rat_le.2 $ λ x, real.ind_mk x $ λ f,
let ⟨M, M0, H⟩ := f.bounded' 0 in
⟨M, mk_le_of_forall_le ⟨0, λ i _,
rat.cast_le.2 $ le_of_lt (abs_lt.1 (H i)).2⟩⟩

/- mark `real` irreducible in order to prevent `auto_cases` unfolding reals,
since users rarely want to consider real numbers as Cauchy sequences.
Marking `comm_ring_aux` `irreducible` is done to ensure that there are no problems
with non definitionally equal instances, caused by making `real` irreducible-/
attribute [irreducible] real comm_ring_aux

noncomputable instance : floor_ring ℝ := archimedean.floor_ring _

theorem is_cau_seq_iff_lift {f : ℕ → ℚ} : is_cau_seq abs f ↔ is_cau_seq abs (λ i, (f i : ℝ)) :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -296,13 +388,9 @@ theorem Sup_le (S : set ℝ) (h₁ : ∃ x, x ∈ S) (h₂ : ∃ x, ∀ y ∈ S,
by simp [Sup_def, h₁, h₂]; exact
classical.some_spec (exists_sup S h₁ h₂) y

-- this proof times out without this
local attribute [instance, priority 1000] classical.prop_decidable
theorem lt_Sup (S : set ℝ) (h₁ : ∃ x, x ∈ S) (h₂ : ∃ x, ∀ y ∈ S, y ≤ x)
{y} : y < Sup S ↔ ∃ z ∈ S, y < z :=
by simpa [not_forall] using not_congr (@Sup_le S h₁ h₂ y)

theorem le_Sup (S : set ℝ) (h₂ : ∃ x, ∀ y ∈ S, y ≤ x) {x} (xS : x ∈ S) : x ≤ Sup S :=
(Sup_le S ⟨_, xS⟩ h₂).1 (le_refl _) _ xS
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -410,6 +498,4 @@ end

noncomputable instance : cau_seq.is_complete ℝ abs := ⟨cau_seq_converges⟩

attribute [irreducible] real.le

end real
6 changes: 5 additions & 1 deletion src/data/real/cardinality.lean
Expand Up @@ -7,6 +7,7 @@ import set_theory.cardinal_ordinal
import analysis.specific_limits
import data.rat.denumerable
import data.set.intervals.image_preimage

# The cardinality of the reals
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -34,9 +35,11 @@ We conclude that all intervals with distinct endpoints have cardinality continuu
## Tags
continuum, cardinality, reals, cardinality of the reals

open nat set
open_locale cardinal
noncomputable theory

namespace cardinal

variables {c : ℝ} {f g : ℕ → bool} {n : ℕ}
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -141,7 +144,8 @@ end
lemma mk_real : #ℝ = 2 ^ omega.{0} :=
apply le_antisymm,
{ dsimp [real], apply le_trans mk_quotient_le, apply le_trans (mk_subtype_le _),
{ rw real.equiv_Cauchy.cardinal_eq,
apply mk_quotient_le.trans, apply (mk_subtype_le _).trans,
rw [←power_def, mk_nat, mk_rat, power_self_eq (le_refl _)] },
{ convert mk_le_of_injective (cantor_function_injective _ _),
rw [←power_def, mk_bool, mk_nat], exact 1 / 3, norm_num, norm_num }
Expand Down
3 changes: 2 additions & 1 deletion src/measure_theory/lebesgue_measure.lean
Expand Up @@ -365,7 +365,8 @@ by simpa only [mul_comm] using real.map_volume_mul_left h

@[simp] lemma map_volume_neg : has_neg.neg (volume : measure ℝ) = volume :=
eq.symm $ real.measure_ext_Ioo_rat $ λ p q,
by simp [measure.map_apply measurable_neg measurable_set_Ioo]
by simp [show has_neg.neg volume (Ioo (p : ℝ) q) = _,
from measure.map_apply measurable_neg measurable_set_Ioo]

end real

Expand Down

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