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urkud committed Nov 4, 2021
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Expand Up @@ -465,7 +465,7 @@ Multivariable calculus:
inverse function theorem: 'has_strict_deriv_at.to_local_inverse'
implicit function theorem: 'implicit_function_data.implicit_function'
Differential equations:
Cauchy-Lipschitz Theorem:
Cauchy-Lipschitz Theorem: 'exists_forall_deriv_within_Icc_eq_of_lipschitz_of_continuous'
maximal solutions:
Grönwall lemma: 'norm_le_gronwall_bound_of_norm_deriv_right_le'
exit theorem of a compact subspace:
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333 changes: 333 additions & 0 deletions src/analysis/ODE/picard_lindelof.lean
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Copyright (c) 2021 Yury G. Kudryashov. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Yury G. Kudryashov
import analysis.special_functions.integrals

# Picard-Lindelöf (Cauchy-Lipschitz) Theorem
In this file we prove that an ordinary differential equation $\dot x=v(t, x)$ such that $v$ is
Lipschitz continuous in $x$ and continuous in $t$ has a local solution, see
## Implementation notes
In order to split the proof into small lemmas, we introduce a structure `picard_lindelof` that holds
all assumptions of the main theorem. This structure and lemmas in the `picard_lindelof` namespace
should be treated as private implementation details.
We only prove existence of a solution in this file. For uniqueness see `ODE_solution_unique` and
related theorems in `analysis.ODE.gronwall`.
## Tags
differential equation

open filter function set metric topological_space interval_integral measure_theory
open measure_theory.measure_space (volume)
open_locale filter topological_space nnreal ennreal nat interval

noncomputable theory

variables {E : Type*} [normed_group E] [normed_space ℝ E]

/-- This structure holds arguments of the Picard-Lipschitz (Cauchy-Lipschitz) theorem. Unless you
want to use one of the auxiliary lemmas, use
`exists_forall_deriv_within_Icc_eq_of_lipschitz_of_continuous` instead of using this structure. -/
structure picard_lindelof (E : Type*) [normed_group E] [normed_space ℝ E] :=
(to_fun : ℝ → E → E)
(t_min t_max : ℝ)
(t₀ : Icc t_min t_max)
(x₀ : E)
(C R L : ℝ≥0)
(lipschitz' : ∀ t ∈ Icc t_min t_max, lipschitz_on_with L (to_fun t) (closed_ball x₀ R))
(cont : ∀ x ∈ closed_ball x₀ R, continuous_on (λ t, to_fun t x) (Icc t_min t_max))
(norm_le' : ∀ (t ∈ Icc t_min t_max) (x ∈ closed_ball x₀ R), ∥to_fun t x∥ ≤ C)
(C_mul_le_R : (C : ℝ) * max (t_max - t₀) (t₀ - t_min) ≤ R)

namespace picard_lindelof

variables (v : picard_lindelof E)

instance : has_coe_to_fun (picard_lindelof E) (λ _, ℝ → E → E) := ⟨to_fun⟩

instance : inhabited (picard_lindelof E) :=
⟨⟨0, 0, 0, ⟨0, le_rfl, le_rfl⟩, 0, 0, 0, 0, λ t ht, (lipschitz_with.const 0).lipschitz_on_with _,
λ _ _, by simpa only [pi.zero_apply] using continuous_on_const, λ t ht x hx, norm_zero.le,
(zero_mul _).le⟩⟩

lemma t_min_le_t_max : v.t_min ≤ v.t_max := v.t₀.2.1.trans v.t₀.2.2

protected lemma nonempty_Icc : (Icc v.t_min v.t_max).nonempty := nonempty_Icc.2 v.t_min_le_t_max

protected lemma lipschitz_on_with {t} (ht : t ∈ Icc v.t_min v.t_max) :
lipschitz_on_with v.L (v t) (closed_ball v.x₀ v.R) :=
v.lipschitz' t ht

protected lemma continuous_on :
continuous_on (uncurry v) ((Icc v.t_min v.t_max).prod (closed_ball v.x₀ v.R)) :=
have continuous_on (uncurry (flip v)) ((closed_ball v.x₀ v.R).prod (Icc v.t_min v.t_max)),
from continuous_on_prod_of_continuous_on_lipschitz_on _ v.L v.cont v.lipschitz',
this.comp continuous_swap.continuous_on preimage_swap_prod.symm.subset

lemma norm_le {t : ℝ} (ht : t ∈ Icc v.t_min v.t_max) {x : E} (hx : x ∈ closed_ball v.x₀ v.R) :
∥v t x∥ ≤ v.C :=
v.norm_le' _ ht _ hx

/-- The maximum of distances from `t₀` to the endpoints of `[t_min, t_max]`. -/
def t_dist : ℝ := max (v.t_max - v.t₀) (v.t₀ - v.t_min)

lemma t_dist_nonneg : 0 ≤ v.t_dist := le_max_iff.2 $ or.inl $ sub_nonneg.2 v.t₀.2.2

lemma dist_t₀_le (t : Icc v.t_min v.t_max) : dist t v.t₀ ≤ v.t_dist :=
rw [subtype.dist_eq, real.dist_eq],
cases le_total t v.t₀ with ht ht,
{ rw [abs_of_nonpos (sub_nonpos.2 $ subtype.coe_le_coe.2 ht), neg_sub],
exact (sub_le_sub_left t.2.1 _).trans (le_max_right _ _) },
{ rw [abs_of_nonneg (sub_nonneg.2 $ subtype.coe_le_coe.2 ht)],
exact (sub_le_sub_right t.2.2 _).trans (le_max_left _ _) }

/-- Projection $ℝ → [t_{\min}, t_{\max}]$ sending $(-∞, t_{\min}]$ to $t_{\min}$ and $[t_{\max}, ∞)$
to $t_{\max}$. -/
def proj : ℝ → Icc v.t_min v.t_max := proj_Icc v.t_min v.t_max v.t_min_le_t_max

lemma proj_coe (t : Icc v.t_min v.t_max) : v.proj t = t := proj_Icc_coe _ _

lemma proj_of_mem {t : ℝ} (ht : t ∈ Icc v.t_min v.t_max) : ↑(v.proj t) = t :=
by simp only [proj, proj_Icc_of_mem _ ht, subtype.coe_mk]

@[continuity] lemma continuous_proj : continuous v.proj := continuous_proj_Icc

/-- The space of curves $γ \colon [t_{\min}, t_{\max}] \to E$ such that $γ(t₀) = x₀$ and $γ$ is
Lipschitz continuous with constant $C$. The map sending $γ$ to
$\mathbf Pγ(t)=x₀ + ∫_{t₀}^{t} v(τ, γ(τ))\,dτ$ is a contracting map on this space, and its fixed
point is a solution of the ODE $\dot x=v(t, x)$. -/
structure fun_space :=
(to_fun : Icc v.t_min v.t_max → E)
(map_t₀' : to_fun v.t₀ = v.x₀)
(lipschitz' : lipschitz_with v.C to_fun)

namespace fun_space

variables {v} (f : fun_space v)

instance : has_coe_to_fun (fun_space v) (λ _, Icc v.t_min v.t_max → E) := ⟨to_fun⟩

instance : inhabited v.fun_space :=
⟨⟨λ _, v.x₀, rfl, (lipschitz_with.const _).weaken (zero_le _)⟩⟩

protected lemma lipschitz : lipschitz_with v.C f := f.lipschitz'

protected lemma continuous : continuous f := f.lipschitz.continuous

/-- Each curve in `picard_lindelof.fun_space` is continuous. -/
def to_continuous_map : v.fun_space ↪ C(Icc v.t_min v.t_max, E) :=
⟨λ f, ⟨f, f.continuous⟩, λ f g h, by { cases f, cases g, simpa using h }⟩

instance : metric_space v.fun_space :=
metric_space.induced to_continuous_map to_continuous_map.injective infer_instance

lemma uniform_inducing_to_continuous_map : uniform_inducing (@to_continuous_map _ _ _ v) := ⟨rfl⟩

lemma range_to_continuous_map :
range to_continuous_map =
{f : C(Icc v.t_min v.t_max, E) | f v.t₀ = v.x₀ ∧ lipschitz_with v.C f} :=
ext f, split,
{ rintro ⟨⟨f, hf₀, hf_lip⟩, rfl⟩, exact ⟨hf₀, hf_lip⟩ },
{ rcases f with ⟨f, hf⟩, rintro ⟨hf₀, hf_lip⟩, exact ⟨⟨f, hf₀, hf_lip⟩, rfl⟩ }

lemma map_t₀ : f v.t₀ = v.x₀ := f.map_t₀'

protected lemma mem_closed_ball (t : Icc v.t_min v.t_max) : f t ∈ closed_ball v.x₀ v.R :=
calc dist (f t) v.x₀ = dist (f t) (f.to_fun v.t₀) : by rw f.map_t₀'
... ≤ v.C * dist t v.t₀ : f.lipschitz.dist_le_mul _ _
... ≤ v.C * v.t_dist : mul_le_mul_of_nonneg_left (v.dist_t₀_le _) v.C.2
... ≤ v.R : v.C_mul_le_R

/-- Given a curve $γ \colon [t_{\min}, t_{\max}] → E$, `v_comp` is the function
$F(t)=v(π t, γ(π t))$, where `π` is the projection $ℝ → [t_{\min}, t_{\max}]$. The integral of this
function is the image of `γ` under the contracting map we are going to define below. -/
def v_comp (t : ℝ) : E := v (v.proj t) (f (v.proj t))

lemma v_comp_apply_coe (t : Icc v.t_min v.t_max) : f.v_comp t = v t (f t) :=
by simp only [v_comp, proj_coe]

lemma continuous_v_comp : continuous f.v_comp :=
have := (continuous_subtype_coe.prod_mk f.continuous).comp v.continuous_proj,
refine continuous_on.comp_continuous v.continuous_on this (λ x, _),
exact ⟨(v.proj x).2, f.mem_closed_ball _⟩

lemma norm_v_comp_le (t : ℝ) : ∥f.v_comp t∥ ≤ v.C :=
v.norm_le (v.proj t).2 $ f.mem_closed_ball _

lemma dist_apply_le_dist (f₁ f₂ : fun_space v) (t : Icc v.t_min v.t_max) :
dist (f₁ t) (f₂ t) ≤ dist f₁ f₂ :=
@continuous_map.dist_apply_le_dist _ _ _ _ _ f₁.to_continuous_map f₂.to_continuous_map _

lemma dist_le_of_forall {f₁ f₂ : fun_space v} {d : ℝ} (h : ∀ t, dist (f₁ t) (f₂ t) ≤ d) :
dist f₁ f₂ ≤ d :=
(@continuous_map.dist_le_iff_of_nonempty _ _ _ _ _ f₁.to_continuous_map f₂.to_continuous_map _
v.nonempty_Icc.to_subtype).2 h

instance [complete_space E] : complete_space v.fun_space :=
refine (complete_space_iff_is_complete_range
uniform_inducing_to_continuous_map).2 (is_closed.is_complete _),
rw [range_to_continuous_map, set_of_and],
refine (is_closed_eq (continuous_map.continuous_evalx _) continuous_const).inter _,
have : is_closed {f : Icc v.t_min v.t_max → E | lipschitz_with v.C f} :=
is_closed_set_of_lipschitz_with v.C,
exact this.preimage continuous_map.continuous_coe

variables [measurable_space E] [borel_space E]

lemma interval_integrable_v_comp (t₁ t₂ : ℝ) :
interval_integrable f.v_comp volume t₁ t₂ :=
(f.continuous_v_comp).interval_integrable _ _

variables [second_countable_topology E] [complete_space E]

/-- The Picard-Lindelöf operator. This is a contracting map on `picard_lindelof.fun_space v` such
that the fixed point of this map is the solution of the corresponding ODE.
More precisely, some iteration of this map is a contracting map. -/
def next (f : fun_space v) : fun_space v :=
{ to_fun := λ t, v.x₀ + ∫ τ : ℝ in v.t₀..t, f.v_comp τ,
map_t₀' := by rw [integral_same, add_zero],
lipschitz' := lipschitz_with.of_dist_le_mul $ λ t₁ t₂,
rw [dist_add_left, dist_eq_norm,
integral_interval_sub_left (f.interval_integrable_v_comp _ _)
(f.interval_integrable_v_comp _ _)],
exact norm_integral_le_of_norm_le_const (λ t ht, f.norm_v_comp_le _),
end }

lemma next_apply (t : Icc v.t_min v.t_max) : t = v.x₀ + ∫ τ : ℝ in v.t₀..t, f.v_comp τ := rfl

lemma has_deriv_within_at_next (t : Icc v.t_min v.t_max) :
has_deriv_within_at ( ∘ v.proj) (v t (f t)) (Icc v.t_min v.t_max) t :=
haveI : fact ((t : ℝ) ∈ Icc v.t_min v.t_max) := ⟨t.2⟩,
simp only [(∘), next_apply],
refine has_deriv_within_at.const_add _ _,
have : has_deriv_within_at (λ t : ℝ, ∫ τ in v.t₀..t, f.v_comp τ) (f.v_comp t)
(Icc v.t_min v.t_max) t,
from integral_has_deriv_within_at_right (f.interval_integrable_v_comp _ _)
(f.continuous_v_comp.measurable_at_filter _ _) f.continuous_v_comp.continuous_within_at,
rw v_comp_apply_coe at this,
refine this.congr_of_eventually_eq_of_mem _ t.coe_prop,
filter_upwards [self_mem_nhds_within],
intros t' ht',
rw v.proj_of_mem ht'

lemma dist_next_apply_le_of_le {f₁ f₂ : fun_space v} {n : ℕ} {d : ℝ}
(h : ∀ t, dist (f₁ t) (f₂ t) ≤ (v.L * |t - v.t₀|) ^ n / n! * d) (t : Icc v.t_min v.t_max) :
dist (next f₁ t) (next f₂ t) ≤ (v.L * |t - v.t₀|) ^ (n + 1) / (n + 1)! * d :=
simp only [dist_eq_norm, next_apply, add_sub_add_left_eq_sub,
← interval_integral.integral_sub (interval_integrable_v_comp _ _ _)
(interval_integrable_v_comp _ _ _), norm_integral_eq_norm_integral_Ioc] at *,
calc ∥∫ τ in Ι (v.t₀ : ℝ) t, f₁.v_comp τ - f₂.v_comp τ∥
≤ ∫ τ in Ι (v.t₀ : ℝ) t, v.L * ((v.L * |τ - v.t₀|) ^ n / n! * d) :
refine norm_integral_le_of_norm_le (continuous.integrable_on_interval_oc _) _,
{ continuity },
{ refine (ae_restrict_mem measurable_set_Ioc).mono (λ τ hτ, _),
refine (v.lipschitz_on_with (v.proj τ).2).norm_sub_le_of_le
(f₁.mem_closed_ball _) (f₂.mem_closed_ball _) ((h _).trans_eq _),
rw v.proj_of_mem,
exact (interval_subset_Icc v.t₀.2 t.2 $ Ioc_subset_Icc_self hτ) }
... = (v.L * |t - v.t₀|) ^ (n + 1) / (n + 1)! * d : _,
simp_rw [mul_pow, div_eq_mul_inv, mul_assoc, measure_theory.integral_mul_left,
measure_theory.integral_mul_right, integral_pow_abs_sub_interval_oc, div_eq_mul_inv,
pow_succ (v.L : ℝ), nat.factorial_succ, nat.cast_mul, nat.cast_succ, mul_inv₀, mul_assoc]

lemma dist_iterate_next_apply_le (f₁ f₂ : fun_space v) (n : ℕ) (t : Icc v.t_min v.t_max) :
dist (next^[n] f₁ t) (next^[n] f₂ t) ≤ (v.L * |t - v.t₀|) ^ n / n! * dist f₁ f₂ :=
induction n with n ihn generalizing t,
{ rw [pow_zero, nat.factorial_zero, nat.cast_one, div_one, one_mul],
exact dist_apply_le_dist f₁ f₂ t },
{ rw [iterate_succ_apply', iterate_succ_apply'],
exact dist_next_apply_le_of_le ihn _ }

lemma dist_iterate_next_le (f₁ f₂ : fun_space v) (n : ℕ) :
dist (next^[n] f₁) (next^[n] f₂) ≤ (v.L * v.t_dist) ^ n / n! * dist f₁ f₂ :=
refine dist_le_of_forall (λ t, (dist_iterate_next_apply_le _ _ _ _).trans _),
have : 0 ≤ dist f₁ f₂ := dist_nonneg,
have : |(t - v.t₀ : ℝ)| ≤ v.t_dist := v.dist_t₀_le t,
mono*; simp only [nat.cast_nonneg, mul_nonneg, nnreal.coe_nonneg, abs_nonneg, *]

end fun_space

variables [second_countable_topology E] [complete_space E]

variables [measurable_space E] [borel_space E]

lemma exists_contracting_iterate :
∃ (N : ℕ) K, contracting_with K (( : v.fun_space → v.fun_space)^[N]) :=
rcases ((real.tendsto_pow_div_factorial_at_top (v.L * v.t_dist)).eventually
(gt_mem_nhds zero_lt_one)).exists with ⟨N, hN⟩,
have : (0 : ℝ) ≤ (v.L * v.t_dist) ^ N / N!,
from div_nonneg (pow_nonneg (mul_nonneg v.L.2 v.t_dist_nonneg) _) (nat.cast_nonneg _),
exact ⟨N, ⟨_, this⟩, hN,
lipschitz_with.of_dist_le_mul (λ f g, fun_space.dist_iterate_next_le f g N)⟩

lemma exists_fixed : ∃ f : v.fun_space, = f :=
let ⟨N, K, hK⟩ := exists_contracting_iterate v in ⟨_, hK.is_fixed_pt_fixed_point_iterate⟩


/-- Picard-Lindelöf (Cauchy-Lipschitz) theorem. -/
lemma exists_solution :
∃ f : ℝ → E, f v.t₀ = v.x₀ ∧ ∀ t ∈ Icc v.t_min v.t_max,
has_deriv_within_at f (v t (f t)) (Icc v.t_min v.t_max) t :=
letI : measurable_space E := borel E, haveI : borel_space E := ⟨rfl⟩,
rcases v.exists_fixed with ⟨f, hf⟩,
refine ⟨f ∘ v.proj, _, λ t ht, _⟩,
{ simp only [(∘), proj_coe, f.map_t₀] },
{ simp only [(∘), v.proj_of_mem ht],
lift t to Icc v.t_min v.t_max using ht,
simpa only [hf, v.proj_coe] using f.has_deriv_within_at_next t }

end picard_lindelof

/-- Picard-Lindelöf (Cauchy-Lipschitz) theorem. -/
lemma exists_forall_deriv_within_Icc_eq_of_lipschitz_of_continuous
[complete_space E] [second_countable_topology E]
{v : ℝ → E → E} {t_min t₀ t_max : ℝ} (ht₀ : t₀ ∈ Icc t_min t_max)
(x₀ : E) {C R : ℝ} (hR : 0 ≤ R) {L : ℝ≥0}
(Hlip : ∀ t ∈ Icc t_min t_max, lipschitz_on_with L (v t) (closed_ball x₀ R))
(Hcont : ∀ x ∈ closed_ball x₀ R, continuous_on (λ t, v t x) (Icc t_min t_max))
(Hnorm : ∀ (t ∈ Icc t_min t_max) (x ∈ closed_ball x₀ R), ∥v t x∥ ≤ C)
(Hmul_le : C * max (t_max - t₀) (t₀ - t_min) ≤ R) :
∃ f : ℝ → E, f t₀ = x₀ ∧ ∀ t ∈ Icc t_min t_max,
has_deriv_within_at f (v t (f t)) (Icc t_min t_max) t :=
lift C to ℝ≥0 using ((norm_nonneg _).trans $ Hnorm t₀ ht₀ x₀ (mem_closed_ball_self hR)),
lift R to ℝ≥0 using hR,
lift t₀ to Icc t_min t_max using ht₀,
exact picard_lindelof.exists_solution
⟨v, t_min, t_max, t₀, x₀, C, R, L, Hlip, Hcont, Hnorm, Hmul_le⟩
3 changes: 3 additions & 0 deletions src/data/set/intervals/unordered_interval.lean
Expand Up @@ -93,6 +93,9 @@ not_mem_Icc_of_gt $ max_lt_iff.mpr ⟨ha, hb⟩
lemma interval_subset_interval (h₁ : a₁ ∈ [a₂, b₂]) (h₂ : b₁ ∈ [a₂, b₂]) : [a₁, b₁] ⊆ [a₂, b₂] :=
Icc_subset_Icc (le_min h₁.1 h₂.1) (max_le h₁.2 h₂.2)

lemma interval_subset_Icc (ha : a₁ ∈ Icc a₂ b₂) (hb : b₁ ∈ Icc a₂ b₂) : [a₁, b₁] ⊆ Icc a₂ b₂ :=
Icc_subset_Icc (le_min ha.1 hb.1) (max_le ha.2 hb.2)

lemma interval_subset_interval_iff_mem : [a₁, b₁] ⊆ [a₂, b₂] ↔ a₁ ∈ [a₂, b₂] ∧ b₁ ∈ [a₂, b₂] :=
iff.intro (λh, ⟨h left_mem_interval, h right_mem_interval⟩) (λ h, interval_subset_interval h.1 h.2)

Expand Down
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions src/topology/order.lean
Expand Up @@ -229,6 +229,7 @@ instance discrete_topology_bot (α : Type*) : @discrete_topology α ⊥ :=
is_closed s :=
is_open_compl_iff.1 $ (discrete_topology.eq_bot α).symm ▸ trivial

lemma continuous_of_discrete_topology [topological_space α] [discrete_topology α]
[topological_space β] {f : α → β} : continuous f :=
continuous_def.2 $ λs hs, is_open_discrete _
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