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feat(linear_algebra/nonsingular_inverse): add lemmas about `invertibl…
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eric-wieser committed Jul 5, 2021
1 parent 9d99833 commit 77e1e3b
Showing 1 changed file with 43 additions and 18 deletions.
61 changes: 43 additions & 18 deletions src/linear_algebra/matrix/nonsingular_inverse.lean
Expand Up @@ -332,37 +332,62 @@ calc (A⁻¹)⁻¹ = 1 ⬝ (A⁻¹)⁻¹ : by rw matrix.one_mul
(A⁻¹).mul_nonsing_inv (A.is_unit_nonsing_inv_det h),
matrix.mul_one], }

/-- A matrix whose determinant is a unit is itself a unit. -/
/-- If `A.det` has a constructive inverse, produce one for `A`. -/
def invertible_of_det_invertible [invertible A.det] : invertible A :=
{ inv_of := ⅟A.det • A.adjugate,
mul_inv_of_self :=
by rw [mul_smul_comm, matrix.mul_eq_mul, mul_adjugate, smul_smul, inv_of_mul_self, one_smul],
inv_of_mul_self :=
by rw [smul_mul_assoc, matrix.mul_eq_mul, adjugate_mul, smul_smul, inv_of_mul_self, one_smul] }

/-- `A.det` is invertible if `A` has a left inverse. -/
def det_invertible_of_left_inverse (B : matrix n n α) (h : B ⬝ A = 1) : invertible A.det :=
{ inv_of := B.det,
mul_inv_of_self := by rw [mul_comm, ← det_mul, h, det_one],
inv_of_mul_self := by rw [← det_mul, h, det_one] }

/-- `A.det` is invertible if `A` has a right inverse. -/
def det_invertible_of_right_inverse (B : matrix n n α) (h : A ⬝ B = 1) : invertible A.det :=
{ inv_of := B.det,
mul_inv_of_self := by rw [← det_mul, h, det_one],
inv_of_mul_self := by rw [mul_comm, ← det_mul, h, det_one] }

/-- If `A` has a constructive inverse, produce one for `A.det`. -/
def det_invertible_of_invertible [invertible A] : invertible A.det :=
det_invertible_of_left_inverse A (⅟A) (inv_of_mul_self _)

/-- Given a proof that `A.det` has a constructive inverse, lift `A` to `units (matrix n n α)`-/
def unit_of_det_invertible [invertible A.det] : units (matrix n n α) :=
@unit_of_invertible _ _ A (invertible_of_det_invertible A)

/-- A matrix whose determinant is a unit is itself a unit. This is a noncomputable version of
`matrix.units_of_det_invertible`, with the inverse defeq to `matrix.nonsing_inv`. -/
noncomputable def nonsing_inv_unit (h : is_unit A.det) : units (matrix n n α) :=
{ val := A,
inv := A⁻¹,
val_inv := by { rw matrix.mul_eq_mul, apply A.mul_nonsing_inv h, },
inv_val := by { rw matrix.mul_eq_mul, apply A.nonsing_inv_mul h, } }

lemma unit_of_det_invertible_eq_nonsing_inv_unit [invertible A.det] :
unit_of_det_invertible A = nonsing_inv_unit A (is_unit_of_invertible _) :=
by { ext, refl }

/-- When lowered to a prop, `matrix.det_invertible_of_invertible` and
`matrix.invertible_of_det_invertible` form an `iff`. -/
lemma is_unit_iff_is_unit_det : is_unit A ↔ is_unit A.det :=
split; intros h,
{ -- is_unit A → is_unit A.det
suffices : ∃ (B : matrix n n α), A ⬝ B = 1,
{ rcases this with ⟨B, hB⟩, apply is_unit_of_mul_eq_one _ B.det, rw [←det_mul, hB, det_one], },
refine ⟨↑h.unit⁻¹, _⟩, conv_lhs { congr, rw ←h.unit_spec, }, exact h.unit.mul_inv, },
{ -- is_unit A.det → is_unit A
exact (A.nonsing_inv_unit h).is_unit, },
split; rintros ⟨x, hx⟩; refine @is_unit_of_invertible _ _ _ (id _),
{ haveI : invertible A := hx.rec x.invertible,
apply det_invertible_of_invertible, },
{ haveI : invertible A.det := hx.rec x.invertible,
apply invertible_of_det_invertible, },

lemma is_unit_det_of_left_inverse (B : matrix n n α) (h : B ⬝ A = 1) : is_unit A.det :=
⟨{ val := A.det,
inv := B.det,
val_inv := by rw [mul_comm, ← det_mul, h, det_one],
inv_val := by rw [← det_mul, h, det_one],
}, rfl⟩
@is_unit_of_invertible _ _ _ (det_invertible_of_left_inverse _ _ h)

lemma is_unit_det_of_right_inverse (B : matrix n n α) (h : A ⬝ B = 1) : is_unit A.det :=
⟨{ val := A.det,
inv := B.det,
val_inv := by rw [← det_mul, h, det_one],
inv_val := by rw [mul_comm, ← det_mul, h, det_one],
}, rfl⟩
@is_unit_of_invertible _ _ _ (det_invertible_of_right_inverse _ _ h)

lemma nonsing_inv_left_right (B : matrix n n α) (h : A ⬝ B = 1) : B ⬝ A = 1 :=
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