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feat(measure_theory/decomposition/lebesgue): more on Radon-Nikodym de…
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…rivatives (#10070)

We show that the density in the Lebesgue decomposition theorem (aka the Radon-Nikodym derivative) is unique. Previously, uniqueness of the absolutely continuous part was known, but not of its density. We also show that the Radon-Nikodym derivative is almost everywhere finite. Plus some cleanup of the whole file.
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sgouezel committed Nov 2, 2021
1 parent da6706d commit 796a051
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Showing 5 changed files with 242 additions and 59 deletions.
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion src/measure_theory/decomposition/jordan.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ open measure vector_measure
variable (j : jordan_decomposition α)

instance : has_zero (jordan_decomposition α) :=
{ zero := ⟨0, 0,⟩ }
{ zero := ⟨0, 0, mutually_singular.zero_right⟩ }

instance : inhabited (jordan_decomposition α) :=
{ default := 0 }
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145 changes: 106 additions & 39 deletions src/measure_theory/decomposition/lebesgue.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -5,20 +5,21 @@ Authors: Kexing Ying
import measure_theory.decomposition.jordan
import measure_theory.measure.with_density_vector_measure
import measure_theory.function.ae_eq_of_integral

# Lebesgue decomposition
This file proves the Lebesgue decomposition theorem. The Lebesgue decomposition theorem states that,
given two σ-finite measures `μ` and `ν`, there exists a finite measure `ξ` and a measurable function
`f` such that `μ = ξ + fν` and `ξ` is mutually singular with respect to `ν`.
given two σ-finite measures `μ` and `ν`, there exists a σ-finite measure `ξ` and a measurable
function `f` such that `μ = ξ + fν` and `ξ` is mutually singular with respect to `ν`.
The Lebesgue decomposition provides the Radon-Nikodym theorem readily.
## Main definitions
* `measure_theory.measure.have_lebesgue_decomposition` : A pair of measures `μ` and `ν` is said
to `have_lebesgue_decomposition` if there exists a measure `ξ` and a measurable function `f`,
to `have_lebesgue_decomposition` if there exist a measure `ξ` and a measurable function `f`,
such that `ξ` is mutually singular with respect to `ν` and `μ = ξ + ν.with_density f`
* `measure_theory.measure.singular_part` : If a pair of measures `have_lebesgue_decomposition`,
then `singular_part` chooses the measure from `have_lebesgue_decomposition`, otherwise it
Expand All @@ -43,10 +44,10 @@ The Lebesgue decomposition provides the Radon-Nikodym theorem readily.
the Lebesgue decomposition theorem.
* `measure_theory.measure.eq_singular_part` : Given measures `μ` and `ν`, if `s` is a measure
mutually singular to `ν` and `f` is a measurable function such that `μ = s + fν`, then
`s = singular_part μ ν`.
`s = μ.singular_part ν`.
* `measure_theory.measure.eq_rn_deriv` : Given measures `μ` and `ν`, if `s` is a
measure mutually singular to `ν` and `f` is a measurable function such that `μ = s + fν`,
then `f = rn_deriv μ ν`.
then `f = μ.rn_deriv ν`.
* `measure_theory.signed_measure.singular_part_add_with_density_rn_deriv_eq` :
the Lebesgue decomposition theorem between a signed measure and a σ-finite positive measure.
Expand All @@ -73,29 +74,31 @@ class have_lebesgue_decomposition (μ ν : measure α) : Prop :=
∃ (p : measure α × (α → ℝ≥0∞)), measurable p.2 ∧ p.1 ⊥ₘ ν ∧ μ = p.1 + ν.with_density p.2)

/-- If a pair of measures `have_lebesgue_decomposition`, then `singular_part` chooses the
measure from `have_lebesgue_decomposition`, otherwise it returns the zero measure. -/
measure from `have_lebesgue_decomposition`, otherwise it returns the zero measure. For sigma-finite
measures, `μ = μ.singular_part ν + ν.with_density (μ.rn_deriv ν)`. -/
def singular_part (μ ν : measure α) : measure α :=
if h : have_lebesgue_decomposition μ ν then (classical.some h.lebesgue_decomposition).1 else 0

/-- If a pair of measures `have_lebesgue_decomposition`, then `rn_deriv` chooses the
measurable function from `have_lebesgue_decomposition`, otherwise it returns the zero function. -/
measurable function from `have_lebesgue_decomposition`, otherwise it returns the zero function.
For sigma-finite measures, `μ = μ.singular_part ν + ν.with_density (μ.rn_deriv ν)`.-/
def rn_deriv (μ ν : measure α) : α → ℝ≥0∞ :=
if h : have_lebesgue_decomposition μ ν then (classical.some h.lebesgue_decomposition).2 else 0

lemma have_lebesgue_decomposition_spec (μ ν : measure α)
[h : have_lebesgue_decomposition μ ν] :
measurable (rn_deriv μ ν) ∧ (singular_part μ ν) ⊥ₘ ν ∧
μ = (singular_part μ ν) + ν.with_density (rn_deriv μ ν) :=
measurable (μ.rn_deriv ν) ∧ (μ.singular_part ν) ⊥ₘ ν ∧
μ = (μ.singular_part ν) + ν.with_density (μ.rn_deriv ν) :=
rw [singular_part, rn_deriv, dif_pos h, dif_pos h],
exact classical.some_spec h.lebesgue_decomposition,

lemma have_lebesgue_decomposition_add (μ ν : measure α)
[have_lebesgue_decomposition μ ν] :
μ = (singular_part μ ν) + ν.with_density (rn_deriv μ ν) :=
μ = (μ.singular_part ν) + ν.with_density (μ.rn_deriv ν) :=
(have_lebesgue_decomposition_spec μ ν).2.2

instance have_lebesgue_decomposition_smul
Expand All @@ -114,7 +117,7 @@ instance have_lebesgue_decomposition_smul

lemma measurable_rn_deriv (μ ν : measure α) :
measurable $ rn_deriv μ ν :=
measurable $ μ.rn_deriv ν :=
by_cases h : have_lebesgue_decomposition μ ν,
{ exactI (have_lebesgue_decomposition_spec μ ν).1 },
Expand All @@ -123,15 +126,15 @@ begin

lemma mutually_singular_singular_part (μ ν : measure α) :
singular_part μ ν ⊥ₘ ν :=
μ.singular_part ν ⊥ₘ ν :=
by_cases h : have_lebesgue_decomposition μ ν,
{ exactI (have_lebesgue_decomposition_spec μ ν).2.1 },
{ rw [singular_part, dif_neg h],
exact }
exact mutually_singular.zero_left }

lemma singular_part_le (μ ν : measure α) : singular_part μ ν ≤ μ :=
lemma singular_part_le (μ ν : measure α) : μ.singular_part ν ≤ μ :=
by_cases hl : have_lebesgue_decomposition μ ν,
{ casesI (have_lebesgue_decomposition_spec μ ν).2 with _ h,
Expand All @@ -142,7 +145,7 @@ begin

lemma with_density_rn_deriv_le (μ ν : measure α) :
ν.with_density (rn_deriv μ ν) ≤ μ :=
ν.with_density (μ.rn_deriv ν) ≤ μ :=
by_cases hl : have_lebesgue_decomposition μ ν,
{ casesI (have_lebesgue_decomposition_spec μ ν).2 with _ h,
Expand All @@ -152,41 +155,71 @@ begin
exact measure.zero_le μ }

instance [is_finite_measure μ] :
is_finite_measure (singular_part μ ν) :=
instance [is_finite_measure μ] : is_finite_measure (μ.singular_part ν) :=
is_finite_measure_of_le μ $ singular_part_le μ ν

instance [sigma_finite μ] :
sigma_finite (singular_part μ ν) :=
instance [sigma_finite μ] : sigma_finite (μ.singular_part ν) :=
sigma_finite_of_le μ $ singular_part_le μ ν

instance [is_finite_measure μ] :
is_finite_measure (ν.with_density $ rn_deriv μ ν) :=
instance [topological_space α] [is_locally_finite_measure μ] :
is_locally_finite_measure (μ.singular_part ν) :=
is_locally_finite_measure_of_le $ singular_part_le μ ν

instance [is_finite_measure μ] : is_finite_measure (ν.with_density $ μ.rn_deriv ν) :=
is_finite_measure_of_le μ $ with_density_rn_deriv_le μ ν

instance [sigma_finite μ] :
sigma_finite (ν.with_density $ rn_deriv μ ν) :=
instance [sigma_finite μ] : sigma_finite (ν.with_density $ μ.rn_deriv ν) :=
sigma_finite_of_le μ $ with_density_rn_deriv_le μ ν

lemma lintegral_rn_deriv_lt_top
(μ ν : measure α) [is_finite_measure μ] :
∫⁻ x, μ.rn_deriv ν x ∂ν < ∞ :=
instance [topological_space α] [is_locally_finite_measure μ] :
is_locally_finite_measure (ν.with_density $ μ.rn_deriv ν) :=
is_locally_finite_measure_of_le $ with_density_rn_deriv_le μ ν

lemma lintegral_rn_deriv_lt_top_of_measure_ne_top
{μ : measure α} (ν : measure α) {s : set α} (hs : μ s ≠ ∞) :
∫⁻ x in s, μ.rn_deriv ν x ∂ν < ∞ :=
by_cases hl : have_lebesgue_decomposition μ ν,
{ haveI := hl,
obtain ⟨-, -, hadd⟩ := have_lebesgue_decomposition_spec μ ν,
rw [← set_lintegral_univ, ← with_density_apply _ measurable_set.univ],
suffices : ∫⁻ x in to_measurable μ s, μ.rn_deriv ν x ∂ν < ∞,
from lt_of_le_of_lt (lintegral_mono_set (subset_to_measurable _ _)) this,
rw [← with_density_apply _ (measurable_set_to_measurable _ _)],
refine lt_of_le_of_lt
(le_add_left (le_refl _) : _ ≤ μ.singular_part ν set.univ +
ν.with_density (μ.rn_deriv ν) set.univ) _,
rw [← measure.add_apply, ← hadd],
exact measure_lt_top _ _ },
(le_add_left (le_refl _) : _ ≤ μ.singular_part ν (to_measurable μ s) +
ν.with_density (μ.rn_deriv ν) (to_measurable μ s)) _,
rw [← measure.add_apply, ← hadd, measure_to_measurable],
exact hs.lt_top },
{ erw [measure.rn_deriv, dif_neg hl, lintegral_zero],
exact with_top.zero_lt_top },

lemma lintegral_rn_deriv_lt_top
(μ ν : measure α) [is_finite_measure μ] :
∫⁻ x, μ.rn_deriv ν x ∂ν < ∞ :=
rw [← set_lintegral_univ],
exact lintegral_rn_deriv_lt_top_of_measure_ne_top _ (measure_lt_top _ _).ne,

/-- The Radon-Nikodym derivative of a sigma-finite measure `μ` with respect to another
measure `ν` is `ν`-almost everywhere finite. -/
theorem rn_deriv_lt_top (μ ν : measure α) [sigma_finite μ] :
∀ᵐ x ∂ν, μ.rn_deriv ν x < ∞ :=
suffices : ∀ n, ∀ᵐ x ∂ν, x ∈ spanning_sets μ n → μ.rn_deriv ν x < ∞,
{ filter_upwards [ae_all_iff.2 this],
assume x hx,
exact hx _ (mem_spanning_sets_index _ _) },
assume n,
rw ← ae_restrict_iff' (measurable_spanning_sets _ _),
apply ae_lt_top (measurable_rn_deriv _ _),
refine (lintegral_rn_deriv_lt_top_of_measure_ne_top _ _).ne,
exact (measure_spanning_sets_lt_top _ _).ne

/-- Given measures `μ` and `ν`, if `s` is a measure mutually singular to `ν` and `f` is a
measurable function such that `μ = s + fν`, then `s = singular_part μ ν`.
measurable function such that `μ = s + fν`, then `s = μ.singular_part μ`.
This theorem provides the uniqueness of the `singular_part` in the Lebesgue decomposition theorem,
while `measure_theory.measure.eq_rn_deriv` provides the uniqueness of the
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -242,7 +275,7 @@ end

lemma singular_part_zero (ν : measure α) : (0 : measure α).singular_part ν = 0 :=
refine (eq_singular_part measurable_zero _).symm,
refine (eq_singular_part measurable_zero mutually_singular.zero_left _).symm,
rw [zero_add, with_density_zero],

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -279,13 +312,21 @@ begin
← have_lebesgue_decomposition_add μ₂ ν]

lemma singular_part_with_density (ν : measure α) {f : α → ℝ≥0∞} (hf : measurable f) :
(ν.with_density f).singular_part ν = 0 :=
have : ν.with_density f = 0 + ν.with_density f, by rw zero_add,
exact (eq_singular_part hf mutually_singular.zero_left this).symm,

/-- Given measures `μ` and `ν`, if `s` is a measure mutually singular to `ν` and `f` is a
measurable function such that `μ = s + fν`, then `f = rn_deriv μ ν`.
measurable function such that `μ = s + fν`, then `f = μ.rn_deriv ν`.
This theorem provides the uniqueness of the `rn_deriv` in the Lebesgue decomposition
theorem, while `measure_theory.measure.eq_singular_part` provides the uniqueness of the
`singular_part`. -/
theorem eq_rn_deriv {s : measure α} {f : α → ℝ≥0∞} (hf : measurable f)
`singular_part`. Here, the uniqueness is given in terms of the measures, while the uniqueness in
terms of the functions is given in `eq_rn_deriv`. -/
theorem eq_with_density_rn_deriv {s : measure α} {f : α → ℝ≥0∞} (hf : measurable f)
(hs : s ⊥ₘ ν) (hadd : μ = s + ν.with_density f) :
ν.with_density f = ν.with_density (μ.rn_deriv ν) :=
Expand All @@ -299,7 +340,7 @@ begin
rw [hT₃, hS₃, add_zero],
exact le_refl _ },
have heq : (ν.with_density f).restrict (S ∩ T) =
(ν.with_density (rn_deriv μ ν)).restrict (S ∩ T),
(ν.with_density (μ.rn_deriv ν)).restrict (S ∩ T),
{ ext1 A hA,
have hs : s (A ∩ (S ∩ T)) = 0,
{ rw ← nonpos_iff_eq_zero,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -336,6 +377,32 @@ begin
{ measurability }

/-- Given measures `μ` and `ν`, if `s` is a measure mutually singular to `ν` and `f` is a
measurable function such that `μ = s + fν`, then `f = μ.rn_deriv ν`.
This theorem provides the uniqueness of the `rn_deriv` in the Lebesgue decomposition
theorem, while `measure_theory.measure.eq_singular_part` provides the uniqueness of the
`singular_part`. Here, the uniqueness is given in terms of the functions, while the uniqueness in
terms of the functions is given in `eq_with_density_rn_deriv`. -/
theorem eq_rn_deriv [sigma_finite ν] {s : measure α} {f : α → ℝ≥0∞} (hf : measurable f)
(hs : s ⊥ₘ ν) (hadd : μ = s + ν.with_density f) :
f =ᵐ[ν] μ.rn_deriv ν :=
refine ae_eq_of_forall_set_lintegral_eq_of_sigma_finite hf (measurable_rn_deriv μ ν) _,
assume a ha h'a,
calc ∫⁻ (x : α) in a, f x ∂ν = ν.with_density f a : (with_density_apply f ha).symm
... = ν.with_density (μ.rn_deriv ν) a : by rw eq_with_density_rn_deriv hf hs hadd
... = ∫⁻ (x : α) in a, μ.rn_deriv ν x ∂ν : with_density_apply _ ha

/-- The Radon-Nikodym derivative of `f ν` with respect to `ν` is `f`. -/
theorem rn_deriv_with_density (ν : measure α) [sigma_finite ν] {f : α → ℝ≥0∞} (hf : measurable f) :
(ν.with_density f).rn_deriv ν =ᵐ[ν] f :=
have : ν.with_density f = 0 + ν.with_density f, by rw zero_add,
exact (eq_rn_deriv hf mutually_singular.zero_left this).symm,

open vector_measure signed_measure

/-- If two finite measures `μ` and `ν` are not mutually singular, there exists some `ε > 0` and
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -863,9 +930,9 @@ begin
{ rw not_have_lebesgue_decomposition_iff at hl,
cases hl with hp hn,
{ rw [measure.singular_part, dif_neg hp],
exact },
exact mutually_singular.zero_left },
{ rw [measure.singular_part, measure.singular_part, dif_neg hn],
exact } }
exact mutually_singular.zero_right } }

lemma singular_part_total_variation (s : signed_measure α) (μ : measure α) :
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