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feat(measure_theory/group/prod): generalize topological groups to mea…
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…surable groups (#11933)

* This fixes the gap in `[Halmos]` that I mentioned in ``
* Thanks to @sgouezel for giving me the proof to fill that gap.
* A text proof to fill the gap is [here](
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fpvandoorn committed Feb 24, 2022
1 parent 8429ec9 commit 79887c9
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Showing 5 changed files with 209 additions and 114 deletions.
4 changes: 4 additions & 0 deletions src/algebra/indicator_function.lean
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Expand Up @@ -159,6 +159,10 @@ s.apply_piecewise _ _ (λ _, h)
mul_indicator (f ⁻¹' s) (g ∘ f) x = mul_indicator s g (f x) :=
by { simp only [mul_indicator], split_ifs; refl }

@[to_additive] lemma mul_indicator_image {s : set α} {f : β → M} {g : α → β} (hg : injective g)
{x : α} : mul_indicator (g '' s) f (g x) = mul_indicator s (f ∘ g) x :=
by rw [← mul_indicator_comp_right, preimage_image_eq _ hg]

@[to_additive] lemma mul_indicator_comp_of_one {g : M → N} (hg : g 1 = 1) :
mul_indicator s (g ∘ f) = g ∘ (mul_indicator s f) :=
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9 changes: 7 additions & 2 deletions src/measure_theory/group/measure.lean
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Expand Up @@ -143,8 +143,13 @@ lemma inv_apply (μ : measure G) (s : set G) : μ.inv s = μ s⁻¹ :=
end measure

section inv
variables [group G] [has_measurable_mul G] [has_measurable_inv G]
{μ : measure G}
variables [group G] [has_measurable_inv G] {μ : measure G}

instance [sigma_finite μ] : sigma_finite μ.inv :=
(measurable_equiv.inv G).sigma_finite_map ‹_›

variables [has_measurable_mul G]

instance [is_mul_left_invariant μ] : is_mul_right_invariant μ.inv :=
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186 changes: 124 additions & 62 deletions src/measure_theory/group/prod.lean
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Expand Up @@ -8,11 +8,10 @@ import

# Measure theory in the product of groups
In this file we show properties about measure theory in products of measurable groups
and properties of iterated integrals in measurable groups.
In this file we show properties about measure theory in products of topological groups
and properties of iterated integrals in topological groups.
These lemmas show the uniqueness of left invariant measures on locally compact groups, up to
These lemmas show the uniqueness of left invariant measures on measurable groups, up to
scaling. In this file we follow the proof and refer to the book *Measure Theory* by Paul Halmos.
The idea of the proof is to use the translation invariance of measures to prove `μ(F) = c * μ(E)`
Expand All @@ -29,27 +28,32 @@ Applying this to `μ` and to `ν` gives `μ (F) / μ (E) = ν (F) / ν (E)`, whi
scalar multiplication.
The proof in [Halmos] seems to contain an omission in §60 Th. A, see
`measure_theory.measure_lintegral_div_measure` and
## Todo
Much of the results in this file work in a group with measurable multiplication instead of a
topological group

noncomputable theory
open topological_space set (hiding prod_eq) function
open_locale classical ennreal pointwise
open set (hiding prod_eq) function measure_theory
open_locale classical ennreal pointwise measure_theory

variables (G : Type*) [measurable_space G]
variables [group G] [has_measurable_mul₂ G]
variables (μ ν : measure G) [sigma_finite ν] [sigma_finite μ]

/-- The map `(x, y) ↦ (x, xy)` as a `measurable_equiv`. This is a shear mapping. -/
@[to_additive "The map `(x, y) ↦ (x, x + y)` as a `measurable_equiv`.
This is a shear mapping."]
protected def measurable_equiv.shear_mul_right [has_measurable_inv G] : G × G ≃ᵐ G × G :=
{ measurable_to_fun := measurable_fst.prod_mk measurable_mul,
measurable_inv_fun := measurable_fst.prod_mk $ measurable_fst.inv.mul measurable_snd,
.. equiv.prod_shear (equiv.refl _) equiv.mul_left }

variables {G}

namespace measure_theory

open measure

variables {G : Type*} [topological_space G] [measurable_space G] [second_countable_topology G]
variables [borel_space G] [group G] [topological_group G]
variables (μ ν : measure G) [sigma_finite ν] [sigma_finite μ]

/-- This condition is part of the definition of a measurable group in [Halmos, §59].
There, the map in this lemma is called `S`. -/
@[to_additive map_prod_sum_eq]
Expand All @@ -75,13 +79,25 @@ begin
exact map_prod_mul_eq ν μ

lemma measurable_measure_mul_right {E : set G} (hE : measurable_set E) :
measurable (λ x, μ ((λ y, y * x) ⁻¹' E)) :=
suffices : measurable (λ y,
μ ((λ x, (x, y)) ⁻¹' ((λ z : G × G, ((1 : G), z.1 * z.2)) ⁻¹' ((univ : set G) ×ˢ E)))),
{ convert this, ext1 x, congr' 1 with y : 1, simp },
apply measurable_measure_prod_mk_right,
exact measurable_const.prod_mk (measurable_fst.mul measurable_snd) ( hE)

variables [has_measurable_inv G]

/-- The function we are mapping along is `S⁻¹` in [Halmos, §59],
where `S` is the map in `map_prod_mul_eq`. -/
@[to_additive map_prod_neg_add_eq]
lemma map_prod_inv_mul_eq [is_mul_left_invariant ν] :
map (λ z : G × G, (z.1, z.1⁻¹ * z.2)) (μ.prod ν) = μ.prod ν :=
(homeomorph.shear_mul_right G) $
map_prod_mul_eq μ ν
(measurable_equiv.shear_mul_right G) $ map_prod_mul_eq μ ν

/-- The function we are mapping along is `S⁻¹R` in [Halmos, §59],
where `S` is the map in `map_prod_mul_eq` and `R` is `prod.swap`. -/
Expand All @@ -101,7 +117,6 @@ end
lemma map_prod_mul_inv_eq [is_mul_left_invariant μ] [is_mul_left_invariant ν] :
map (λ z : G × G, (z.2 * z.1, z.1⁻¹)) (μ.prod ν) = μ.prod ν :=
let S := (homeomorph.shear_mul_right G).to_measurable_equiv,
suffices : map ((λ z : G × G, (z.2, z.2⁻¹ * z.1)) ∘ (λ z : G × G, (z.2, z.2 * z.1))) (μ.prod ν) =
μ.prod ν,
{ convert this, ext1 ⟨x, y⟩, simp },
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -133,17 +148,6 @@ begin
exact (inv_inv _).symm

lemma measurable_measure_mul_right {E : set G} (hE : measurable_set E) :
measurable (λ x, μ ((λ y, y * x) ⁻¹' E)) :=
suffices : measurable (λ y,
μ ((λ x, (x, y)) ⁻¹' ((λ z : G × G, ((1 : G), z.1 * z.2)) ⁻¹' ((univ : set G) ×ˢ E)))),
{ convert this, ext1 x, congr' 1 with y : 1, simp },
apply measurable_measure_prod_mk_right,
exact measurable_const.prod_mk (measurable_fst.mul measurable_snd) ( hE)

lemma lintegral_lintegral_mul_inv [is_mul_left_invariant μ] [is_mul_left_invariant ν]
(f : G → G → ℝ≥0∞) (hf : ae_measurable (uncurry f) (μ.prod ν)) :
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -171,57 +175,115 @@ lemma measure_mul_right_ne_zero [is_mul_left_invariant μ] {E : set G}
(h2E : μ E ≠ 0) (y : G) : μ ((λ x, x * y) ⁻¹' E) ≠ 0 :=
(not_iff_not_of_iff (measure_mul_right_null μ y)).mpr h2E

/-- A technical lemma relating two different measures. This is basically [Halmos, §60 Th. A].
Note that if `f` is the characteristic function of a measurable set `F` this states that
`μ F = c * μ E` for a constant `c` that does not depend on `μ`.
There seems to be a gap in the last step of the proof in [Halmos].
In the last line, the equality `g(x⁻¹)ν(Ex⁻¹) = f(x)` holds if we can prove that
`0 < ν(Ex⁻¹) < ∞`. The first inequality follows from §59, Th. D, but I couldn't find the second
inequality. For this reason, we use a compact `E` instead of a measurable `E` as in [Halmos], and
additionally assume that `ν` is a regular measure (we only need that it is finite on compact
sets). -/
/-- This is the computation performed in the proof of [Halmos, §60 Th. A]. -/
lemma measure_lintegral_div_measure [t2_space G] [is_mul_left_invariant μ]
[is_mul_left_invariant ν] [regular ν] {E : set G} (hE : is_compact E) (h2E : ν E ≠ 0)
(f : G → ℝ≥0∞) (hf : measurable f) :
μ E * ∫⁻ y, f y⁻¹ / ν ((λ h, h * y⁻¹) ⁻¹' E) ∂ν = ∫⁻ x, f x ∂μ :=
lemma measure_mul_lintegral_eq [is_mul_left_invariant μ]
[is_mul_left_invariant ν] {E : set G} (Em : measurable_set E) (f : G → ℝ≥0∞) (hf : measurable f) :
μ E * ∫⁻ y, f y ∂ν = ∫⁻ x, ν ((λ z, z * x) ⁻¹' E) * f (x⁻¹) ∂μ :=
have Em := hE.measurable_set,
set g := λ y, f y⁻¹ / ν ((λ h, h * y⁻¹) ⁻¹' E),
have hg : measurable g := (hf.comp measurable_inv).div
((measurable_measure_mul_right ν Em).comp measurable_inv),
rw [← set_lintegral_one, ← lintegral_indicator _ Em,
← lintegral_lintegral_mul (measurable_const.indicator Em).ae_measurable hg.ae_measurable,
← lintegral_lintegral_mul (measurable_const.indicator Em).ae_measurable hf.ae_measurable,
← lintegral_lintegral_mul_inv μ ν],
swap, { exact (((measurable_const.indicator Em).comp measurable_fst).mul
(hg.comp measurable_snd)).ae_measurable },
(hf.comp measurable_snd)).ae_measurable },
have mE : ∀ x : G, measurable (λ y, ((λ z, z * x) ⁻¹' E).indicator (λ z, (1 : ℝ≥0∞)) y) :=
λ x, measurable_const.indicator (measurable_mul_const _ Em),
have : ∀ x y, E.indicator (λ (z : G), (1 : ℝ≥0∞)) (y * x) =
((λ z, z * x) ⁻¹' E).indicator (λ (b : G), 1) y,
{ intros x y, symmetry, convert indicator_comp_right (λ y, y * x), ext1 z, refl },
have h3E : ∀ y, ν ((λ x, x * y) ⁻¹' E) ≠ ∞ :=
λ y, (is_compact.measure_lt_top $ (homeomorph.mul_right _).compact_preimage.mpr hE).ne,
simp_rw [this, lintegral_mul_const _ (mE _), lintegral_indicator _ (measurable_mul_const _ Em),
set_lintegral_one, g, inv_inv,
ennreal.mul_div_cancel' (measure_mul_right_ne_zero ν h2E _) (h3E _)]

/-- Any two nonzero left-invariant measures are absolutely continuous w.r.t. each other. -/
lemma absolutely_continuous_of_is_mul_left_invariant
[is_mul_left_invariant μ] [is_mul_left_invariant ν] (hν : ν ≠ 0) : μ ≪ ν :=
refine (λ E Em hνE, _),
have h1 := measure_mul_lintegral_eq μ ν Em 1 measurable_one,
simp_rw [pi.one_apply, lintegral_one, mul_one, (measure_mul_right_null ν _).mpr hνE,
lintegral_zero, mul_eq_zero, measure_univ_eq_zero.not.mpr hν, or_false] at h1,
exact h1

/-- This is roughly the uniqueness (up to a scalar) of left invariant Borel measures on a second
countable locally compact group. The uniqueness of Haar measure is proven from this in
`measure_theory.measure.haar_measure_unique` -/
lemma measure_mul_measure_eq [t2_space G] [is_mul_left_invariant μ]
[is_mul_left_invariant ν] [regular ν] {E F : set G}
(hE : is_compact E) (hF : measurable_set F) (h2E : ν E ≠ 0) : μ E * ν F = ν E * μ F :=
lemma ae_measure_preimage_mul_right_lt_top [is_mul_left_invariant μ] [is_mul_left_invariant ν]
{E : set G} (Em : measurable_set E) (hμE : μ E ≠ ∞) :
∀ᵐ x ∂μ, ν ((λ y, y * x) ⁻¹' E) < ∞ :=
have h1 := measure_lintegral_div_measure ν ν hE h2E (F.indicator (λ x, 1))
refine ae_of_forall_measure_lt_top_ae_restrict' ν.inv _ _,
intros A hA h2A h3A,
simp only [ν.inv_apply] at h3A,
apply ae_lt_top (measurable_measure_mul_right ν Em),
have h1 := measure_mul_lintegral_eq μ ν Em (A⁻¹.indicator 1) (measurable_one.indicator hA.inv),
rw [lintegral_indicator _ hA.inv] at h1,
simp_rw [pi.one_apply, set_lintegral_one, ← image_inv, indicator_image inv_injective, image_inv,
← indicator_mul_right _ (λ x, ν ((λ y, y * x) ⁻¹' E)), function.comp, pi.one_apply,
mul_one] at h1,
rw [← lintegral_indicator _ hA, ← h1],
exact ennreal.mul_ne_top hμE,

lemma ae_measure_preimage_mul_right_lt_top_of_ne_zero [is_mul_left_invariant μ]
[is_mul_left_invariant ν] {E : set G} (Em : measurable_set E) (h2E : ν E ≠ 0) (h3E : ν E ≠ ∞) :
∀ᵐ x ∂μ, ν ((λ y, y * x) ⁻¹' E) < ∞ :=
refine (ae_measure_preimage_mul_right_lt_top ν ν Em h3E).filter_mono _,
refine (absolutely_continuous_of_is_mul_left_invariant μ ν _).ae_le,
refine mt _ h2E,
intro hν,
rw [hν, measure.coe_zero, pi.zero_apply]

/-- A technical lemma relating two different measures. This is basically [Halmos, §60 Th. A].
Note that if `f` is the characteristic function of a measurable set `F` this states that
`μ F = c * μ E` for a constant `c` that does not depend on `μ`.
Note: There is a gap in the last step of the proof in [Halmos].
In the last line, the equality `g(x⁻¹)ν(Ex⁻¹) = f(x)` holds if we can prove that
`0 < ν(Ex⁻¹) < ∞`. The first inequality follows from §59, Th. D, but the second inequality is
not justified. We prove this inequality for almost all `x` in
`measure_theory.ae_measure_preimage_mul_right_lt_top_of_ne_zero`. -/
lemma measure_lintegral_div_measure [is_mul_left_invariant μ]
[is_mul_left_invariant ν] {E : set G} (Em : measurable_set E) (h2E : ν E ≠ 0) (h3E : ν E ≠ ∞)
(f : G → ℝ≥0∞) (hf : measurable f) :
μ E * ∫⁻ y, f y⁻¹ / ν ((λ x, x * y⁻¹) ⁻¹' E) ∂ν = ∫⁻ x, f x ∂μ :=
set g := λ y, f y⁻¹ / ν ((λ x, x * y⁻¹) ⁻¹' E),
have hg : measurable g := (hf.comp measurable_inv).div
((measurable_measure_mul_right ν Em).comp measurable_inv),
simp_rw [measure_mul_lintegral_eq μ ν Em g hg, g, inv_inv],
refine lintegral_congr_ae _,
refine (ae_measure_preimage_mul_right_lt_top_of_ne_zero μ ν Em h2E h3E).mono (λ x hx , _),
simp_rw [ennreal.mul_div_cancel' (measure_mul_right_ne_zero ν h2E _)]

lemma measure_mul_measure_eq [is_mul_left_invariant μ]
[is_mul_left_invariant ν] {E F : set G}
(hE : measurable_set E) (hF : measurable_set F) (h2E : ν E ≠ 0) (h3E : ν E ≠ ∞) :
μ E * ν F = ν E * μ F :=
have h1 := measure_lintegral_div_measure ν ν hE h2E h3E (F.indicator (λ x, 1))
(measurable_const.indicator hF),
have h2 := measure_lintegral_div_measure μ ν hE h2E (F.indicator (λ x, 1))
have h2 := measure_lintegral_div_measure μ ν hE h2E h3E (F.indicator (λ x, 1))
(measurable_const.indicator hF),
rw [lintegral_indicator _ hF, set_lintegral_one] at h1 h2,
rw [← h1, mul_left_comm, h2],

/-- Left invariant Borel measures on a measurable group are unique (up to a scalar). -/
lemma measure_eq_div_smul [is_mul_left_invariant μ]
[is_mul_left_invariant ν] {E : set G}
(hE : measurable_set E) (h2E : ν E ≠ 0) (h3E : ν E ≠ ∞) : μ = (μ E / ν E) • ν :=
ext1 F hF,
rw [smul_apply, smul_eq_mul, mul_comm, ← mul_div_assoc, mul_comm,
measure_mul_measure_eq μ ν hE hF h2E h3E, mul_div_assoc, ennreal.mul_div_cancel' h2E h3E]

end measure_theory
41 changes: 24 additions & 17 deletions src/measure_theory/measure/haar.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -578,54 +578,59 @@ end
additive group."]
def haar [locally_compact_space G] : measure G := haar_measure $ classical.arbitrary _

section unique
section second_countable

variables [second_countable_topology G]

/-- The Haar measure is unique up to scaling. More precisely: every σ-finite left invariant measure
is a scalar multiple of the Haar measure. -/
is a scalar multiple of the Haar measure.
This is slightly weaker than assuming that `μ` is a Haar measure (in particular we don't require
`μ ≠ 0`). -/
theorem haar_measure_unique (μ : measure G) [sigma_finite μ] [is_mul_left_invariant μ]
(K₀ : positive_compacts G) : μ = μ K₀ • haar_measure K₀ :=
ext1 s hs,
have := measure_mul_measure_eq μ (haar_measure K₀) K₀.compact hs,
rw [haar_measure_self, one_mul] at this,
rw [this (by norm_num), smul_apply, smul_eq_mul],
refine (measure_eq_div_smul μ (haar_measure K₀) K₀.compact.measurable_set
(measure_pos_of_nonempty_interior _ K₀.interior_nonempty).ne'
K₀ _,
rw [haar_measure_self, ennreal.div_one]

example [locally_compact_space G] (μ : measure G) [is_haar_measure μ] (K₀ : positive_compacts G) :
μ = μ K₀.1 • haar_measure K₀ :=
haar_measure_unique μ K₀

/-- To show that an invariant σ-finite measure is regular it is sufficient to show that it is finite
on some compact set with non-empty interior. -/
theorem regular_of_is_mul_left_invariant {μ : measure G} [sigma_finite μ] [is_mul_left_invariant μ]
{K : set G} (hK : is_compact K) (h2K : (interior K).nonempty) (hμK : μ K ≠ ∞) :
regular μ :=
by { rw [haar_measure_unique μ ⟨⟨K, hK⟩, h2K⟩], exact regular.smul hμK }

end unique

@[to_additive is_add_haar_measure_eq_smul_is_add_haar_measure]
theorem is_haar_measure_eq_smul_is_haar_measure
[locally_compact_space G] [second_countable_topology G]
(μ ν : measure G) [is_haar_measure μ] [is_haar_measure ν] :
∃ (c : ℝ≥0∞), (c ≠ 0) ∧ (c ≠ ∞) ∧ (μ = c • ν) :=
[locally_compact_space G] (μ ν : measure G) [is_haar_measure μ] [is_haar_measure ν] :
∃ (c : ℝ≥0∞), c ≠ 0 ∧ c ≠ ∞ ∧ μ = c • ν :=
have K : positive_compacts G := classical.arbitrary _,
have νpos : 0 < ν K := measure_pos_of_nonempty_interior _ K.interior_nonempty,
have νlt : ν K < ∞ := K.compact.measure_lt_top ,
have νne : ν K ∞ :=,
refine ⟨μ K / ν K, _, _, _⟩,
{ simp only [ν, (μ.measure_pos_of_nonempty_interior K.interior_nonempty).ne', ne.def,
{ simp only [νne, (μ.measure_pos_of_nonempty_interior K.interior_nonempty).ne', ne.def,
ennreal.div_zero_iff, not_false_iff, or_self] },
{ simp only [div_eq_mul_inv, ν',, or_self,
{ simp only [div_eq_mul_inv, ν', (K.compact.measure_lt_top).ne, or_self,
ennreal.inv_eq_top, with_top.mul_eq_top_iff, ne.def, not_false_iff, and_false, false_and] },
{ calc
μ = μ K • haar_measure K : haar_measure_unique μ K
... = (μ K / ν K) • (ν K • haar_measure K) :
by rw [smul_smul, div_eq_mul_inv, mul_assoc, ennreal.inv_mul_cancel ν' ν, mul_one]
by rw [smul_smul, div_eq_mul_inv, mul_assoc, ennreal.inv_mul_cancel ν' νne, mul_one]
... = (μ K / ν K) • ν : by rw ← haar_measure_unique ν K }

@[priority 90, to_additive] -- see Note [lower instance priority]]
@[priority 90, to_additive] -- see Note [lower instance priority]
instance regular_of_is_haar_measure
[locally_compact_space G] [second_countable_topology G] (μ : measure G) [is_haar_measure μ] :
[locally_compact_space G] (μ : measure G) [is_haar_measure μ] :
regular μ :=
have K : positive_compacts G := classical.arbitrary _,
Expand All @@ -635,6 +640,8 @@ begin
exact regular.smul ctop,

end second_countable

/-- Any Haar measure is invariant under inversion in a commutative group. -/
lemma map_haar_inv
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