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feat(archive/imo): formalize IMO 1962 problem 4 (#4518)
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The problem statement: Solve the equation `cos x ^ 2 + cos (2 * x) ^ 2 + cos (3 * x) ^ 2 = 1`.

There are a bunch of trig formulas I proved along the way; there are sort of an infinite number of trig formulas so I'm open to feedback on whether some should go in the core libraries. Also possibly some of them have a shorter proof that would render the lemma unnecessary.

For what it's worth, the actual method of solution is not how a human would do it; a more intuitive human method is to simplify in terms of `cos x` and then solve, but I think this is simpler in Lean because it doesn't rely on solving `cos x = y` for several different `y`.

Co-authored-by: Patrick Massot <>
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lacker and PatrickMassot committed Oct 13, 2020
1 parent b231d8e commit 7dcaee1
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Showing 2 changed files with 197 additions and 11 deletions.
93 changes: 93 additions & 0 deletions archive/imo/imo1962_q4.lean
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@@ -0,0 +1,93 @@
Copyright (c) 2020 Kevin Lacker. All rights reserved.
Released under Apache 2.0 license as described in the file LICENSE.
Authors: Kevin Lacker

import analysis.special_functions.trigonometric

# IMO 1962 Q4
Solve the equation `cos x ^ 2 + cos (2 * x) ^ 2 + cos (3 * x) ^ 2 = 1`.
Since Lean does not have a concept of "simplest form", we just express what is
in fact the simplest form of the set of solutions, and then prove it equals the set of solutions.

open real
open_locale real
noncomputable theory

def problem_equation (x : ℝ) : Prop := cos x ^ 2 + cos (2 * x) ^ 2 + cos (3 * x) ^ 2 = 1

def solution_set : set ℝ :=
{ x : ℝ | ∃ k : ℤ, x = (2 * ↑k + 1) * π / 4 ∨ x = (2 * ↑k + 1) * π / 6 }

The key to solving this problem simply is that we can rewrite the equation as
a product of terms, shown in `alt_formula`, being equal to zero.

def alt_formula (x : ℝ) : ℝ := cos x * (cos x ^ 2 - 1/2) * cos (3 * x)

lemma cos_sum_equiv {x : ℝ} :
(cos x ^ 2 + cos (2 * x) ^ 2 + cos (3 * x) ^ 2 - 1) / 4 = alt_formula x :=
simp only [real.cos_two_mul, cos_three_mul, alt_formula],

lemma alt_equiv {x : ℝ} : problem_equation x ↔ alt_formula x = 0 :=
rw [ problem_equation, ← cos_sum_equiv, div_eq_zero_iff, sub_eq_zero],

lemma finding_zeros {x : ℝ} :
alt_formula x = 0 ↔ cos x ^ 2 = 1/2 ∨ cos (3 * x) = 0 :=
simp only [alt_formula, mul_assoc, mul_eq_zero, sub_eq_zero],
{ rintro (h1|h2),
{ right,
rw [cos_three_mul, h1],
ring },
{ exact h2 } },
{ exact or.inr }

Now we can solve for `x` using basic-ish trigonometry.

lemma solve_cos2_half {x : ℝ} : cos x ^ 2 = 1/2 ↔ ∃ k : ℤ, x = (2 * ↑k + 1) * π / 4 :=
rw cos_square,
simp only [add_right_eq_self, div_eq_zero_iff],
rw cos_eq_zero_iff,
{ rintro ⟨k, h⟩,
use k,
linarith },

lemma solve_cos3x_0 {x : ℝ} : cos (3 * x) = 0 ↔ ∃ k : ℤ, x = (2 * ↑k + 1) * π / 6 :=
rw cos_eq_zero_iff,
apply exists_congr,
intro k,
split; intro; linarith

The final theorem is now just gluing together our lemmas.

theorem imo1962_q4 {x : ℝ} : problem_equation x ↔ x ∈ solution_set :=
rw [alt_equiv, finding_zeros, solve_cos3x_0, solve_cos2_half],
exact exists_or_distrib.symm

115 changes: 104 additions & 11 deletions src/data/complex/exponential.lean
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -10,7 +10,7 @@ import data.complex.basic
# Exponential, trigonometric and hyperbolic trigonometric functions
This file contains the definitions of the real and complex exponential, sine, cosine, tangent,
hyperbolic sine, hypebolic cosine, and hyperbolic tangent functions.
hyperbolic sine, hyperbolic cosine, and hyperbolic tangent functions.
local notation `abs'` := _root_.abs
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -609,6 +609,47 @@ by rw [← mul_right_inj' (@two_ne_zero' ℂ _ _ _), mul_sub,
lemma cosh_sq_sub_sinh_sq : cosh x ^ 2 - sinh x ^ 2 = 1 :=
by rw [sq_sub_sq, cosh_add_sinh, cosh_sub_sinh, ← exp_add, add_neg_self, exp_zero]

lemma cosh_square : cosh x ^ 2 = sinh x ^ 2 + 1 :=
rw ← cosh_sq_sub_sinh_sq x,

lemma sinh_square : sinh x ^ 2 = cosh x ^ 2 - 1 :=
rw ← cosh_sq_sub_sinh_sq x,

lemma cosh_two_mul : cosh (2 * x) = cosh x ^ 2 + sinh x ^ 2 :=
by rw [two_mul, cosh_add, pow_two, pow_two]

lemma sinh_two_mul : sinh (2 * x) = 2 * sinh x * cosh x :=
rw [two_mul, sinh_add],

lemma cosh_three_mul : cosh (3 * x) = 4 * cosh x ^ 3 - 3 * cosh x :=
have h1 : x + 2 * x = 3 * x, by ring,
rw [← h1, cosh_add x (2 * x)],
simp only [cosh_two_mul, sinh_two_mul],
have h2 : sinh x * (2 * sinh x * cosh x) = 2 * cosh x * sinh x ^ 2, by ring,
rw [h2, sinh_square],

lemma sinh_three_mul : sinh (3 * x) = 4 * sinh x ^ 3 + 3 * sinh x :=
have h1 : x + 2 * x = 3 * x, by ring,
rw [← h1, sinh_add x (2 * x)],
simp only [cosh_two_mul, sinh_two_mul],
have h2 : cosh x * (2 * sinh x * cosh x) = 2 * sinh x * cosh x ^ 2, by ring,
rw [h2, cosh_square],

@[simp] lemma sin_zero : sin 0 = 0 := by simp [sin]

@[simp] lemma sin_neg : sin (-x) = -sin x :=
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -729,9 +770,32 @@ by rw [two_mul, sin_add, two_mul, add_mul, mul_comm]
lemma cos_square : cos x ^ 2 = 1 / 2 + cos (2 * x) / 2 :=
by simp [cos_two_mul, div_add_div_same, mul_div_cancel_left, two_ne_zero', -one_div]

lemma cos_square' : cos x ^ 2 = 1 - sin x ^ 2 :=
by { rw [←sin_sq_add_cos_sq x], simp }

lemma sin_square : sin x ^ 2 = 1 - cos x ^ 2 :=
by { rw [←sin_sq_add_cos_sq x], simp }

lemma cos_three_mul : cos (3 * x) = 4 * cos x ^ 3 - 3 * cos x :=
have h1 : x + 2 * x = 3 * x, by ring,
rw [← h1, cos_add x (2 * x)],
simp only [cos_two_mul, sin_two_mul, mul_add, mul_sub, mul_one, pow_two],
have h2 : 4 * cos x ^ 3 = 2 * cos x * cos x * cos x + 2 * cos x * cos x ^ 2, by ring,
rw [h2, cos_square'],

lemma sin_three_mul : sin (3 * x) = 3 * sin x - 4 * sin x ^ 3 :=
have h1 : x + 2 * x = 3 * x, by ring,
rw [← h1, sin_add x (2 * x)],
simp only [cos_two_mul, sin_two_mul, cos_square'],
have h2 : cos x * (2 * sin x * cos x) = 2 * sin x * cos x ^ 2, by ring,
rw [h2, cos_square'],

lemma exp_mul_I : exp (x * I) = cos x + sin x * I :=
(cos_add_sin_I _).symm

Expand Down Expand Up @@ -853,15 +917,27 @@ lemma neg_one_le_cos : -1 ≤ cos x :=
lemma cos_two_mul : cos (2 * x) = 2 * cos x ^ 2 - 1 :=
by rw ← of_real_inj; simp [cos_two_mul]

lemma cos_two_mul' : cos (2 * x) = cos x ^ 2 - sin x ^ 2 :=
by rw ← of_real_inj; simp [cos_two_mul']

lemma sin_two_mul : sin (2 * x) = 2 * sin x * cos x :=
by rw ← of_real_inj; simp [sin_two_mul]

lemma cos_square : cos x ^ 2 = 1 / 2 + cos (2 * x) / 2 :=
of_real_inj.1 $ by simpa using cos_square x

lemma cos_square' : cos x ^ 2 = 1 - sin x ^ 2 :=
by { rw [←sin_sq_add_cos_sq x], simp }

lemma sin_square : sin x ^ 2 = 1 - cos x ^ 2 :=
eq_sub_iff_add_eq.2 $ sin_sq_add_cos_sq _

lemma cos_three_mul : cos (3 * x) = 4 * cos x ^ 3 - 3 * cos x :=
by rw ← of_real_inj; simp [cos_three_mul]

lemma sin_three_mul : sin (3 * x) = 3 * sin x - 4 * sin x ^ 3 :=
by rw ← of_real_inj; simp [sin_three_mul]

/-- The definition of `sinh` in terms of `exp`. -/
lemma sinh_eq (x : ℝ) : sinh x = (exp x - exp (-x)) / 2 :=
eq_div_of_mul_eq two_ne_zero $ by rw [sinh, exp, exp, complex.of_real_neg, complex.sinh, mul_two,
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -894,23 +970,40 @@ by simp [sub_eq_add_neg, sinh_add, sinh_neg, cosh_neg]
lemma cosh_sub : cosh (x - y) = cosh x * cosh y - sinh x * sinh y :=
by simp [sub_eq_add_neg, cosh_add, sinh_neg, cosh_neg]

lemma cosh_sq_sub_sinh_sq (x : ℝ) : cosh x ^ 2 - sinh x ^ 2 = 1 :=
rw [sinh, cosh],
have := congr_arg (complex.cosh_sq_sub_sinh_sq x),
rw [pow_two, pow_two] at this,
change (⟨_, _⟩ : ℂ).re - (⟨_, _⟩ : ℂ).re = 1 at this,
rw [complex.cosh_of_real_im x, complex.sinh_of_real_im x, mul_zero, sub_zero, sub_zero] at this,
rwa [pow_two, pow_two],

lemma tanh_eq_sinh_div_cosh : tanh x = sinh x / cosh x :=
of_real_inj.1 $ by simp [tanh_eq_sinh_div_cosh]

@[simp] lemma tanh_zero : tanh 0 = 0 := by simp [tanh]

@[simp] lemma tanh_neg : tanh (-x) = -tanh x := by simp [tanh, neg_div]

lemma cosh_add_sinh : cosh x + sinh x = exp x :=
by rw ← of_real_inj; simp [cosh_add_sinh]

lemma sinh_add_cosh : sinh x + cosh x = exp x :=
by rw ← of_real_inj; simp [sinh_add_cosh]

lemma cosh_sq_sub_sinh_sq (x : ℝ) : cosh x ^ 2 - sinh x ^ 2 = 1 :=
by rw ← of_real_inj; simp [cosh_sq_sub_sinh_sq]

lemma cosh_square : cosh x ^ 2 = sinh x ^ 2 + 1 :=
by rw ← of_real_inj; simp [cosh_square]

lemma sinh_square : sinh x ^ 2 = cosh x ^ 2 - 1 :=
by rw ← of_real_inj; simp [sinh_square]

lemma cosh_two_mul : cosh (2 * x) = cosh x ^ 2 + sinh x ^ 2 :=
by rw ← of_real_inj; simp [cosh_two_mul]

lemma sinh_two_mul : sinh (2 * x) = 2 * sinh x * cosh x :=
by rw ← of_real_inj; simp [sinh_two_mul]

lemma cosh_three_mul : cosh (3 * x) = 4 * cosh x ^ 3 - 3 * cosh x :=
by rw ← of_real_inj; simp [cosh_three_mul]

lemma sinh_three_mul : sinh (3 * x) = 4 * sinh x ^ 3 + 3 * sinh x :=
by rw ← of_real_inj; simp [sinh_three_mul]

open is_absolute_value

/- TODO make this private and prove ∀ x -/
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